Newspaper Page Text
fiC. j. NEWS items.
£S Personal and Otherwise, Gathered
ps m, erapi » Post Gur Readers and Fill Space.
I ?reat bar
-offtier's 64
at McBunioy's
- ■■ ff Con
f, V ::.
ItSawan nab-
8i0 dices for
jlcBnrney 9.
prindlo -ivili P ref:c! ' f! '
A viundny m,,n J’
Grove m
invited to a Head these
of Atlanta, is visit
Lena brents Ray- oe- e -
jf. ginghams 8 cts per yard
rn? v s -
Kh ,,’niiv council is indif
h safety of ihe town
6 to ,M take some
Ire. . from the heart
twn VO build
tho old wooden Thursday
a menace
Wire town
L Mohair dresses cost 40
hard only 24 cts at McBur
Lrlie SJondny, Roag-.m visited in
ton last
iHenrieita Led dress goods cost
down to 49 cts at
ijjMwords. of Social Circle
Waiting- friends here tins
apt! 'tobaccoat McBurney’s
etsper pound.
John Aialr is visiting rela
lipps lokeeo at McBur
fclr L. Slots per pound.
IV. T.Wallis and W. IT.
hinpose the new warehouse
lie building has been ready, complc— for
t!;e new firm is
t. Their-add will appear in
limey Itll is selling pound. Arbuckle’s
cis per
Indies lefurdi Aid iriety of the Pres
If pave and Oyster sup
Jon n’.d stand last night
■ lopitious very suce«-s--.ful night. considering
I to bear E. P. McBurney
iis to leave Conyers. He
ci!i!y tire,poor mans friend, _
s s’ad to announce an im
„ Mand. ; endifinn ’of Mrs.
, It . thought that she
Ltinue to improve.
nniey is selling keg soda at
pi pound,
pnwns visited bv fire last
rrvuiglir abut 11 o’clock. The
; j ;r stock -9- A. and Willingham’s the with
vacant store
u ; '■ Commerce Stewart, both wooden
i"- 1 'on Street, were
'■ys lie are informed that
xongham carried $ 200.00 insu
lye origin °f the fire is un
, ne building and
omghain fixtures of
Ul -es. He store carried belonged to Mr
r no insur
p Lper ■ ev pound. is selling keg soda at
f L'-Sge, SrephenS ° n ' S new
[Barney is selling 1 pound
j , _
81, ssnuff for 50 cts.
; : 7 is selling 18 pounds
P !| irl,00
r ::: ; r T is selling 18 pounds
► for 1.00 •.
I'"; is selling 18 pounds
P Dr 1.00
on- a \
. ‘-hA
A. ' r j Agricultural
v-sad j;' College Main Builoing.
li SA A F|S|
M*p\r,vxiz, • ? Sr .as^niSBe r *
*Mosa|to ' J s iewa*t7a,m? th£p. f I'T te 1, -' 1
=‘ -§
McBurney is selling 18 pounds
og sugar for J.00.
We .will print tho Grand Jury pre¬
n”d an epitome of court
in our next issue.
McBurney is selling 18 pounds
of sugar for 1.00.
Mr. andfJvs. H PAlmand. of Tp-
1'8’i'p siieiit s- me time in the ti y
McBurney is selling 18 pounds
sugar for 1.00.
We ask the indulgence of our
this week, we served on 1 he
and found it difficult to do
f u il buty toward the paper.
Ladies fine 8.29 shoes just 1.79
at McBurney’s.
Mr. K V Warren will go with the
firm of ’Williams & Whitaker next
Monday morning-. Mr. Warren is a
Ladies fine 2.55 shoes down to 1.
89 at McBurney’s.
Tlic infant of Mr. John Hammock
is doing very well, so we are inform¬
ed by Mr. J D Scott at whose home
the little-one is beingeared for. The
friends of these good people and Mr.
Hammock will be glad to hear of the
baby’s good health.
McBurney is selling 18 pounds
of sugar for 1.00.
Mr. L J Almand will soon begin the
erectson of a handsome residence on
his place one mile below town, We
understand that he will move to this
place as soon as it is completed.
Mens fine 1.75 hats going at 99
cts at McBurney’s.
Mr. and Mrs. Will Hakes spent sev
cral days in Atlanta last week,
Schnapps tobacco at McBurney’s
only 87 cts per sound.
Mr. and Mrs. M H Blanket spent
Sunday in Atlanta,
McBurney is selling Arbuckle’s
coffee at 11 cts per pound,
Blind tigers throng-bout the county
may now resume business.
McBurney is selling Arbuckle’s
coffee at llcts per pound. .
(Jus Milsap is to worre 12 months
in the chain gang- for ft hat.
McBurney 7 is selling keg soda at
‘d c * s P er P°unu.
HpW local adds appear in this issue
of Thu Wkbkxy.
McBurney is • selling 1 pound
” class jar’s snuff for 50 cts.
Mr. J A Goode’s new residence on
Mill street is now completed and is a
handsome tittle home.
McBurney is selling 1 pound
glass jar’s.snuff for 50 cts.
Mrs. David Walter Almand left
Thursday for Leesburg where she
will spend about three weeks with
her Patents Mr. and Mrs. N. H.
Ware. Her little sister, Miss Ethel
will return to Convors with her.
!!»""* 18 poTOd ’
Mrs. Ella Cooper died at the home
of her brother in this city, Mr. L M
Wood, on Thursday night after a
lingering illness of many months.She
was a victim of consumption. Mrs.
Cooper was a noble Christian lady
life bps been one pf submis
siveness and pat'ence. She was
nurshed patiently throughout loving brothers her;
prolonged illness by
and sisters and two children who
now sanly mourn because of her dem
The funeral and burial occurred
in Sheffield district yesterday.
To the bereaved we tender earnest
Union mills sheeting 4-4 at Me*
Burney’s for just 4 cts per yard.
Southern plaids checks at 4c per
at McBurney’s.
Bears tee The Kind You Have Always Bought
Last week of McBurney’s sale!
Last week of McBurney’s sale!
All persons indebted to the estate
Mrs. Martha Baiter, late of Hock
county, are requested to make
settlement. Also all bol¬
against said estate are
to present them at once to
Luther J. Almand, Executor.
DROPSY CURED with vegetable
F*Hju*dics. Have cured
many thousand
called hopeless. In ten
days at least two-thirds of ail symptoms remov¬
ed. Testimonials and TEH DAYS treatment free.
DR. H. fi. GREEK’S SONS, Box K, Atlanta,.Ga.
McBurney is ..... selling 18 pounds
sugar for 1.00
Brogan shoes given away for
cts at McBurney’s.
McBurney is selling 18 pounds
of sugar for 1.00
Last week of McBurney’s sale!
i W til Mill
Do all kinds of Dental work
at moderate prices and evtract.
teeth without pain, bv the use
of GAS which is PERFECRLY
Office over J H Almand Co's
.... u «n m i
Are attracting wide attention for
three reasons: They are pretty and
stylish, were bought right and are
being sold right.
Young men who want
a good suit that looks well
fits well and wears- well,
a. t iiv icastmoney,should
come to
C.B -
Hardware; Buggies, Wagons,
ness, Farming tools Etc. is at
Almand Hardware Co’s. Store.
We have tho best assortment of shelf hardware, cutlery, pistols
mechanics tools etc. in the market,
We have any part oi* harness
tliat is needed, also, sadelry, l>lanli
ets, whips, etc.
■ We have a bigger stock of buggies and wagons than ever be
foie and the prices are right.
We envite the people to call and examine
our stock and get our prices. We can save you
money on every purchase.
I have removed my store from the Post Office to the store
room next door to The Blue Front.
I have a large stock of the latest styles of Millinery goods
and am better prepared to serve my customers than ever before.
Miss Lola Young, of Atlanta, will trim for me this season.
She is an expert trimmer and well known here.
All are invited to give me a
Miss Emma Riiey.
The Books for receiving
returns for the year 1899. are
open and I will be at the
Precincts as follows:
Sheffield Apr. 20. May 11, June
Lorraine Apr. 27 May 18 Juno
Honey Greek Apr 28, May 25
16 *
Remainder . of time at store of J
Langford & Sons.
This April -1 1899.
G II Hull, R T R.
* —« •©► >■ %
For Infants and Children.
Tho fac
elzaUo " it K
flguatur# evMjr
cf 4
bought and sold. Ccllecticr.s made on all parts of
Accommodations extended consistent with sound
will net be Hicnored Hinder any
Office hours from 8 a. m. till 4 p. y till further n< tire.
Sucial liicfi.
Having sold our stock of merchan
dise to Mr« E. P. McBurney we bespeak
for him the continuance of the trade
so liberally bestowed upon us in the
We will devote
the next few months
to collections and
those indebted to us
are r e q nested to
come and make set
tlement at once.
Our office will be the smite as here tofore.
Thanking Ihe public for past patronage, we
Very truly,
D. M. Almand’s Sons.
ill Graft Film Fur Si
The firm of Smith & Lifsey having been dissolved I have
formed a copartnership with Mr. M. L. Wood and vve will offer
to the trade tho same hr intis of Fertilizers sold by Smith & Lif¬
sey for the past Several years, consisting of:
Scott’s Gossyppiuni Guano; Scott’s A. A. Guano;
Scott’s Blocd and Bone Guano;jjScott’s Add and
Meal Guano; GA. State Standard Guano; Scott’s
P. P. Acid; Scort’s High Grade Acid; Cotton Bole
Bone and Potash Acid,
These goods are too well and favorably known to thejplan
tersof this section to need any comment from me more than to
say that they are among the highest grade goods on the market.
Thanking the people for past patronage and soliciting a con¬
tinuance of the same in the future, I remain yours,
f^-Office at Wood & Iloilingsworth’s store.
r— —
We are in the markefwith the best Guano’s ever offered (o
tho people.
Baldwin’s Guanos and Acids.
Hardwick’s Guanos and Acids.
Marietta Guanos and Acids.
Charleston Guanos and Acids.
We also sell cotton seed meal and meal and acid.
The people know these goods. They need no recommenda¬
tion from us.
Nee us and g-et our pidces.