Newspaper Page Text
nhs Personal and Otherwise, Gath
parag r ^
ered our Readers.
and Glealoa were
:? i:ed in Atian
r Litiionia. is
.. Ilardii’’ atives here
, spent
cf Lithonia
* j ber« t “ ls "
S Orgamlies
if nt of French Sumners
at .
iHpS of fish are being
gSvdvrr , this season. county,
P« nn { , ";. of Oconee Sunday
gitor 1 H last
[ ,.-v crop will be large
, i [1,1s neighborhood*
js directed to Dr.
P; o’I,' another column.
of Winder, is -spending El-
111!'- ■ t h her mother Mrs.
ttt' . ‘ , ( ■ l ‘''.‘ iv't , a r nnent some last
irelatiu , . 1 -** .ophainblee - "
'page an ad
J^thc front of this
stliam 0 f Brunswick, is on a
other, Mrs. A Rilej , in
er ®
igehoolComm issioner O’Kel
i several (1-iys in Atlanta
■ M ri ill the County School
E* for 1898, appears in
pip, J M B Goods visited
(its. JB Johnson, of Clarks
Bledsoe, of Henry county, week
bral days here this
V Wallis luts begun work on
Lins, residence. It will
Berifi Wimpy, of Stone
kwtlie guest of Mrs A L
mis week.
ljMrs. Stovall, of Atlanta, Mrs
, of the latter’s mother,
hthe city. t
inepherd, of Atlanta, is
pine time with her mother,
bin the city.
WBell left yesterday for
where she will be with her
for several weeks.
%JsfsMSix’W°V ^ AL
bra foangladirs. Cagle, one of Lithonia’s
[oup was shopping in
day this v eek.
N [lady Mrs. j II Harden welcome
whoIm\eome to brigli
r twine near Conyers.
id Overby, of Bartow, Fla.,
wral days here this week
iuncle,Col. J R Irwin.
Minnie Turner and Florence
makingan extended visit
';sand friends in Alabama.
I 1 Summers spent Thursday
and evening in attendance
jUnday School Convention
f^ ,? ,:i Mrs. and R daughter, IV Peeples, of Law- and
> • visited friends in Conyers
! ; T allis spent several days
uthis week at the bedside
. u.ilrs.M J Waldrop, who
anend t!ie dedication R.-.ptists of otir
Baptist ser
Ue w church at
Vp"k eed aV ® beei1 P Ian -
r[u Hie farmers are
j« .
,j vi’-n and their effort
, ‘e-eat showing.
iisa f\ col., v -'lio was given
'bfiis at the last term oi
s „ . A. die opened up on
'., ear home of Mr.
"«^ork will “'.'derstand be that
done there.
o.f, Ratl I? -V rthe enjoyed Past few bv
' ,.,Y' -^prosperity ch weather bring.,
and makes
tl >at Mrs.TO Mc
, ;2:cpths, been m poor health
wfl] g;> to Atlan
She will probably
■•-iantp 1 868 for sealpd
vY . S Ui ‘X ! 1 across ' rork on South the
sKsue! 6 Ule notice
an d has maun mi <•
-nt in lf
home 1',; t61
M : h hotamf ,‘i'f ®°* Vi i d »'»- ow
U v sV “ 4 • Pettiest
. conven
We direct your attention to W
Adair’s clothing “add” on editorial
page. Don’t fail to read.
Thepic-nie season is at hand and
the literary schools and Sunday
schools will probably decide the mat¬
ter of taking a day off soon.
/.fret - an absence of two weeks, Oil
account of sickness, Miss Minnie
Smith, orp of the excellent teachers
in : he nuhlicschool, is again at her
post of duty.
a jolly party of young people came
dov. n from Lithonia the other
night aim gave Conyers a splendid
serenade. The good people of Li
thonia are close to Conyers in many
ways and our gates are always open to
them. These young people were en¬
joying the moonlight, the association
and the drive while the people of Co.i
.vers enjoyed the music and the good
cheer of the sernaders.
In the ball game between the “New
Ideas” and “Has Beens” last Thurs¬
day evening the la tter team was nev¬
er in the game from beginning to
end. As a joke the game was a howl
ing success.
Map E H Almand attended the
meetingof the Royal Arch Masons at
Macon ibis week. He returned home
yesterday greatly and announces that he
enjoyed tne meeting and the
trip generally.
Miss Ward Hardwick, who has
the h.*on sojourning at Sanford, Fla., for
past few months, is again at the
Commercial hotel in this city.
many friends are pleased to have her
with them again.
Contrary to expectation Mr. SL Al
maud’s case was not tried in Fulton
conntv last Tuesday. Mr. Almand
announced re any for trial when his
case was called but the state asked for
continuance on account of a sick wit •
ness. This is very annoying to Mr.
Mr Idus Langley lost his purse he
tween Conyers and Kings a few days
ago. The purse contained $65 in cash,
A negro found it soon after it was
lost, considerable and Mr. Langley secured until It after lie
worry but not
had arrested Tom Bryant, the negro
who found it.
Rev. Mr. Mooon, the pastor, being
filled unable bis to appointment preach. Rev, Dr. the Moore. Metli
odist church last Sunday. A good
congregatxott attended the service
and were much edified by tlies
Rev. Air, Moon is about recovered
from his indisposition,
Messrs. Bose Brodnax ti , and C has. K
Galley went fishing on vGlow river
last Tuesday evening. While they
v, ’ f ' re angling ior flniues the. mule
was working to secure Ins
for!!nvU! ' 'w*™* pedestrians.
t jor/and yet li ungry for fish! 1 ' 6 qUe8 '
On the evening of the Iv. 21st of April.
Emerald Lodge No. 88, of P. cele¬
brated their second anniversary,
Chancellor his Commander. happiest Maj. E H
Almand. in stvle intro¬
duced tlm various speakers of the oc¬
casion. invited After into the speatving the lodge
was the banquet room
and Where they partook The evening of dainty lunch
coffee. was one of
much pleasure «nd will be long re¬
in..inhered by all present.
Some of our very liest citizens are
thinking seriously of putting forth
their best efforts to secure a large
cotton factory for Conyers. Those
who are interested arc thoroughly
able business men in every sence
and should the scale turn in favor of
the new enterprise we are sure to
have it. It would be one of the best
tilings for the town that could hap¬
pen the and The Weekly bloom hopes that
prospect may and grow in¬
to a ripe reality.
The Third Ga. Regiment was mus
tered out in Augasta, last Saturday.
Lieut EP Guinn reached home the
same day and is once more apenna
nent citizen of his old home.
brought many things from Cuba but
his friends enjoyed the cigars and
cigaretes more than anything else.
He lias some parrots that are very
interestin’p-. Lieut Guinn was in the
army for about 9 months, He en
joyed splendid health and made an
enviable reputation in the service.
We are all glad to have him with vs
While in Atlanta last Tuesday we
- died on Mr. H Y McCord, <>f the
This firm is now installed in its om
modions new building near the yard
<u the Ga. railroad. Air. McCord
showed us through the entire build
ing and we were forcibly impressed
with the convenient arrangement of
th.e building throughour. IVe
if there is a wholesale grocery house
in ilie south to equal it. This is one
of the strongest and most popular
wholesale firms in Atlanta and its
and success is due to endustry, honesty
rv On .v the « first babbath vm of next month
O C,OC k Dr - QlUg ? 18 (,el lT er an
address at . « Smyrna church on tlie or
igm, progress, crimes, cruelties, creed
monism. While Mormon
people KJftni who cannot be expected to
tiles, t ir rmms«r t n d cE
t Im p ad dress
most seasonably. Dr. Quigg is thor
equipped for the task before
him and tliose who go out to hear him
y be assured in advance that they
be admirably entertained. Let
one miss the opportunity to learn
something ham Aoung. of the followers of Brig-
Miss Jackson, of LiHionia, is the
truest of Miss Ethel Weaver.
Miss Goodwin, of Bnrncsville, is
here for a visit to her sister, Miss
Prof, Jtveoks, 1 rother of Dr. Brooks
is in the city and will probably spend
several weeks here,
The merchants of Convers have a
arced to close their stores at 0 n.m.
every until Sept, evening-, except Saturday’s,
1st- This gives the tired
clerks a chance.
l >. . ote the new figmes m the ad. will soon
npc. .. I hey ai c? i at Iior late mak
ing their appearance.
The first shipment of ice for so¬
da water purposes was received by
the Gailey Drug Co. yesterday.
Passenger traffic has been heavy
over the Georgia road this week
on account of.the low rate.
We would be glad to have our
county correspondedts send us the
news regularly every week.
We would be glad if our sub¬
scribers in arrears would call and
settle up.
Cash trade is’ holding up well.
The two negroes sentenced at
the last term of court for two and
five chaingang, years, respectively, in the
were carried to Souih
west Georgia this week where they
will serve their time.
As we go to press the latest from
the Philipine islands is to the effect
that- 1 , lie insurgents . practical¬ . ,
ly whipped and that war may soon
come to an end . Let it come
speedily, ...
A regular communication of Phil
ol< g'a held Lodge the No lodge 178 F. & A. Monday, M.. will
be at room
May 1st, at8 o’clock P M. All bretli
ron duly Business qualified, Importance. fraternally Take
ed, of
cordlngly. due notice and govern yourselves ne
E H Almand, WM,
This April 24, 1899.
A package of 8 or 10 letters written
by a young lady. be'paid A reward of five
dollars will for same if dcliv
creel at. this officer
* «
We the undersigned close merchants of
c uivers. agree to our stores at
« o’clock p m. from May 1st to Sept.
| 8 (. jg90. Saturdays excepted,
Tucker & Almand,
Stark & Longshore,
■; jw* & «»“•
AVL Adair
Wood H Plunket, & Hollingsworth,
Jno C Stephenson,
OB Hudson,
The J If Almand & Co.,
Almand Hdw. Co.,
Turner Bros.
I am now running my saw mill
and short am prepared notice to furnish mill lumber
Oil at my or
See me if you want lumber.
A N Plunket.
AUpersons indebted to the estate
of Mrs. Martha Baner, late of Rock¬
dale county, are requested to make
immediate settlement. Also all hol¬
ding claims against said estate are
requested to present them at once to
Luther J. Almand, Executor.
Tax Receiver’s IVoties.
. T , , f • • T
ihe liook9 101 loceiving
returns for the year 1899 are now
onon and I will be at the county
i>„„ ’ follows- ‘
Sheffield Apr. 20. May 11, June 8.
Lorraine Apr. 27 May 18 June 15.
Honey Creek Apr 28, 'May 25 June
Remainder of time at store of J J
Langford & Sous.
This April 4 1899.
G II Hull, It T It.
T^/'\T7b jn l/JX "O Xt/Utlv TRTiTnn -L
t L nave f tot n . tent P „nt a n good rrnnd rar farm
near Convers, Ga. See me at
ouce u ’
4- T p 4 Tillav iiH8y.
. , - , —
I! _ yt/ 11«
* * 7
p Resident M ;j on i n.„6.t Dentist,
mM Offi "M / Con - vers. ’ Ga.
^kAJ ii
Extract teeth without pain. Lo
r Gold Crowns.
Bridge Work in best style and
R la tes.
Office over J H _ Almand s store.
HP A HQ V r _
DKllr J ! «u«d n-,.w h hopeie«. tw-md in
^ .. .. ....
CJJ. I. B. C-KEES'S SOUS, Box K,Atlanta,«a.
This is to give due notice to all con
corned that from May 1st 181)9 The
CoxyeksWerIvLY will bet he official
orpin of Rockdale county and all
!p S al ad' «r Using of the county will
appear in lts ( ' o!lll | ls exclusively,
,(} " H M ll e Austin, l llls, .. <)! Sheriff, d, i!la !'?C
Noti<‘c to Cont.iactovs.
bridge. according to certain plans and
ami reach my office bv ]2 o'clock of
the day mentioned.
Bids to be made on strictly cash ba¬
sis. Right bids. resen eel to reject any
or all
A M Helms, Ord.
GEORGIA Rockdale County.
To whom it may concern:—John li
Almand having in due form applied
for permanent letters of administra¬
tion on the estate of Joseph A Stew¬
art, late or said county deceased, and
I will pass upon the same on the first
Monday in May, 1899 Given under
mv hand and official signature.
This April (i 1899.
A AT Helms, Ord.
SlievilT Stile.
Will be sold before the court house
di'Or in city of Conyers, within ilie
legal hours of sale on the first Tues¬ bid¬
day in May, 1899, to the highest
der for cash the following described
property to wit:
All that tract or parcel of land ly¬
ing in the 16th district of origidally
Henry, land now lot lloekdale county, being being
part of No. 271, a cer¬
tain house and lot in the city of Con¬
yers containing two acres, more or
less,bounded as follows: Beginning
at a rock corner with A. J. Pierce, on
original land line, Pierce’s then running line west rock
along with said to a
thence south with Kedwine, formerly
Collins, line to a rock, thence East
with W M Huff’s line to a rock, flu-nee
North with the original Levied line to the the
beginning of corner. Alice Leveritt by on virtue as
property fifa issued from the Justice
of a court
of 476 th dist. G M said comity, in fn
vor of The J II Almand Co. against
Alice Leveritt.
Tenant in possession notified. This
April 7,1899. W. H. M. Austin,Sheriff,
• ■< "Ur — «
Petition For Charter.
STATE OF GA., Rookdale Co.
To the Superior Court of said County.
The petition of Louis Wellhouse of
Fuiton county, Georgia, and Joe
Kalin of Wiliington New Almand, Hanover
county, N C, and Jesse M of
the county of Rockdale, says to the
court as follows:
Petitioners desire for themselves,
their agents and assigns, to be incor¬
porated for priviledge the period renewal of 20 years
with the of at the
expiration of said period under the
corporate name of AVjellhouse, Paper
2 .
The object and purpose of said cor
poiMtion stockholders. is, pecuniary gain and pro
tit to its
8 .
The capital stock of said corpora
ti oU is to be #25,000 divided into 25U
shares of the par value of *190 per
share with tlie privilege of increas
ing Haiti capital stocK the at stockholders any time by
a majority vote of
to any sum not exceeding privilege i? 100.000
with tho right and of pay
inginany andall oi said captal stockm
money, machinery, merchandise, real
property or other things of value.
The principal office of said corpor¬
ation will be in Conyers, Rockdale
ci unty, Ga., but petitioners desire
the privilege of estalishing offices
and agents, warehouses and facto¬
ries, ac any other place or places
within and without the limits of the
ol' state Georgia.
The business of said corporation
shall be the manufacture of wooden
ware, cotton, woolen and paper goods
of all kind, including riio manutac
tur e of boxes of every character and
description, to Pleach, dye, print jute, and
finish all goods of which cotton,
ramie and other fibrous materia!
forms a part, to purchase any <>t sttcli
goods and toseli the same to such
mills, buildings or other works, or in
dividual* or firms, as may bo neces
sary for the use, benefit and advan¬
tage of said corporation; to lease
property or the purpose of carrying
on said business, with the rignt to
purchase, hold, use and possess any
property, real or personal, for tire use
benefit ami advantage or said corpor
ation; to subscribe for, hold and sell
shares of stock in any othercorpora
tion. to raise money, issue bonds, give
notes and other evidences of indebt
cdness,and to secure the same by
deed, mortgage or use suchotberle
.. a i lnetbods as they may ciesire, to
enter into contracts of all kinds and
to do all and singular such acts as
may be necessary or expedient in the
management and conduct of the busi
nesfl of said corporation, desire all the
Petitioners corporations power us- of
U ai and expedient to the right te elect
like nature, to have
directors and officers and appoitita
Bind nts an d adopt such bylaws, rules
regulations as may be proper, to
have and use a common seal, to sue
RIK i be sued, anu for such other
ri(rh t8 not inconsistent with the laws
Seom^jrop^r and'^ex^dient' 1 ?^ cm^
aacHn* the ..t
1 * b ^
. .
Wherefore your petitioners forever
l'“ l - * i v Ar^’lelland
Pn.iiimn™ \* a
f certlf y tne foregoing is
correct copy by Louis of application Wellhouse file,, al, m
my office et
for charter, this H. April 1st, 1869 8. C,
L- blgUffm, t.
Exchange bought and sold. Ccllecticr.s made on all parts of the
country. Accommodations extended consistent with sound banking
Overdrafts will not fos tiomiored wnder any circum¬
Office hours from 8 a. if. till t r. M.lill furl her m tieo.
BManHik 73 * T
«*t*' S5NT1 10 1SMMHMI1 ID
U * VMM*
Having sold our stock off merchan¬
dise to Mr. E. P. McBurney we bespeak
for him .the continuance off the trade
so liberally bestowed upon us in the
We • will devote
the next few months
to collections and
those indebted to us
are r e q nested to
come and make set¬
tlement at once.
Our ofiico will bo the same as iie'o toforo.
1 banking tho public for patt patronage, wo
Very truly,
D. M. Almand’s Sons.
0m art THE BEST PLACE •n mm
Hardware; Buggies, Wagons, Har¬
ness, Farming tools Etc. is at the
Alnmiid Slfirdwapt^Ck/w. Sjoro,
We have the best assort incut of shelf hardware, cutlery, pistols,
mechanics tools etc. in the maiket.
W<t luivo suiy pjtri ol’ ImriicKiS
(hat ix iKiedtid, also, wadtilry, bRmk
ols, whips,
We have a bigger stock of buggies and wagons than ever be
foie and the prices arc right,
We envite the people to call and examine
our stock and get our pricese We can save you
money on every purchase.
I have removed my store from the Tost Office to tho si ore
room next door to The Blue Front.
I have a large stock of the latest styles of Millinery pools
and am better prepared to cerve rny customers than ever beiWt*.
Miss Lola Young, of Atlanta, will trim for me this season.
She is an expert trimmer and well known hero.
All are invited to give me a
call. * j
Miss Emma Riley.