Newspaper Page Text
M 1 X
and . complete and prices
Our stock is new our
ub as w ill attract you.
t our goods and you will find that to buy from us meaus much to you iu the way
hd inspec
bfit. Family Groceries, goods etc. Wo also Staple
|SVe have a I! j.j l]C j s of Fancy and canned carry
Groceries. Anything you need can be found at our place.
ffeavy 1
a line of Dry Goods, Shoes etc., and can make you vefy law prices.
[Ye carry and
bon't fail to call on us. No trouble to show goods and make prices. Give us a call
jjl make it to youi interest *
We are in the market for country produce and
pt prices fo r same.
iff IcCalla,
Resident Dentist
It, j pj fOonvers, Ga.
bet [iclimoml teeth without pain.
and Gold Crowns,
n Work in best style and
eoverJ II Almand’s store.
kReceiver’s Notice.
| Books for receiving Tax
|sfor the year 1899 are now
(ltd I will lie nt the
ids as follows:
eld Apr. 20. May 11, June 8.
juip Apr. 27 May 18 June 15.
f Creek Apr 28, May 25
piuder ford & Sons. of time at store of J J
Is April 4 1899.
GH Hull, R T It.
lave for rent a good farm
Conyers, Ga, See me at
J. P Tilley.
lid Gold Crowns $5.00.
I 1 : 1 “ $5.oo.
I" 1 White “ $8.00.
Ngam filling 50c.
[ hork tl;s srom guaranteed. up to $10.00.
R over Post Office.
t Lonnie • ,, Martin. ,.
h" mons i nf i ebted to the estate
knn* 1BaKer ’ !nte of Bock -
fin Also af
[" ler present J. Almand, them nnee'to
GR0tt?nK.? LAIN Doods ’ FANCY, invariably FAMILY and and HEAVY NEW
in this ]• . FRESH
H&TIOnepus as ia the case in our CH0ICE
Dl *y Goods, Notions and Fancy Qocds.
Ve*5i ‘ Wl *l < l treat Ur P' eas ure right to econo nize for our customers,
Our goods you now and all the time,
SPe ^ and our prices will please you. Call to
and ' Vf qwill make it to interest.
All your
?°odsdelivered in city.
Yours to serve,
@lt fciiira IPwlI® *
Don’t Riga a paper without,
reading it
Don’t use friendship as a
means of get ting business favors
Don’t receive money without
counting it.
Don’t ask a stranger to re¬
ceive your personal check in
lieu of cash.
Don’t get into debt merely be¬
cause people are willing to
trust you.
Don’t pay money on account
without taking a receipt.
Don’t ask lawyers or physi¬
cians for professional opinions
without offering to pay for same
Don’t buy goods uucondition¬
ally and expect to return them
if they don’t suit. If you wish
the privilege of returning the
article, buy “on approval.”
Don’t visit a business man
during office hours except by ap
pointment or unless your busi
ness concerns him as much or
more than it does you.
Don’t smoke while making or
a business call.
Mrs. Mosley,of Henry county
who-has been quite sick, is im
Dr. Parker has located at
Richardson . and , . ready , for ,
practice .
Mr. John Osmore.of DeKalb
was in this community recently
,00Kin S f ° r a ma ° Wh ° 1,ad 6n ~
tered his house and stole some
Union will likely have a ball
club this year.
Mr. J J Simmons and family,
of Atlanta, visited relatives in
Henry county Sunday.
Mr Johnie George is at work
in Atlanta.
Guess where Mr. Ed Cowan
went Sunday? Ed, doesn’t a
month seem long?
Elder West, of Atlanta,
preached quito an interesting
sermon at Flat Shoals Sunday.
Farmers are behind with
their crops.
We hear of a terrible hail
storm near Panola, last Thurs¬
day night, the 4tl).
MrE F Stauley and family,
of Atlanta, visited relatives at
Knob Sunday.
Mr. J M Wright, is superin¬
tendent of a new Sunday school
at midway.
Several of our young people
attended services at Salem on
the fifth Sunday.
• -** ♦
Smyrna News.
Mr. Hammons lost a fine Jer¬
sey cow Sunday. It had holloiv
Mr. R T Cowan is very feeble 1
He has been troubled with pain
in the back for several mouths.
Farmerr are turning over
clods in a hurry. Some are
done planting and many are
wishing to finish.
Wheat crops are fine.
Mr. Robt, Rowan *8 little baby
is very sick.
Blue Jay.
Find a New Lease of Life And
Tell Their Suffering Sisters.
Mr*. E E. Thomas writes:
“I had been doctoring for sev¬
eral years, but kept getting
worse. One day a neighbor
woman brought me your boox,
‘The Ills of Life,’ and wanted
me to take your medicine. I
told ner that 1 had gDen up all
hope c.x ever getting well—I had
tried so much medicine, My
neighbors thought I was nearly
with consumption. Final
ly I concluded that I would
make a last trial. So my hus
baud got me a bottle of Pe-ru-
Besides carrying Medicines, a large stock Paints, of the Oils very and purest, Glass freshest t
niul best Drugs, at low ;
est prices, makes a specialty of the following goods at
prices that others cannot duplicate:
A large assortment of
Spectacles. Books by Standard Authors , also School
Books and School Supplies, such as satchels, stales
sponge, crayon etc., Fish hooks, Fishing lines, and i
“2rot" lines, Base Balls, Rubber Balls, Checker and
Chess men, Checker Boards, Violin Strings, Bows,
Pegs, etc., Banjo Strings, Garden and Slower Seeds.
Pocket Cutlery ,
You will lose money if you. lray l>el'oi*e
getting DR. LEE’S PRICES.
We are always at war* fighting high prices. We easily con¬
quer because we sellgood goods for the same money that you
pay for inferior goods elsewhere.
We wish to call the ladies attention to our new line of Spring
and Summer goods. We now have on display at our store such
goods as
Lawns, Madras, Embroidery,
Muslins Percales, Laces,
Organdies, Ginghams, lusertings,
Piques, Calicoes, Belts,
Welts, Draperies, Belt Bnckles,
etc. etc. etc.
Our line of gent’s furnishings can’t be excelled anywhere.
Young men desiring to dress well and iu the latest style,
do better than buy from us.
We are leaders of low prices ou these goods. It is a pleasure
to show you our line even if you dont purchase. Give us a visit
and be convinced, we are confident we can interest you.
J, J. Langford &
na and Mau-a-lin. I commenc¬
ed taking them according to di¬
rections. That was two years
ago. A year ago last Novem¬
ber I gave birth to a ten pound
baby boy, who is well and hear¬
ty: and I am doing my own
housework. I can never give
Pe ru-na too great praise.”
Roxa, Tyler, yice President
of the Illinois Woman’s Alliance
speaks iu high praise of Pe-ru
na to restore tired nerves and
weak body. In a letter written
to Dr. Hartman from 910 East
60th street, Chicago, Ill., she
says the following:
“ During the past year I grad¬
ually lost flesh and strength un¬
til I was unable to perform my
work properly. I tried differ¬
ent remedies, and finally Pe ru
na was suggested to me. It
gave me now health and restor¬
ed ray strength. I cannot speak
too highly of it. j -
In all these cases catarih of
the pelvic organs is the excit¬
ing cause. Pe-ru-na cures by
removing the cause. Pe-ru-na
cures catarrh wherever located.
Consequently it will cure this
class of disorders.
gend for Dr. Hartman’s free
booK, “Health and Beauty, t >
for women only. Address Dr.
Hartman, Columbus. O.
Klondike News.
Prof B N Fold lias closed his
School at Redan and is now
with his old friends in Klon-
Bean the The Kind Yon Have Always Bought
A large crowd of Klondike’s
best boys and girls spent the
day at Smyrna last Sunday.
Mrs. Lizzie Evans, from Ev¬
an’s mill was down to see her
mother Mrs. M R Stephenson
last Monday.
The farmers around Klondike
are coming to the front with
their farms. Some are plough¬
ing corn and some are work¬
ing in their cotton.
Mr. J W Ford, from Blossom,
was up last week telling all his
old friends that he was going
to California. Jay is liked by
all and will be greatly missed
here, while lie will soon gain
confidence of all he will meet in
Mr. Earnest Leftwich is try
ing again this year to run an¬
other water melon patch on the
sly, but he will not succeed as
well as he did last year.
Ask Bill Ford where he went
last Suday.
For Infants and Children.
n»a»- - is n
m. 8 .
Is fast growing into a Fan¬
cy and Fa nnl)’ GroC'-ry store
in answer to the demands of
our customers.
We are handling all kinds of
Fancy and Plain Crackers,
Canned Goods,
Fancy Candies etc.
We buy in small quantities
in order to have fresh goods
at all times.
Almost anything for the ta¬
ble cau ho found at our
store, always new.
We do not discriminate
—we treat all custom¬
ers alike.
Goods delivered in the city
promptly and free of charge.
Look at our goods and get
our prices before buy¬
Yours truly,
Wool H Holpiorti.
I am now running my saw mill
and am prepared to furnish lumber
on short notice at my mill ordollver
See mo if you want lumber.
A N Plunket.
DROPSY CURED with Hnvn VPKMfthto cured
many thuliSulkl ca«e1
called llopeh’HI. Hi teB
lay* at least two-thirds, of all Kvmptoma remov¬
'd Testimonials and TEH DAYS l vestment free.
DR. H. H. GREEK’S SOUS, Box K, Atlanta, Git.
Option Seed
Anyone who sends one dollar
for a year’s subscription to the
Atlanta Semi-Weekly Journal
can pet postpaid one pound of the
celebrated African Limbless Cot
ton Seed without charge.
A pound of these seed will
plant one-fifth of an acre, and
with proper attention should
yield enough to plant a crop.
The seed were tested in a list
of thirty varieties by the Georgia
Experiment Station and a bill
letin recently issued by Director
Kedding shows that the African
Limbless Cotton produced 70
pounds more per acre than any
other variety, and 161 pound*
more per acre than the average
of thirty leading varieties.
The African Limbless Cotton
produced 780 pound* of lint per
acre, which is nearly four times
the average on the farms of the
South. This shows what high
fertilization and thocough cult
ure will do with these excellent
Seed. The value of the product,
counting cotton at 5 cents and
seed at 13 cents a bushel, was
over $45 per acre. The cost of
fertilizers used was $4.77 per acre,
The Journal docs not guarantee
results, but the result of the test
it worth a test
these seed when he can get them
for nothing.
The Journal brings you the
News of thk Wori.d Twice a
Wkkk, with hundreds of articles
of special interest about the farm,
the household, juvenile topics,
etc., and every Southern farmer
should have the paper.
You don’t have to wait a week
for the news, but get it twice aa
often as you do in the weeklies,
which charge the same price.
Agents Wanted Everywhere.
Send for a sample copy.
Atlanta, Qa.