Newspaper Page Text
Entered at the posP-ffice at Confers as
gfcon^i-cla^ niuij iHJit cr.
Satckiuy, Feb 4,. 1899.
line . for , first . .. inner
Locals 8'J 5 cents fo‘r per
tlon- cents each subsequent m<h
portion. Kegular adv. 50c. per foi
first ”"L,. insertion: 25c for each subsequeni
One year, in advance............... fi .09
Hix months, in advance.......... ,50c
...... . "V
A i. ''V'MmSk
Fifty Years Ago.
Who could imagine that this should be
The place where, in eighteen ninety-three
That white world-wonder ot arch and
Should shadow the nations, polych romc...
Here at the Pair was the prize conferred
On Ayer’s Pills, by the world preferred.
Chicago-like, they a record show,
Since they started— 50 years ago.
Ayer’s Cathartic Pills
havo, from the time of their
preparation, been a continuous
success with the public. And
that means that Ayer’s Pills
accomplish what is promised
for them; they cure where
others fail. It was fitting,
therefore, that the world-wide
popularity of these pUlashould
■which emphaaizea the record;
50 Years of Cures.
The I’lulhppiue . . insurgents are
supposed tube still surging.
• -4' •
Always bo ready to speak a good
for your town and county,
is a good way to build it up.
Atlanta has about arranged to
the State fair this fall. She
gets what she wants.
Tho ThirdGa. Regiment is en¬
joying good health in Florida and
the hoys are very well pleased.
Congressman Livingston has
gone on record as favoring tho
ratification of the peace treaty.
rn. l lio time , • to , do , good , to
neighbor is wlien you discover that
lie stands in need of your kindly
° nke8,
The country is five from
tics just now but wo have no as
Burance that this blessed 1 de ’
tudowill lust.
Horsi-swappers everywhere are
invited to attend the Swapper’s
Convention here on the 8th and
9th of this month.
1 lie farmers have been coached
enough for the past few months
the cause them to turn entirely
away from the old regime if they
were inclined to heed.
From all we can gather there is n
strong probability that a cotton fac
tory will be built at the paper mills
this-spring. A strong company has
been formed for this purpose and U1
work may begin on (ho building vj t
any day. Wo hope this prospect may
hold good and that we will sooil
have the mill.
1 am now prepared to fill* orders
for lumber on short notice. My
mill is running regularly. Q\ V e
me a call when yv u need lumber.
A. N. Phuket.
Smith near litre!
years.olil. The burial w in occur to
Umriow at the Daniel burying grouml.
A Wife’s Duty.
(rirls Uiris ■nno who marry marrv with wmi the u e
ish idea that it is their husbands
duty ' to support 11 them in
making .
ntive idleness are a
mistake. It is a wife b duty
work and build up a home by
dence and industry m home
f ’ is it is her
band’s to work outside and ,
vide . money. It T . is . only , a person
great wealth who can afford
( D b j rf . a refined person to take
Iwuwkceper. , ...
lazy woman can
Iier place as housekeeper to an or
dinary maid servant, and her
i lv must suffer because of it.
loss of the mother as the power
the helm is one of the
evils that can befall a family.
energetic woman will let no
cause but physical incapacity
her from attending to her
duties—those upon which the
fort and health of her family
pend —Ex.
A small church was sadly
need of general repairs, and a
mg was held in it with a view
raising funds for that
The minister having said
would lie required, a very
(and equally stingy) member
the church rose and said he
give $ 1. Just as he sat down,
ever, a lump of plaster fell
! the ceiling and hit him on
j tlnTm* ‘. /
mad. , » m.rtake-he , . »-„ukl give
Hus «» too ranch for an
**» prcaont ,vl.o forgetful of
thing, called out fervently:
Lord, T hit him again!
A legislative session of 50
costs the state of Georgia
Tlwtis t „ say *1,400 per
passing " lat .“ rc of i^Hy'mpu’toiit tho tax act lor are
money and the appropriation
for spending it. The balance
its time is taken up in
billg thafc aro worse than
In this condition of affairs
sessions are unnecessary extrav;
gance. The remedy is in
seS gions. The legislature
will never agree to this. The
pie must compell it by charging on
the candidates before election
condition of biennial sessions. It
will lie hard to get at but it can
done.—DeKalb New Era.
Decatur lias nn ordinance which
gives offenders the option of
on the streets or going
diately to Atlanta, Decatur is a
wide-awake, up-to-date, P U8U ‘
ahead town.
Tho weekly is . ,
newspaper an m
dex of the town in which it is pub
lished and any business man who
is 11 ot represented in its columns
is as a dead tree in the forest.
A Drummer’sExpovionce
A drummer lost his way in a
southwest Georgia county wlu-re
there was a good deal of religious
at that time. So he
gave his horse the rein, and
made the best of it.
Presenly ho was confronted by
a signboard, nailed to a pine tree
the forks of a road.
The sign read:
“Turn, sinner, Turn!”
The drummer followed its ad¬
vice and turned on the road near
est the sign.
‘Aon are on your way to Hell” !
That was rough, but like many
another man, he kept on. Yet one
more signboard faced him :
“Sinner, , lost Forever?”
you are
“God help us!” cried the drum
mer, “Between all these signs.
what’s a poor lost devil to do?”
' i l Git right down on ver knees,”
cr *e d « voice from the bushes, “an’
cry fer mercy, Down with you,
an ’ b°U er fer gvnee! I M
That was too much for him and,
putting spurs to his horse, he fled
like tho wind: nor did he stop
til he reached a railroad, where
8 ‘* l,aled * freight traiuaud
the dust of
hood from his shoes,—Ex.
Sliot Himself Dead.
T Last net satunin} 3‘if nnhv ijifirht Uigur after aueri Iiav-I 1
h,g bid a number of his friends
^ jj r Xotlev W Maddox 1
' *
walked into Sir. Thompson Stew- Q ,
^ fitor0 and deliherately shot
himgelf thro|Jgb lhehead T , it h a
gmith & We 38 cu]ibre pisto] ,; .
Mr ’ Maddox , recent! . - V deposed' ..
i of his home here and moved his
fannlv to Atlanta. He had jeen
j away - tor some time and but lev.
j npor l L v that he was in
! city. . It was supposed that he had
iB i . r «l a pil«kAil,.| ! ,.iH
! a telephone company.
lie settled up his business affairs
here before going away and
i and his friends hoped that he
would do well in his new home.
He returned to Conyers Friday
night on the 12 o'clock train and
was about town Saturday, until
9 o’clock at night when he shot
“ r?n ■' ?
»poke to no ou. ami deliberately
Hied 113 pistol and hied The
hall entered the head near the right
ear and lodged in the brain. He
fell to the floor and never spoke n
gain. Dr. J A Guinn was sum¬
j moned at once but was unable to
do anything. Mr. Maddox was
carried to the courthouse where
1 he remained in an unconscious con
idition 1 until about two o’clock
i when he died.
^ , )od can . led tQ the
honu ' of Coi ■ Jno - R Maddox where
i the funeral service was conducted
J atBo’elock Sunday
j J ter wWch lhe bnria ,
. K
lhe deceased . ,, leaves wife .. and I
j two small children and many rel
jatives i and friends who are grieved
nt hig sad ending<
The yonng me „ of this country
. lcllU „ ral pursmls and who find
difficult to keep employed,
L shou]d ta j- e themselves to Cuba
nd grow w ith the country,
1 Thore ia il>ilitv of them do
a poss
| i ng something there.
• -»•
Bearstho Tho Kind You Have Always Bought
Georgia. Rockdale County.
To whom it may concern:
T. D. Street has in dne form applied
for letters ?>f Administration ou the es¬
tate of Caroline W. Welbborn late of
said conty deceased and I will pass up
, on the same, on the first Mondy in Feb
; ruarv 1899. Given under my band and
| I official signature this January Helms, 5th Ord. 1899.
A. M.
Sheriff Sale.
Will be sola before the courthouse
door in city ot Conyers, Rockdale
a f l g a {|oi'A’hcf first following Tuesday^h! ! Feb
ruary, 1899, the described
and P^eecffpslengine, rubber belt about ten horse 40 feet power long.
j ; Levied one upon as the property otT F
Edwards to satisfy a fifa issued from
county court of Newton county in fa
or of J J Hearing, and against T I
E ^f r Jo
g 18B9 .
WH M Austin, Sheriff.
Your doctor knows all about
foods and medicines.
The next time you see him,
Just ask him what he
Scoffs Emulsion
of Cod-Liver Oil with Hypo
phosphites. We are willing
to trust in his answer.
For twenty-five years doc¬
tors have prescribed our
Emulsion for paleness, weak
ness, nervous exhaustion, and
for all diseases that cause
loss in flesh.
Its creamy color and its
pleasant taste make it es¬
pecially useful for thin and
delicate children.
No other preparation of cod
liver oil is like it. Don’t lose
time and risk your health by
taking something unknown
and untried. Keep in mind
has stood the test for a
quarter .
of a century.
SCOTT _____y*. Sc BOW.NE, »*<s $».oo«. Chemist^ *Vi druggists. New
Dissolution Notice.
Tho firm of fli.d Lifs6^ Ijhb
„ dissolved by a K reemembetween
the parties . AH parties indebted to
the old firm will please call at the
office in Dr. Lee’s Drug store and
ke settlement at once and save
cost, as these claims must be
LA Lffsey!
This Feb. 1st. 1869.
A. J. Smith will continue to do a
cotton and fertilizer business at
the old stand, Dr. Lee s Drug Store,
where be would be -glad to see las
fiieiuis *ir<i anti c^umners c„b,uuis.
Pay for ___1_ your paper,
Every and all branches
^ b SS*S rk w.*h.rlSS:
office up stairs over
Legal Notice,
As referee in bankruptcy I desig¬
nate The Coxyeks Weekly as my
official organ for Rockdale county.
A. D. Meadou.
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
J312ICK- 1 A M Id.
I have on hand brick and lime
which I offer to the public at reason¬
able prices. See me when in need of
W. U. Wallis.
j Between the Ordinary’s office and
Mr. Carter’s shoe shop, last Satur
i day ev ciuug, rd £ a ten its dollar bill. c ’ a11 Lib- at
rew ® or recover y*
Weekly office f
Carl Philips.
500 bushels of sound peas—whip
ponvill and Unknown. Will pay
cash for same.
J. A. Goode.
The store house now occupied by
Mr. A B Osborn. Apply to
Mrs. A M ’I'ravis.
Swoppcr’s Convention.
Bock dales first regular horse swop
persconvention will be held at Con¬
yers Also ou Wednesday Feb. 8th 1899.
at same time,' there will very
likely bo an exhibition of speed giv¬
en the by some of the fastest trotters of
state, on the new track that is a
bout completed.
i L A Sharp,
Committee. ‘ J O McKniglit,
Id us Langley.
We represent som8 of the
best Fire Insurance Companies
in existence and ask the public
generally to see us before plac¬
ing their risks.
Office in Banner office under
• •
ABOVE 224orr/ M Georgia
SEA. H mw Agricultural
(5a Main Bim.oiN3.
s&fREt Tuition.
JEL m [juf fifggiot TIT "»• aw
< .
A college DAHLONEGA, education in Ilia reach GA. c f all. A-B !,
B.S., Normal and Business Man’s courses.
Good laboratories; heaiUtful, invigorating cli
mite; relipioas military influences. discipline: Cheapest crood board moral in and
State; of country produce ^expenses
from §75 ;o $150 a year; board i:t dormitories
or private families. full faculty Special license course for
teacliers; of nine; all under the
control of the Umve’rsUy. A colleg'c prepar¬
atory class. Co-education of sexes. Tee insti¬
tution founded specially for students of limited I
means, bend for catalosrus to the President.
Jofe S. SlB^ART, A.M, t
igli <a£TJZt> CEP ■ ■I 111 flit !
We are in the f fertilizer !
with a splendid line c mu
goods. We have o l—I High gr
Keiesaw Bigli Ms, Kssaesai t
Hlfili Grade. Kemesaw Blood 5
leal, bn And Mug
-A.T>K >
WlTH AMM0NIA AND potash,
These goods will give splendid
suits and genuine satisfaction,
We ask the fanners to get
prices and examine our goods.
McEIvany & Broadm
We want your attention for just a Ur «
and we will tell you of some great bard
we have. For thirty days, for cash only, is|
1 set of nice tumblers 15.
Glass pitcher worth 25 at 18
Bracket Lamp worth $ l 25 at 90
Bracket Lamp worth 85 at
i k ( t for kitchen 35
Hand lamps from 10 up
Japaned water sets, any coloi\
worth $125 at 98
% tin 2c or 3 for 5
e have just marked a large lot of new crocj
ery and Hotel goblets.
Our stock of tinware is never low.
Our minute is about up, but we don"t ia|
to fail to come and examine our line of good!
kinds of furniture, carpets, matting, etj
still have enough stoves left to supply sev
families, and get more if you fa|
get one out of this lot.
watch this space and come to see us. h
School Bool 58“
School SuppJie
A full stock of all school supF -
at reasonable prices, Give vs
when you need anythin?
books or Stationery.
A full line of Drugs, Paints,
very cheap. DRUG ™
I 3c or 2 for5 ’
2 “ “ ‘ old price 10 now 5
4 8 and 12 qt milk cans
Roller towel racks 7
Sausage mills at cost
Heavy coppered coffeemi
All granate and enamel
at low