Newspaper Page Text
E® 3 9 PLUN m •Jk-, m Fi m ■&
? sell goods .cheap risk of paying much
Hhers mn\ but you run a great too
the goods you get when you buy from old stocks before getting my prices
i res h, ntwv goods. You run no risk of getting something worn out with old
yon buy from me. My stock is large, new and. complete and my
ces ate rock bottom on every article. And always remember that goods.
]«lit of me will be delivered in the city prompth freeof charge. New goods
iving every day.
Al II Plunket - e<
I a DRIVE m v mm AT? V.
Our cash sale is to continue.
3 pairs ladies’ ne shoes sold at 2 dollars theY are now going freed Y at 75
be sure to get you a pair. Children’s shoes 20 cts per pah \ Misses shoes 35
l*SV' 9 pig per pair slippers Sold from 1,00 to 2.00 dollars we Will in this cash
j [ e a t 50 cts a re niiant of doting to go at less than cost. Come and price for
ur selves. Patent Hour 1,00 for 50 lbs. SouthGa. ribbon cane syrup at 25 ets,
Wo are charging the bottom on prices. Fancy and Staple Groceies aiWaYs
}sh, 3 to 5 inch laceS at 5 cts per Yard. We cant mention a 1 !. Come and see
If X"V v
/ \ §eorm
Main QuilOinG.
mm LhlL«— if
is ^-.v^v.-L. T
r> r jgpSsrsr™- ■
1 .....J', A H ,LONEGA7GA.
F r didVu-
15 rca c ’ Utf all A.B.,
t i , ‘
h : ' ■"iCfs' r.',m.f T-i. a ’ ^ Cst trood board “oral and
'caof rei?. »»
11 ¥150 -i a M ^‘3 arrt pr , 0 ln .' ucc dormitories texpenses
1 s
r « ! i : r c cau.o^e ?;‘-'.„ forstu dentsoflimitecl
J,,s S. to the President.
- Stewart, A.M.
°ak,Q rove News,
i Ahnaud about
i’h.i hamilti on and
tivd, VVere our repre
! Cft urt last week.
f - 3. {)
G 4.5 p Granade and
_ pent
' Saturday in
* f . *t»S wt ^Yt jm
1 fmJ
Mrs. Manley Turner hai beet;
right sick but is better.
Jim Hudson says the ‘tiger
was not blind.
Prof. D. E. Bond lias cap
tured Oak Grove ‘tiger’ and all
Mr. W. F. Plnnket has made
some very becoming .irnprov
ments on his home.
The fruit tree agent don’t
tarry long. Watchman.
Bears the The Kind You Have Always Bought
-H^RY RSI r ^ U
My shop is comfortable
My towels are clean.
My tools are always keen.
My attention is respectful.
My aim—to please all.
Give me a call when you need
dressing up.
Take this paper.
Klomlilcc Locals.
M r J w Ford, of Blossom
was up to see his mother last
Mr J Jerome Robertson visi
ted the Gate City on business
last Saturday.
Mr. Samuel white, of Henry
countv in JvlOUOIK© 1 ’•i 1 : „„ OIK
/ '’’as
day this week.
Miss Annie wigh., one of
Sharpston’s fairest young ladies
spent last week with relatives
Mr. Joseph Butler visited his
brother in Klondike last Sun¬
Mr. B N Ford has purchased
a new bicycle.
Mr. William Stephenson, of
Lithouia, was here to see his
father last Sunday.
The Sunday school here is in
a flourishing condition.
Mr. June Stephenson one of
most stningyoung men, vis
ited Sharpston on business last
as a r.d Whiskey f sVts
W cured at home with
ricuCT™sent' Vr£ t
Mi dilu, W4 Sic* i« , N*tb 1 'p^r Y 0 r C 8 i.
4 , Patents
I HAUL m«nna
Copyrights &c.
Anyone sending a sleet eh and description may
tlons strictly confidential. Handbook on Patents
gen t free. Oldest aporoy through for Munn securUxomtents. & Co. receive
patents taken tho
tpecial notice, without charge, in
SckWific JloicricaR.
A handsomely illustrated weekly. I-nreest Or
eolation ol any seientitlc Journal, Terns, U a
year: four months, fL Sold by all newsdealers.
MUNN & Co. 36tBroadway New York
Branch Office, C25 F St., Washington, D. C.
COI ltT work.
The following cases were week:
posed of by the court last
13. T. J. Blount vs. Mrs.
0. Cowan, two cases, verdicts
D. J. Hudson vs. D. N.
Aclmr. etc.; Complaint,
for defendant.
J. M. Ilamby vs. Union
ill Co.; Complaint. Nol
RE Wilson, Trustee vs E
Almand, J M Almand, D >V
mand. Non Suited.
D X Hudson, Tlios. II
M C Summers vs J P Tilley, W
Stewart and PG Rucker.
M O Hn’o vs Ga. Railroad
Banking Co. Verdict for
Criminal eases were disposed
as follows:
Qua Milsap, col.,
months in eliaingang,
Willis Powoll, assault to
der—Five years in Penitentiary.
Pleas Thomas, mist I—Not
Dick Kent, misd—Not Guilty.
Bug Morris, ruisd—Not guilty.
j Ed Sims, Larceny—‘Not
II F Farmer, misd—Not
! Bud Aycock, misd—Not
.Jas. Owens,.misd—Nine
j n olla i l!g:l ^ Hg .
, Dunk Jones, assault and
$80 and cost or six months in
chaingang. Ass and
Morgan White, ml t
Battery—$30 and costs or six tno.
Bud Aycock, misd—Not guilty, guilty,
Tom Owens, misd—Not
Allen Leverett, misd—$5.
Lou Hardin, Assault and
tery—not McCalla, guilty. shooting
Jerry at
other—Nol pros.
Jame3 Owens, misd—Nol pro.
Lou Cunningham, gaming—nol
pros. Bates, burglary—two
| Will
j Sam Oglesby, misd—nol pros.
Boh Farmer, Aassault to
der—$50 and costs or 12 months
Dock Graham, misd—$50
six months.
Lei a Reck more, Larceny
1 the house—Pay the cost or go
|gang for six months.
Advertise your business.
NO. 14
Hoars tho The Kind You Havo Always Bought
U 5 natr.r 0
Sol id Gold Crowns $5.00.
Gold Band 4 4 $5.00.
Plain White “ $3.00.
Bridge work per tooth $5.00.
Gold fillings from $1.50 to$5.00.
Amalgam filling 50c.
Plates sronr $13.00 up to $10.00.
All work guaranteed.
Office over Pest Office.
Lonnie Martin.
Mrs. Dr. Glenn is still making fine
(IrnssCB, coats and pants at prices to
suit . Room over McDonald & Hay
good,s .Vi iUiimry store.
fj U — J t S BpCS II «r_-.Tv *rva i'l K=~
Ho all kinds of D ntal work
at< moderate pii es and evtruct
; f ee: h « itlmut pain, Lv l he use
<sf GAS which is PKUFECRLY
Of rice ever J II Alruand Co’*