Newspaper Page Text
CilVGIl ‘ Jury Pres
Aikii/I'kum, 1808.
We, the i r Urr
{ij.d sworn to ; ive fit !iio April
term Rockdale Superior Court,
Iti-j leave to make (he
injy j.ri - • n< uv'til - '■
\\ mve exr mined the
} ,. h j^ t f 1 1m county in
l.dv Hid hud O'arm in
1 tj cortutK'.n and com for?
Vv 1 < c GY'f.IlL $,p<.I
11 ”5,:.";;;,;;!
11 WT alsoYmnnimJ that
i,i!orb.= allowed 40 cents
fay for feedingprisouefs instead
,1 lifts cents as heretofore al
, .
perfL’t^thody VV, 1 VP visited the Pill
tie repairing is needed on two
of (hem. \Ve find four inmates:
two white females, one colored
i(t£1 jq ,,, ,] onc colored female,
AVi' fled “ jjsf. ci/.s' per capital and
^ r P l,nm^7 (• month.' inmrr ifie
'V 0 ner
. v ronimi-ml th it the Or
(final} pa} iJl ‘ A A * ir • Veal ^15 5
for service iciidcu-d Lol. A. C.
Ferry in bis sudden and
, nude.d illness at her house for
over nine weeks.
t" m»na
WJ, He find (he H-e m.bUr 1 ■ • roads ‘ in
P8 good COlluillon as the weath
cr would permit.
Wo recommend that tiro Road ^
Commissioners have them look
( (j after as soon as the weather
. ,|,| ■\v; p5
ri n T
|*1 »! #i00, Ihe V ‘ 1 J ,
j cfk road, arid ti.e hi ,uai ^
(ho old Jones place OU runic
load, bo ac.vulamized for about
one bundled yards each Also
the road crosmnK {|,e bdt om
!lt , bridge on llat Wioal road be
pTmooflbecOU f,, ; ; ny. ’ Al \ o IL the
, !*' 1 '. " in G 1(1 na(, isont
thoa S nCi’.! i hs. ILuditl s in a,
cad ami zed lot about loQ yau.S.
fit (he expense of tlio county.
W’O also recrnomeild that the
bridge across gully on tho paper
mill road near the liver be re
paired and some blasting done
and the road widened at Use
Fust end of the paper mill
In idge.
tVe find tho Dockets of the
Just ices’ of the Peace and Nota¬
ry Publics moderately well Kent,
vi:h proper entries, with the
exception of a few instances.
you cam
1 tease nen
Did you ever try to dodge the
rain-drops ? Did not succeed
very well, did you? It’s just
as useless to try to escape from
the germs of consumption. You
can’t do it. They are about us
on every hand and we are con¬
stantly taking them into our
Then why don’t we all have
this disease ? Simply because
these germs cannot gain a foot¬
hold in a strong throat and
lungs. It’s when these are
weak that the germs master.
The body must be well supplied
with fat. The danger comes
when the blood is poor and the
body is thin. If your cough does
not yield, and your throat and
lungs feel raw and sore, you
should not delay another day.
of Cod-Liver Oil with Hypcphos
phites at once. It will heal the
Inflamed membranes and greatly
strengthen them as well. The
digestion becomes stronger, the
appetite better and the weight
increases. The whole body be¬
comes well fortified and the
germs of consumption cannot
gain a foothold. •
It’s this nourishing, sustain
ing and strengthening power
has made it of such value in
all wasting and exhausting
*Rd fi.oo, *Tt dniggists.
$CQTT & BOWNE, Chtirutn, Ktw York.'
t y officers and find them prop
'nlvkffit, ! We find that the
rm inl, >3*464 . indebtedness smouuts
; ,w :°1 including interest to
jan 1900, bond and of a cash .11,178 h£ oii,
anee on
"Tick is proportioned as lol
. General fund $294,77.
$552 11.
1 ’ 11111 ^ i .*_) 111.
1 he condition of the county
forces us lo rc oromend U*
jm* * <*»***«*»* <««
°r« General Purposes 50 *»•
on llte *100.
lor Jury Purposes 10 cts on
For Pauper funds G cts on
the $100. Making a total of
We —end Ore appoint
went of W W Swann, Notaiy
* unite of Money Greek distiict,
^ Ij( ^ Wm. M Juchardson tor o
* ar Y Public of Lorraine district.
AVe find that nine-tenths of the
dime is due to the illegal trafio
m liquor.
M e find that about 1G pel
cent of the County and State
f unt ]o Tft absorbed in the wav oi
and incidental . . _. . expences * be
fore it reaches the teachers
\\ e therefore lecorntnenc fnat
Ibe Board of Education through
our iv e pre8entative seek a raoit
economical dl- tribution of these
gacl . C( j auc | charitable funds.
^r e Jiave examined the pen
; j| iC county and find
(g iem correc tso far* as we are
„ tn
r ^ , ^S , _
rendered (he county foi
w inch DO foes are provulpd.
wo recommend that
ppcrgentmenls bo published in
The Conyers weekly and that
|5 be paid foi . samo .
In taking leave of His Honor
J ud , e Jno S. Candler we re
Cipi-ocate courtesies and at tin
same(inlereturnoul . tliauksto
ou ,. Solicilov-Greneial for his at
tentivoiieSS and assistance to US
jjj Jj )e discharge of duties.
wtu L Peek Foreman ' ’
J ' J| '• walks * 1’ Sec’tv V.u'V
T It , 18 ordered that the » fore- f
HOInggeneral tho (xiand Jury presentments be published by
and paid for as VCCOlllmended
By’ die court April 7tll, ’99.
Jno. S. Candler, J.S. C ,St. Ct
\V, T. Ivimsey, Sol. Gen,
Grand and Traverse Ju¬
Drawn for October term of
Rockdale Superior Court,
Thos. J Day, Robt. B Can
non, Thos. II Bryans, Jas.
I’illey, Jno. A King, Wesley A
Browning, ley, lCmisey BenjamineD What¬
M Warren, .Geo. M
Bryan , Thos, T Thrasher, Ohas.
G Turner, Hugh L White, Jno.
J McClelland, J J Mann, Ar¬
thur Whitaker, John T Ray.
John R O’neal Zacbaria Tayloi
Altuand, Jno. O
Jno- O Browning. Jas. F Cost
! ey, Geo. M Kennelt., E F Ooo'
Wm. J Eakes, Jas. Y Hill
Robt. II Cannon, B F Ceok
Wm. B Reagan, sr., Jas' I)
ltay,J Ben Norton.
Egbert A Smith, Alien D
Summers. Geo. W Dennard,
Joseph A Jenkins, Lenore Parr,
fosiah Brooks, Patrick H Lang
ford, Roland L Huff, Jas. K P
Lester, si , Benj tmine C Penn.
Wm. S Powell, Charlie W Row
d), Jas. S Francis, Samuel 1
\lmand, Newton A Farmer
Wm. R Owens, jr., Wm. T
hill, Donaldson F Jones, Mar¬
shall W Granada, jr., Joseph A, Marshall Vv Grenade, sr
Jefferson I) Dennard, Wm 1
Jackson, Jas. L McCalla, Rich
>rd A llalev, Wm F Stowers
Burner J Miikr, Joseph S Gran
»de. Jas. D Ford . John B Ilatn
moc ]f
^ ^TO ^ I
For Infants and Children.
CO <TJ Ore?
Bears the
Signature of
Advertise your business.
Ordinary’s rtcpoi't
From April .* 1898, to A„ri]
1st. 1890, ehcwmfe claims audited
Justice’s eoorll.ov, so, tn
Honey Creek Mm* if
" 8
_o ( ,;■ i,(j iiij-intenanee
( ,f pensioners and burial of
paupers public roads 148.7?
On account court’house
Insurance of 121.98
Rooks and stationery
Elections, Registrations, o A
^ to to
, vil „ e8S0S cc IO
ti* o
Puhlie advertising o: CO vl--1
Public l>my * C3 to
Ordtt,ary, for comity work, ,
for year 1897
Stenograper, Sup. Court
AUon.ey's fees
C]erk s> c County work
j) ania g es paid
j U r 0 rs. lunacy and in
quest in cases Sup,
Jurors court, Apr.
and Oct. Terms, ’98
Bailiffs, Sup. courts, ’98
Repairs etc., courthouse
Total ain’t claims . aud’t
A. M. Helms, Old.
^ jfB MmbCSsB fii m 4UA n
- -----— =
ggm fa§*>**<&
, = = ===
Anyone who sends one dollar
for a year’s subscription to the
Atlanta 8emi-Weekl, Journal
can get postpaid one pound of the
celebrated African Lrmbless Cot
ton Seed without charge.
A p° tmd of these seed W,H
P lant one * fiftl1 a ” acre » and
proper attention should
yield enough to plant a crop.
The seed were tested in a list
of thirty varieties by the Georgia
Expcriment station and abut
letin recently issued by Director
Redding-shows that the African
Xjmbless Cotton produced 70
pounds more per acre than any
other variety, and 161 pound*
morc P er acre than the average
of thirty leading* varieties.
The African Limbless Cotton
produced 780 pounds of lint per
acre, which is nearly four times
the average on the farms of the
South. This shows what high °
fertilization and thorough cult
ure will do with these excellent
Seed. The value of the product,
counting cotton at a cents and
seed at 13 cents a bushel, was
over $-15 per acre. The cost of
fertilizers used was $4.77 per acre,
The Journal does not guarantee
results, but the result of the test
at the Experiment Station makes
it worth a farmer’s while to test
these seed when he can get them
for nothing.
The Journal bri„ c , you the
Nfiws OF THE World Twice a
WK«K, with hand, eds of articles
oi special interest about the farm,
the household, juvenile topics,
„ , , 4 , to '' k
011 c 0,1 ,va : a wce
ot ?* le news, but get it twice as
° t0,1 as 1,0 111 M ,e weeklies,
whlch char §T the same P rice ’
Agents anted Everywhere.
Send for a sample copy.
Atlinta, (la.
1 I i
m ilCOI is ass mi
1 C/VW«. .
My under;akh g establith
rnent is well fitted up and
my stock of undertaking
! ^ 00(ls Attention is com P J ete.
prompt aud ca
: i pable.
Hearses free of
: Charge.
i W. V. Alnuuul,
l Undertaker dk Embalmer.
Commission; r O. II. SU'VPii*
Otii So j.s Tlmt Tillers Should
T<tk“ to Thwart Trickcry.
Question.—H ow are the farmers pro¬
tected from spurious guanos and wnat
steps can le taken to have om
analyzed aud procure information cou
cerniag these goods before we have to
pay for same?
Answer. —This department was es¬
tablished to protect the interest of the
farmers, and to give information on all
subjects pertaining to the agricultural
interests. Under the present laws which
govern the sale of commercial fertili¬
zers few, if any, manufacturers or man¬
ipulators would attempt to sell spurious
articles to the farmers of this state.
The environments placed upon the sale
of fertilizers are adequate and of such
character that render it almost an
impossibility to pass off shoddy goods
upon tlie purchaser. It is true that
agents iu their desire to sell often rep
resent their goods to run higher than
their guarantee, but the farmers are
much to blame for their gullibility in
taking for granted that the goods are
what they are represented by over zeal
onsagents. When farmers pay no at
teutiou to the guarantees that are
printed on the sacks of every brand, it
, g thoh . fanlt> if they are deceived as t0
its value. The law requires that each
sack shall have the brand printed npon
if. also giving the analysis and the guar.
an tee of each ingredient that goes to
make up the total amount of plant food,
Of course strict attention should be
given to the minimum guarantee and
not the maximum, as the manufactur
ers try to give enough of - each ingredi.
ent to go above the minimum guaran
« n, 0 „m r m, to which „
should pay attention. After the goods
are purchased, then the law comes to ihe
rescue of both the purchaser and seller
The law requires the manufacturer U,
registef the name of the goods, tne
ut | ule of the manufacturer, the place
where manufactured and the guarantee
de trnent before th sell or offer foi
S ale any of their brands. After ,ho
brands are registered, the law requires
the manufacturers to give the commis
agriculture notices each day
0 f every sack of goods sold or consigned
to parties in this state, also to give the
names of the parties to whom sold, ami
where raid goods are to be delivered, so
that every sack comes directly under
the eye of the commissioner, and he
can send inspectors to find the diffei'cat
brands iu all portions of the state.
samples are taken by. the inspectors and
are sealed by them and sent to the com¬
missioner. They are then numbered
aud recorded in this otliee aud sent to
the chemist. The state chemist ana¬
lyzes these goods, and they are returned
to the commissioner by number. These
reports are then recorded, and go to
make up the bulletin which is sent to
every one from whom a sample was
taken and to all who ask for them. Be
sides this plan of procuring samples, 1
have issued a circular letter through
the newspapers of Georgia stating, that
if any person desired a special analysis
of his guano, that if he would send me
a request, I would send an inspector to
get a sample of iho goods and make an
analysis of it. ihe law requires that
* be commissioner sends in a sample
to the state chemist, it must be taken
* ewn inspector, andool, from an.
broken sacks or packages. As soon as
chemist can analyze these goods,
^“° ““ ^
f«.Ar TT r c»'aLJ”(L . 0 n as.rp e7S
. 1
be taken of the goods he purchases at
the time of the delivery for the party
from whom he buys his guanos. This
sample shall betaken by both the seller
and buyer, delivered to the ordinary,
an d he will seal it in their presence and
make a record of same. If for any reason
tbs purchaser believes that his crop is
not benefited bv the use of said fertilizer,
he can have the ordinary to send the sam
pj e t p the state chemist for analysis, aud
if the S° ods do uot come B P t0 tbe
guarantee, the purchaser need not pay
for them. Thus you see the many pre
cautions thrown around the sale of this
article of commerce.
(1.) Register the name of the manu¬
facturer, where manufactured, name of
brand and the amount of plant food said
brand contains.
(2.) Purchase tags for same, and place
them on the sacks.
(3.) Notify the commissioner of agri¬
culture of every sale or consignment.
Give name aud address of each
chaser or consignee.
All of this information is required to
be given, and is filed and recorded, j
Should they fail to do this, the seller
only subjects himself to noncollec
tion for the goods, but also to prosecu¬
tion for misdemeanor.
I propose as commissioner to give op
portnnity to the farmers to protect j ;
themselves from the dishonest dealer,
as well as to protect the interests of the ‘
honest manufacturer who complies with
the law.—State Agricultural Depart
Current Lit eratu
_ Information
everything of the century. worth Ove/fort^de^a^V^ knowing. Each ! S emb LcU
ing cyclopedia and instructive. of the times. Safe, wholes^ m, ent is ai U :
Sample sent for 25 cents at 1 n§Ws sta^ mai
ten cents.
EBTi,1T ■WLD r„ «■.
BO. 5
When you want> good, 'safe turnout one that
drive with y
One that looks well and goes well, call on
Good, drivers furnished if d esi
Terms very reosonable.
New and Stylish Milliner
Every thing late as the Sea¬
Selected with Experienced Care and bought with Eo
cal judgement.
Jlnfh TSW 11 gOOUfe STiAfl ^ &m(] diIlUliiy 11177 tflj )}(],
V/ili jjlYv ^)G3^l0Cv bd tiSidCCaUll.
Don t buy until sto< and get piices, ,
you see my a my
Ill llll!
Ail kinds of Lumber, and all Shinglj buildij
Laths, Brick, Lime,
materials. I
Our prices are right and inateri
3,1 , W t ?i,y b ES maVOSOntpil A GSI 686111734.
WS SOllCIC tll6 patTOnagO ^ 0l Jf I
public. See us before placing yo
ilCELVANEY ,,.^ Tr -,.r & 0 nnoniuv Dt\OL)iN. iX
We represent some of the
best Fire Insurance Companies
in existence and ask the public
g e Berauy to see US before plac
t .g their risks.
Office ia Banner office under
All work guaranty, ff to please
Office Up stairs Over J. H. A*
land G’^’s. store.
. . , • f * . GJ
:t i»F! Pecommenltd by Leading -
S Dressmakers. £ # "
^ I hey Always Please <a
HWTERife ^ 55 A2AK'
5 i fT The.! •''f «•« ?»;|
- <--v :i 7 v.e*
i THEMcCnt U5W ink COMPAQ Sheet-^ j|
: r So Fifth A vs
g los*______ Market Irt.
g S Drlghteit BeiJ’
i -' - rrffT J»
a S