Newspaper Page Text
rT and Otherwise, Gathered from ah Sources
Personal to Post
our Readers and Fill Space.
Lrfp»- vyour subscrip
iK" ticket
ticket was handed us
[cation. Mayor
for Hale.
j y
Conncihnen: Norton,
j B
(• o Turner,
j y Wallis
Jesse M Almand,
£ S Eventt,
[publication: Mayor.
For Maddox.
John R
for Aldermen,
W U Wallis,
y T Street,
I lillMeElvaney, f (; Turner,
I ESEveritt,
[ p G Tucker.
Elheavy us the nation,
louvers people will celebrah
bn??y cheap at Everitt 1 :
it L sale.
Hale, of Madison, wa
R Wardlaw, of Atlanta, wai
|Guffin»P ent several day:
|(|)i6 week.
font sale at Everitt-s. Th
Ire money.
R still is able to be out a
[a Lie severe spell of fever.
Elder, of Covingtoi
k short while this week.
lodwin, of Bartlesville, visi¬
ts a short time this week.
kustin has been very Biel
ne here for the past fev
lout sale at Everitt’s. G<
Id ret bargains in hors
» jtention is directed to th<
Summers advertisemen
[jReagan, of McDonough
in? hands with friends hen
ll. Mr. J 0 McKnight’:
p sold to a man in Illinois
for $600.
Bargains in lap robes, bri.
p sad all articles in stocl
i. is closing out sale.
pill p Baptist be a baptismal church Sunday ser
p pot Everitt tier has an this advertis
page of papr’
Iclosinp- out sale. See it.
P Hudson has returned tv
P Atlanta. She was tin
F aunt, Mrs. J P Tilley.
p’McNair pMonticello has returned tv
after a pleas
P relatives and friends here
lb McKown has returned h
ptJonesboro afterspendin:
P s here with the writer’s
'3 friends will be pleasev;
latRev. R a Fakes is irn
He has been sick for sever-
1 PX P e cting a thandsgiv
HK we hope to feast upoi
oast’ 1 the next day afb-i
■4T p blind
e . Ve on the adver
, HE Weekly and yon
f saving money when yon
f tf J this.
7 athe <- TO damage cot
;ar ‘«ers, merchants, all
ousiness. preachers ana
lVl!1 give a premium to
; !
off er a plan bv
>hake off the shackle(
j “'is is no joke.
■‘•area! hardship if thv
r f."*** continues sufficient to
trom gathering the
eotton crop.
bib ° ne of Winder’s
rci, Mr ' -Arthur
CL v a short time this
a Uia has
;* 8h « *ent to be
v °I^ rinother pres
^t-4k Th e ’ Mrs
adydied on
Mr. Dabney, father of Mr. Henrv
Dabney, died very suddenly at hn
lome in Newton comity last Wedne:
lay. Mr. Dabney was about 80 yean
;f age and a splendid citizen.
Miss Fannie Jones, of Roanake, Va
: s the guest ot Miss Ruth Almand
Miss Jones is a schoolmate of Mis:
' hnand‘s and a graduate of Virginia
The municipal contest will war
varm from this time until some poor
infortunate rellows, are seclected fo;
mayor and aldermen. It’s tough
nit these positions mast be filled,
Mrs. Jim Dempsey, of this countr
vas painfully burned last Tuesday
norning. While near the fire hei
■lothing become ignited and she was
tadly burned before the flames oouf
»e extinguished.
Chas. Nowell is apparently taking
*n averdupoise daily ana his cheekt
i ae as red as a red, red rose. Some
/oung lady is destined to find a eon
enial companion in the person o
his young man.
Go out and hear Rev. Mr. JarrillV
ast sermon on next Snnday. His pas
-orate ends then. The new pastor wil
te announced by the 30th inst. Con
'erence meets at Augusta on rex;
■Vednesday the 23rd.
Mr. Jno. I Dennard. jr., has turnev
iis back upon the farm ana will be
ome a citizen of Atlanta. He ha:
mcurecJ a position with the Southern
ailroad as car inspector in the Atlai
a yard. He will move his family
romthis county about Christmas.
Mr. Idus Langley was severeb
licked by a mule in Atlanta las
v ednesday. He went up to bu;
ome stock and while inspecting ;
ot one ot the beasts kicked him fui
ously. He has not returned honn
et but will he able to come in a fev
Mr. A H Brooks came in and paiv
■is sub^fcription to The Weeklv
ais week. He is one farmer tha
akes the situation as it is withou
ery loud grumbling and one reosoi
■f his pacivlty may ne found in th<
act that he has a little of everythin},
o sell.
Race Track.
The Rockdale Driving A ssociatioi
■ecured a portion of the old Fan
.round site upon which to build thei
alf mile track and everything is nov,
a readiness for gradi.ig. The tract
.as been surveyed and the work wii
logress repidly unt i 1 finished
Alien completed this will be one o,
lie finest tracks in the State.
The death of Rev. R A Bovvmai
-ccurred at his home in this city Iasi
Vednesday morning about 6 o’clock,
le nad Deen in ill health fora consiv
cable time and for the past few mon
ns he was confined to his room ani
dually his bed. As pastor of the
Presbyterian church Rev. Mr. Bov g
-nan was greatly loved. He wai
aithful in the discharge of his duties
o God and to his fellowmen and hit
laily walk before, notonly his church
>ut the outside world was such as ti
cad all men who might follow in hit
ootsteps, to a better life. His church
md his people will miss him, but tin
, idow and children alone will feei
■ -he full force of this decree of an all
vise Providence. May they find that
omfort in the doctrines the husbano
and father, taught which will make
iiein submissive to the Devine will.
The funeral service was held in the
Presbyterian church Thursday morn
ng, directed by Rev. Dr. Holderby.
jf Atlanta, after which the remains
■v'ere carried to Atlanta and interred
in Westview cemetery.
Mrs. Martha Baker, mother of Mrs
Dr. M B Stewart, died at the home
of her daughter here last Tuesday
night at 11 o’clock after a prolonged
illness. Mrs. Baker was a member
of the Primitive Baptist church and
a gvtod and pious lady. The remains
were interred in Bockdale cemetery
on Thursday The bereaved relatives
and friends have the sympathy of the
Just as we go to press we learn, of
the death of little Elton, the infant
son of Mr. and Mrs. Jos. A Goode.
The bright little fellow was the pride
and light of the hosehold anu the joy
of its parents. It goes goes to a
brighter home while the fond parents
are left in sorrow. The sympathy of
the community goes out to the bereav¬
ed ones in their sad affliction.
Tax IVol ic»o.
The tax books, for the
jollection of city tax
’or the year 1898, are
tow open. See me and pay
/our city tax.
E. A. Harper, C. T. C.
Notice is hereby given to all
parties that may land is legally
posted and I forbid hunting or
otherwise tresspassing upon the
This Nov. 17, 1898.
S E Broadnax.
Notice to Debtors.
All parties indebted to R E Ev
iritt are notified to call and settle
it once, The business will be
dosed out by Dec. 25th, and these
iccounts must be settled.
R E Everitt,
Branch House.
Elsewhere in this paper will be
found a call for a mass meeting
the citizens of Conyers to be held
it the Courthouse next Monday
light for the purpose of liomina
ing a ticket for Mayor and Coun¬
cil men.
The oil mill is putting in full
time night and day and seems tc
)e running withoc.G a bobble. If
lie enterprise doesn’t make mon
:y this season we will be disap¬
pointed. Superintendent Johnson
s looking after it closely and
A young man of Hamilton,
vho went mining to seek his
vrote back to his father that he
ione well and added this F. S.:
vill be home W ednesday
vleet me at dark just out of town and
■ring a blanket ora whole pair
rousers with you. I have a hat.”
ITor Mayor.
Mr, W. V. Almand
vis candidacy for Mayor as
“At the solicitation of friends I
announce myself a candidate
vlayor. My platform is
md means the best interest
Jonyers every way.
“I am opposed to the hog pen
law as enforced by the j>resent
officiah. ’
W. V. Almand.
Pay your Subscription.
0 o
Our Clothing will com
mend itself to those who
examine it.
We are going to sell this Clothing on its
merits and the low price at which we offer it '
It fits well. It looks well. It wears well.
It sells well. It’s made well.
We can and will save you money on
Our Dress Goods will be sold just as will our
We lead in these two lines.
The Blue Front.
All notes and accounts due the
old firm of Johnson & Goode
will be put in the hands of an offi¬
cer if not paid in the next few
J. A. Goode,
M. H. I 3 liiiilcet.
Go to Plunket's for dates, cit¬
ron, raisius, chocolate etc.
A lot of fine candies just re¬
ceived at Plunket's
Cuba molasses and sorghum
at Plunket.s
Boston Baked Beans, Soupe
Mustard, Tripe, Beef, Vienna
Sausage etc, at Pluuket’s.
A nice set of glassware, four
pieces, for ‘Joe at Plunket's.
I am headquarters for crock¬
ery. See me before you buy as
I will save you money.
At Dukes’.
You can buy all necessary in¬
gredients for making fruit cakes
at Dukes’. Everything is fresh
and the prices are right. Don’t
forget this.
cX® to'ria .
Bearithe The Kind You Hava Always Bought
This is to give notice that our lands
are legally posted and we forbid hun¬
ting day or night on the same.
This Oct. 31,1898.
E C Granade,
W F Hardin
Thomas Rice
Mrs. Dr. Glenn is still making fine
dresses, coats and pants McDonald at prices & Hay- to
suit. Room over
good's Millinary store.
Tin fit- li ea
ilalla tverj
Slieriff’H Sale.
Will be sold before the courthouse
door in Conyers, Ga., 'on the first
Tuesday in December 1898, within the
legal hours of sale, for cash, one re¬
turn tubular boiler, 54 inches in di¬
ameter, 16 feet long, with 50 3)^ inch
tubes 16 feet long, with half front
make, extension smoke stack and
usual fixtures and fillings, Levied
on as the property of the Stewart pa¬
per Co, a firm composed of WM and
G W Stewart, to satisfy an attach¬
ment execution issued from the Su¬
perior court of Rockdale county in
favor of Jos. S. Cook & Co. against
said Stewart Paper Co. (Claim filed
by the Union Paper Mill Co, and
property found subject.
'inis Nov. 11, 18««.
W H M Austin, Sheriff.
We have much to be
thankful for and we will
close our store next Thur
sday-Thanksgiving- day.
Come to our store and
get thebest onthe market
for less money than yon
can buy elsewhere.
Summers Dry Goods Co,
"A fo % V.
r 4. ‘A m m
The Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has hcen
in use for over 30 years, has borne the signature of
— and lias been made under his per
''&cc£>4'Z£ sonal supervision since its infancy.
Allow no one to deceive you in this.
All Counterfeits, Imitations and Substitutes aro but Ex¬
periments that triile with and endanger the health of
Infants and Children—Experience against Experiment.
What is CASTOR!A
Castoria is a substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Drops
and Soothing Syrups. It is Harmless and Pleasant. It
contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic
substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms
and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind
Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation
and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the
Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep.
The Children’s Panacea—The Mother’s Friend.
Bears the Signature of _
<r * <?
The KM You Have Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years.
window glass
Paints, Oils, Varnishes,
KeadY Mixed Paints, Col¬
ors etc, We are headquar¬
We will exchange new books lor
old ones of like grade, we will save
you money on school supplies, Pads,
Slates, Paper etc.