Newspaper Page Text
The Cenyeis ilieekfi,
j h WALLIS, ETcitcr.
Entered nt the postofliec at Gonycrs a*
second-class mai! in -t < r.
Satukday, June 10 1800.
Locals 5 cents per line far lir-t inser
IP • P %\' cents tor eaco -obsiqnent inch for m
Regular a-U ,V»c. per
D rs [ insertion; 25c lc-r each subsequent
One vear, in mi vane*.............. 00
Six months, in ad races.......... .....50c
hn\-aiwthertH- .
Atlanta is soon to
epl.ono i xclinrr e. Therein iiotiiing
li!.<- coiujict it inn.
A young lady is.sne.n_: . ■ *! t,.< . A \+itin,*i Laid..
Dentiil College for no damages.
(••uised j,v pnllinn- atootn—She says
11 '• su rov.-d her youth lie nut.v and
• 1
loveliness. S
Governor William II Ellerbe, chief I
executive >i Soidii ’ Ciicolinn, (iied last i
I riday night n( , con,umptm.i. h« i id,
tenani-C>'ovcrnor W L IdcSweeny ;
will fill the u ne x pi red term.
(>'wiiK it ami Walton counties have
a l)oi:i <!r.v dispute. About 1 LOCO
acres ( t land ate invirh ni. TI j *
cation of the nourishing town of Eo
R»nsviIJe is involved; and it is
ect tha t tl»# town belongs to
instead of to Walton county.
• -31 ► •
Tom Myers, who was (omitl guilty
of s- duction at October term of Rock
dale Superior court, 18',<8, has been
11- was represented by A ( Met alia
and J R Irwin.
Write on a piece of pipx r the num¬
ber i opri sentingyour aye multiply by
two, add 8,798, divide by two, then
Kubli net the nu in tier r< |,i'e:-eiuing
your age, and I elore y< ur < yes will
be* .someUiing you little expected to
Admiral Dewey sailed for home.
li* , . s i: „ Si , i . ]> tiic* , (.•'._** ji i [>i«i, . , hist
on i
Tuesday e\ ening at i o’clock. The
Admiral Dewey’s heallh was very
much impaired but was much hone
fitted by his stay at Hong Kong, liis
home coming will occupy about four
mooti:s and he will land first at N Y.
— -C-'iS' ■ -
Ot: last Monday while an excur
sion was being run from Athens to
Atlanta, a crowd took it to their
heads t.. ride “high" and so climbed
up on top of the con 'll. While (Id*
train was running al a speed of forty
five miles an hour one of them rolled
off the train. That w as • iiio c.xeiir
sion where there was room for one
men—at tue top.
A special session of Dooley Super
ior court was convened at Vienna on
las: Monday for the purpi so of try
ing John Hanuawuy, a white man
who ecuunutted an assault on n little
white girl m ar Vienna, in less than
, i,,. i , nr mu ..r ii 'jury. * «• a* re
tm e. d t»y the »-raml Tiie prison
or arraigned, and plead rmlty and
Bcnulminry d ’Ik jiiuco
ThK with a
I’nlilic School Kcpori.
Below we give the final report of
Sunt Glenn to the School board of
the Putilic Hchools of Conyers for
teruia of 185)8-9:
Conyers, Ga. .Tune 7, 1899.
Gentlemen of the Hoard of Educa¬
tion ;—
Jt gives me great plessme to in¬
form you that our schools seem to b<
in a most prosperous eondltion. The
teachers turn* been faithful ami eon
retentions in the performance of te.eir
work ami the final examinations
show Hourly that work of a high or
eer has been done in some depart¬
We stand in need of many improve¬
ments Hint will aid us greatly in the
Performance of our work. Wo have
no dictionary in the school and no
hooks «»f re orenee. Wo hope during
the next year to start the t-niiection
of a library. We need a Century Dic¬
tionary very much as a reference
We need an assembly liali for daily
ssscmlil: ng and lorolh r sc Pool oxer
vises, a ei we reeogni/.e Hu* limit
means at your command and your
I|1 .*'
schools ail :lungs tha> add to then* ,
atfectiveness and we are led to hope
that these things will come with
. ...
training in physical euhmv. a busi
ness course, and much; nival draw
We wish to thank the Board
Choir uniform courtcsv to the
eu-. lor iiic hearty support they
they Smve shown in the schools.
Tin enrollment for
Hespcvifully suhmhred.
B. V. Glenn.
' l’roi:)0< ions.
First Okahk.
Nellie Langford, Joe Ed Whitaker,
Itiitli AliiiiiiuJ. Burton Guinn, Ariine
M;iini:;ticK. Nellie .Melton, lassie
Longshore, Stafford Stark. Kan* Al¬
um:.:!, Myrtle Bishop, W iilie May
Dunn, Flora, John Langlord,
( laude Morgan, Kate 0 Kelley, M
pharette Tucker.
Skcond Grade.
Daisy Gain, I .noise Summers, Au
{rust ns .M (Knight, Grace Y (* I ho 111 ,
A kIlthoi), } I O’ s;oi* tiV8i;s Lu!h liull,
Valeria (;iotfek*r, Jfiula Maud Lack
py- g ,„k.
Arthur Alniand, Gim Almaml,
Glam Jones. Elite Lackey, Carrie Lee
llicj s Earl Tucker, Walter Tucker,
Ida Warren, Hattie "ellborn, I-or
!•(.«! Wellborn, Maud Evans Charlie ’
A!ooii, James Moll.
Fourth (i pa he.
Sarah Kate Anderson, Paul Bryans,
F , mili(1 j j-i),., Crawford Hardwick,
( ivdc Lifse.v, .Jesse Met'alia, Gih
McDonald. Mable Morgan, Georgia
Pirkle, Willie They Ross, Baker Stew¬
art, Eugene Summers, Howard
Vaughn, Nellie W arren, 1 lioinas;
J}( Hogelt;i j. arriil. Annie Willard
]i. u . ( j w iek, (.'ratiy Irwin, Jack Mal
t ,on). Annie (Sene Mct'alia. Hayden
McKnight, Mmlge Wei ton, Tlmmas
Blanket, Marie Scott, Wiilie Street,
Alary Lou 'Tucker, Robt Warren,
I’eai'l White.
Fieth Grade.
Beulah White, Raul O’Kelley, Al
inaml Tucker, lUtds Haygood, Harry
yjj\;„iv. Frank Hardin, Annie
white, Jamie Tilley.
Sixth Grade.
Garrie Born, (’has. Harden, Jim
Mnlcom, Allie Jo Sigman, Mozelle
i arriil Sarah Lou Harden, Wilson
Maicom, Kate Smith.
Seventh Grade.
Harry Davis, Kate UardwicK,
]y mi ,j c Lifn-y, Kloise Moon, John
Simpkins, Frank Tucker, 0 W Mc
('.alia, jr., Henry Kverett, Gertrude
Johnson, Inez McDaniel,
Taylor, Time Weaver.
Eichth Grade.
Frank O’Kelley. Ruth Hale, Gallie
Irwin. Union Elliott-, Leona
S)|1 . i , !) Sl!(i L an gfor(|, Frank Almaml,
Valeria Tucker, Claud Osborn, Allie
Elder, Mercer Hull, Willie M Ham¬
ilton, Claud 'Treadwell.
Ninth Grade.
Maggie Hardin, Fannie Latham,
Fannie Htansell, Agnes Qnigg, Cur- II
ry Moon, Henry M<( 'alia, M in da ar
din, Zehnu Jones, Berta Smith, Ocie
Warcllaw, Berto McCord.
'Hie negro Grant I»ell who was tried
for assaulting Mrs. Lumpkin which at Ce- is
dart'»wn, an account of
published on the front pane, was
j OU i K i not* ^ nil tv •
For Infants and Children.
^ikne is Ot
slg&Muta ontj
sf *r»pp»r.
I’evenueoliieers Scott, and
of Atlanta, made a rado
Slicliiold district last Tuesday
night and succeeded in capturing
still ami twenty-tAvo gallons of
v\iiis!-.e\, i lie st t . i .’ w !iiske\
found in the i'.oses.-,ion ol Mi.
1 'V Kdwards, but tlm still
an. j" i.miauis !'^‘ ll V 1 !' mm , n • on i ms : wag
moving it and t he officers hear
ing a wagon on (lie road at
hours of ihe night becomesus
^'nmvt-a l! 'm r. '' *Ed w a* rds
wli f™ J 1 "' was
As they had llo warrant for Ar Mr.
Edwards we understand they pro¬
to Atlanta with 1he whis
key and still, expecting to obtain
warrants and return for Mr.
wards. Thev also urrer ted and
nod with them to Atlanta Mr. 1 L
Edwards and Mr. I) S Anderson
tor whom they had warrants.
f. f. wesley,
Watchmaker and
-« 3itl *. • lkOiU<i. if 's.ncB. •<.„
The three requisites to the
trade are, KNOW How,
A'rncNTioN ro details, and nox
ks iy . If a jeweler possess
first and deficient in the second
requisite, necessary repairs
be overlooked. If deficient in
; jic third. 1 1 1 e necessary mate
■ , •,•. . , th „ ^ i,,u
- ..... l
!>.’ palmed , oil ,
repaired L ami ,v„,k
but . lie must follow, f ,, the day ,
the night.
With an expereeme dating
huni a!u{ « dose Study Ot
the mechanism of time piece8.
atu i the best made of
Uietn, it. oowtdry etc., t I .
ly assure patrons thev need
no hositency m placing
work with tue,
IS. IS. Worley,
a s, | #!
Clothii » at
Our > 3 & O' 7
favorable attention a
# much 11 larger cities # i • than
Convert, ... Our / \ stock A ^ eov
ers the styles , it is made
up of line eroods and the
tailoring is of the best.
prices are ‘lower than
P A g
t ‘
I •M
Our stock of Dress Goods can’t
be excelled in this town. Our sum.
mer fabrics are very beautiful.
Piques, Percales, Organdies, Linens, Cali
coes, Woolen goods for skirts. etc e
Come to us for slippers, shoeiy children’s shoe3 etc.
We will save you money.
Exchange bought and sold. Collections made on all parts of the
country. Accommodations extended consistent with sound banking
Overdrafts will not be hOElored pnder any dreum
Office hours from 8 a. m. till 4 r. M.till further notice.
AQoodScife Plqceto @i^de
You buy anything . general , merchandise ... line at
can in tue
our store at right ° prices and every article you buy will be first
c]ass> We aifJ , t0 please our customerr in every transaction.
We buy goods close and sell them for' close profits. We
give our customers all possible advantage.
Come to us and get A r al
ue and satisfaction in eA r -
er J' fteal *
Our grocery .department
always Kept mil. .
! 1
I have removed my store from the Post Office to the store
_ next ^ . door , to . . The r , „ Blue n; „ Frout. is f
I have a large stock of the latest styles of Millinery goods
and am bet!*.r prepared to serve my customers than ever before.
Miss Lola Young, of Atlan'a. will trim for me this season.
is an expert trimmer and well known here.
All are invited to give me a
Miss Emma Riley.
:«' I !*: * 1 i t»f u i iiSi UlUf fit«tflUTUi!'!! f; ’? ? I n=
fMP fig fife I Ijp
■h> |M» :
!. J^egetaWclYeparalio&fbrAs- :. . . .•i--Lj. LAlA.-JL.Tk-U: L l'ii-L « ^ i ,F 6 j-i * b 0 i irOHil * _
I* - iu
sinnlating fee Food audReguta- ilfl ! £ v
tug the Stesads and Bowels of p p ,-, 1V! n
mm - -lilQ g
Signature 8 #a \
ness ProaiotesBi^eslion.Ckerful- and Rest.Cor.tains neither rv? * i.A
Opium,Morphine nor Mimical, 01 I
Kot 'Narcotic. T Awr
Hecipe of Old JlrSAlftELflTCMS 2' t,\A& IF
Ihi/uplan Steel"*
Mx.Senna + r
* JtoaiiUs. Saifs - 1
<dni. ?c Sere! + k*
J\ppormint J3i Carbtme&Sotla. - I
■* l
pinn Seed -
Olnrified Suejar Flavor. -
ii'uifuy/een i i
perfect Remedy for Cor,Mips- m
iion, Sour Stomach,Diarrhoea, U,
Worms .Convulsions .Feverish¬ Fori
ness and Loss OF SLEEP.
Facsimile Signature of i Thirty YeJ
- J>:i; :
m v.; mm
i 'ik% y
Will find J A Goode’s store a most satisfactory I
trade at just at this time. Prices on most everything bare
v a need from 10 to 20 percent, but we were lucky to Jjdj lx
the rise, and have a full stock of everything in the fej
nishiug line. Stoves have advanced 20 per ccntinpmw
have not as'yet put the 20 per cent on what we have, so
soon and buy.
fz. fB fin! m n i m
m in
With one of our Silver King or all Steel Folding Sprit
\yg have a tiice assortment of b&d room burs, bedsteads, i
tresses, summer cots etc. Also crockery, glassware and fcua
iron and grauate ware, ail at the old price as long asthij
|UUlfln E ... a Mpiffflfl m M?^
Are now in demand. We have some nice mattings at
and 17.1 cts per yard. Good quality Itemi <
please have thousand . i ..d
yard. Just remember that we a
yon use and need around the house, watch , . , we cau i-r
but come to see us and we will sell you right.
T {-i in y*^ y j - I
U y
(R bmwPi
f :;y. wp
W/Jf M Vr- 's?'-~r~Z' : a
tSf W SL
For Saie By
Nunnally’s Assorted Bon
Peanut, Walnut and
Chocolate Britties, AD
ways Fresh,
The Msj Drag Oe.
hEi ' hs , ' i ' rtU
My shop is comfortable.
My towels are clean.
My tools are always keen
My attention is respectful
My aim—to please a!!.
Give me a call when} 0150
dressing up.
give due none- to all P*
This is to O.'lK dffi’
ties posted that my and 1 toilau ?id a'"' and 8
are tliereon.
tresspassing April to, 18bJ
This " w V Ak
All parties are ''"Y.-Ak !’
hunting, fishinv ■ „ .jgs wdi
passing upon'»ui 11 ' ■ t j,j
tv. Anyone L