Newspaper Page Text
OCA news items.
paragf a P h§ Persotial and Oilheirwiise, Gathered
n to Post Onnr Readers amd Fill Space.
ffl £ jl Sources
^U‘‘- be considered “righ
u - ymsh
«&*» «»>• the
height little-o ve r two feet.
ust a
was in
has traded hoxses and
uylunker- gray.
, off ns a large
of hats atAE P Mc Burney’s
I[r percent lot below cost. All new
Is. has moved his
■pc McCall® cated by Mr.
in to the house va
iiy ScCalla
Elliot who has beenverv
Its. T. past is gradually
for some time
king. daily
gre at crowds are growing and
e sale at D M Aim s
e grand stand.
rhas E Rodgers is now connect
. Tucker,
U the firm of Tilley &
(house and lumber dealers
Vaughn lias secured the
..Pave lute hereto Cora. This
from drive. _
jjailv mail and a good long
..Ban Junes, conductor on the
irban train, has rented and mov
Lo [tur the J HAlmand residence on
mice the change E P McBurney’s
lltisemeDtin this paper. These
goingw ay below cost. Call
k many friends of Airs. T C Mc
h will regret to know that she is
bproving very fast. She has
sick for some time.
Kft Wmf ral of our young men are tli Fla.. ink
{Be going to Dry Tortuga,s,
they expect to secure spin
again venture to ask our sub
Hers ^■loney to call and settle or send us
they are due us on sub
Hij,,:). We need it.
Ha man tvho wants tlie earth in
Hihly ^■DeleatE gets it when he goes to t lie
P McBurney’sat I) Ai
^Knd’sSons old stand.
sale of the personal effects
Hite Mrs. N C Almand. occurred
Hiilny H: the 2btli of January.
sold brought fair prices.
Hnisc brenKcrs conti me to got
■ work in Conyers. The
^■ewas Hh entered the other
quantity of provisions
B weather continues to be of
^Btcter Bess, obliterates which opposes the all kinds
roftds.l t will end by
ver betorc in the history of
lias Roods been sold as cheap
are now being sold by E P
pyatDAl Almand’s Sons
• J L AIcCalla has moved
oo his plantation in
bt. These good people will
C( 1 by their neighbors
r r8. Smith & Lifsey, guano a
f have desolved
^‘rith will go it alone this
r 'l r ‘ Bifsey has formed a
Mp with Mr. M L Wood.
N esday was a lovely day
['Pie puties of had Rockdale the and
se: the pleasure of
grand sale now going
1 -Gmand’s .Sons old stand.
, • is. J°lm H Almand
' d ss Ruth; Air. and
9‘v wT? 1 attend ' ant the l Airs. March A AI
pnrdi Gras is the annual
I 1 " ttia t city and no doubt
Twpiewm have an
ift 1 ' G Ieriton is hi receipt of
L [ /J ""n Dry , hl8 S011 ’ :,rr - Tobn S.
L Tol 'higas, Fla,, in
wT Mhn fr f spn ntleman , ti Thework sa - vs hc
ei hGre
■Milchri.m I)romiscs t0
iie nap * He also stater.
Aim- *. ° r 5 "’filing young
bitmftv r ' nteresteci in
sp this sug-
5 !linLMm C IUI ’ t,ler mforma
f " UClgc Gleaton
Joi ms Tip -
I! ' (or Florid" seviai 'churcheT IeaVe in a
»** of
[• ^ aini8n ^ 7 for Preparing him
h p ftj several years
piln. jj R chool only a
: ri^ Cl-nT : hfieSingfrom yet fluis h f d
S ^ r "
q lhe a Ppoiutment is
w ‘indan ;
; ," e 18h . eon foi 8Tatulaie
fleserv ’ him a!1
ne5 '
New leral ads appear in this paper.
Some of our fanners are still pick
ing cotton.
Mr. A D Summers made a business
trin * to Atlanta vestordnv ‘
Your attention is called to Plun
ket’s locals in another column.
Miss Ida Peek is the guest of her
sister, Hrs.M D Irwin, at Windor.
Mr. Ounnam has moved his fami¬
ly to Jasper county.
Col. M D Irwin, of "Winder, spent
last Saturday and Sunday here with
Air. R L Caldwell and family will
move into the house with Capt. W
Hu son.
Your attention called to Mr. L F
Lifsey’s guano advertisement in this
Miss Corine Davis, of Covincton,
is the guest of Rev. Mr, Walker’s
Miss Walker, of near Griffin, is the
guest of the family of her brother.
Rev, I G Walker.
Don’t talk hard times. TalK econ¬
omy and industry and you will hit
the nail on the bead.
Mrs. Brondnox, of Walnut Grove,
has returned home after a visit to
her son, Mr. S E Broadnax.
When Conyers can boast of a cot¬
ton mill there will be other enterpris¬
es of the kind established here.
Last Wednesday was a busy day
here. Many people were in town
and they all brough t something along
to sell.
Miss Brownie McDaniel who lias
been the guest of Mrs. W V Almand
for several weeks lias returned to lior
home at Bowden.
Mr. R LGuffin is making arrange
mentstomove his family to Atalla,
Ala. He hopes to getaway about the
Rev. Air. Rusk, of South Carolina,
will preach at the Presbyterian
church here on the 4th Sunday in
this month.
Airs. Hope McDonald has sold her
interest in the millinery business of
McDonald & Haygood. She will m>t
be in business this year.
All people have their peculiarities,
so said, and it seems that a good num
her of our worthv fellows are peculiar
ly opposed to paying for their paper.
Dr. II V Hardwick has bought the
T)r. M lv Stewart old home place of
Elder Jno F Almand and will erect a
handsome cottage upon the lot at an
early day.
Hon. Joe G Camp will lecture at
r,he courthouse in this city next
Thursday night. Asa lecturer this
gentleman has few equals and all
who attend hiss lecture may expect a
We arc informed that a
was billed to occur in the city in the
near future but there may be son e
objection which will not be easily
overcome and, perhaps, may stay the
event permanently.
Air. Chas G Turner lias a mammoth
quantity of home-made
which he expects to use upon 1 1 is
hum. He has been
upon this line'and the result promi¬
ses to be very profitable to him.
Last Friday night ami Saturday
morning this section was visited by
tlm heaviest si .»w of the sea son. It
h- 1 to ’ e depth of 4 </ wing
. . armth of tl>e ground It s<-on
i- x-cd away and but little if any en¬
joyment resulted from it.
in n Bl'T !»t1 ! n n
! j uub uil i II.
I The firm of Smith & Lifsey having been dissolved I have
formed a copartnership with Mr. M. E. Wood and we will offer
to the trade tho same hr inds of J ertnizsi’s sold L>y Smith & l.if
sey for the past Several years, consisting of:
j : Scott’s GoSSyppitliH Guano; Scott’s A A. Guano;
Scott’s Blord and Bone Guano; Scott’s Add and
Meal Guano; GA. State Standard Guano; Scott’s
P. P. Acid; Scort’s High Grade Acid; Cotton Bole
Bone and Potash Acid,
I These goods are too well and favorably known to Iho plan¬
j ters of this section to need any comment from me more than to
fhat , tht! , y are amon S the . hl , . 8 ,ie8t , , g rade , S oods , on the ,, niai keL ,
' Thanking the people for past patronage and soliciting a con*
tiuuance of the same in the future, I remain yours,
^•“Office at V'ood & Hollingsworth’s store.
At tlie residence of the
parents in this city occurred
marriage of.Miss Fannie
to Rev. Air. Root. H Rusk,
R: ckv.ell. ,8. C., last
morning at 10 rbO o’clock, Rev.
Htl >ry Quigg officiating,
At 1! :»X> t!;e happy couple
e<l jl J. ■ train for Woodstock, Ga..
wh-re they go to spend
weeks with relatives of the groom.
Th ° gr< 111 is a l n '' UlU ’ Ptlt >' olU1
,U1!; ,(l>r of h,s stute and a g
°f pleasing address and
The bride is one of
cll ' ;ieesl lftdies - ever T
worthy to adorn the home of
forU5nate groom.
The Weekly extends
To tl-.o memory of J(i\ \. Riley:
As the yule time romps again
>M>.d the waning of ti:o v“.:r,
Wo !■ member thus'- wo Live,
He they for < r be they n< ;ir.
Our thoughts go to the past
Am! the days of lone
Ami i lie pleasures we iiu-n < moved
(A me with an added gi«.v.
And , . we thud; of the loved a ml ,, lest
Who’ve passed to the other
ho sharefl inonrpleasure then
Hut whose face we’ll see no more,
L find myself often thinking
who was dear to you;
W hose iitcc never failed to tell us
ills heart was warm and true.
For we miss his kindly smile
And the glance of his kindly eye,
Ai d we hold him in memory (Ear
With a love that can never die.
Mollie Taylor.
Atlanta, Ga.
e -<■
Mr. Steve Gleaton, of Oxford.
spent Sunday last herewith
Mrs. J D Hardin, of Edgewood,
died . last night at 7 o’clock. We
ha veil, tlearned whether the bur
ial will occur here.
Mr. H Y McCord returned last weeK
from a pleasant trip to Florida and
from his narratives his friends are
led to believe that the trip was all
that could he asked. Many fish
caught by the party and several
rels were shipped back to Ga. and
distributed among friends. Several
of mir people enjoyed the truits of the
catch for which Air. McCord has been
duly thanked. A great time was had
and all enjoyed splendid health.
Take The Weekly if you
all the news.
I will be in the market with
first-class line ot High Grade
vlllZvI &•
Think for a reomens ! Our goods are all new.
We carry a general slock and for the cash we will
sell at small profit.
We have a good fresh line of family groceries,
fancy groceries and canned goods such as are need¬
ed every day. Our dry goods and notions will
please you and we can veil you stylish and durable
shoes at a saving.
Give us a trial order.
Stark & Longshore.
H, H. Plunket’s Talk
Ribbon caile and sorghum
syrup, also one barrel good
ba molasses at PluuKet’s.
Most all kinds of
t/Wv toms, ,, . immes, . traces, . back , , bands , ,
collar Dads, nails, plows, 1 [don
Mocks, .. . SCOVll hoes, , well ,, whirls , . .
nee! bolts, cl!vises, bait
shoe sprigs etc. Examine m>
stock as it is no trouble for
to show my J goods. Plunket,
Big lot of corn just ai rived
Fresh dove and picnic ham
at Plunkets.
A big lot of flour just
and I can save you money 011 it
as I bought it cheap, and will
sell it the same way. Plunket.
Try picnic hams at Plunkets.
I carry all first class family
and fancy groceries. Plunket.
Get all your canned goods at
Plunket’s. such as beans, corn,
tomatoes, maple syrup in quart
cans, salmon, oysters, french sar
dines,poited ham, sausage, can
mackeral, and in fact anything
you need in the grocers line.
Money saved is money made
and you can make it by trading
with me. Plunket.
When you como to town come
in my store and make it
headquarters, as I am
glad to ece you, and will save
you money on anything you
M. II. Plunket,
Exchange bought and sold. Ccllectinis made on all parts cf the
Accommodations extended consistent with sound banking
Overdrafts will not be honored under any circum*
Office hours from 8 a. m. till 4r. m till further notice.
—— m Nib ij CTO 3
Having sold our stock of merchan
dise to Mr* E. P. McBurney wo bespeak
for him the continuance of the trad
so liberally bestowed upon us in the
we will devote
the next few months
to collections and
those indebted to us
are r e <} nested to
come and snake set¬
tlement at once.
Our office will bo tho same as htno tofore.
Thanking the .public for patt patronage, vre
Y ery truly,
D. M. Almand’s Sons.
When you want a good, safe turnout one that you can
drive with
One that looks well and goes well, call on me.
Good drivers furnished if desired
Terms very reosonable.
You will find at John
son’s a nice stock oi Fancy
including Canned Meats
Vegetables, Cabbage, Onions,
and Sweet Potatoes, Boston Beans,
Candies, and a general
of staple Groceries.
I will sell Overcoats, Ladies Cloaks, and Clothing for tho
SIXTY DAYS at ACTUAL COST. Don’t fail to come
see me. I have a line of General Merchandise and
as cheap for cash as any house in town,
I desire (o extend to my many friends and customers
thanks for their past patronage and ask for same
the future.
Your friend,
John Stephenson.