Newspaper Page Text
8 P 3 .B- 7 iwnHi]D 60
( ,i,ieoli)I1I'XIAhlh.-»s
Tliis firm has a reputation loo well a’ld favorally
known to need comment, but we wish to call atten
tion to the fact that wo are carrying an immense
stock of
Dry Goods, Notions, Clothing, Hats,
Shoes, Family, Fancy and Heavy Gro
ceries, etc. We sell at reasonable
prices and our values are always bas
ed on the quality of article sold.
We can give some special
values in Spring Clothing
and Gents Furnishings.
Give us a call and you will be con¬
vinced that we can give satisfaction.
J. if. GO-
On Monday, May 1 , 1899 ,
Spain was paid the 1-20,000,000
agreed upon by tho Paris treaty
for the Philippine islands.
The amount was paid with
four drafts of *6,000,000 each
upon the sub-treasury in Nev
York, and were delivered M
Gabon, the French ambassador
in Washington, who represent¬
ed Spain in the matter.
The payment of $ 20 , 000 , 000 .
by drawing four drafts cf $ 5,000
000 each, is no small matter.
Even for a government to do
such a thing as that, is a wond¬
erful thing, In this case it
shows the wonderful resources
of the American government,
*20 000.000 is a largo sum to
ho paid at once, by simply draw
ing four checks for the amount
without interfering with the
carrying on of the other busi¬
ness of the government.—Cov¬
ington Star.
• 8 •
A flown will disfigure the
prettiest face/
A man seexs his ideal: a wo¬
man seeks tho ideal of another
The man who drinks to stim
ulate his appetite stimulates hb
appetite for drinks.
The poet probably sings ol
the silvery moon because it
comss in halves and quarters
Humanity would he better to
day had our forefathers lived
up to their epitaphs.
A telegraph operator de¬
mands cash for what he does on
The voman wlio makes a
man a good wifo incidentally
W. W. T. Stewart
Will keep ice during the summer mouths and
can supply his customers in any quantity desired.
Soda fountain drinks of all kinds can be had
his store.
Bicycle repairing of all kinds done promptly
and reasonably. If you wish to buy a wheel
call on
W. W. T. Stewart.
makes him a good husband.
A woman boasts of what she
expects to be, and a man boasts
of what he used to he.
Some people are so miserly
one can’t even have a joke at
their own expense.
The noblest remedy for injur
'.ea is forgetfulness.
When the fox slumbers lie c
numerates poultry in his dreams.
Adam was not horn, Proba
bly that’s why he never wrote
poetry. *
A cinical old batchelor say?
marriage is an institution foi
the blind.
Sonic folks who borrow trouble
would pay big interest rather
than not have it.
Logic either proves or dis¬
proves all things, but it doesn’t
accomplish any of them.
Arrested in the Hails.
Last week, the government
authorities became aware that
some pamphlets were in the
mails going out to the Phillip
pines which were calculated to
cause the American soldiers
there to mutiny and also in¬
crease the resistance of the Fib
pinos. The authorities prompt¬
ly ordered tho mails to he open
ed at San Francisco, and have
removed therefrom the seditious
The author of the tracts is
oue Edward Atkinson of Mas
sachusetts, vice-president of an
ti-Expansion Socioty. The
name of the three pamphlets
are “Criminal Aggression f by \
Whom?” ..... The of , * National T ..
Crime,” and “The Hell of War
and its Penalties .’ ’—Ex.
n c n 9h|I
| \f\F M Illil @
If so, there must be some
trouble with its food. Well
babies are plump; only the
sick are thin. Are you sure
the food is all right ?
dren can’t help but grow; food
they must grow if their
nourishes them. made Perhaps the a
mistake was in
past and as a result the di¬
gestion is weakened. If that
is so, don’t give the baby
a lot of medicine; just use
your every-day cofhmon
sense and help nature a
little, and the way to do
it is to add half a teaspoon¬
ful of
to the baby’s food three or
four times a day. The gain
will begin the very First day
you give it. It seems to
correct the digestion and
gets the baby started right
again. If the baby is* nurs
ing but does not thrive, then
the mother should take the
emulsion. It will have a
good effect and child. both upon Twenty- the
five years proves this fact.
;oc. and $s.oo, all druggists,
SCOTT & BOWNE, Chemists, New York.
This is to give doe notice to all con
cerned that from May 1 st 1899 The
Conyers Weekly will bethe official
>rgan of Rockdale county and all
legal advertising of tiie exclusively. county will
appear in its cohims
A M Helms, Ordinary.
W H M Austin, Sherilf.
1‘iMontlis 8upi>ort.
Georoxa, Rockdale County:
To whom it may concern.—Mrs.
Martha Stewart, widow of Joseph A
Stewart, late of said county, deceased
having applied for a 12 months sup¬
port out of the estate of said deceased
ancl filed the their appraisers appointed office, having this
return in my is
that to give X will notice as the said law requires,
pass upon return < n
the first Monday in June next. Giv¬
en under my hand and official signa¬
ture this May 4th, 1899.
A. M. Helms, Ord.
Notice to Debtors mul
All parties indebted to the estate
of Dr. J A Stewart, late of said coun¬
ty deceased, are requested make to settle¬ coma
forward at once and
ment, and all those holding claims
against said estate, will please file
them with me, properly attested, at
Jno. II Almand, Adm’r,
Leave To Sell.
Georgia Rockdale County
To whom it may concern :—John XI
Almand administrator of Jos A Stew
art late of said county deceased has
applied to the undersigned <>f said for deceas¬ an or¬
der to sell the interest
ed in certain describede rea estate,
and I will pass upon the same on the
first Mondav in June next.
under my hand and official signature,
This May 2nd 1899.
A M Helms, Ord.
iron DiMsissioN.
Georgia Rockdale County.
To whom it may concern:—Win. I.
PeeK executor of Janies M White late
of said county deceased having made
a final return and applied for a dis¬
charge from this trust as such exe
eutor. This is to cite all persons
cerned to show cause against the
granting of this discharge if any they
can, on or before the first Monday in
August 1899, when the same will be
passed upon, Given mmer my hand
and official signature.
This May* 20 , 1899.
A M Holms. Ord.
Siiei-Sff sale.
Will be sold bet ore the court-house
Tue sd a v 'i n Ju'ii e'^imxt't h e folio udim
described property; One house ami
l,,r uitii itf-o nn IWnhtr strpet ill ti)P
city of Conyers and bounded as foi
lows: O11 tile north bv Decatur
street, on the cast and south by A. B.
Osborn and on the west by lands be¬
longing to the Oil Mill Co. Said
property levied on as the property of
Oliver Sanders to satisfy one
court fifa issued from the Justice’s
BtiStlalJ'clumy! hffavo^of II. N.
Hudson & Son against Oliver San
ders and Ed Sanders. Property
pointed out by plaintiff, this Mayo,
1 m.
W. H. M. Austin, Sheriff.
Our Re
fr iterator b
Keeps fresh meats in splendid
condition, and we will be prepar
cd to serve our customers in
line from week <0 week.
We handle Western meat and
our customers will find it superior
in every respect.
Call at, our market when in need
of anything in the fresh meat
«T* M» ETA NS >
Tne largest bio. k of marble
ever quarried in Georgia, weigh
ing 100 , 060 , is now en route to
Providence, R. I. from Pickens
county at Marbel Hill.Ga. where
it will be fashioned into a hand
some column to be placed in
the State savings Bank at De¬
troit, Mich, It is said to
been quarried with great diffi¬
The ldtli IT. M.
Uncle Jim Anderson, the re
cently appointed census enu¬
merator for the fifth
S 5ves out the Allowing infer
nation concerning the taking
of the 12th census
“The taking of the 12 census
will not be commenced until the
first day of June, 1900 , and (he
enumeration must be completed
in 80 days, except in cities of
of 8,000 population and over,
which must be done in two
The counties will he sub eli¬
ded into districts,each sub-livis
vision containing as near 4,000
population as can be estimated
and properly, arranged.
One enumerate!' will be op
pointed for each sub division of
territory, who must be qualified
to do the work promptly, etti
ciently, and well.
The appointment of
tors will hardly be made before
next winter, or at least until
the sub-division of the territoiy
has been made.
In this (the fifth) congressional
district there are eight counties,
namely; Walton, Newton,
Rockdale, DeKalb, Fulton, Clay
ton. Campbell, and Douglas.
These will be sub-divided into
districts, with one enu
merator for. each sub-division,
while the whole congregational
will be under the man
ageraent of one supervisor.’’
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
Signature of
• -*•
22 4 o Ft,
ABOVE 4 1 JJ Agricultural
SEA. 8 College
Main Buil0in6.
11 LfiL
A college elticatiou in tiie rcnch < f alt. A.B.,
iato“^rie"; military discipline; d i.«aL'luq pood invlgorath^H: moral and
or private families.^ Special license course for
teachers; lull faculty of nine; ail under the
tntion founded specially forstndentsot limited
mcans * Ecn '' lor ^o^fs^EWA^A.xi"*'
^ OtlCG.
Mrs. Dr. Glenn is still making fine
coats and pants at prices to
suit. Room oyer McDonald & Hay
gootl s Millinary store,
Advertise your business.
Current Literati
the^ce^urT Informatiotv 1
everything of worth iX* knowing. y Each Tum? embra
cyclopedia of the times. whowS” ls cin
ing and instructive. Safe, e atl *
25 cifnts at all ’ eilter tai,
Sample sent for ten cents. news stand
t'ORR cijj
When you wan t*a good,’safe turnout one that
drive with }•«
One that looks well and goes well, call on me.
Good drivers furnished if desi
' Terms very reasonable,
Mon 9 ten inn liU
All kinds of Lumber, Shing
Laths, Brick, Lime, and all Mi
' •
Our prices are right and mate
a i wa y 0 S as represented. A
We solicit the patronage of
pilfeliC. S©6 US b©forG IpISiClIlg VO
/ypHpT* *
We represent some of
best Fire Insnrance
in existence and ask the
to see 11s before plac¬
ing their risks.
Office in Banner office
All work guaranteed to please
up stairs over J. II. Al
ntand & Go’s, store.
Conyers : Ga
unkiii? and Emklra-
My undertaking
. well fitted and ,
toy stock of undertaking
is complete,
Attention prompt aDd ca
free of
~\\ r . AL Aliuaml,
& Hmbalmer,
, | SWAY* rtVrtVrVfViYiVr'tt'iViVtWftiVWWt
^TYI.I 51 - 1 , RELIABLE
I *- 5 ART 15 TIC^
^ dressmakers. L’ecotumenlcd by Leading &
They Aiwa)s Please
ifcfTERNSl m t ah 0i
d'rV ou r d i'.ei mi I'-P ’l'*
;t j« Jr.;
Aii'fu r -5 rcjtp- 4
13310 ■ 45w 1 rn 5 , .r«el.w 9 *
t8o Futh Av» San FranJi^
lost Market St..
lirigU ££ 3 t Majaline PublisW*
Address THE McCALL CO.,
50 XPHB YEA^' |Ef r
• I \
i E ' VrtS ^
— I:
41 “ Jw
^ ^