Newspaper Page Text
hCAL news items.
"^J’SOPS^'' n SYinivUs , Ain 'U't.jlSil W8Se GaitMered j
t-rces f0 p 0S t Gur Readers am.d Fill Space.
i Soi-
has a new ad
l effiain snille, is spend
LinCoryers. -- L
and buy. W
iu j \ Goode’s
show up
ei-i-f. Helms
jpCalln and AM
Enough Superior court
bp Mrs. Fan
,-;sited in DeKalb
fjefis io Coayors are look
key v'ungry are \ vomlerfully re
• man
r ttoriviiii. of Augusta,
tsUort time this week. His
|cy, the street boss, has
r Y-iidld improvements
Ltl. - past week.
ton Moon is now handling
A D Summers.
L(Vulyoung man.
i gtiiisy secured a posi
jrjij-yford & Sons. He
|| ea1l i in any store.
Irif-viiants of Conyers are
Bf now and those who
ji-versto trade are wise in
lisli K Smith’s friends are
anxious to hear from
Liiable to get lost in Tex
U,;; about time for our
b initiate their soda foun
t'M town is warming up
|e r-f Conyers are doing ?.s
of any other coin
‘pv-s. but we all ought to
W! panic of the season
was played by the school
a team outside of the
tp j.; ;
, tead to print commit
loir, -rnr cel:\■ tv corrcspon
b;:)« ;; -rorv week. Let us
pou, boys.
ibs Almand hasn’t visited
since be was required to
stranger's dinner. Eh,
been unusually busy
(lie past week. Every
a special benediction to
|Guinn Isas been in atren
!! ilie State med Asso
has bee n in session at
He reached homo
pieji'o h<?ie inan was pulled out
the other night and
• L happened that Mr.
ppot fkil in agent. knew the boy
securing his release
I 1 '” ^ !e "ill walk hereafter
idristflmrsday Presbytery convened
nia-iit 7-itv week wA
Motfelter, ft,• of ’ our 01 ‘ C1 ‘5 " as
F’. -i 145,8 • ^ sbytery
re and
prigid piled examination. He
.Mo-tin— at Salem * JIC 1 1,1 •
r a ty
of -i, 1 ^ prominent
ii j
h r, °!’? a Mzed AH them
H a ‘ of them
■•Am?,A ibye-ford a l nd , ? r tho tender. Will
KoU'i, a Y 8‘- ally en terrain
v,pt ci They will
BeUhefr r t Ction }n
r tile ina
l lns,r "
r°Tai)ization. expects
t,^! y a ag 0M Uscra streets P” of the sea-'
.. last Thurs
* i seri °u« results
.' !s roped bv all that
Nfrom mis tiro e
Pi and on may
f b serene, strife of
be deplored and
I ^Seren we
Hit 8 Ula y be harm
iil "'ark K together
( “nouiife th e critical
cr aAlni a
! to * After
re coy f <r two
b - ft suif er(;(1
: a re
. ->t
re. The
“i-'unitj- is
£ ? iady
it uT and the
5e "ish of ail
Ueovi r entirely.
i preaching
clean up
Messrs Chas McDonald of Lithon
la ».nd Robt. McDonald, of Atlanta.
spent Sunday with parents here.
Rev. Dr. Quigg attended the At¬
lanta Presbytery at Decatur last
Organdies that challenge the veri
egated beauty of the rainbow at W L
All kinds of wash goods for all
kinds of purpose at Yv L Adair’s.
Don’t spend vour money for dress
goods without first seeing our mam¬
moth stock. YV L Adair.
Mr. L K Bishop will have some ad
ditions made to his residence or Me
Douougli streer, and other improve¬
ments will be made.
It is usually a tilt for points be¬
tween Dr Melton and Maj. Almand
but the Dr. gets it on the Maj. when
it comes to farming. He insists that
the Maj can’t grow even plain cow
Those who have seen our umbrel¬
las are anxious for warm weather
that they may wear one. YV L
Dr. Lee has just received a large
assortment of choice fruits and fla¬
vors for his Soda fountain. All who
enjoy a pure cold delicious soda wa¬
ter drink should patronize the doc¬
tors fountain.
Convers is out now furnishing her
quorta of fishermen. Some of these
anglers come in bringing nice catch¬
es with them while others return
home looking hungry and disappoint
A negro house, near tne high school
building, belonging to Mr. L. F. Scott,
and occupied ny Angie Gamble, was
destroyed by fire last Sunday morn
about 1 o’clock. The house and
contents were a total loss.
Dr. Brooke and his .aother are now
residents of Conyers and occups the
Hakes residence on Decatur street.
In belialf of the people of the town
The Weekly extends n liearty wel*
come to these worthy people.
John RencUey, the DeKalb county
convict who confessed to the murder
of Policeman Ponder, was tried in
A{Jftnjn til!s wefik . Jle was foulul
5 , t wUh n>conrnif , m mtion. Ho
iveu Ufe ScaleUCe ,
Congressman Livingston, who has
been in Washington for some time
past, yc-sterday telegraphed his son,
Mr. Robt. Livingston, to join him in
Washington at once and accompany
him to Canada. Mr. Livingston will
be with his father as soon as practi¬
The people generally are pleased
wi: 1 1 the intelligence that the farm¬
ers are planting an unusually large
corn crop. There is also a splendid
prospect for wheat. With such farm
ing must come prosperity'.
Prof. Ford, of Redan, is here to-day T
for a short time.
Judge.Gleaton spent some time in
Atlanta this week.
It has been arranged bv the school
authorities ..utnorities for loi the the teachers teachers of of Rod Rock
dale and DeKalb counties to bold a
joint Institute at Lithoniasome time
in June. This is a good h aerangc- "»'•
raent< „ .
w 1 uend .. , Jno T Y\ McClung, , r of . Oak „ ,
Grove, was here shis morning and in
fonnecl us that another “run” would
lie made in his neighborhood soon.
Business in Conyers is looking up
especially in Dry Qoods line. There
are some splendid stocks in Conyers
and the prices are right.
ati abundance of foliage has ap¬
peared in the woods the past week.
The spring poet is expected to appear
1!ex p
Let the paint brush be freely used
on some of our bouses. It wouid
make a great improvement
Death of two Little Ones,
The little babvof Mr. and Mrs. Joe
G Maddox died of Diptheria Friday
of iast week. The remains were in
ten-d in Eastview cemetery on Sat¬
urday thereafter.
Since writing the above we are in¬
formed tiiat the little daughter of Mr
and Mrs Maddox, who has been suf¬
fering with diptheria for the past fev
days has died. This is two deaths
from this dreadful disease within a
week in the same family. There are.
two other children at this home and
'here is some fear that they too may
be attacked. This is a sad calamity
t0 l-* 1 ' parents ani they have the
deepest sympatuy of tiie people.
This is to give due notice to all con
corned that from May 1st 1899 The
CoxyebsWeeki.y will bethe ofTlcial
or ga.ii of Rockdale county and all
legal advertising of the county will
appear in its eohims exclusively.
A M Helms, Ordinary.
W II M Austin, Sheriff.
i4fi««CS13W.JSai to iier home Social
at Circle.
Miss Ethel Johnson, of McDonough
is the guest of Miss Carrie Dukes.
Mr. .Tas. A Dukes visited relatives
i'i McDonough this ween.
We have all shades of best percales
for any and all comers. W L Adair.
Eliza Smith, col., was carried from
this place to the asylum by Mr. O S
Hnygood last Wednesday. She was
adjudged insane some time ago.
, ouv, ffiffiji'T iMsn Hooks, 0 '* and tatheptac. Lines, J’ase .0
Balls, Rubber Balls, Marbles, Tops,
Chess men, ’ Checker men. ’ Checker- ^ 111
. hoards , etc.
The t
Third Ga. Regiment, which
has been in camp in Augusta since
returmngfrom eii Cuba, will be muster
oitt to-day. As we go to press the
train bearing the Atlanta con.panies
is expected to pass through here at
any time.
I have for rent a good farm
near Conyers, Ga. See me at
J. P Tilley.
C. W. McCalla,
wm Conyers, Ga,
Extract teeth without pain. Lo
gan Richmond and Gold Crowns,
Bridge Work in best style and
Office over J H Almand’s store.
GEORGIA Rockdale County.
To whom it may concern:—John II
Almand having in due of form administra¬ applied
for permanent letters
tion on the estate of Joseph A Stew¬
art, late or said county deceased, and
I will pass upon the same on the first
Monday in Mi\y, 1899 Given under
my hand and official signature.
This April 61899.
A M Helms, Old.
Sheriff Sale.
Will be sold before tlye court house
door in city of Conyers, within Hie
legal hours of sale on the first Tucs
day in May, 1809, to the highest bid
der for cash wit: the following described
property All that to parcel of land ly
tract or
ingin the 16th district of origidally
JKenry, now Rockdale No. 271, county, being
part of land lot Doing a eer
(inn house and lot in the city of Con
yers containing follows: two acres, Beginning more or
•less, bounded as
ft r. a rock corner with A. J. Pierce, on
original land line, then running west rock
along with said Pierce’s line to a
thence south with Redwine, formerly
Collins, line to a rock, thence East
with WM Huff's line to a rock, thence
North with the original line to the
beginning corner. Levied on as the
property of Alike Leveritt by virtue
of a fifa issued from the Justice court
of 4?6 fh ( , Jgt G M sai(] C0U nty, in fa
vor of The J H Almand Co.
Alice Leveritt.
Tenant in possession notified. This
Anril P 7 1 1809.
W. H. M. Austin, Sheriff.
_ . <afc , .
Petition For Charter.
staTF siAitjUi OF GA oa., aouKjiALs Rockdale Co ..
To the Superior Court of said County.
The petition of Louis Wellhouse
Fuiton county, Georgia, and Joe
Kahn of Willington Jesse New Almand, Hanover
county, N C, and M of
thecountyof Rockdale, says to the
court as follows:
Petitioners desire for themselves,
their agents and assigns, to be incor
porated for the period of 20 years
with the priviledge of renewal at the
expiration of said Wellllouse period under P the
° f ’ «P er
2 .
The object and purpose of said cor
pwation stockholders. i»< lary gain and pro
fit to its
The capital stock of said corpora
To TTlie Farmers < >1* Rockdale C Jo.
and repairs will be found at
Conyers, Georgia.
Highest quality at lowest pr ices.
White and colored piques for
sk i ids an d suits at AY L A t: a ii’s.
Miss Minnie Clotfeltor, is on a vis¬
it to relatives at Decatur.
Ladies Oxford tics that tit and
please at YY L Adair’s.
Maj. E II Almand spent Thnrdsay
in Atlanta.
Mrs. II Y McCord spent- Thursday
in Atlanta.
Your attention is directed to
advertisement or J J Lam-ford &
Sons business in this paper.
...... " ith every ftvr „ dollars , ,, cash spent
"ith Mr. N TStreet, you get valua
bis glass ware free, (.live him a call
lU oi "
The remainder of the D M Alnianu
Sons stock of goods is being packed
up preparatory to being shipped to
Atlanta. The store will be cleared
ot a, ‘ - 00(is m ' xt '■ vcck -
a party of Convers gentlemen arc
in the near future. A great time is
to be expected.
mi The Conyers /- boys i “ at . Drv ‘ m Tor hums
indicate . ,, . degree , of ,. homesickness ,
a m
their letters but since they are doing
so well they an- determined to ro
nmin where'they are for the present.
Wise boys. tin y.
All persons indebted to the estate
of Mrs. Martlia Balter, late of Rock¬
dale county, are requested to make
immediate settlement. Also all hol¬
ding claims against said estate arc
requested to present them at once to
Luther J. Almand, Executor.
- The Books for* receiving Tax
returns for the year 1809 are now
open and I will bo at the county
Precincts as follows:
Sheffield Apr. 20. May 11. June 8.
Lorraine Apr. 27'May 18 June 15.
Honey Creek Apr 28, May 25 June
Remainder of time at store‘of J J
Langford & Sons.
This April G 4 1899.
Ii Hull, R T It.
nna pqv
a Jimny rhovsmd rjv-ra
(*»lk»d hoDrb'ss. in ten
lay? at len«t fr^vo-thirfN '»i nil ^ymptoniB rniiov
ed. TVstimoiiinN TETI DAYSMvatuu-nt t rey.
DR. H. JK. GUILD'S S2JS, Box X, Atlanta, G;i
tion.isto bo .$23,000 divided into 250
shares of the par value of $100 pel
share with capital lire privilege of increas¬ time by
ing said stocK at any
a majority vote of the stockholders
to any sum not exceeding $100,000
with the right and privilege of stockin pay
inginany and all of said captal
money, machinery,merchandise, tilings value. real
property or other of
The principal office of said corpor¬
ation will be in Conyers, Rockdale
c unty, Ga,, but estaiishing petitioners offices desire
tho privilege of
and agents, warehouses and facto¬
ries, at any other place or places
within and without the* limits of Un¬
said of state Georgia.
The business of said corporation
shall be the iimnufactiire of wooden
ware, cotton, woolen and paper manufac- goods
of all kind, including ilie
Hire of boxes of every character and
description, to nb-acl), dye, printmid
finish all goods of which cotton, jute,
ramie and other fibrous material
forms a part, to purchase any of such
goods and to sell the same to such
mills, buildings or other works, of in
divlduals or firms, .as may be neces
sary for the use, benefit and ad van
tage of said corporation; of carrying to lease
property or the purpose
I on said business, with the rignt to
’purchase, real hold, use personal, and possess for the any
property, heuefir aod advantage or orsaidcorpor- use
at,ion; to subscribe f->r, hold and sell
j shares of stock m any other bonds, corpora
j tion, to raise money, issue give
notes and other evidences of indebt
ednesp. and to secure the same le¬ by
deed, mortgage or use such other
gai methods as they may desire, to
enter into contracts of all kinds and
to d >all and singular expedient such ac-.s in the as
may be necessary or
management and conduct of the bnsi
of s-».id
Petjtioiiers dc-sire all the- power us
ual a , u ( expedient to corporations of
like nature, to have the right to elect
directors and officers and appoint a
gents and adept such iiylaws, rules
and regulations as may be propel - , to
have and use a common seal,-to sue
and be sued, ami for such other
rights not inconsistent with the laws
of said state as ihe stockholders may
deem proper affairs am! expedient said in con¬
ducting the of corpora¬
tion, aiid iiijjjcarryiog out tiic objects
Wherefore your petitioners forever
pray. J E McClelland.
Petitioners Attorney.
I certify that the foregoing is a
correct copy o-f application fiieu in
my charter* office by Louis Wellhouse et al,
for this April 1st, 1899.
L. Il.Sigman, C. S. C.
Exchange bought and sold. Cc ilectiens made on all parts of- the
country! Accommodations extended consistent with sound
Overdrafts will mot b@ f ignored uftdsr any circum¬
Office hours from 8 a. m. till 4 i\ m til! further ne tiro. •
GSnca U/aJ ia»ai IT
i—j.-T'-jr.-/-.m wmm mhmmmv Ji torawmj y #WICEL*.«IKiMtU mm .•wtf - VMM
Having sold our stock of merchan
dise to Mr* E. P. McBurney we bespeak
for him the continuance of the trade
so liberally bestowed upon us in the
We will devote
the next fewmontlis
to collections a n d
i hose indebted to
ere r e c pat to* X ■<
come and make set¬
tlement at once. '
Our office wi 11 bo the same as here tofore.
Tkanking tire public formatt patronage, \vo
Very truly,
D. M. Almand’s Sons.
am m + t-rmr* •*
Hardware; Buggies, Wagons, Har¬
ness, Farming tools Etc. is at the
Almand HardwnroCoN. Nt-onc
We have the best assortment of shelf hardware, cutlery, pistols,
mechanics tools etc. in the market.
V ... Wo Imvc any ]>ar( of liurne.s.s
that is needed, also, wadelry, idank
ets, wldpw,
We iiave a bigger stock of buggies and wagons than ever be
foie and the prices are right.
We envite the people to call and examine
our stock and get our prices* We can save you
money on every purchase.
I have removed my store from the Post Office to the store
r -om next door to The Blue Front.
I have a large stock of the latest styles of MiHIne y ’■ o.oJs
and am better prepared to serve my customers than ever before.
Miss Lola Young, of Atlanta, will trim for me this season;
She is an expert trimmer and well known here.
All are invited to give me a
Miss Emma Riley!