Newspaper Page Text
D nia { and Otherwise, Gath
ragraP"* *
ered for our Readers.
„t the week at
Ji.ill 81 ' ,p
is on ft visit
[in T he son
Atlanta. lier
|]er ft° w occupies
pecatur street.
killed near the
jg was Thursday
jvlast equiRP” ?
is 1
McG'ftty h» 8 8 °J c for
fclstivea ' in Augusta.
of Atlanta,
Vitli relatives.
„,t down to Alor
turd ay- Ile re
still, of iben Ymc
pH' spent bun
[Atlanta here-
5 U wilier
nice Hollingsworth is
ith fever, Dr. M R
treating her.
lire Malcoim of Mor
visited the family of -
jdcom here last-week.
L Argo, wl'° weeks, ' ias ^ lias en
L {nr several visit. _
e {or a short
luce Norton He is now with en
cation. wns
Lgshore until this week.
n Kennon has returned
Lveral [ ireeis plG 0 Oconee .so.ii t iy
Natives in
It friends of Mrs W V
■1 be glad to know that
■to be out after a criti—
If several weeks.
I Ithe Overby who spent two
family of his Un
E Irwin, left last AI011
Langforil will move out
psidenee tiding will next razed Monday,
he at
lie erection of the new
ICliafui ami Miss Lizzie
■limit'd [c in marriage in
Iriks Sunday, The
have ninny friends
pii] lender them good
hmgry last prowler raided
Illy Wednesday small patch night. and
a a
Sauls like tills one and
pii like have catch none. NoW
pe to him in
!• B Hammock united
Mist church at the
rt lud Saturday. received He was
lowship into full
um on Sunday. much'enjoy- Ser¬
pho attended.
hr communication of
L °dge, 178 p & A M,
f ,
ciock Monday. May, 15 , 18 -
P m. Brethren
ptice Wiugly. and govern your
Eh Almand, W m.
■p s school at Smyrna
1 many ve evening. The
teacher 7 successful and one
V patrons
aik will , be progress
■ in the
, y trom this time on
’ 7 * W aggoner have
- iaet to do the gran
aandsome building
r Nut n f several er y- They stone will
( j n their cut
L qnarry here
sa »5e firm shipped
Cl 't and diessed
' , j0ro tins week.
."ill be V 1 '°b'a ( 'ted at,
■ church u from
1 . pastor, ,, next
. Rev.
«g and J L
. 'the praying for
f good
■- meetings day
^aching / Sunday morning at the
rr- p n "
S' ^tteruoon. . preach at
& ^extended A
services. the
^ R ev
hl8 returned fro m
old home
Mr, Ed Everitt spent a day or so
at home this week,
Mr. and Airs. T. J. Almand went to
Augusta this woek.
pr. and Mrs. J. A. Guinn spent Sun-
111 b-wrenceviUe.
Miss Lilia AInrtin and sister, of
Cuthbert, are visiting Aliss Emma
;■!, up-to-date, well
pr>ifeel-fitting Clothing et IV I.
Beautiful „ .- e , slippers ,• f for , Indie. t and „ ,
Misses at very reasonable prices at
W L Adair’s.
Messrs, Clarence and R D Al
niand took in the re-union at Char
„ r J T • , spent , last
■* r3 » A n ueeK
Atlanta with . her , sister, Mrs, Aic
Mr, J S tit Weatherford, , , clever ,
citizen of the community of Knob,
was in to see us thisweex,
Tlie Marietta Journal tells us
t hat when baby is asleep it is a
Mrs, jW Johnson has returned
from a pleasant visit to relatives
at Norcross, Atlanta and Decatur,
Mr, and Mrs, Dwight Green have
boon in Henry county this week at¬
tending Mr Green’s mother, who
is very si c k,
Air. T A Elder, who has been
spending several weeks here with
his family, has returned to South¬
west Georgia,
Airs. Fannie Rusk, of North
Carolina, was the guest of her par
ents, Mr. and Alls. David Clotfel
ter, this week.
Beautiful wash fabrics—just re¬
ceived.a pleased new shipment, Ladies
will be with tlie figures,
W L Adair,
Mrs, Rachael Keath and two
daughters Mrs, Fort and Mrs Hurt
of Atlanta) are guests of Dr, CW
McCalia’s family,
The Georgia Railroad has the hnul
many passengers past
week. The Charleston re-union
increased travel Wonderfully.
Mr. and sirs m W Almand and
family, of Atlanta, and Miss Marie
Doyle, of East Point, are guests
of Mi*, and Mrs, J110 T Adair.
Some farmers think the wheat
crop has been injured by the rain,
There has been a little too much
rain in some sections for wheat,
^ Lotton is coming . up , leautifu .... 1, }
and some farmers have been put
Ung in good time chopping the
past week, A good stand is assui -
ot '»
Dr, J a Guinn has found a rem
edy , that ,, , will ... remove the ., potato , ,
hug. Spray the vine with tohac
co juice, 1 his will Kill every hug
it touches if put on heavy enough,
The many T fiiends of Air. JB
Hammock will be pleased to learn
that his infant baby, which is be¬
ing cared for by Air. and Airs. Jno.
D Scott, is in perfect health and
grows rapidly.
The following gentlemen attend¬
ed the Charleston re-union;
judges G W Gleaton, a C AlcCal
la, and Messrs, Maddox, GW Walker, J and M
Huff, jn° h C a BlaKe
Beaton Daidel,
.Mr, W J Eakes has sold his resi¬
dence to Mr, Walter Wood and sub
sequently purchased the Oakes
home place on Deeatur street, He
will begin the erection of a hand¬
some residence on the lot at an
early day,
A private pic-nic party from Sheffield will go
through the Mountain ebuntry to-day,
to Stone Ml*,
Lamar Wood and sister, Rev. D A
Brindle and Miss Mabel Whatley,
and probably others, will gc from
Conyers, Centerville people and
some Atlantians will also pic-nic
at the Mountain to-day, A great
time is expected,
We are pleased to call the atten
tion of our readers to the many
advertisements in The Weekly,
setting forth the wares of our
home merchants*and dealers, pro
fessial men etc, These and gentle¬
date men are their all progressive and deserve ti
in lines e
confidence and patronage of the
people, Conyers and her business
men are well represented in The
Weekly aud it is a credit to the
town and her citizens,
Air. W L Adair made a business
trip to Atlanta last Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. J H Iluff visited
relatives in Lithonia last Sunday’.
Prof. Chas. Clotfelter, ofAIari
ettn, spent Sunday here with his
Miss Lilia Norman lias gone ft.r
a visit of several weeks to relatives
hi Augusta,
Air. *3 L5 cl. is happy O
L3 r his £> of
a fine boy.
Airs. J P Tillev. is spending
week wil h her sister. M i s. J S
iel of Atlanta.
Air. and Airs. W U
' v ?f k with their
Bailey, Augnetn.
Messrs. James Gailey and
Elliott went to Stone
0|1 ,|,eir wheels last Similar. J
Hon. Jim George, one of
" aa nele 51 r °" llours tlm " eek
Air. and Airs. Chas B
spent last Sunday with Dr.
Cannon and family, of
Mr. and Airs. H L Smith, of At
lanta, came down last Saturday
to visit Col w L peek’s family,
Call on Arr. Joseph A Goode and
take a chance at the electric stove.
The drawing is progressing rapid
] v
Mr. Henry Tucker is now with
Mr. C B Hudson where he will be
pleased to have his friends call on
Read Mr. Thompson! Stewart’s
advertisement in this paper. He
will receive a car load of ice next
Air. and Mrs. Julian Gorham,
of North Carolina, were guests of
Mr. and Airs. J P Tilley Saturday
and Sunday.
Read Air. A D Summers’ adver
tisement in this paper. He lias
a large stock and makes economi
preies to his customers.
Air. Frank Harper, of Richland
Ark., is here to spend a month’s
vacation with his mother. His
many friends are greeting him cor¬
dial ly.
Airs. J N Glenn, of Decatur, vis¬
ited friends in Conyers last Sun¬
day and Alondny. Airs. Glenn has
many friends here who are always
pleased to see her.
Tlie anticipated pic-nic at
Grant’s park, in Atlanta has been
called off. There will be no pic
nic of the schools here this season
unless the oultook changes.
Editor J N Hale suffered anoth¬
er of those severe spells, to which
he is subject, last Sunday. He
suffered very much during the day
but was better Monday.
The prayer meeting services at the
Baptist ' chqrcli have lieen well at*
(en ded (luring f the week . Services
^ held ea( h llight and it is hop
fid Diat permanent good will be
the result.
Last Sunday it was a great day
Smyrna, looked very much
]ike , meeting times. Many
]e went out from town to at
tend the morning service and still
others went out to hear Dr. Quigg’s
lecture on Mormonism it the after
noon. The day was pleasantly
and profitably spent by all.
I am receiving new
and stylish goods every week;
I never ask more for goods
than they are worth;
I always pay spot cash for
oil T HllV* * ">
THAT • •
I always have one price
JOT £tll ^ CHSt/OlXlGTS.
Chas. B. Hudson.
Dr. M It Melton lias returned
Abbeville, where he spent
days, ho was delighted
hospitality of the people of
city. He says fishing is tine
in that section and he expects to
> there again.
Air. John Carter worked as '-ag
on a special train to
Augusta last Tuesday, He re
turned home on a special train
Wednesday night and at Buckhead
the special was telescoped by a
train that was following as second
section. It was a considerable
wreck but no one was hurt and the
track was soon cleared.
Up to ihe present time Judge
Geo. W XI lea ton, as attorney for
Air. S L Alma ml, wears an un¬
broken chain of vi o tones. Hehas
shown up every rr made &
gainst his client to be with z.
foundation and in every case nr
has been given acquittal. The
Judge is a splendid Lawyer.
Tlie business reputation of Chas. 15
Hudson is established. See his add
in this paper.
Mr. W E McDaniel attended
Charleston re-union.
Frank McCallji, of Atlanta,
Sunday with his parents here.
I will pasture your cattle for
75 c per month. Good pasture
with plenty of water.
Jno. E Whitaker.
Happy Re-union.
r J'he annual re-unimi Madison of the family
of Air. and Mrs. Tucker oc¬
curred at their home at Tucker’s mill
last Thursday. The day was an ideal
one for such an occasion and the
large family invited supplemented enjn 1>; c ed num¬ the
ber of guests,
day and the occasion in tlie fullest
As an evidence of their apprecia¬
tion of the hospitality them, and the many iuvitod at¬
tentions shown
guests of the family furnish the fol¬
lowing resolutions which we gladly
Tucjkbr's Minn, 5-11, "98.
Whereas we, the invited guests, at
the family re-unlon ofBro. Madison
Tucker, have had a most enjoyable
occasion, Resolved. That bereny
we express
our appreciation of the hospitality
shown; found 15ro. Tucker
That we have
and his good wife must excellent
hosts; join them in praises to
That We a
good Providence tliar, has preserved
the large family in life and Health
and given them prosperity to this
happy hour; wish and for them
That we pray
continued prosperity in this w< rid, a
happy, peaceful old age, many finally pleas¬
ant rc-unious on earth and a
meeting that shall know above. r.o parting
in our Father’s Mansions
Signed .1. L. Moon,
I. G. Walker.
Mr. and Mrs. Tucker are aged 73
and 72 respectively. Ti.ey surrounded both enjoy
splendid health and are
it. their old age by nil the coln'ortsof
life. They have eight children, all nf
whom are married and were present,
Oil this occasion with their fam lies.
It was an occasion of much happi¬
ness and will linger in the, minds of
all who were present.
The feasting enjoyahleleaturc. 011 this occasion The was
not the least
spread at the noon hour was most
tempting and bounteous. All the
good thing* one could wish for were
spread out before the party and each
and all gave hearty endorsement to
the expertness of those who Imd pre¬
pared the delightful food.
The evening was pleasantly in spent all
in social conversation which
joined with zest.
With many good wishes and adieus
for the aged father and mother the
day ami occasion came to an end
and the friends parted.
Exchange bought and sold. Collections made on all parts of toe
country. Accommodations extended consistent with sound banking
Overdrafts wifil mot bo honored under any circum¬
Office hours from 8 a. xi. till 1 r. xt.till further notice.
Mil life.
We will devote
the next few months
to collections and
t hose indebted to us
i*»- * *
are r e q nested to
come and make set¬
tlement at once.
Our office will he
the same as hereto¬
Thanking the public for past patronage, we
Very truly,
D. M. Almand’s Sons.
I have removed my store from the Post Office to tho store
room next door to The Blue Front.
I have a large stock of the latest styles of Millihery goods
and am better prepared to serve my customers than evor before.
Miss Lola Young, of Atlanta, will trim for me this season.
She is an expert trimmer and well known hero.
All are invited to give me a
Miss Emma Riley.
m turn dei co’s.
Summer Anaoiineemeiit
Is now running on full time and we are turning
out some splendid Ice Cold drinks. You can get 80
da Water, Phosphates, Coca Cola, Ice Cream-etc ,
every day. Come in and be refreshed.
We have a handsome line of Stationery of al!
kinds. Our flox Stationery leads. Get your Tab
lets, Inks, Pens, also all kinds of choice Toilet ur
tide and Toilet Soaps from us.
S P< >RTI > G * X i >< >I>S
Sporting Goods of all kinds may be bought of us
cheaper than elsewhere. Get your Base Balls,
Bats, Hammocks, Fishing Tackle, Marbles, etc,
Your« truly,
Gailey Drug Co.