Newspaper Page Text
E m SLU P i ..v H •& STi I KE-<«se3E53
HIT stock is new and complete and our prices
as will attract you.
inspect our goods and you will find that to buy from us means much to you iu the way
11 11 kinds of Fancy and Family Groceries, canned goods etc. Wo also carry Staple
l )aTe % F Anything you need can be found at our place.
lV y broc , _ g Siioes and make law prices,
cyyj ^ Goods, etc., can you very
call on us. No trouble to show goods and make prices. Give us a call and
make it°to your interest •
jrTg are in the market for country produce and pay
prices lor same.
ited Paragraphs.
■things go as easily
P|r5 pome.
Lords never die-except
Died by ingratitude.
j s a cartridge fired
le gun of idle curiosity.
lunch [handle bowl is more clan*
pugilistic punch.
[ood die young and the
len they can’t help it.
stition never keeps peo
[ accepting thirteen or a
Hbwith an elastic imag
■is apt to mistake it for
In who lives on hope
lad bis old age at some
lelso expense.
pen weep audibly when
Ire angry: silent tears
po deepest grief.
pan nature in broadcloth
ptter than human nature
Infants and Children,
Lz/f ’dvr, <?■&&&/!£ T TF "* j s „f
Lons indebted to the estate
rjrtha FLaro Baner, requested late of Rock
p settlement. to make
fu Also all l-.ol
gainst said estate ere
btiLT " J. 8 Almand, . 6 ," 4 tliein Executor. at once to
| I 4s a *paiA. m Kind You Hate Always
r.rsrw^ HRYMAN.
J)iT d mr 1 PLA Goods I X ’ FANCY, invariably FAMILY FRESH and and HEAVY NEW
ao-rio^A!; Hi* r Bio CHOICE
as * 3 case in our
O uoods, Notions and Fancy Go ds.
IV •*« hi, pleasure to economize for our customers.
0. ;r?r ^ 0U bow and all Hie time.
® 0( 8 ani * °ur prices will please you. Call to
lis , a , will
u make it to interest.
j our
AJl 8°ods delivereil in city.
Yours to serve,
'X- ❖
Natural History.
A little boy was walking
with his mother in the part
when they passed a procession
of school girls, arranged in order
according to their ages. The
skirt3 of the pupils varied in
length according to their years
the youngest having the short
eat, the oldest the longest. And
the boy said to his mother, a
he remarked this phenomenon
with innocent curiosity ; “Mam
ma.why do girls’legs grow slior
ter as they grow oldei?”— Ex
We have had a good rain
which was much needed.
The wheat crop i; not as good
as last year.
Measles are about played out
iu this section,
Uncle Robert Cowan, who
has been sick for some time, is
slowly improving.
Mr. Roy Oglesby had all of
bis meat, about two hundred
pounds stolen a few nights ago
One of our young men prac¬
tice:: bellowing along the high¬
way on his way to church. It,
seems to be very natural with
hi m> All ho needs is a tail and
little more hair and he would
be a thoroughbred, wiregrass.
muley-headed yearling. If it
is salt he 13 bleating for, our
good Judge Candler would
bably give him a-‘lick.”
The new Oglesby bridge is iu
good headway. Mr. Oscar
ton is the builder, Pedestrians
can cross now.
Mr. W. H. Brisendiue plough¬
ed out his bottom corn in due
time, He said if he had been
three minutes later he would
have lost the victory. General
Green was enough for him.
Lets of bright hope is exchang
ed for gloomy experience.
The giddy girl makes a merry
companion, but a sorry wife,
The truth that occupies a nut
shell finds some minds too nar
row to give it room.
Tire more a man gets the
more he wants, and the more
I e wants the more he dosen’t
Superstition never Keeps peo*
pie from accepting thirteen fora
A grain of theoretical wisdom
may turn out to bo a pound of
practical folly.
The difference between repar¬
tee and impudence is in the
size of the speaker.
A sensible girl has no more
use for a fresh young man than
for one that is stale.
Beware of cheering your pre¬
judices. They are subtle insin¬
uating, sometimes unconscious,
but they gnaw liKe a caDker
woim at the root of your hap
piness, and incompatible with
lr u e nobility of soul. Therefore
you must not indulge or nurse
or foster or tolerate them; but
resolutely resist them. The in¬
Riant you recognize them expel
them from your thoughts as
you would an indecent or dan¬
gerous person from your home.
Tiy to think at least charitably
of your bitterest foe, and be
sure be is a foe before you class
: fy him as such. When you are
su j e of it, bo noble and rise a
hove the low level of prejudices
your thoughts about him.—
An Aikausas printer in mak¬
ing up the forms in a hurry
the other day got a marriage
notice and a grocer’s advertise
mixed up so that it read
as follows: i < John Brown and
Ida Gray were united in the
sauer kraut by the quart or bar
rel. Mr. Brown is a well
, Known young cod-fish at 10 cts.
per pound, while the bride,
Gray, lias some nice pig's feet
which will be sold cheaper than
at any store in town.
~ Stymr? ~W7ii7 " leel-wi
Besides carrying a large stock of the very purest, freshest
and best Drugs, Medicines, Paints, Oils and Glass at low¬
est prices, makes a specialty of the following goods at
prices that others cannot duplicate:
A large assortment of
Spectacles, ]locks by Standard Authors , also S- /tool
Hooks and School Supplies, such as satchels , slates ,
sponge, crayon etc., Fish hooks, Fishing hues, and
Irot " lines, Base Balls, Rubber Bab’s, Checker and
Chess men, Checker Boards, Violin Strings, Boies,
Pec/s. etc., Banjo Strings, Garden and Shiver Seeds ,
Pocket Cutlery ,
You. will lose money if you buy before
We are always at war, fighting high prices. We easily con¬
quer because we sellgood goods for the same money that you
pay for inferior goods elsewhere.
We wish to call the ladies attention to our new lino of Spring
and Summer goods. We now have on display at our store such
g iods as
Lawns, Madras, Embroidery,
Muslins Percales, Laces,
Organdies Ginghams, Iuscrtiugs,
Piques, Calicoes, Belts,
Welts, Draperies, Belt Buckles,
etc. etc. etc.
Onr line of gent’s furnishings can’t be excelled anywhere
Young men desiring to dress well and in the latest style, can’t
do better than buy from us.
We are leaders of low prices on these goods. It is a pleasure
to show you our line even if you dout purchase, Give us a visit
and be convinced, we are confident we can interest you.
J, J. Langford &
& mm/mmmmmmm %
Special Millinery Noiics.
Our neW and stxlish
millinery is ad mired by
W flQ SG6H OUf n
Seasonable goods arid sty los that will please and delight
all. Our Fancy goods are very pretty and stylish and our prices
very reasonable. Ladies are cordially invited to m ike our stor<
their headquarters. Coni8 to see us.
Yours to serve.
Mrs. his Hapi
O. W. McCalla,
Resident Dentist,
Conyers, Ga.
Extract teeth without pain.
gan Riclnnond and Gold Crowns.
Bridge Work in best style and
plates. Office over.I H Almand’s store.
Tax lieceiver’s Notice.
The Books for receiving
returns for the year 1899 are
open and I will lie at the
Precincts ns follows:
Sheffield Apr. 20. May 11, June 8.
Lorraine Apr. 27 May 18 June 15.
H „ nfcy Creek Apr 28, May 25
Benininder of time at store of J
Langford & Sons.
This April -1 1899.
G H Hull, RTR.
I have for rent a good farm
near Conyers, Ga. See me
J. P Tilley.
^ I [ , _ r _. , a _ V _
V*} |Z \ I
^ J ' ( L
Solid Gold Crowns $5.00.
Gold Band “ $5.00.
Plain White “ $3.00.
Bridge work per tooth $5.00.
Gold fillings from $1.50to$5.u0.
Amalgam filling 50c.
Plates srom $3.00 up to $10.Of).
All work guaranteed.
Office over Post Office.
Lonnie Martin.
Bean the Tha Kind You Hate Always Bcugfit
NO. 0.
KJ i v
o ( - 'T' I ^ vj \ IV E
Is fast growing into a Fan¬
cy and l'anrly Grocery tiore
tn answer to tho demands of
our customers.
We arc handling all kinds of
Fancy and Plain Crackers,
Canned Goods,
Fancy Candies etc.
Wo buy in small quantities
in order to have fresh goods
at all times.
Almost anything for the ta¬
ble can be found at tnir
store, always new.
We do not discriminate
—we treat ail custom -
crs alike.
Goods del vt red in the city
and free of charge.
at ottr goods and get
our prices before buy=»
Yours truly,
M I Miffwll.
I am now running my saw mUl
and am prepared to furnish lumber
on short notice at my mill or deliver
See mo if you want, lumber.
A N Plunket.
CUBES with YfrfMablfl
lit*m*-dies* Have ouml
many thousand crisp»
pulled hopelenri. I n ten
lay* *«I. at least two-third* of nil sympto ms remov
Tfsttimrminis and TEN DAY5 1 mat ; nfc free.
AZ. U. a. GREEK’S SONS, Box K, Atla ‘<a, Via,
Fb*&® b
Anyone tv ho eenda one dollar
for a year’s subscription to the
Atlanta Semi-Weekly Journal
can pet postpaid one pi .ttnd of the
celebrated African Limbless Cot
ton Seed without charge.
A pound of these seed will
plant one-fifth of an acre, and
with proper attention should
yield enough to plant a crop.
The seed were tested in a list
of thirty varieties by the Georgia
Eiperlmcnt slition cnd abul
lctin recently issued by Director
Redding shows that the African
Limbless Cotton produced 70
pounds more per acre than any
other variety, and i6i pound*
more per acre than the average
of thirf y leading varieties.
The African Limbless Cotton
produced 780 pounds of lint per
acre, which is nearly four times
the average on the farms of the
South. This shows what high
fertilization and thorough cult
ure will do with these excellent
Seed. The value of the product,
counting cotton at S cents and
seed at 13 cents a bushel, was
over $45 r:er * acre. The cost of
fertilizers used was $4.77 per acre.
The Journal does not guarantee
results, but the result of the test
at the Experiment Station makes
it Trorth a farmer’s^while to test
these seed when he can get them
for nothing.
The Journal brings you the
News oe tuk Woked Twice a
Week, with hundreds of articles
of special interest about the farm,
the household, juvenile topics,
etc., and every Southern farmer
should have the paper.
You don’t have to wait a week
for the news, but get it twice as
often as you - do in the weeklies,
which charge the same price.
Agei ts Wanted Everywhere.
Ser.d for a sample copy. .
Atlanta, Ga.