Newspaper Page Text
1 qq A l news items.
personal amid Otherwise, Gathered
ort to Post Our Readers and Fill Space.
0 s.U Sources
of Almon, was in
\Y S Mar but,
r r . terday
city y es returned to
Juanita Cook has
iss Oxford.
n t spent
of Atlanta,
Ire friends here.
feday with his parents
irlDowns ^-days was week.
|J last
re a
-tillsa.V s n ° ,s
^Muit “ ret ' still in the race. spent
jf»nk5| c ^” , , ^ of Atlanta,
ith US , ireI , ts h er e.
"' ‘
pd»y | ^ arrived at the
i Hide baby g» ’ j C Step!,
jpg 0 { Mr- atld M
on. large add on
jH Plunket has a Read it
fronts 6 of this paper,
, call
j pive him a
Hodge and sister, of
r Lnm» r Sunday here with
. spent
anpvitk. Mr L H Sigtnan.
family of ’
.riven away with every
lass ware sentJCSteph
.dollar cash pureba at
on’*. Get r°" r ticket once.
bicyr •le fever has started again
lie wheels have appear
I several new gtreets the past week.
upon the
fr A |p Irwin, of Winder, spent
time at the home of her father,
he here this week.
my L Peek, near
[issMinnie Turner entertained a
of friends at her home last
tty veiling in a most pleasing
nday e
badded a number of new subscri
* ' list last week anil we wish
■i to our public welcome to our
■ir Keening readers.
has occupied the time
tin-of leweatlu'rfor our several citizens days tin’s has week, been
*y Arrangements propitious.
are being made by
licii Ipic-nic the public school will Atlan- proba
at Grant’s Park in
jfltan L.MIl early day. the
Plunket lias rented
Lr Lice portion of Mr. A J Pierce.s res
am! will move into It as soon
[Mr.Pierce vacates it.
Hr. JF Wallis is erecting a resi
Le jtr for Mr. A J Pierce on his farm
the river. When completed
r, pierce will move to tin’s place.
hr. Joe S Alinand, J'ormorlv of, Ga.. is now a citizen of
kill), Id of the most pushing
progressive towns in the state.
pr.FH McCalla and family, of
Bvammh, spent some time here this
pek, Inking The Doctor contemplates
Covington his home in the
The first excursion train of the sea
jm [ngusta passed over theGa. Road Monday, from
to Atlanta last
lie train was well loaded with pas¬
I All of the county officers made
plentlid jury last showings before the Grand
week. Rockdale is fortu¬
ne in having such men to look af
pher interests. . ,
[Mr,LH hurt, Sigman, Clerk
has been complimented
r m y upon the efficient manner in
pichhe N office last discharged week. die duties
I -Miss Sarah Bell, spent several days
| I" re this Bell. week Miss with Bell her brother,
h'way stopped over
here to Murphreesboro, Tenn.,
r she enters school.
I Rev. Y\ j) Winburn, of
Mbr. James, of Pennfielil,
pe for some time this week.
p-derstanil that the latter
!l,!1 ks of locating here.
'■ er tlie excursion train
last Monday three hats
l,, : n(l .Slone- the line of railroad
,,ls city ami now the small boy
’'arching for another such
| 'Bie Stat e Convention of the
Forth Lp is in session this
•tr., ''umbiis, Ga.,
^1 <4r and Misses
and Fi,,rence Austii
pla<>e m atteuc 'agee from
“Hn’s kY w' Y * Y ehange rtl8ement in Mr * J C Ste P
on th «
^’■rawaU ephenSOn is one of
tim* e K bus 'ness and
|,p; men at
tt er ine •
fine »>« public
. bargains. ,
I W j lot belonging to
Wf;J ( ‘ es ' Vas bought
r ,i‘ ton la «t by Judn-e
r !atbe week, it i s
lr,, . ( made the purchase
Will soon
P * r D’i
Y i .
L. rb,| fiplar 50u Sht tlfteold
t at a<lln inistrator8
' rr, k.
P<•! the d w Pro^rty !lnand wasapor
’ iil es t»te. Dr.
^ w m 8
!s "h'Uthe e 8ome iuoprove-
gsttsaraans ding claims against said estate
requested to present them at once to
Luther J. Almnnd, Executor.
j The Books for receiving Tun
returns for the year 1899 are now
open and I will ho at the county
Precincts as follows:
Sheffield Apr. 20. May 11, June 8.
Lorraine Apr. 27 May 18 June 15.
Honey Greek Apr 28, May 25 June
Remainder of time at store of J J
Langford & Sons.
This April 4 1899.
G H Hull, R T R.
Mrs. B P Glenn is in attendance u.
pon the Eptvorth League convention
at Columbus, Ga., this week
Mrs. E A Albert, now about 80
years of age, came in last Vvedncs
dav and renewed her subscription to
The Weekly. Mrs. Albert lives at
Richardson, tiiis county, and is great
ly beloved by all who know her.
\ sneak thief entered Mr. D F
clotfelrer’s home last Monday night
and carried away two overcoats and
some other articles while five gen
tlemenand several ladies were sing
ing in the parlor. No clue to the
Mr. H L White’s horse became
frightened Tuesday and ran with the
buggy. The vehicle sustained con¬
siderable injury. Fortunately the
ladies who had driven the aiymal to
tov n were not in the buggy when the
horse ran.
Doctor Brooks, of Logansvillle,
will locate in Conyers. He has ren¬
ted the Eakes place on Decatur
street and will move here at once.
Dr. Brooks, so we are informed, is a
splendid physician and comes here to
practice his profession.
Your attention is directed to the
advertisement of the new warehouse.
Mr. W H Quigg is in charge of this
business and invites bis friends to
call on him. The new warehouse is
located on the corner of Livery Sta¬
ble and East Railr«>au sts. near the
old depot.
The Conyers boys nt DryTortugas
are doing very well. They enjoy
splendid health and are making moll
ey. Bnquet Posev is said to bo in
great favor with his employers and
may soon secure a 1‘nise of salary.
Their many friends here wish them
Invitations have been issued to
tbe marriage of Miss Anna Briggs
Carter to Mr. Joseph Adger Stewart,
Wednesday, April 20. at 7 o'clock at
1051 Fourth Avenue, Louisville. Ky.
Conyers is the old home of Mr. Stew¬
art and his relatives and friends here
wish him all happiness.
The bumnesof Mr. E I », McLurnej . _
close here with this week. Mr.
McBurney is a claver gentleman and
businessman undlias mane
many friendsduringhis short stay in
He has about.closed out
stocK of goods lie purdies* tl of
Almand’s Sons and the rem¬
will probably be shipped away.
Rev. Dr. Quigg was called to Stone
Mountain last Wednesday evening
he officiated at the wadding of
Mr. L F McClelland and Miss Louise
W Goldsmith, at the Baptist church
in that city. Mr. Robt Altnalul, of
our city was one of the ushers. The
contracting parties are both popular
and prominent young people and
their hosts of friends wish them
piness through life.
Mr.Toombs Almand stepped inton
restaurant in Atlanta the other day
for bis dinner. After lie had given
his order a stranger sat down at
same table with him, received and
finished eating his meal in ad
of Mr. Almand. The stranger
ed out without paying the price
his food and the proprietor collected
the amount from Mr. Almand on
ground that the stranger was
friend, Friend Toombs hasn’t
covered yet.
This is to give due notice to all
ties that my lands near OaK
are posted and I forbid any and
tresspassing thereon.
This April 15, 1899.
W V Almand.
All parties are rvamed
hunting, fishing or otherwise
s m?Aprn'i5.i8w.
J MHulT.
T W Huff. ;
J H Huff
The death of Mrs. Bently, of
®*ty> occurred lasr.
night after a prolonged and painful
lllnPSS - Mrs. Bently was an aged la
dy whose life was one of much use
fulness and Christian endeavor.
Her aped husband and several chil
dren and grand children survive her.
The funeral occurred attlieMeth
odist church last Monday morning
after which rlie remains were laid to
rest in Eastveiw cemetery.
We extend sympathy to the bereav
Rockdale County.
To whom it may concern:—John II
Almand having in due form applied
for permanent letters of administra¬
tion on the estate of Joseph A Stew¬
art, late or said county deceased, and
I will pass upon the same on the first
Monday in May, 1899 Given under
inv hand and official signature.
This April 6 1899. M Helms, Old.
♦ -4- *■- ♦
Sheriff Sale.
Will be sold before the court house
d«»or in city of Conyers, within i lie
legal hours of sale on the first Tues¬
day in May, 1899, to the highest bid¬
der for easii the following described
property to wit:
All that tract or parcel of land ly¬
ing in the 16th Rockdale district of origidally being
Henry, land now lot county,
part of No. 271, being a cer¬
tain house and lot in the Hty of Con¬
yers bounded containing follows: two acres, Beginning more or
less, as
ar, a rock corner with A. J. Pierce, on
original land line, Pierce’s then running line west rock
along with said to a
thence south with J-tedwiue, formerly East
Collins, line to a rock, thence
with W M Hull’s line to a rock, tin nee
North with the original line to the
beginning corner. Levied on as tbe
property of Alice Leveritt by vjrtue
of a fifa issued from the Justice court
of 470 tli dist. G M said county, in fa¬
vor of Leveritt. The .1 II Alnnuul. Co. against
Tenant in possession notified. This
April 7,1899. W. M. Austin, Sheriff.
►- •
Petition For Charter.
BTATEOF GA., RoOkdaub Co.
To the Superior Court of said County.
The petition of Louis Wellhouse of
Fulton county, Georgia, and Joe
Kahn of NC, Willington atul Jesse New M Almanii, Hanover
county, Rockdale,
the county of says to
court as follows:
Petitioners desire for themselves,
their agents and assigns, to be
porated with the for priviledge the period of renewal of 20 at
expiration of said Wellhouse, period under
corporate name of
2 .
The object and purpose of said
poration is, pecuniary gain and
To The Farmers Of* Rockdale
i •
and repairs will be found at
Conyers, Georgia.
Highest quality at lowest prices.
Suggests Sprin 0 O’
JjJy stOCk abOUndS aUy " and
you may need in the
GOODS LINE and my prices
based upon the quality or
j of the goods you buy with all
discounts obtainable.
This should appeal to ycur judge¬
ment. For duality, Style and Price
0 R 0 Psygss=
Your grocer is the man to help you
economize. Get other folks’ prices
then come to me and I will sell you.
N. T. Street.
• -4'
For Infants and Children.
Tbs f«- —* It t»
llgsawro cl 4 ««w».
t<> its stockholders.
The capital stock of said corpora¬
tion is to be $25,000 divided into 250
of the par value of *100 per
with capital the privilege of increas¬ time by
ing said stocK at any
majority vote of the stockholders
any sum not exceeding $100,000
the right ami privilege of pav
inginany machinery,merchandise, andall of said captal stockin real
money, things of value.
or other
The principal office of said corpor¬
ation will be in Conyers, Rockdale
c unty, Ga., but estalisliing petitioners offices desire
the privilege of
and agents, warehouses and facto¬
ries, at any other place or places
within and without the limits of the
said of state Georgia.
The business of said corporation
shall be the manufacture of wooden
ware, cotton, woolen and paper goods
of all kind, including rhe manufac¬
ture of boxes of every character and
description, to nleaeh, dye, print and
finish all goods of which cotton, jute,
ramie and other fibrous material
forms a part, to purchase any <>f such
goods and to sell the same to such
mills, buildings or other works, or in¬
dividuals or firms, as may he neces¬
sary for the use, benefit and advan¬
tage of said corporation; to lease
property or the purpose of carrying
on said business, with the vignt to
purchase, hold, use and possess any
property, real or personal, for the use
benefit and advantage oisaid corpor¬
ation ; to subscribe for, hold and sell
shares of stock in any other corpora¬
tion. to raise money, issue bonds, give
edness, notes and other evidences of indebt¬
and to secure the same by
deed, mortgage or use such other le¬
gal methods iis they may desire, to
enter Into contracts of all kinds and
to d > all and singular orexpedient such acts In the ns
may be necessary
managementand conduct of the busi¬
ness of said corporation. desire all the
Petitioners power us¬
ual and expedient to corporations of
like nature, to officers have the and right appoint te elect
directors and a
gents and adopt such bylaws, rules
and regulations as proper, to
have and use a common seal, to sue
and be sued, and for sucli other
rights not inconsistent with the laws
of said state as »lie stockholders may
deem proper and expedient in con
ducting the affairs <>f said corpora¬
tion, and in carrying out the objects
Wherefore your petitioners forever
pray. J E McClelland,
Petitioners Attorney.
mgc bought and sold, fcllccticr.s made on all parts of
ry. Accommodations extended consistent with sound
’drafts will not bo honored m snider any
Office hours from 8 a. m. till 4 i\ m ii’l further n< tire.
Sin! nil.
Having sold our stock of merchan¬
dise to Mr* fi. P. McBurney we bespeak
for him the continuance of the trade
so liberally bestowed upon us in the
We will devote
the next few months
to collections and
those indebted tons
are r e q uested to
come and make set
tlementat once.
Our office will be the same as here tofore.
Tkanking the public for past patronage, we
Very truly,
D. M. Almand’s Sons.
Hardware; Buggies, Wagons, Har¬
ness, Farming tools Etc. is at the
^Vlnimul Hardware Co’ts. Store.
We have the best assort merit of shelf hardwire, cuttery, pistols,
mechanics tools etc. in the market.
V ^ Wo linve any part of Itiiriiesty
lliaf is needed, silwo, wadelry, blank*
etH, wltipwq etc.
We have a bigger stock of buggies and wagons than ever be
foie and the prices are right.
We envite the people to call and examine
our stock and get our prices* We can save you
money on every purchase.
I have removed my store from the Post Office to the store
room next door to The Blue Front.
I have a large stock of the latest styles of Millinery goods
and am better prepared to serve my customers than ever before.
Miss Lola Young, of Atlanta, will trim for me this season.
She is an expert trimmer and well known here.
All are invited to give me a
Miss Emma Riley.