Newspaper Page Text
Entered at the poatoffiee at Conyers a*
second-class mail matter.
Saturday, Jan, 7. 1899.
Locals 5 cents per line for lir^t inser
tion • Vo cents for each subsequent inch (or in¬
sertion. Regular adv. 60c. per
first insertion; 25c for each subsequent
Insertion, «
One year, 1n advance.................f advance i...............50c l^.OC I
Sfx months, in
r' r
-v -
Fifty Years Ago.
could imagine that thi» should be
The plice where, InJ-ijrhteen ninety-three
Th*t white werld-wonder ol arch and
Should »harlow the aatiene, polychrome...
Here at the Fair wa» the prize conferred
On Ayer's Pill*, hy the world preferred.
Chleago-like, tpry a record ikon,
Bine* they aUried-so y«ar» ago.
Ayer’s Cathartic Pills
have, from the time of their
preparation, been a continuous
Buccees with the public. And
that means that Ayer’s Pills
accomplish what is promised
for them; they cure where
others fail. It was fitting,
therefore, that the world-wide
popularity of these pills should
be recognized by the World’s
Fair medal of 1893 —a facf
which emphasizes the record:
50 Years of Cures.
Havana was formally turned
over to the (Juited States authori¬
ties last Sunday.
• -*<►►- •
President McKinley has all he
can carry in the Phillipines. health will It
is to he hoped him. that his
not fail
The new courthouse at Jonesbo¬
ro will be completed by February
1st., so we are informed by Rev.
J M Defuor.
• -*• •*- •
Hon. Wm. J. Bvvan is attract¬
ing a good deal of Jat tent ion these
days. He makes a sponch every
few days and always arouses great
Hobson is still occasionally
mentioned in the public prints,
not. however, as the hero of the
Merrimac but rather as the hero of
the ‘merry-smack.’
■ • ■ •
An Ohio newspaper lias asked
its readers to send in their votes
for the ‘greatest, living American,’
and so far the count runs as fol¬
lows :
Admiral Dewey............. ........9,600
W J Bryan.................. ........7,si 6
President McKinley.... .........7,758
lieutenant- Hobson..... .........4.674
T lonias A. Kddison .........3,962
Omoral Filzhugh Lee .......3.624
It seems that oven up in Ohio
they arc inclined to give Schley
the credit for the destruction of
Uervera’s fleet, in spite of McKin¬
ley and the navy department.—Ex
Never was greater truth uttered
than the following from the Mar¬
shal (Ala.) Banner:
“As long as a man is prosperous
and has money, he can’t keep
frieudsoff with a base-ball bat.
The moment he is unfortunate
and his wealth is gone, he is not
only snubbed by his former al¬
leged friends, but t hey begin to do
him all the harm possible. When
a tails man behind starts up grade the world
and pushes: but when
he starts down grade the world
steps to one side and greases the
Stewart Brown, eol-, came
with the new administration
has been away for several
in contempt of the mayor’s
Ssantiw Kind Ysi Have Aiwa)*
Hoyml makes the food pure,
wholesome and
m {
• *
Conyers, Jan. 2, ’99
The Mayor’ W. V. Almand,
city council, \V. U. Wallis, T. J
McDonald, L. T. Longshore,
G. Turner, N. r J’. Ttreet and W.
Williams, having taken the
of office before Judge A. M.
ordinary and being duly
in office, the Mayor
called the city council to order.
The Mayor appointed the
lowing standirg committees:
C G. Turner, chairman
nance committee. L. T.
W. S. William*,
Street committee. T. J. McDonald
W. U. Wallace, chairman
itary committee, N. T. Street.
The Mayor appointed the
gentlemen the Board
Dr. M. It. Stewart, J. J.
and Geo. W. Cleaton.
Also L. T. Longshore and W. U
School committee.
On motion Chas- G. Turner
Mayor pro tern.
Jno. It. Maddox was elected
at a salary of $50 per annum
costs. His bo'nd was fixed al
L. K. Bishop was elected mar¬
and city tax collector at a
of $25 per calender
costs. His bond was fixed
$500 as Marshal and $8,500
ax collector.
E. A. Harper was elected
marshal at a salary of $25 pei
month without cost. He
was fixed at $500.
N. B. Lackey was elected
at a salary of $25 per
month and ho is to feed th
mule at his expense, His
was fixed at $200.
L. J. Almand was elected
Treasurer. He is to receive
salary. His bond was fixed
The salary of the Mayor
iixetl at $100per minim.
The members of each of the
ing committees of the council
to receive only $1 for each
and call meeting of the city
The following supplemental
port from the Mayor and city
cil of 1898 was read and we find
as follows:
Amount assessed for school
Amount collected .....
Amount fchool funds tincol-
Your doctor knows all about
foods and medicines.
The next time you see him,
Just ask him what he thinks
Scoffs Emulsion
of Ood-Liver Oil with Hypo
phosphitos. We are willing'
to trust in’ his answer.
For twenty-five years doc¬
tors have prescribed our
Emulsion for paleness, weak¬
ness, nervous exhaustion, and
for all diseases that cause
loss in flesh.
Its creamy color and its
pleasant taste make it es
pecially useful for thin and
delicate children.
No other preparation of cod
liver oil is like it. Don't lose
time and risk your health by
taking something unknown
and untried. Keep in mind
has stood the test . for a
quarter of a century.
toe. and $100; all druggists.
SCO TTa BOWNE, Chemists, New York.
Amount assessed for general
purposes.............................. collected......................
General funds uncollected........
Amount street tax assessed....
Collected in casli
An ordinance fixing license
specifying rates, terms and
upon which license shall be issued:
Re it ordained by the Mayor
city council of the citv of
chat license he granted for one
from January 15, 1899, for the
ing specified lines of business at
rates named and under the terms
•onditions stated:
i tinerate vendue masters per
Blacksmith shops, selling m’faet’.... goods
other than their own
All warehousemen and outside
. cotton weighers.......................... non-resident
Local a«d guano
agents delivering here................
Upon all dealers in general mer¬
chandise................................ ...........
Upon all dealers in familv gro¬
ceries ...........................i.:
Upon all drug stores..... ......... 10.01
Upon all hotels............ .........
Upon all boarding houses and
Upon all livery, feed and sale
Upon all two horse drays............ 10 0 (
al undertakers........................
all dealers in buggies,
wagons and carts..................
Bankers, brokers and com¬
mission merchants..............
all local and non-resident
cotton seed buyers ship¬
ping off, other than to lo¬
cal enterprises............. ........ 25.01
all furniture stores... ........ 10.0<
furniture, stoves etc 10 o<
Musical instruments, ma
chinces etc...............................
Barber shops........................ 2.51
all Photographers................ 6.(K
fire insurance agents, lo¬
cal and itinerant.................... 10.01
all dealers in cigarettes ... lOO.tX
all dealers in pistols and
ptstol cartridges...... .......
life insurance agents, local
and itinerant............................
The license fees hereby provided
for shall apply only to such business
>r avocations as are set forth in
foregoim*- schedule and shall be
i fleet from January 16, 1899 to
15, 1900. Ail license fees now
and not mentioned in the
schedule, shall remain in
the year 1899 the same as for
The rules were suspended and
read first and second
and passed.
W. V. Almand, Mayor; W. U.
Wallace, T. J. McDonald, L. T.
Longshore, Chas. G. Turner, N. T.
Street. W. J. Williams.
Ou motion the rules were
ani the schedule fixing the license
on the several kinds of business con¬
ducted in the city etc an read, and upon
its second reading were found as set out
these minutes of this metting.
On motion an ordiance relative to the
re pilation of the hog pens etc , was in
tr nluced. The rules were suspended,
the ordinance was read, and after
so ne discussion was read a second
and found—
Toe following is the full text of ordi
nance ;
He h; ordained by the mayor and cily
council of spid city of Gouyers that Sec¬
tion 61 of the Amended charter and By
Laws of said city relating to the regula¬
tion of hog-pins etc. in the city be so a
meuded as to read as follows:
No person or persons shall he allow
to build, here or keep any hog pen oi
stye on their premises within a less dis¬
tance than (75) seventy-five feet from t.
public, street, residence, place or busi¬
ness, church, school house, or well with
in the corperate. limijs for the of keeping said city. And
nil pens or styes of any
bog or hogs shall be at least 8 feel
square, flowed, and elevated not less
tean 20 inches above ground, and the
pen to be kept iu a clean, inoffensive
and healthy condition, and said pens oi
styes shall not contain more than two
hogs at the same time, and must not bo
located adjorning witein less lots distance without than ten
feet of the con¬
sent of all interested parties. Provided,
the foregoing does not apply large to hogs
Slept and allowed to run in a and
open lot not less than 35 feet sqtare, or
its equivolent. violatin Any person or persons
guilty of any of this ordinance
shall be guilty of disorderly couduci
ane punished Amended as prescribed Charter iu Section 20
of the of Conyers,
and the pen or pens or styes shall be or¬
dered removed by the Mayor at the ex¬
pense of the owner.
Sec. 2—It is further ordained by the
city council that this Section shall be¬
come operative an and after Sanuary 15
On tnotin the clerk was requested to
prepare the minutes of this meeting and
submit them for an adjoume meeting on
the 5th mst.
On motin it was agreed to have the
minutes published the in both the city pa¬
pers and that question of their
publication be refurred to the Finance
On motin city council adjourned to
meet in the court room Thursday even¬
ing at 6 o’clock.
W. Y. Almand,
Jno. Mayor.
R. Maddox,
City Clerk.
Sheriff Sale.
Will be solu before the courthouse
door in city or Conyers Rockdale
county, Ga, between the legal hours
of sale, oil the the first following Tuesday described in Feb
ruary, 1899,
One eclipse engine, ten horse power
and one rubber belt about 40 feet long.
Levied upon as the property or T F
Edwards to satisfy a nfa issued from
county court of Newton county in fa
or of J J Deal ing, aud against T
This Jan. 3, 1899.
W H M Austin, Sheriff,
This is‘‘TjiK Weekly’s’’ third
year under it’s present manage
ment and consult dug the diffi¬
culties under which it has labor¬
ed, the paper has made satis¬
factory progress. It lias receiv¬
ed a very liberal patronage from
the home merchants, who are,
by the way, a live progressive
ind generous lot of gentlemen,
and, not boasting, it has man¬
aged to live without [soliciting
foreign business The paper has
worked for the best intesest, of
r,he town and its people, and S'*
long as the town and people
support the paper it will contin¬
ue to serve them. We are sat¬
isfied with the progress of The
Weekly up to date, and the
newyear finds us more than
ever determined to push it to the
front and make it estesmed by
our patrons.
To the business men of Con¬
yers we return thanks for their
patronage the past year ami
hope that we may be of benefit
to them in the future • To our
subscribers we are grateful for
their forbearance with us, and
nope that all those who haven’t
wjll remember to pay up.
For all The Weekly wishes
i happy and prosperous new
Bears the The Kind You Have Always Bought
of Commissioners.
The ordinary has appointed tin
following road commissioners foi
the ensuing term:
Lorraine District :
Wm. Richardson, James F. Mitch¬
ell and J. J. Sims.
Honey Creek:
S. F. Bohanan, James W. Swann
uid Joseph W. Maddox.
Town District.
John W. McDaniel, J. Y. Hill
and W. 0. Farmer.
Sheffield Distict:
T. N. Simonton, James P 1 Nich¬
olson and James Francis.
The formal transfer of
government was made by tin
old couucil to the new last
day evening.
The old council met at 8 o’
cIock and after reviewing
ally (he work of the old year
disposing of such matters as was
required by virtue of its
sing out, the new council war
-ent for. Judge A M
Administered the oath of office
to the new mayor and his coun
oil and the city’s interests rest¬
ed with them.
The old council attracted con¬
siderable attention during its
administration, and in some in¬
stances was severely criticised,
but it may be said truly that
its every act was in accord with
its couvictions of right and duty
and the best interests cf the
town and its citizens. It may
nave made mistakes—all ad¬
ministrations do—but they
vvere simply errors of judge¬
ment. In days to come the old
may receive its just
meed of praise,
The mayor and council of 18
99 is now in harness.
It may be said that the new
oody started out at a swift pact
which, if kept up to the end.
will carry it down iu history a
iong with the body of ’98 .
A reduction in the salaries oi
officials a!’ along the hue
the first start|ing announcement
This cut figures from the may¬
down to the street boss, and
will be found iu the published
proceedings of the council in aD
other column of this paper.
The follow i n g gentlemen
were elected to serve the city in
the capacities mentioned:
L. K. Bishop, Marshal.
E. A. Harper, Deputy Marsh
J. ft. Maddox, L. Clerk,
S.B. x- t, Lackey, T ■ btieet Overseer
These gentlemen make splen
officers and will seive the
City faithfully.
B«*ri the The Kind You Haw Always Bought
The Old and The New,
1898 has past in history, car¬
rying with it the record of fail¬
ures and successes, joys and
sorrows of each and all of US
who are permitted to enjoy life
and make of it what we will.
To many of us the old year
was a blessing indeed, but few
of us have the honesty and
courage to acknowledge it. We
have enjoyed health and liberty
and lived without stint, but we
cry out with much dissatisfac¬
tion because we have not reaped
more abundantly of this world’s
goods. Man is heir to a natur¬
al craving for gain and it some¬
times leads to destruction. We
have all prospered in that de¬
gree that we have been frugal
and industrious and if we are
truly honest, more we could not
wish for,
Theory o£ “hard times” was
worn threadbare during the old
y e a r a n d all a c c om
phshed by the cry, was increas
ed anxiety for business men,
worry for the faint-hearted and
injury to progress generally. If
the ‘‘hard time" racket benefit
ed anybody the old year hasn’t
left any record of it.
The old year is gone, ’tis true,
but before departing it entrust¬
ed our future to its successor
md what of success and happi¬
ness awaits us is locxed in the
heart of the newyear and will
be issued to us in daily install¬
ments according to our merits.
Nothing good is withheld from
from us if we deserve it, but
man’s inate selfishness seldom
permits him te grasp this truth
md profit by wisdom. There is
no cause for the grumbling that
on every hand these days,
iud we hope to hear less of it
in 1899.
Get in line for business; lab¬
or earnestly and wisely and the
School BooTjs- School Supplia j
A full stock of all school
at reasonable prices. Give us
call when you need anything
School books or Stationery.
A full line of Drugs, Paints,
Etc., very cheap.
0 ■♦'O '-*~
If you want a good county paper--one
all the news every week give us
and we will send you
Everything that happens in the county
way into this office*
Take your county paper and
Advertise your business in this
and reach the homes oft®*
people in the county. I
We do iob work iieatk
ana at reason’
new year will C |
ter record f 0r yo ,“ ltb M>
c A§Ti®A
„ Tli« Bears Kind the Yo« Ha,,^ J.
Signature of
The Atlanta Co nstltau a
We call special
The Weekl, t 0oS“'"‘'*
lished wu lf! ptk., at Atlanta f G, ■; “?H M
„ pajJ
heuiK *1.25 t,o r „„
lions to be se „t,
hce and the terms toM
eraly'iinown tharn not Jkl
Constitution has th ,l ,
circulation of any „ e
the western herffisnl s !i .4
a f months 6 '
e y ago anJ!??* a
paper directory 1
claim of circulation n? ! ? 11
the Constitution and
disproved forfeit of *100 that it that had it Mai?] J
100,000 circulation. mote
stitution The Cm 3
offer and prom ply accepted books]
submitted its
the represenative of ih e !ln
Mr. George P-Rowell,
usher or the newspaper dird
ry, licty acknwledged his error pti
and paid the forfeit •
The democratic Constitution, whilelJ
a newspaper,
first and above all thingsi
newspaper- It is a twelve-L
even-column weekly, makia
eighty-four columns each 7 $
Its subscription poice is $1
year, but if taken under the,
raugeiuenfc with this paper i
can give them both at the pri
above named.