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■ ^ ri 5 3IOATH OX-f .1XJ3TJK TO 1513 CROWDED W1T1JL ,EA X ^. f r OST? WTOIIK^^^;
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People:—We are now in our tenth year of business in Conyers. Our relations with the people of Rockdale and adjoining counties
most pleasant and we believe mutually profitable since the day we went in business. We have kept good goods and made low prices
;V8 to this and the people show their appreciation of cur store and cur manner of dealing with them by their continued pat-j
It is our aim to do better and better by cur customers. Note the relieving prices z
suit for A 5 °‘
50 men's sin L 810.
;0 men's s mt? •'U.
suits U 'T
We invite the people to us this month of June and we will give them bargains of which they will be
o 3 Come in and help us celebrate our tenth year in business.
oc al news items.
rt p ara graphs, Personal and Otherwise,
ered for our Readers.
Host hot enough.
apples are scarce,
|n is badly needed here.
Lvbekly gives the news.
bada .game of ball Friday.
-legal adds appear in this
IgeMcCalla business went tluy to last Coving- week.
bi one
IJFHuff paid a Circle short Sun- visit
Eatives at Social
Bose Broadnax has been in
’domand with his reaper this
haw been having some ex- the
Iv warm weather during
L don't, like what is in this
kids week you can go to the
I)' about it.
Jsrs. Perry Griffin and
|i\ tunday. if Oxford, was in Con
sea Hutcherson and George,
dison.aru visiting Mrs. A i>
uintiie city.
,wD a pair of Oxford tics.
t can secure them by describ
lemand paying for this no
‘" l!SS ^ 1:!S been a little ,
- round these diggins—
! plenty of the other Kind,
‘k -L'- Nellie Wallis has
fery sick for some ten days.
>thought kiting. to be improving at
[aiie llJ ike Still, McCord who holds Grocery a posi- Co.
pita, last came down to visit Ills
r Sunday.
[county correspondents were
r-T'in getting in this week
r’ 1 crowded out. They \vi 11
rnext week.
pf the boys down at Dry
r- "rote home that the
|u P that , !"i registered for hot? 137 degrees .
[ P tor ^ Guntersville, Almaml left last
t"'" to look Ala.,
after his min
j' fest u > that secti m.
12 illy P’ ur photographs and
“ c, « m ' iature
m tt011 n on
te. ^ breast ni pins, scarf
Roy Elliott.
L" K° . ; j nega Almand where has return
^ng college, ’ has
'nation and will
with hi 8 pnr .
t u! L Miumeoienn. Glenn and his
A . ' the have
pr Sail U * JMt parents of
1€ T ex pect to stay
;xc >tem snt
... lu„G lSr !, day , was caused on
° this w-pok b
i'ut'Y ht v
10 Y ma< R
ulul YG’-stYUlborn ]'■' '^'dy wheel
’ 1 b’iglii,',:, ,,?.? 1 y : ! r 1! .' n ” t? co,) his
t Urt , *
. 1 “‘.'’did
’• Ly, .pi u >t
ar d the
n and 1
pUtnYf otb Sf ve
-• 5 'ut failed to
$1 50 and $2 tan slippers $ 1 .
$2 50 ladies shoes $2
$3 50 mew's shot * $2 50 ,
Children's slippers. 50 c on the *
Mr. John Hollingsworth spend s
many Sunday afternoons in Cov
ington of late. Capt. Huson
knows where lie goes, but refuses
to give him away.
Our readers will please overlook
any and all short comings and ir¬
regularities in the paper Ihis week.
The “Devil” is running it.
Last Saturday was the hottest
day ot the year so far. The the
mometer registered 90 in Atlanta,
which . on , y lacked , , . two , degrees , of ,
being as hot as any June day m
nineteen years.
Mayor Aimand's matinees op
Monday mornings continue to be
well attended. No admission tee
is chnrged#-ii usually takes about
live and costs to get out. Let er
roll !
Friend Floyd Plunket writes
from Dry Tortuges that lie will lie
at home by the 15th inst- He says
the other boys will in all pn babil
ity come with him. It must be got
ting too hot for the boys down
' las Irene Inviii goes-to Oxford
today on a visit to friends and rel
ativc-s. She will attend' the com¬
mencement exercises at Emory col
j ego while there.
The combined Teachers Insti¬
tute of the counties of Rockdale
and DeKalbhas been in session at
Lithoniv this week. Several of
the teachers of Rockdale have been
in attendance.
Rev. D A Brindle will fill his
regular appointment here at the
Christian church Sunday at 11 o’
clock a m and 8 p m. Everybody
invited to come out.
A party of young people char¬
tered a two horse wagon.and went
out to the Paper mill on a pleas¬
ure hunt last Wednesday evening.
Of course they had a pleasant
Mr. Will McDaniel has return¬
ed from Athens where he has been
attending the Stat’eNormai School.
He took a ten weeKS course and is
highly pleased with the work done
Dr. Lewis A Lee accompanied by
his two sisters, Misses AJlio and
Annie, and Mr. Lamar Wood and
sister, Miss Mattie, spent the day
last Tuesday with the Misses Hol¬
der near Aim on.
Mr. Charlie Rogers is getting
fairly under way Mr. W J Fakes
handsome Decatur street residence,
which when finished will bean or¬
nament to that part of our city.
Mr. Smith, a prominent visited mer¬ his
chant, of Harlem, Ga..
daughter. Mrs. Bell, wife of our
clever depot agent, several days
this week.
The many friends of Miss Lucile
Broadnax will be glad to learn of
the high stand she lias taken at
ff Cy Co! I b taking first honor iu
that institution . ot learning.
Miss Clara Graham, who went
to Mississippi some time ago
visit her sister?Mrs. Dillon, retur
ned Saturday morning. She ae
eompanied Mr. and Mrs. Dillon
on the Annual Conductor s excur
darted at New Orleans
and took m a portion of the
cities of interest. The trip was a
very fine one and Miss Clara
ports a most enjoyable lipid.
18c Piques 12c.
18 c Ginghams 5c.
10c Percales 5c.
40 c wool dress goods 19 e.
The rich can vide in chases.
The poor must walk lie jaises
When Or hire left a by mule the fast ;ntl lnisray
maid. 8ce, Eh.
Head Mr. N T Street's add.
Young, .We understand noble fiat a Rev. Mr.
preach a the young divine, will
at Presbyterian church
Sunday morning- and night
Mrs. Blanche Ib-sser of Birming
bnm Ala- is here on h visit to rela
tives ami friends.
Mr. S. B Etheridge The Duke of
Arrington Heights Birmingham Ala.
D’N'.' Birmeare is aee-.mplishcd hereon visit dmigtiter Miss
and friends. a to relatives
Mr. John S. Gleaton lert vesr.erdav
at noon tori turn folds duties at Dry
t ortugRs. H is many friends hero were
glad to see him, and ho carried back
to the island huntledsof good wishes.
1 he term of The Public schools
which closed on last Monday was
one of the most successful in its
history . Prof . Glenn and his aide
COJ ., )S of assistan(g dm>rvo ((ie
praise of the people of the town
I°r the excellent work done.
Our young friend Mr. Joe H Eth
ridge, traveling salesman for J
Reginstein, of Atlanta, was here
with his father at their new home
'‘Fort Scott” last Sunday, Wo
extend a hearty welcome to Joe as
a citizen of our city again after an
absence of 3 years.
Miss Clifford Goodwyn, one of
the teachers in the public school
here, left Wednesday morning for
her home in Barnesville, M i S3
Goodwyn is a refinement" young lady of ra re
culture and and has
made many friends during herstaj*
among us who will regret to see
her leave.
The hot wave seems to have
spread all over the country from
Dry Tortugas to Maine. The tlie
mometei has been sporting around
in the ninety’s at Chicago, St
Louis. Cincinnati, reaching 97 in
New York. So you see we are not
the only ones who are sweltering.
Misses Ethel and Sadie Dorn S1S
sisted by some of the other chil¬
dren in the neigborfiood ga vo a
little concert last Friday at the
residence of Mrs Dorn. Only a few
were present. The children got up
their own program and arranged
everything to suit themselves and
deserve great credit, for 1 he maimer
in winch the program was render¬
ed. It was greatly enjoyed by all
Rev. D A Brindle, pasfor of the
( hi istian church here, spent sever
a 1 days at Hampton tins
where he was called to perform u
marriage ceremonv for two
iar young people of that town,
Mr. Bundle n was pastor , of e the . i
church at that place tor several
years and is deservedly
with those people.
The (Put Price Store m
Fresh goods every day. Such as Flour,
Meat, Lard, Sugar, Coffee, Meal, Sausage,
Hams, Syrups, etc.
A few sample prices;
20 lbs. sugar for #1, 10 lbs., best green
3 lbs. seda 10c, 12 bars soap 25c,
2 boxes baking powders 5c, good tobacco 30c
per — >-# Ladies and children’s hose 5c per
Da ir, 2 spools thread for five 5c® Suspenders
5c per ^ pair etc. etc.
hats 50c on the $1.
Sample suspenders factory price
Underwear at factory prices.
Neckwear way down.
Mr. N C Johnson better known
as 'Tnele Nathan” died at his
home in Sheffield (list riet last Tues¬
day morning. He died of
dropsy. The funeral services were
conducted by Rev. .T F Wallis,
at the Church at the Paper mill
on Wednesday at 11 o’cIock and he
was buried in the old Long-Shoals
church burying ground near the
Paper Mill He was 77 when lie
died and had lived in the same
community land-marks all his life. and He was one
of the old will be
much missed.
We regret lo chronicle the death
of Mrs. J J W House worth who de¬
parted this life last Tuesday night
at 11 o'clock and was buried at
Smyrna Wednesday evening at 3
o’clock. Mrs. Ilousewortli suffer¬
ed a stroke of Paralysis several
months ago from which she never
recovered. She leaves a husband
and several children to moon her
lo«s. To these we extend our sym¬
Mr. WT Shipley, formoly of
this place, but now of Americas,
died at the latter place last Wed¬
nesday morning at 10 o’clock of
chronic diarrhoea. lie was brought
to Conyers on the 7 :21 train Wed¬
nesday night for burial. The fun¬
eral services were conducted by
Itev.J F Wall is at the Baptist
church Thursday evening at 8 o’¬
clock after which he was hurried
with masonic honors in the old
cemetery. Mr. Shipley was a broth
or of Mrs. R G Willingham
of this place and has many
friends who will be grieved at his
M<’Currie«« 1 Sdilict t.
On last Thursday June 1st,
Florence Dennett, of Atlanta, was
happily married to Mr. J J McOur
ric, of New Jersey. Rev. Mr. .Vol¬
ley a ])rominent Daptist minister
official ing.
After the ceremony was perform
ed Mr. and Mrs. McCurrie left for
Chattanooga where they will spend
some time after which they will
come to Conyers for a visit to
?drs. McCurrie’s parents. The
bride is a daughter of our fellow
citizen Mr. R K Dennett who lives
just below town, and is a lady of
many virtues and accomplish¬
ments and will make her husband
a model wife. We extend con¬
And laiuglt to our store .-met we
wil! - iv ' ; >'•>" a discount often
Lrer ner et nr ou vour imn-iiaf-.c.
is fur the monib of June
alien d. summers.
New shipment Swiss Embroid
ery and Insertion.
All tun new novelties in
CZTC23 :
J will devote
the next few months
to eel lections and
those indebted to ns
are r e q nested to
come and make set¬
tlement at once.
Our office will be
the same as lieretc *>•- - -
T!-: an king the public for past pa trod age, we
Very truly,
D. 1. Aimand’s Sons.
m sails? as csi
Stmimer Aniiounceiuent'
Is now running on full time and we are
some splendid Ice Cold drinks. You can get
Phosphate - < Oca Cola, Ice Cream, etc
. Come in j.- <i hi refreshed.
S1A M.’’ 1 1 > S31 { \ .
\V ; e have a handsome line of Stationery of all
kinds. Our llox Stationery loads. (Jet your Tab¬
lets, Inks, Pens, also alt kinds of choice Toilet ar¬
ticle and Toil it Soaps from us.
Sporting Goods of all kinds may he bought of us
cheaper than elsewhere. Get your Base Balls,
Bats, Hammocks. Fishing Tackle, Mai hies etc.,
from ,
Yours truly,
Gailey Drug Co.
Have \ ou seen our beautifuj
summer fa bricks?
Don't fail to look through our