Conyers weekly. (Conyers, GA.) 1895-1901, May 27, 1899, Image 2
The C-^ J rs die PS" rr<z i OFFICIAL Ol.GAlf OF iiCCEDALE CCUNTY. J H WAtLIS, EoiT&n. Entered at the po.tofliey at <: m ,ycr* as gecond-chisi malt inat-tT. * Baturdav, May 11 , ih;?9. Locals 5 cents per line P>r fir-t laser tlon ; 2'/i cents for each Mi;bs< que’*' in sertion. Regubr afiv 5oc, j cr in<h tm llrst insertion; 25c lor eaem vdm Insertion. aUBHCKiPTlOX RATE: One year, in advance................ .$■ o; Mix months, in advance........... . nOc rrr— notice. Wi call attcnu'on to official notice elsewhere in tliis paper whieh makes TjikWeukly the official organ of the county. Governor Nortlien’sBoston speech the press of the country. The Gov. Hpoke "I some very forcible truths into yanlcee , ears and , he , is . , being . congrat¬ ulated. His speech was an eye opener tot ho Bostonians who knew little or nothing concerning the provsrution for Jynchings in the south, hilt who elected to abuse and villify the people of (lie south as a unit. I t is hoped that-Governor Nor¬ therns address will do lasting good. The Herald says: “A crusty old bachelor, whoso thoughts should ho occupied with more seri¬ ous affairs, s«vs (lie (IriTin girls arc so pigeon toed that one can’t tell from t heir footprints whether they are go¬ ing home or coming to town.” Smyrna TNcww. Smyrna is on a boom, Single;.:*, ice cream festivals, cr.vrcm parties and picnics take our time while not engaged with general green. When that now railroad runs from Portcrdnle through hero to Atlanta and we get. big cotton factories at the fine shoals on South river, won’t Smyrna be a business place. The hawks and crows are chickens. catching all of our cainpuicotmg What will the preachers do? Mr. Henry Sims has the finest wheat we have seen and no one to help him eat it. A large crowd at tended the singing .'t Mr. J.O. Hohounii's Sunnny after¬ noon and the crowd made ho mo ex¬ cellent music. A certain young man has Horn cor¬ responding with a married lady and didn’t know it. Mr. it R Holli ups worth and wife spent Sunday with relatives in Lor¬ raine. . Mr. Jim Hollingsworth surely means business. He goes every Sun ' day. Willie Sims crossed the river again Sunday. Mr. .1 t> is on the sick list this \v eek. Blue Jay. « 1- ■» Kloiuliko I i em«. Rain needed. There are some vtry good v heat crops in thD eonummity. The Klondike (linm ry Co. has pur¬ chased a very fine separator and is preparing to thresh for all partus. Mr. J IV Jlouscworth, who been sick for some time, is able to work a little. Mrs. Housewoi tli is also sick, Mr. Mack Maddox and sister, of mar Smyrna, were in our midst last Sunday. Mr. W TC Housewoi tli can be seen going west constantly, lie is fixing to take unto himself an helpmeet. Your Rockdale correspondent talks quire glibly with the pen. We hope lie has come to stay. Reporter. F. F. WESLEY, Watchmaker and Jeweler, I A s lion in „ EVERY JOB GUARANTEED. The three requisites to the trade are, know now, mtiukxt ATTENTION TO DETAILS. and HON ksty. If a jeweler possess the first and deficient in the second requisite, necessary repairs will lie overlooked. If deficient in the third, the necessary mate¬ rial will not be used • the job will be palmed off imperfectly repaired and botch work and !u“nLt ust w '°" ’ “ s<i ‘'- v the mechanism of time pieces. and the best made of repairing them. ly Jewelry elc . I conscious¬ assure patrons they need feel no work hesilency with in placing then me, F. F. Woslev. UlIIONIA. G A. This is a day of trusts and yet it is a iiard matter for some people to get irusted for even small amounts. • -««*»- • Admiral Dewey is on his way home from the Phillipim s. New York is preparing to give him a hundred and fifty thousand dollar welcome. Nearly every day records some ter jj, this State by the hand ‘fal.uily negro. Sam berry, n no ( l ions negi c, kdied Mr Frank Evans at Oliver, (in., and wounded two oili¬ er men, one of whom will die, last Tuesday. The negro escaped and a posse of two liitndred is in search of jr f , Vi ;;j probably be lynched. A mini her of towns along the gia road are malting ready to pur. in waterworks ami electric lights. Our town nc-eds this improvement as much its any town in the country nut if there is any agitation of the mat¬ ter at all it must be behind the door. Such advancement may come to us with ihe return of general prosperity. ]);■. J. If. Alexander, represents; tive oftlie ( hristian <disetver, v, as County School Commissioner O* Kebey attended a musicalo a-; Agnes Scott Institute last Tuesday night, i * Conyers. Of ta¬ io Evaritfs Old Stand Errs CeiUrr st rceJ', • -* <s> » • -*<>►- • We will buy and pay highest SPOT price for all Chickens, Eggs, Butter, Beeswax 5 a ll er JTycI^S. Green or X)ry Don ? t youi pi odliee till you see lib, 'W’O the snot G Afi TT lor yon. r|« k. f 4§i_ ^ ci II s') _8_ i 8. L. A Ini and. Bus. Mot. b •s<>: u Sqm pies We have received and opened up a nice line of Drummer’s Samples consisting of: Hos ; ery 7 Urnbrellad, Handkerefiiesfo., Shirts, SuSpetipetider-s, Neckwear, Etc., t These goods are to be sold at first cost to first-comers. Every article is a splendid bargain and will not , * stay with us long. Gome quick. I ■ ■• YOU WILL THINK (HI ■ - . T hat we are making you a present of Straw Hats, Slippers and Un¬ derwear. These goods are on bargain counter and are going fast. krj MONEY $ ; 1 Is a good thing to have around at all times—in hard times $7.50 will buy a slOOO SUI1> AT THE ONE PRICE CA5H STORE. We have just received a big ship ment oi wash fabrics, very stylish aild , DeaUtlflll. , . n Tlie , low. pFlCeS are <io ro SUMMERS’, THE ONE PRICE SPOT CASH HOUSE. The protracted meeting which has been in progress at the Metho¬ dist church for two weens past >•;;me loan find with the service Thursday night. Two additions to the church resulted from the services. The pastor informs that possibly the meeting may resumed with next Sunday's ser vice Mid protracted through next •vcok. The services were interest. jug throughout and very well at tended. ?dr. Iliram Cowan, youngest son ,,f Dr. Cowan, and brother of Mr. J J Cowan, of this county, killed by n train m-ar his home at Constitution, in DeKnlb county last Tuesday morning. Mr. Covv nn whr in bad health which is posed to have unbalanced hi 2 mind This fact possibly explains the of ae cidot. Mr. Cowan was one the most prosperous and popular citi¬ zens of his county and his death is greatly deplored. Rev. J F Wallis will preach at Al mon to-morrow at 11 o’clock Friend Cl ms. Argo was quite sick for several days the first of the week. He is again at his post. The paper mill pond was let oil last night and to-day a large crowd of seiners have gone out expect’ng to bring in quantities of fish. DROWNED. Weston the press to the accidental drowning of Mr. Lav,son Maddox at the paper mill a few moments ago. The pond k . t off and Mr. Maddox fell to the swift current, was washed under the dam and drowned. »°dyjs . not yet recovered. LADIES I -mJM AS vs WBm it fk r¥ -»• :A.! Your attention is es pecially called to line of new wash goods. You will be more pleased with these and we are anxious you to see them. We are paying to you of the arrival of these new wash fabrics and we hope you will an< ^ ins P eo ' t them. 7 :^. O ur stock of dress is, in every respect, superior to any we have ever had in the past and we feel justified in calling the close attention of the ladies to the fact. It is business to show these goods, so come along and see them. GENTLEMEN mis M TO A\ h:J6 ff tfm BMjP V \ You are notified at our expense that our Clothing will suit you in every way and leave your purse in a good, healthy condition. We are selling clothing that gives perfect sat isfaction, at prices too low to be grumbled at. All we ask of you is that you come and inspect these goods* We have a full line of Dry Goods and make extremely low prices on every article in stock Don’t forget our Shoes, Slip pers, Hats, Gent’s Furnishing: etc . Tir can save you - money every day. W- L. ADAIR, ft &5 % & Lius it s-Jt The Kind You A!wav in use for ever SO yemr, has borne “* ' ’ and. has been the 'Y'&'.f.:, sonat supervision '• - to. Allow *. '. r,o 0 . 1 .-. a /•<’' AH Counterfeits, Imitations and Snlv ’' Y>«hs Infants jicrimeiits and that Children—Experience trifle with ami end-Aw " ‘ t < ■S ■i-0 r li>J ] ■ J ' What a »t SxjJ enssa vd 1C* 3R!j| Castoria is a substitute for Castor 0” p.... and Soothing Syrups. It is Harmless contains neither Opium, Morphine nor’of substance. Its ^I . Xa? age is its guarantee. It d and allays Feverishness. It c Colie. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Dkmrhoa and and Flatulency. It assimilates cu-es rc! Cm, | the Food C, Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy ami The Children’s Panacea-Tlie na S Mother’s OEUmUB CASTORIA. taw, Bears the Signature of W* J «Sgg s? & The Kind You Have Always I in Use For Over 80 Years. THE CENTAUR COMPANY, TT MURRAY STREET, NEW YORK CITY •«5 I gzcJf Will find J A Goode’s store a most satisfactory trade at just at this time. Prices on mobt everything vauccd from 10 to 20 percent, but we were luckytotai the rise, and have a full stock of everything in the nisbing line. Stoves have advanced 20 per cent in pria] ' iave no!; a3 P lJ t ^ ie 20 per cent on what we have.: soon ana buy. ir^ci 12 i V I With one of our Silver King or all Steel Folding 3| We have a nice assortment of bed room suits, bedsteads tresses, summer cots etc. Also crockery, glassware and a ed iron and granate ware, all at the old price as long asi lasts. M n a re? i\i JL ; A £=3Ci 11 m* 1 n W ■ Are now in demand. We have some nice mattings 174 cts per yard, Good quality hemf carpet at -j Just remember please that we have a thousand $ u uso aiK ‘ ne8 d around the house, which we can’t inq come to see us and we will sell you right. JOSEPH A. GOO |oWNEyS Mr T A 'N a Bar K JL REGISTERED. CHOCOLATE BON BONS. For Sale By THE QAILEY DRUG CO. ALSO Nunnaily’s Assorted Bon Bons, Peanut, Walnut and Chocolate Brlttles, Ai» ways Fresh, Hi Ur I ?i| k U 1 If f Mil 1 a HENRY REAG PROPKIETOPw My shop is comfortable My towels a vs clean, My tools are always keel My attention is respe ctfl My aim—to please ye® Give me a ca 11 when dressing up POSTED This is togl ve J :e ^ t r“(»Kj tics that my q, ” ;i ,y H tressnsssi.'ig are posted «ihi {'. ie 1 r Ly • ‘ J .Apnl lo . This - '’ T v - PO.-TEW’ hunting* All partic; ,; t: ' .. :«” “ - ,x .... . ■ jVi rv'rjl H! jr*H