Newspaper Page Text
H'h a ) CD r cC Cl . DO 5CT : ’
J. H WALLIS. Editor.
1 .tered at the postoffice at Conyers a*
*' cond-dass mail matter.
s,conu s.
SatukdaV, May I ■' >
Locals 5 cents per line for first inner
lion ; S >2 cents tor each subsequent in
»;2SJ&“K'«S£ KU«..
f) *e year, in advance................ f!
hix months, in advance.......... •50c
r -
Wi call attention to official notice
elsewhere in this paper which makes
Thk Wbeki.y the official organ of
Die county.
Dewey r will return fo America to
receive ovation such as men are
Hobson is not so much in the pub¬
lic eve at Die present time but lie is
l y no means forgotten.
Mercer was victorious over the
Plate University in the oratorical
4 n ntest :solc! in Atlanta last Monday
Gen. Joe Wheeler was the hero of
tiie Charleston reunion, He is al
v ays a hero at any place and at any’
time as for that matter.
The Georgia darkey is never to be
J. ft. Ho is now assured of a splen
< id black berry crop in addition to
va'cnnelous galore. Tiie Georgia
Melon will be in great demand this
year ns all other fruit will be scarce,
Dr. H. (’. Bagwell, his three chil¬
dren and Mrs. Williams, the aged
I o\ oriicss,were burned to death in Dr.
Dagwell’s home at Spring Place last
Tuesday night. None of the inmates
t,f the home escaped.
The ‘embalmed beef’ scandal is
alili with us. Gen. Miles’ attorney
)IO\V lias the floor and is said to lie
Indulging In hilairious laughter at
Die findings of the court of inquiry.
Gen. Miles is keeping mum and hold
jug Ids nose.
Bear Admiral Watson has been or¬
dered to Manilla to relievo Admiral
Dewey’. Jt is not known when Ad¬
miral Dewey will start for the States
Put it is presumed that he will not do.
Jay’ In's return longer than is abso¬
lutely necessary.
The Georgia Weekly Press Associ¬
ation will meet at Dublin. Ga., tin's
year. Walter Coleman, President of
the Association, is now planning- n
•week’s outing fertile boys after Die
Business meeting nt. Dublin and it is
probable that the week will lie spent
somewhere along tiie coast. A great
time is expected at Dublin where it
Is said Die people intend to be real
glad to see the hoys.
• *
-Advertisements in this paper pay’.
costs more than other r.iedi .
ciucs. But then it cures more
than other medicines.
Most of Die cheap cough
medicines merely palliate;
they afford local and tempo
rary relief. Ayer's Cherry
Pectoral does not patch up or
palliate. It cures.
Asthma, Bronchitis, Croup,
Whooping Cough,—and every
other cough, will, when other
remedies fail, yield to
Cherry Pectoral
It has a record of 60
j ear* of cures,
Bend for the “Curobook”
J. C. Ayer Co., Lowell, Mass.
IVotl<-o to Teaclici’s.
TL nt ■ t annual examination will
ht- held oil r i htitsdsy, June 22. lb,19.
ga^SSS Itisfitue has
| The summer Tone!ter s
been set for .Time 5 to 9 inclusive, at
Lithoiibt. since arrangements are he
! ing miuie to combine the work. two cotin- All
; ties in their Institute oicd,
teachers, both white ana co .ue
required by law to attend, unless
providentially hindered. fe.C.
T. I). O’Kbu-ky, C.
The Madison Advertiser is trying
t() f .| up its subscribers. Ten
f , a)(es (>f „ Bogs Cleaner” is offered to
”07 who P«T» » *Star
on subscription.
The Kiverdale Inquirer is a new
paper published at IDvcrdafe, in
Clayton county. Editor Orr has our
best wishes.
• -< *7> ► »
The editor of Ilrann's Iconoclast
says of tiie burning or Sam Holt:
“fn full recognition of Die howl
that is going up over the burning of
tlie Georgia negro; in recognition precedeu of
the horrible details which
his incineration; in recognition of
lI k- fact that the law should some
u --c- to take its
in r cai injunc
null, " \ engeunco u. j = >.>*- ;” in recog will -
nition‘of tiie many things that
he said in blame of the crazed men
who dragged this black scoundrel to
his awful doom, J go on record with
the statement that for the cranes lie
committed no punishment devisable
by the brain of man could be too ter¬
rible. If I had been there, I would
have heaped high the fire with my
own hands.”
An exchange says: “Young Thom¬
as Stewart of Montreal, who was
made blind by the terrible mistake
of Dr. Proud-fool in removing the
wrong eye in a surgical operation,
lias written a friendly letter to tiie
doctor expressing sympathy and
snowing that ne realizes tiie true po¬
sition of tiie surgeon in the matter.
I t is an exceptional young man who
can bring himself to think kindlygof
a person who has done him so great
an injury. The doctor did not wil¬
fully and maliciously remove tiie
wrong eye, of course; nor could it lie
called carelessness, At Die same
time, it is hard to find an excuse for a
surgeon who removes a sound organ
and leaves a diseased one, the two
being separated by less than two in¬
Judge Gleaton and. Mr. 8 L Al*
tnaifil attended court in Coving¬
ton last, Monday, and again suit Mr.
AI inn nd w as successful in a
brought against him. It is begin¬
ning to look very much as though
Mr. Almand is having to defend
himself against cases that are
hatched up on short notice, and
without much foundation. Wo
con gratulate hint upon his last vic
Thk Weekly gives the news.
fas Sun lim Sells
Butterick Patterns.
A Pattern-Check
; m In Each Number of
*y Tfis OiSineator
m enables Publication the Subscriber to buy to that
go \Zm> AT HALF PRiC£
m * ft at. -. j
b\ m Ws ;!— Some of the
— most important cuTTCRicK
Sub scribe to THE DELINEATOR
Subscription Price, $1.00. Single Copies, 1 5 Cents.
We are Agents for these famous Patterns and Publications.
The Patterns are CHEAPER, but good as ever.
Call in and see the Newest Issues of the Publications nnd learn
what L'OVELY GOWNS yon can make with the Patterns from
our Extra Fine lane of Dress Goods and Trimmings.
Our best shoes have no superiors.
Our $7.50 suits are getting us the
Clothing business.
A lien Summers,
The Forty-fourth Convention of
Southern Baptists, in sess,on at Louis
ville. Ky.. has elected Ex-GovemoT
\V .f Nort lien, President of the Con
The Third Nebraska regiment was
mastered out-in Augusta
The regiment parsed over the Geor¬
gia road Thursday night on its way
The Atlanta depot question is be¬
ing end nisi asticaily commented upon
by the state press. It is now one of
Ihe most interesting problems before
Die public. Now we suggest that
Die Constitution and Journal be al¬
lowed to wi.i this fight.
The Confederate Veterans iu re-un
ion at Charleston expressed their ap¬
preciation of President McKinley's
utterances but ask that action bo lim
ited to Northern and Western states.
The Southern women are to care for
the graves in the South,
Here is something new under the
sun from the Dalton Arc-us: “When
a woman wants to lie popular slie
ncV er uresses as well as her neigii
„ TI)ij , SH ojrestion. may hold
good in . Dalton r„, hut it .. von t do in m
those neighbornoods where popular
!lv j s }, ase d upon fine toggery and
a ‘generous sprinkling of Die coin of
tiie realm,
Mr. Ilobt, F Davis, a prosperous far
mer, who resided one mile from De
catur, was shot, and will die, in his
home Thursday 'night about 1 o’¬
clock. It is not known positively’
who the assassin is but it is thought
to lie a negro who was discharged b,v
Mr. Davis Thursday. A possee and
blood bounds are on track of tiie
guilty’ party and if he is caught- there
will be a lynching,
“T.’vp seen no girl unfaithful fo her
mother that ever came to be worth a
one-eyed button to her husband.
I’m talking for the bovs this time.
If one of vou boys ever come across a
girl with i* face full of roses, who
says asy’ou come to tiie door, *1 can’t
go for thirty minutes, as the dishes
arc not washed,’ you wait for that
girl. You sit down on the door steps
and wait for her, because some oilier
fellow may come along and carry her
off, and right there you have lost nh
angel. Wait for that girl and stick
to her like a burr to a mule's tail.—
• •
You can’t keep a bustling
sse*? “r
caught a large catfish in tiie river
near that city. Inside Die fish was a
piece of newspaper on which were
the words, “Now is tiie time to sub¬
scribe.’ ’—Dalton Argus.
Boars the Tha Kind Vou Have Always Bought
mm w S\W
b m
mm flgllfst
Your attention is es¬
pecially called to our
line of new wash goods.
You will be more than
pleased with these goods
and we are anxious for
YOU to see them,
We are paying to tell
you of the arrival of
these new wash fabrics
and we hope you will
call and inspect them.
Our stock of dress goods
is, in every respect, superior to
any we have ever had in the
past and we feel justified in
calling the close attention of
the ladies to the fact. It is our
business to show these goods, so
come along and see them.
m fig tUm
A\ '
You are notified at
expense that our
Clothing will suit you
in every way and leave
your purse in a good >
healthy condition. We
are selling clothing
that gives perfect sat¬
isfaction, at prices
too low to be grumbled
at. All we ask of you
is that you come and
inspect these goods*
- We have a full line of Dry
Goods and make extremely low
prices on every article in stock.
Don’t forget our Shoes, Slip
pers, Hats, Gent’s Furnishings
etc. We can save you money
every day;
*. L
f- -- M =h
ill m 111
I mmm >1 II a
1 § The Kind Y a : is lave
^Vegetable •nil.: PreparationforAs- I Always Bsuiht
slmitating tiie Food atidRegula- a
ih ig ite Stomachs and Bowels ok" Bears 4-1 tiie i
Frotbote s Digestion,Cheerful¬ Signature
ness and Rest.Ccntai ns neither of
Opium,Morphine nor Micsral. H
Kot Narcotic. u
ofOht 7kSrMnEL£!TCIlEii 9'
pumpkin SeedL m
/ilx. Senna *
JxocAcUe. Salts *•
jiniseSeed. jflpppermint * n
Jh CarbonakSeJa, t
Clarified fi&mSced Sugar -
hiftferyreeee Flavor.
& 03* 03
Apcrfeci Remedy Stomach,Diarrhoea, for Consiipa
tion, Sour .Convulsions .Feverish¬ For
Worms Over
ness and LOSS OF SLEEP.
Tac Simile Signature of Thirty
NEW YORK. i fens
TW m m
m m
Will find-J A Goode’s store a most satisfactory place tel
trade at just at this time. Prices on most everything have al
vanccd from 10 to 20 per cent, bat We were lucky to bay befoul
the rise, and have a full stock of everything in the housetol
nishing lino. Stoves have advanced 20 per cent in price, bw
have not as yet put- the 20 per cent on what we have, so coait
soon and buy.
I n ■K ME 1 Ml :as
With erne of our Silver King or all Steel Folding Springs,
We have a nice assortment of bed room suits, bedsteads, mat*
tresses, summer cots etc. Also crockery, glassware and enamel¬
ed iron and grauate ware, all at the old price as long as this lot
si E—o F~- S* fpflaf,
Are now in demand, We have some nice mattings at M
and 17£ cts per yard. Good quality hemp carpet at 2oc per
yard. Just remember please that we have a thousand articles
you use and need around the house, which we can t mention,
but come to see us and we will sell you right.
m i Ti jpWNEy’S mi
N , !jtON
ft. I
For Sale By
Assorted Bon
Peanut, Walnut and
Chocolate Britties, AI=*
ways Fresh,
•—31 Ssilsy hi
city mb si
„My shop is comfortable.
}.Iy towels are clean.
My tools are always keen.
My attention is respectful.
My aim—to please all
Give me a call when you
dressing up.
This is to give due if-:
ties that my lands neat W * d all
are — posted and I forbid any
tresspassing thereon.
TJiis April 15, 1899. ^ A[uia iid.
hunting- All parties fishing are 01 AV.j
la*u t > ;
passing upon our - v: u
ty. Anyone ignoring
subject to law. 1899* gu3
This April lo. j y H
pW U
j H HuA j