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s E o mm 1 c; ft
Our & took t is new and complete and our
u will attract . you.
gTOP J&SXf 0"CT^
inspect our goods and you will find that to buy from us means much to you in the
n ]l kinds of Fancy and Family Groceries, canned goods etc. Wo also carry
w ^'Groceries. Anything von need can be found at our place.
line of Dry Goods, Shoes etc., and can make you very law prices.
carry a
Rktilout on us. No trouble to show goods and make prices. Give us a call and
interest ■
we are in the market for country produce and
prices for same.
n Bolt Burned
At Newnan Sunday.
bCaptured by J. B. and J. L, Jones last Sat=
unlay Night near flarshalville. .
successfully eluding hundreds of determined men who
onrnig the country in search of him, for about ten
bit, who murdered Mr. Alfred Cranford and afterward
Whig victim’s helpless wife, near Palmetto, was captur
Iter?. J. B. and J. L. Jones, on their plantation near
lifill, in Macon county, last Saturday night,
loomed negro was carried by his captors to Griffin where
l! train was made up and upon which the negro and
Lis of determined men were hastened to Newnan. At
ace the prisoner was turned over to the sheriff in order
fecaptors might receive the various rewards offered for
The sheriff receipted for the black demon but could not
i:u in the face of the thousands of determined men who were
Iideal with the fiend as he deserved. He was forcibly
jbo:n the sheriff and led out of town.
I negro was identified by Mrs. McElroy, mother of Mrs.
I at Newnan, He readily confessed his guilt and sta—
h Ligo Strickland, a negro preacher, had agreed to pay
h to kill Mr. Cranford.
p.3S carried just outside the city limits of Newnan and
D small tree. Wood was piled about him and the match
! tehe negro was burned completely up and his awfu)
: ickland had been implicated and a party set out in
v Bim. He was found near Palmetto and denied hav
uiy offer to Holt or having any connection with or any
M of his crimes, but his captors bad reason to believe
Iris- nil soon he was dangling from the end of rope.
v: intelligence is given out that Mrs. Cranford has lost
ad 0 : ’irely as a result of the horrible experiences through
S: ’6 has passed.
F'»ike locals.
A tains!
LtDhenson will preach
" °Owart is spend
; : '-Uter home in At
’tirnent given by
L •' ! s at th e academy
H 3 -' ! Wht
" as well
j.' ; !! °ys started north
; l -unday. Probably
“ear h f the pole.
of your
i:rou 8 ! » this place
i i re Mlirf JLsrJ & 4. 4
CONYERS, GA„ cc O 1 I U D I \ i CO M i ! CO SJ.
last week.
Robertson Bros, went up to
Atlanta Tuesday.
Quite a good deal of farm
work has been done here the
past few days.
Mr. Benj. L Brantly left Tues
day for Rawlins, Wy. He
to be with his brother Mathew
who Lias been there for
Bears the The Kind You Have Always Bought
Rignatnre *UA/.
Take this paper.
Man of Wisdom.
The following special to the
Atlanta Constitution is very re¬
freshing to Georgians who have
read the many adverse and scaih
mg criticisms of the leading pa
pers of the country upon the
burning of Sam Holt. The ed¬
itor of the Review is evidently
a man of great wisdom and
readily appreciates the enormi
ty of the crimes committed by
Holt and the effect they pro¬
duced upon the people of the
community in which they cc
E'Khart. Ind., April 2o.—(Spe
cial)—'TfiefReview, the oldest,
one of the leading and one of
the most conservative republi¬
can papers in uorthvvest India¬
na, in and editorial in to-day’s
issue, vigorously justifies the
Molt lynching in Georgia Sun¬
day. The Review says:
(( The editor confesses no
sympathy with the critics of the
mob who burned the negro in
Georgia, If ever there was
palliation for a crime, if crime
it could be called, in this case
vengeance, quick and complete
for the deed of the negro butch¬
er and ravisher, was exhaust¬
ed. A brute who would de¬
liberately murder the husband
in coll bloo l in order that he
might satisfy his lust on the
derendleas wife, is beyond the
pale of even modern barbarism
The crime was the most horrible
that can be conceived. A peo¬
ple that accepts a hell as a pun¬
ishment for the smaller sins of
humanity ought not to blame
human nature for applying the
torch to a brute that could in
cold blood be guilty of such acts.
He is worse than a wild beast,
worso than the most savage in
babitent of the most unciviliz
ed portion of the earth. In this
matter it is not a question of
but the individual crimi
and there are time3 wdieri
y )e public has more reason to
resort to violent measures to
protect itself against human
beasts than again3t wild beasts,
The review never has
nanced lynching, hut the writer
confesses a willingness to w mi
a t 1 he act of the Georgia people
t'u: special case. 1 1
Bears tSsa Tha Kind You Have Always Bought
ia F 1 : S*1 3 S F I S out tier.tars J' a:n sent f of R ife par
m P&d F . raBTOsgcsga ob p.m woollet co.
«. amg. us. ooice. lui North Pryor St.
wri w. ti. LEE.*«
Besides carrying a large stock of the Oils very' purest, freshest
and best Drugs, Medicines, Paints, and Glass at low
est prices, makes a specialty of the following goods at
prices that others cannot duplicate:
A large assortment of
Spectacles, Books by Standard Authors , also School
Books and School Supplies, such as satchels, slates,
sponge, crayon etc.-, disk hooks, Fishing lines, and.
“ 'Iroi ' lines, Base Balls, Rubber Bab's, Checker and
Chess men, Checker Boards , Violin Strings, Bows ,
Pegs, etc.. Banjo Strings, Garden and Slower Seeds,
Pocket Cutlery ,
You will lose money if you lmy before
s>et.tiu»- DK. LEE’8 PlllClOiS.
We always at war, fighting high prices, We easily oon
quer because good goods for the same money that you pay for
inferior goods elsewhere.
We wish to call the ladies attention to our new line of Spring
and Summer goods. We now have on display at our store such
goods as
L awns, Mauras, Embroidery,
Muslins Percales, Laces,
Organdies Ginghams, Insertings,
Piques, Calicoes, Belts,
Welts, Draperies, Belt Buckles,
elc. elc. etc.
Onr line of gent’s furnishings can’t bo excelled anywhere.
Young men desiring to dress well and in the latest style, can t
do better than buy from us. ,
We are leaders of low prices on these goods. It is a pleasure
to show you cur hue even if you dont purchaso. Give us a visit
and be convinced, we are confident wo can interest you.
J, J. Langford & Sons.
From North Carolina Uses Pe
ru-ua as a Family Medicine.
Hon George II White, Mem
her of Congress from North Cai
olina, writes the following let¬
ter to I)r. Hartman in regard to
Pe ru-na’
House of Representatives,
Washington, D. C.
Pe ru na- DrugM’fg Co. Col
urnbus, Ohio:
Gentlemen—I am more ihan
satisfied with Pe-ru-na, and find
it to ho an excellent remedy for
the grip and catarrh,
used it in my family and they
all join nia in recommending
as an excellent remedy. Very
Geo. II White.
Thousands of families, rep
resenting ail classes and condi
^i 0U5 G f people find Pe ru na an
indispensable household neces¬
Mr. John Harting. 933 Mam
Street, Cmcinnatti, Ohio, who
has used Pe ru-na at a
medicine, writes as follows: ‘.My
wife and :i . yse ]f took your Pe
n;i for c i iror ,j c diarrhoea, and
cured us. 1 have been
ing eight weens since the Pe-ru
na cured me. No dcct r or m d
we had tried before Lad
helped ns. Yy children are
taking the mefi cine now. We
ill use Pe ru-na when v- r we
are sick.”
Ev©* 7 family should h ve
free copy of “The Ills of Life,”
a short work on family medi¬
cine. Address Dr. Hartman,
Coin tubes, O.
Dr. Walcott, of Griffin.' was
up on business last week.
Miss Katie Sims has been on
the sick list f^r the past few
Mrs. M 10 Uolliiigsworth has
returned from a visit to Sharj ><
School closed at Tucker’s
school house Friday. An en¬
tertainment was given at night
and a good time was had.
Mr. Ben Rogers was trying
that new buggy last Saturday
n *flht.
Mr. Henry Hi ms went- up to
Atlanta on business last week,
Mr. Charlie Plunket was seen
going up toward O tk Gr ive a
g. t i n last, Sunday.
A large crowd attended
young men’s prayer-meeting
at Smyrna last Sunday liLlit.
May the good work continue
to receive encouragement,.
Bine Jay.
For Infants and Children.
The fae- is «
simile ere?7
tigsa’.are ■ptf wrapyst.
NO. -16.
WJ> r"\ V ->V i UMHM AD VJ t 'v 12/ P
Is fast growing in-o a Fan¬
cy and v ii!i : i Gr. c rv i tore
in answer !o the demands if
our customers
Wo are handling all kinds of
Fancy and Pias.3 Crackers,
' Canned Goods,
Fancy Candies etc.
Wo buy in small quantities
in order L> have fresh goods
at all times.
Almost anything for the ta¬
ble can bo found at our
store, always now.
We do not discriminate
—- we treat a i I c usto rn -
ers alike.
Goods delivered in the city
promptly and free of charge.
Look at our good s and get
our prices before buy
Yours truly,
M i Mlipii-. u
Solid Gold Crowns • $5.00.
Gold Bund “ $5.00.
Pin in White i * $3.00,
Bridge work per tooth Go.00,
Gold fillings from $1.00 to$5.00.
Amalgam filling 50c.
Pintos srom $5.00 up to $10.00,
All work guaranteed.
Office over Post Office.
Lonnie Martin.
.1 11*0.
M is. Dr. < ii'jim Is still making lino
dresses, coals n-ml nt prices to
suit. Room over McDonald & Hay
g-ooifis Millinary store.
uW-a H iv sS CT35 m
Do :11 kinds of Denial work
at moderate priot 1 an ! evir^ct
teeth without pain* b- the use
of GAS which is LRRKIilORLY
Office over J II Altnand C 03 ’
■\ SSeo
A \
ftsKofr h a \' i j A
Main BuilclwG.
aisiFip fe it«
a - a
-Jr~ :
A callcffo education in Ilia reacltc fail. A.B.,
IJ.S., Uomial .'v;d U.r iiic :. I.ina’s <: >arses.
i.oo-i 1bor ;t.T' i'j'-’ ItealtlUul, in vijforati;-.jf cli
juilitery iliscip-iiie; Chrapest pcocCjsicral and
i-cliffio'.ra iallucnces. boar.l in the
n'.U! iu! tiico of country produce :cspen»e 3
front $75 \o $!S0 a yo.itf board in dormitories
or] . irate fall f-ioiilo facetfy' s. special nine; license courae fur
teat-iteri.; f University. o» all tutder lUn
emit rnl < i!te A col lego prepar
ttor- . ’ o-fdt:; r.titm to sexec. 'Ti:n insli
tutiott frn.ij.l.-d for t oeci-tily forsttidenteof Jimitcil
mean.';. Leiul catalf.-fite i-> tbe J'resV.-tn,
Jos. 55. Stbwakt, A.SI.
0 50 YEARS’
9J mm
m ■
■■ ■«
Trade Marks
rffits Designs
Anyone sending a sketch r.nd description may
quickly ascertain our opinion free whether an
invention rictly is probably confidential. patentable. Handbook Communion,
lions st Oldest on patents
sent free. agency for securing patents.
Patents taken through Miam & Co. receive
tpccictl notice, without charge, iatho
Scitnfific Btntrican.
A handsomely'l weehiv. T.ircest elr.
enlation of any seienusie Journal. 'Verms, a
year: four months, $L Sold by ail pewsriealers.
MUNN Qfflce. & CO.SBIBroadway, ^jgyy Yq^
Branch F Washington, D. C,