Newspaper Page Text
^CAL news items.
paragwpiw Personal and Otherwise, Gath =
t for Readers.
ere d our
is beginning to
pry weather
art. t the county are
Cropf tliroug ]l00
vnffihiy'- hie «dckness m
• i
Thp’-ei'i c0! •
*“ °' ‘,. n a n ( l count).
et Huff made a bus
friend Ro jj"jj , week,
on oughtliis
Bi Bl ?ti .""',Irc'lnck«'> tk O'-"’ 5 1>lwl - «*f- ™°
ns with
[County Ural dn)’ s
iek. Fad McCall a
i A[ r g ox
Mr. « i!l 1 spen ' t Sunday with rel
ives he’ 1 * -
Jul in Price, of Atlanta, is
Miss in McCal
tegnesi () [ p r . Clearance
|s family
Budge Vf }I Brvant, of Henry
n ty, formerly of Conyers, was
j week.
re this
y IJ Wallis and J J
^lord in? yesterday, made a business trip to
bust opened a large line of Swiss
hxbroideriesand Insertion.
Clias, B Hudson.
iy T attention is called to the
Lrtisemeiit m , fids of the Frans Pro
Ice Co, in paper.
Keangnifiii ,.j, come in and let us
I rou up in one of cur choice
|is, IV L Adair,
Fine dress goods of all kinds
lit we know will W give L Adair’s, satisfaction
ii be found at
iridfamed. hie Royal Worcester Corsets— nice
We have a
Iek. Clias. B Hudson.
lliss Idlingar, Tilley Norman, who has been
Thompson, is at borne to
lad vacation.
Mr*. McClelland, of Stone Moun
Sn. is on a visit to her sister, Mrs.
Li man, in the city.
Eiiss Noliie Reagan, daughter of
fkc [' Reagan, of Hon. of AJ McDonough, Smith’s fam is
Iriioplace to buy is where you can
pt Ill he suited for the least money.
and investigate my stock and
!«*• Vv. L. Adair.
iinr trade on wash goods and
Lliing justifies us in claiming
r;imse iitiou, two lines your special
if W L Adair,
[ries. I'civy Groceries, Family Gro
I kinds Fancy Groceries, in fact
of Groceries ami all kinds
ry goods can be bought cheap
an die J II Almand Co.
Li'irkdale and Clayton counties
pi lie best sheriffs in the Stone
[oimtain inige Candler. circuit Austin according and Huie to
b I team, to be sure.
Limit' E C Arnold, of Walton
’unity, Lti: came up last- Wednesday
negro Sheriff Austin had
Mitiirod for him the day before,
lie negro was wanted for gaming.
1 'iigressman Livingston arrived
p t" Liursday immediately evening and was
I’U'ii to his home
Lungs. Col, Livingston is in
“wl health and will enjoy him
Gnt home for a few weeks.
Ciiivars has been fortunate in
png clever and capable
ls ‘i m charge of her railroad de¬
ft ,, 1 ihe ir i s making here now, friends Mr. J
pl'ipjue ' by his uniform
jene “ n \ mildness. We have liad
cleverer than he.
P M l i. iie A D Summers his informs us
is in tenth business
FkK J,7 n ‘l kl11 ^ Preparations
■" t ,ie fa°t m a short time.
nriirii.' iF,.' ' J MJn l )ro R? I' 18 se home t0 spring people,
V" J ..’.'lime ' varilln read g ill his mind and in
. “add” in
flic Cuvi nigton Enterprise
......,7‘ f il
,M T f the 3 recital in
vi,,. , ; U ; ! that most it pleasant
>'ir-,; k? s has been
' ta J of T» Mi ness ss Kelley was at
*ni?i.,i anditori um. She
;18 a talented
;u f i‘Ose of
: . j* ‘k Arden,
;s aiii *jj ,0, it
r " 8 n e
came up to
PttaHj.,/; e was
^■'Ln “"t ',y ■ l ?P the au *e story during and
8|T **nv [eased at the
'^ acc '-”
Mrs. Bishop has been very sick
this week.
Mr. 'V D A1 maud has been very
sick this week.
Mr. N T Street made a business
trip to Atlanta Wednesday. ‘
Mr. Jos. J> Norman, ^ of Augusta,
visited relatives here this week.
Mrs. Waggoner, an aged Indv,
ms been very sick for several days
P" st.
Friend Anthony Norton had a
very pleasant time in Atlanta last
Messrs. Edd Medonald and Dick
Farrell,of Covington spent Sunday
in Conyers
Rev. Mr. George and two charm
ing daughters, of Lithonia, spent
Sunday here,
Miss Mamie Elder’s friends will
regret to know that she is threat¬
ened with fever.
Mr. Walter Almand was very
sick Monday. He is again able to
be about his business.
Work on Mr. J J Langford’s
residence is progressing rapidly.
It will soon be finished.
We have turned out quite a nice
lot of job work the past week for
which we thank our patrons.
Friend Of is Adair has been con¬
fined to his home for about a weeic.
He is some better at this time.
Mr. -and Mrs. Janes have return¬
ed to their home at, Pennfield after
a pleasant visit to Dr. Janes and
Messrs. Manning and Hatcher,
of Atlanta, spent several days
here with Mr, J D Win burn this
Hon. W L Peek lias returned
from an extended trip through the
west. He was away about thir¬
teen days.
Crops throughout the county ire
looking very well and are in good
fix. Rain is needed,especially for
the oat crop.
yfr. F M Ayers received a car
load or i90 shoals last Wednesday.
They can be seen in his lot one
mile below town.
FOUND a pair _ of _ Oxford ties.
Owner can secure them by describ
ing them and paying .m this no
Judge Joseph Reagan will spend
some time in McDonough, after
this week, with the family of his
son Judge Ned Reagan.
Photographs, G for 25 cents for
two or three weeks at Allen’s pho
tographic studio. Take advan
tage of low prices. 1 They will not
last loner
Hon. AJ Smith went up to
lanta this week looxing to his du
ties as member of the Executive
Committee of the State Fair to be
held in Atlanta this fall.
Prcf. Clias. Clotfelter is at home
for several months vacation. The
public schools of Marietta have
closed. The next term begins in
Maj. E H Almand entertained
and iced coffee, The occasion
was very pleasant.
Misses Minnie Turner and Flor¬
ence Austin, after a protracted
visit to relatives in Alabama, are
at home again, to the pleasure of
their many friends.
The Standard Oil Co's, tank
wagon makes periodical trips to
Conyers, Covington and other
points in reach of their tank at
Lithonia. The wagon is a decided
Police court last Monday morn¬
ing was a very interesting affair.
Every officer in town was on the
scout last Saturday night and
their worx was of a very effective
order. The mayor did his part of
the work spiritedly and some very
stiff fines were imposed.
A wise man says: < t Boys who
walk the streets with their hatson
the hack of their heads and long
hair hanging over their foreheads,
with cigarettes and vulgarity in
their mouths, are cheaper stuff
than old shoes—nobody will
them at any price. Men
employ them: sensible girls will
not marry them; they are not
their keeping, and they
never be able to keep themselves.
Get your straw hats at Hud
Mr. \V S Mari tut, of Almon, was
here, yesterday.
Mr. Joe Bowen, of Lorraine dis¬
trict, was here yesterday.
Mr. M. E. Alien lias moved ltis fam¬
ily into tiio Bryant residence on Rail
road street.
Mr. , r Paul T1 , Overby, „ , of , Fiorina, i
spent several cays herewith
Mrs. II F Buciianan, of Decatur,
is spending sonic time here with
her many friends.
Mrs. G N St. John-spent several
days last week with her daughter,
Mrs. \V A Webb, of Lithonia.
If there is no disaster to the cot
ton crop Conyers will receive fall. a
bout If) thousand bales this
Your attention is called to the
fact that you can buy goods cheap
from (he Old Reliable J LI Al
mand Co.
A large line of handsome wash
goods—something that is worth
every cent that we ask for it.
C. B. Hudson.
Don’t forget the Old Reliable J
II Almand Co. when you come to
town to trade. You will be treat¬
ed right here.
Mr. J J Cowan attended the bur¬
ial of his brother, Mr. Hiram Cow
an, at Constitution in DeKalb
county last Wednesday.
Bose Brodnax has invested in a
reaping machine and will be ready
with the approach of the harvest
season to out wheat, oats etc.
Bring me your photographs and
have them copied in miniature on
cuff buttons, breast pi ns, scarf
pins,etc. Roy Elliott.
The “blind tiger” business was
in evidence last’ Saturday night
and the officers were right after it.
It is very probable that Judge
Candler will get a whack at the
business at the next term of his
The Fynns Produce Co. will oc¬
cupy Mr. Ed Everitt’s old stand on
Center street. This company will
buy all the country produce of
all kinds, and pay cash for it,
that is brought in. Mr. S L AI¬
maud is the business manager of
t lie company.
Your attention is called to the
Program print-ad elsewhere in this
paper of the reading at the court
house by Miss Kelley next Mon¬
day night. Go out to the reading
and help in a good cause, 1 he
loading is tor the benefit of the
Presbyterian church.
The Richmond (Ya.) Press says
of Miss Kelley’s rendition of
“Enoch Arden:”
“The entertainment given at
t j, e Methodist church Thursday
even ; n g, under the auspices of t lie
j,]pworth League, was a perfect
success. 1 he reader, Miss May A
Kelley, who rendered the sad and
p itln tic s.ory of nu o .
held the attention ot the la'ge ou¬
dience presenffrom beginning to
Her humorous selections at
the close of the program were ex
ceedingly pleasing, and received
m tich applause.
Shipment after shipment has ar
rived this season and others are coming.
We are showing a great variety. Jt is no trouble for us to please
all customers in this department of our business. These goods
are new, pretty and stylish.
Claim our special attention and we are showing a stock that will
be hard to duplicate in a much larger town than Conyers.
Buyers will find this stock made up of very elegant goods
reasonable prices.
Can’t be talked too much. We have a large stock of as good
Clothing as was ever shipped to Conyers, This Clothing is well
made, the material is good, every garment wears well and looks
neat. We make only a small, just profit on Clothing.
We pay cash on the spot for all goods we hey.
a jj| the disCQtUmts allowed Sind W6 mark
our goods to give OUr Customers the tjenefit.
We have one price for all cus¬
The Weekly gives the news.
Miss Annie Ethridge nmv owns
t ho house end lot on 1 lie corner ot
0 : Kcllev's'ffi'me * 1 Tide^iVau ri
home was purchased from Mr. L
Scott and will b« occupied by
Ethridgo and her father, Mr. Root
Ethridge, immediately upon Miss
Ethridge's return from Louisville,
where she will attend the mar
of j !Pr uncle. Mr. Jeff I)
Stewart, 11Hxt . wwk . As a per
^V. E>. Jaucis,
riiysietainuul Shvrcom .
Office iu J. C. Stephenson’s
store—Can be found at resi¬
dence on Mill street at night.
Patrauage solicited, All calls
answered promptly.
• -+• ►- •
Don’t JTMil to Hear
The Beautiful Story of
“Enoeli : Arden,”
By the Talented Elocutionist,
Monday Evening, May 29th, Con¬
yers, Ga.
“The sea, is H is. He made it."
1 (a) Childhood.
(u) Marriage.
(0) Enoch goes to sea.
“Cast all your care on God’,
that anchor holds.”
“Expectant of that news that nev¬
er came.”
2 (a) Death of Enoch’s child.
(a) Philip, a friend.
“Money can he repaid: yours.” not
kindness such as
“The ship was lost.”
3 (A) Philip asks Annie to be his
(B) Annie consents.
(C) Tec marriage.
“So they were wed, and mer¬
rily rang the bells.”
“A shipwrecked sailor look¬
ing lor a sail.”
4 (A) Enoch w recked upon bis home
voyage and rescued.
(B) Enoch returns to bis home.
Home—what home? Had he
a home?
1 Things seen are mightier
than things heard.”
5 (A) Enoch looks in upon Annin.
He prays lor strength not to
tell her, never to let tier know.
(U) The story told to Miriam Lane.
(C) Enoch’s death, saved.”
“A sail', a sail! 1 am
To conclude with humorous selec¬
!.“» CJIOri’t*.
The reading of “Enoch Arden” by
Miss Kelley is most highly spoken ol
by the various places where she lias
oppeared, and those attend the read¬
ing at too Courthouse next Monday
night may expect to ho delightfully
Exchange boughtand sold. Ccjicctici.s made on all parts of the
country. Accommodations extended consistent with sound banning
Q ven j ra ft s w |u no t ^ honored Hinder any circum
Office hours from S a. m. till 4 i\ mi ill further notice.
nNBMOMN 111 vruxiaxrd « >,
f /irrr!rwur-tfv si Hi m I* /lil.-WU’ Ti 1 ■ hi
We will devote
the next few months
to co 11 eel ions and
i hose indebted to ns
are r e cj nested to
conic and make.set¬
tlement at once.
Our office will he
the same as hereto¬
Thanking (ho public for past patronage, wo
Very truly, <6.
D. M. Aim arid's Sons.
I have removed my store from the Post Office to the store
room next door to The Blue Front.
I have a large stock of the latest styles of Millinery goods
and am better prepared to serve my customers than ever before.
Miss Lola Young, of Atlanta, will trim for me this season.
She is an expert trimmer and well known here.
A1 are invited to give me a
Miss Emma Riley.
T3i 54111! 115 IS.
ASnmmcr AniiouncuuiDitt
Is now running on full time and vve are turning
out some splend il Ice Id drinks. 5 ou can get Bo
da Water, Fhi/.'] b (• , ‘ • >oa Cola, Ice Ureain etc ,
every day. Como in ana be refreshed.
sTA r r i < )>i:h y.
We have a handsome line of Stationery of all
kinds. Our flox Stationery leads. Got your Tab¬
lets, Inks, Pens, also all kinds of choice Toilet ar¬
ticle and Toilet Soaps from us.
S!»< >jnTN(i viOODS
Sporting Goods of all kinds may be bought of us
cheaper than elsewhere. Get your Base Balls,
Bats, Hammocks, Fishing Tackle, Marbles, etc.,
li’iiiv, • *
Gailey Drag Co.