Newspaper Page Text
g. b- iuLroip
jar ,n K oi.i> li i : i,iA I! LE.i #5
This firm has a reputation too well and favorably
kno'vn to need comment, hut we wish to call a Ren—
tiono the facUHetw, «.
stock of
Goods, Notions, Clothing, „ Haus, ,
Shoes, Family, Fancy and Heavy Gro
cerics, etc. *• sell at reasonable
prices and our values are always bas
ed on the quality of article sold.
We can give some special
in Spring . GiOtiling s>n Ji •
and Gents Furnishings.
Give us a call and you will be con
need that we can give satisfaction.
J. 1-J. TILlVfilND 00.
A young fellow owed a dollar
He had only seventy-five cents
to pay such with. Ho went to
a pawnbroker and pawned the
seventy-five cents for lift)' cents
lie then sold the pawn ticicet
for fifty cents. That gave him
one dollar. He is said to have
paid the debt. Do you think lie
made off the transaction? Did
the pawnbroker lose, or how
was it? Take a day off and puz
de over the proposition, It F
ns simple as daylight,—Dalton
A Soutli Georgia fellow devil
gives this advice to young wives
vho are fond of gardening:
"Mako your beds early in the
morning, sow buttons on your
husband’s shirts, do not rake up
grievances; protect the young
nud tendei branches of your
family, plant a smile of good
temper on your faco, carefully
loot out all ill feelings and ex¬
pect a good crop of happiness.’
A young married lady one
morning gave her husband a
sealed letter, which he was to
read when he got to bis office
He did so, and the letter ran as
“I am obliged to tell you
Something that may give you
pain, but there is no help for it
You shall know everything
whatever be the consequences
For the last week I have felt
luce it must come to this, but i
have waited until the last ex¬
tremity, and can remain silent
on longer. Do not overwhelm
me with bitter reproach, for you
will have to put up with
share of trouble as well as
1-jEEU lqOOh.
W. W. T. Stewart
Will keep ice during the summer months and
C in supply his customers in any quantity desired.
Soda fountain drinks of all kiuds can be had
his store.
Bicyclo repairing cf all kinds done promptly
r: reasonably. if you wish to buy a wheel
o on
W. Wo To Stewarto
Cold perspiration stood in
(hick drops on the brow of t! e
husband, who was prepared f r
the worst —Trembling he read
‘-Our coal is all gone. Please
order a ton be sent this after
noon. I thought you might for
g e t it for the tenth time, and
therefore wrote you this letter."
But lie didn’t forget it that
An Essay on the Editor.
A little boy was required to
write an essay the other day
and “The Newspaper” was his
subject. Here is the result. “1
don’t Know how newspapers
come to be in world, I don’t
think God does either, for h
haint got nothing to say ’bout
,l,cn, and .he editor am. m the
Bible. I think the editor is oue
of the missing links you hear a
bout, and stayed into the brush
until after the flood, then stop¬
ped out and wrote the thing up.
and lias been here ever since
I don’t think he ever ;dies. 1
nevers vw a dead ’un, and nev
cr heard of one gettiu’ licked.—
Our paper is a mighty poor
’un. The editor goes ' without
underclothes all winter, don’t
weai no sox and paw haint paid
, . subscription , ... inhvejeaiv . „ „
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Boars the
Signature of
Some people can best
(heir presence feit by their »b
i€ lf^Pi| 3,
1 ijiii S Ill Is, £
■ v ^ ^ ®
i" ^
babies arc plump; only the
sick are thin. Are you sure
the food is ail right? Chi!*
drer. can't help but grow,
mistake was made in the
past and as a result the di
gestion is weakened, If that
is SO, don’t give the baby
a lot or medicine; just use
every-day common
and help nature a
^ e> anc * ^ wa y *°
CS' to add half a teaspoon*
c of
$ yj
will begin the very first day
you give it. It seems to
correct the digestion and
g e ts ^he baby started right
again. If the baby is nurs*
jng but does not thrive, then
the mother should take the
emulsion. It will have a
good effect both upon the
mother and child. Twenty
five years proves this fact,
50c. and $1,00, all druggists.
SCOTT & BOWNE, Chemists, New York.
This is to give due notice to all con
cerned that from May 1st 1809 'ihe
CoxyeksWeekly will bethe official
organ of Rockdale county and r. 11
legal advertising of Hie county will
appear in its col urns exclusively.
AM Helms, Ordinary.
W H M Austin, Sheriff.
Geokcua, Rockdale County:
Stewart, late Of said county, deceased
having applied for a 12 months sup¬
port out of the estate of said deceased
and the appraisers appointed having
filed their return in uiy office, this is
that to give I will notice as the law requires,
pass upon said return on
the first Monday iir June next. Giv¬
en under my hand and official signa¬
ture this May 4th, 1899.
A. M. Helms, Old.
Woticc to D«;I)tors and
Ail parties indebted to the estate
of Dr..! A Stewart, late of said comi¬
ty deceased, are requested to c-mia
forward at once and make settle
incut, and all those will holding please claims
against; them said estate, file
with me, properly attested, at
Jno. H Ahnaud, Aclm’r.
Leave To Hell.
Georgia Rockdale County
To whom it may concern:—John H
Aimand administrator of Jos A Stew
art late of said county deceased lias
applied to the undersigned for an or
der to sell the interest <>f said deceas¬
ed in certain describe do rea estate,
and I will pass upon Cue same on tin
first Monday in June next. Given
undermy hand and official signature.
This May 2nd 1899.
A M Heims, Ord.
! Georgia Rockdale County,
j To whom it may concern:—Win. L
charge from This tliis trust all as such exe
enter. is to cite persons con
cerned to show cause against the
granting of this discharge if any they
can, on or before liie first Monday in
August 1899, when the same will be
and passed official upon, signature. Given unuer my
This May 20, 1899.
A M Helms, Ord.
My Photograph gallery will
liAnnflii DG OpGIl fir 101 iiiidinpQS UU8IU6SS Up un St3.ll etair’c S
in the Night building next weeK.
All who want first-class photo
9 graphic r work are invited to call
OU iliO fit tuO ill Oiu St3llCl. i
M E Allen.
Beers the Ita Kind Yon Have Always Bought
Our Re
frifferatoi b •*
Keeps fresh meats in
condition, and wo will be prepa-r
ed to serve our customers in
WSJ' ™.t
our customers will find It
mevftl- y respect "
Call at our market when in need
of anything in the fresh meat
?* M “ ^„ A lwe ^"' ,
Mrs. Dr. Glenn is still making fine
dresses,-coats anil pant.8 at prices to
suit - Room over McDonald & Hay
good t s Mill!nary store.
Art is long ; that is why
men linger in front of mirrors.
A man’s head is apt to
light when he has a load on.
A blind man should never at
tempt to build a house until he
gets his sight.
Pyramids are so called because
they appear amid the
tion of the desest.
Queer Pranks Gf Cupid.
The little town of Malinta, 0 >
is all agog over some
pranks which Cupid played
with two young ladies and two
young gentlemen there recently,
Francis and Mary Discomb,
daughters of a well-to-do far
mer, were engaged respectively
to Davis Ren dice and Frank
Benson. Arrangements for the
double ceremony were complete
and elaborate, and half the
countryside had been invited to
the impressive ceremo¬
ny. When the young men ar¬
rived with the licenses, there
was universal astonishment ov¬
er the discovery of the fact t ha *
the young sister, Mary, could be
found nowhere. After much
excitement and an extended
search, her elder sister located
her in a bedroom ciying bitterly.
She finally confessed that she
did not wish to marry her fi¬
ance, as she was in love with
her sister’s. On this, the
ing Miss Dipscorab, senior, de
dared that she loved both boys
equally and was willing to
foct an exchange of sweetheart*.
fhe young men gave a ready
consent, and returned to town
to secure new license. V\ hen
the ceremony began, the guests
were astonished to see how mai
ters had shifted, and even now
the affair is a nine days’ win¬
This cise will probable bold
its own as the only kind on re
cord. It illustrates beautifully
the depth of sisterly devotion,
the obliging male character and
the ever inscrutable
of the little god.—Ex.
• •
Georgia XT'
224o Ft 'A! A
ABOVE A j ! ~T Agricultural
SEA. 1 a College
WM3> lli
-^ass -/-k
A college education In tlw reach r.f all. A.B.,
B.S., Normal and Business Man’s courses.
flonl A 75 » y«? r ; FYT 1 ia dormitories
or private families. Special license course for
teachers; full faculty of nine; all under the
control cf the Co-education University. A college Theinsti- prepar
atorv class. of sexes.
tution founded specially for students of limited
means. Send for catalogue to the President.
Jos. S. Stewart, A.M.
Bear* the The Kind You Have Always Bought
K ' .
•<* i
niormation. i
ing cyclopedia and instructive. of Ihe times. Safe, tholeS' ’ enterta ,s « 7
Sample 25 cents at all news n ‘n*
sent for ten cents. ~ stands.
3b awifl cu»
^ fl n ! 5 8
, vfea
KSj — w iA vm & ii ml a
When you want a good,'safe turnout one that
drive with
One that looks well and goes well, call on me.
"W'H I, I
Good drivers furnished i if desire
Terms very reosonable
m, :: iVi / L -1 J TALT 1
- f~\ T J
x u
J ii sfc.-«uau»*n«ca-v Euam? B«ih4 I PM! 1
VmB Wn a U I
All kinds of Lumber, Bhinglf V
Laths, Brick, Lime, and eJl buill
Our prices are right and mateiis
always as represented.
We solicit the patronage of fa
public. See us before placing you
U P \\ TTTflTTTI \! \ fl j\ k Ffl Hi t==3
•iTlJJ JJLiUUJ XiilU ■
We represent, some of the
best Fire Iusnrance Companies
in existence and ask the
generally to see us before plac¬
ing their risks.
Office in Banner office
All work guaranteed to please
Office up stairs over J. H. Al
mand & Co’s, store.
Conyers i Ga
I Strrw ,
My undertaking
ment is well fitted up and
s t° c k Of
g° ods is compete.
Attention prompt and
TT^ ftS TT flT ^£*
rl v V/*
W. A . Almaiid,
Undertaker & Embalmer.
^ CTYU5I1. RI.I| l
AR 7 ! 5 T!C«a>
^ Peccmmer, Jeii by Lr-ding (i
u. vis makers ft
i hey Al.rey 5
> rF"7h-,s* par'.stRi i a*c »oA ”•
> - / vy c**y ^ 15
^ If jr dti. c.; ;s nt. k-?p i...
yj Or.! s'iffi?* r?:*•«*
c rt:t :9 Jt ce.T.
I Aid-rss /at' r.s :!%: pc.r.t
133 u» US A U* 1 . Street.
S ? F.IU.S -n jrm!' ni!
iSoF.fitiAv; C- »
5 t 1051 Market at sa.1 rraaas.a
n.’- —r-rr .^ rrr.-SX . Pubhsncd
5 BrlghUit
5 •S Coa'ains jL.N.-rs] ’Bcju-;";: C IV.vra5.ta*
|S5x4frwxfi.a*'' S CO.. i
. MSjfcsgP v* 0CS,GNS
i r __ s copyriohts Ip ^
tions sllff =;rictly oor^flUent v*:"-, r 3
sent free. Oldes. ate-■- thro pn h -,;unri ‘ l -
Pa'ents taten a j B t6e
tpfeial notice, rrifhouc 1
. :.-S .-A r
Hi ante, u -
Take this paper-