Newspaper Page Text
About Our College Stu¬
Miss Tillie Norman, after a
very pleasant visit to her moth
er, has returned to Norwood,
where she will r sume her du
ties as "School mistress.” Miss
Tillie is a sweet and enteitain
ing young lady, and her absence
during the young people’s sea
son of enjoyment is much re
Miss Lucy Gleaton oneof our
brightest and most intelligent
young ladies is at home, She
has been attending the Wesley
an Colloge of Macon, and has
made a splendid record and we
are glad to receive her home as
a "young ladyjgraduate.
Miss Alleen Moon, who has
also been attending college at
Macon, returns to us laden with
honors. She received first hon¬
or in her class. No doubt her
reading was delivered with
much grace and applause, as
she is a young lady who posses
ses a lovely disposition and
grateful manner.
Mr - Frank Mann, w ho, per
haps, considers himself among
the Conyers young people, lias
received bis sought for honor—
that of a "degree”. Ho is a
worthy student of Emory, and
deserves to bo numbered with
the graduates of ’99.
And still another of our
young men lias won great sue- j
cess in his college career, He
is very intelligent and has, dur-j
ing his last college years, con
cent rated his every thought to
his school duties and as a result
lie is one of the champion l)e
haters of Emory college. We
are very glad indeed to say this|
high honor belongs to Mr.
ther Bakes. He is a Phi Gam
ma. and all of his friends trust '
his side will win the debate.
All the young people are very
glad indeed to have their cir¬
cles reunited. They are an¬
ticipating much pleasure—call¬
ing. driving, etc.
A most delightful time was
had last Friday evening through
the invitations issued by Dr,
and Mrs. G W McCall a, to a
party, at their homo, given in
honor of the former’s pro ty
and attractive niece, Miss Julia
Price of Atlanta.
On last Tuesday evening Mis¬
ses Fleta Simpkins Clara Swords
and Maud McCalla.Messrs. Ar¬
thur Langford, Jim Gailey,
Flurnoy Ilel.ns, Howard Tur¬
ner and Bee McDonald, mot at
Miss Tillie Norman’s to play
games and, of course, to have a
t-e-tea te-to. A most pleasant
evening was spent.
On Wednesday evening three
couples cal ed on Miss Maud
McCalla. The time was spent
in playing games, music, and in
enjoying some dainty refresh
As all were so fond of games
and refreshments Messrs. James
Gailey, Clyde Langford Flurnoy
Holms and Bee McDonald, anx¬
ious to enjoy the same pleasure
again, very kindly called by for
Misses Fleta Simpkins, Tillie
Norman and Ward Hardwick.
After a short and hasty walk
they reached tlie home of Miss
FlorodeTucker wherethey spent
a very pleasant eveuing.
Every morning on the way to
school, said the little miss, the
boys catch me and kiss me.
Why don’t you run from
them? asked the father.
Because, replied the small
edition of Eve, mavbe they
wouldn't chase u e.
An exchange notes that a wo
man up in Ohio advertised for a
husband. She secured oue at a
total cost of ]es9 than tendolIa rs.
g e f 0l . e marriage he deeded
a raode8l little cottage home.and
a f fcf , rvva rds enlisted in the army
and wa8 ki ] ]e d at Manila.
w j(i 0 ^v received $8 000 life insur¬
a nee and will get a pension from
t j ie government as long as she
| ives still there are people who
say it don’t pay to advertise
H ,w Banks Use Their
Millie ns.
Many people wondet how
banks use all ihe money deposi
te( I m Ibem and how they man¬
age to pay interest thereon and
yet come out at the end of the
year with a big profit on the
What they do is trade with
the money. To the depositor
they pay between 1 and 2 per
cent, but the money they lend
brings them in 3, o, 6, < and
even 8 per cent.
For instance, t! ey give loans
on all sorts of securities, such as
railway debentures, government
stock, public company shares,
doex warrants, bills of lading
They also lend money on the
Pecurity 0 f houses and lands,
but not to a great extent, as re¬
payments are slow.
When a couple of substantial
business men or farmers profes
, ioo a, men bacK a bib, the bank
0 f ten i enc i s without any seam¬
ty afc a n f but now and again
t hey have heavy and ruinous
] osses on these loans,
AU All ho DiUlKS. it to Jiowevei, linwpvpr hflVP nave
large sums of money const ant
i y ]yi ng idle, for they must
eep sufficient cash at the vari
ous branches to pay checks and
ovon to be more or lese prepar
ed for panics. Still the differ
ence between the 1 or 2 per cent
they pay and the 9 to 8 they re
ceive on millions of dJla.s leave
them an immense profit on the
year’s business.—Ex.
►> •
She Harried the Hat.
A . European government , ser
vent was recently married to a
native woman in Samarang by
the Mohammedan ceremony, il
took place in the penghulu, but
the bridegroom wa: not pres¬
ent He had gave written notice
that he would not put in his ap
pearence. but. he sent his hat,
and that was. according to na¬
tive custom, quite sufticent. She
married the hat
Is fast growing iulo a
cy and Family Grocery store
in answer to the demands of
our customers.
We are handling all kinds of
Fancy and Plain Crackers,
Canned Goods,
Fancy Candies etc.
We buy in small quantities
in order to have fresh goods
at all times.
Almost anything for the ta¬
ble cau he found at our
store, always new.
We do not discriminate
— we treat a 11 custom -
ers alike.
Goods delivered in the city
promptly and free of charge.
Look at our goods and get
our prices before buy¬
Yours truly,
WdocI & Hlf w«Ui.
A. O* .1,
Pl^rtcianamt Surgeon,
Om-e J. C. Stephenson ^ s
stoic •< an bo oun< at rest
dence on Mill street at night,
Patronage solicited, All calls
answered promptly.
• •
fake this paper.
• •
Q McC&lla.,
Resident Dentist
mS&mnW Conyers, Ga.
Extract teeth without pain. Lc
gan Richmond and Gold Crowns.
Bridge Work in best style ami
plates. J H A1 maud’s store.
Office over
TaxXJeecivcr’s Notice.
The Books for receiving Tax
operand V I will'be at the\ounty
P e ,. illcte as foUows;
Sheffield Apr. 20. May 11, June 8.
Remainder of time at store of J J
bang ford & Sons.
This April 4 loin). R T It.
GH Hull,
Solid Gold Crowns $5.00.
Gold Band “ $5.00.
Plain White"
2»,W: ' r 'T/ 8# unf’V »^ W no
Plates srom $9.00 up to
“ Sot.
Lonnie Martin.
DROPSY CURED with vegetable
Remedies. Have cured
many thousand ca^es
called hopeless. In ttn
lays at least two-thirds of all symptoms remov
, d Testimonials and TEHDATS treatment tree.
DR. H. H. GREEK'S SOUS. Box K, Atlanta,Ga
^ ^ Patents I
WHf '"KwmT"
tions strictly confidential. Handbook on Patents
sent free. Oldest n gency for securing pa atents.
Patents taken t hrouch Munn & Co. receive
s pedal notice, without charge. In the
Scientific American.
A handsomely Illustrated weekly. J.nrecst cir¬
culation of any scientific Journal. Terms, $3 e
vear: four months, tl. Sold by all newsdealers.
miimij p n Q 36 ,Broadway, flow Yurlf
Branch Office, 62J F 8t., Washington, I). C.
My undertaking establish¬
ment is well fitted up and
my stock of undertaking
goods is complete.
Attention AHcntinn nrnmni prompt and ana ca
TTpo fy»pp p-f
Q Vi
W. V. Almaiul,
Uudcrtairer & Emhaimer.
1 Georgia 'T/I
224oFt/ ABOVE
4 ft Agricultural
SEA. College
&■- -ft-3 Maw Building.
--A>AgX^TLH .^FREE. TI0N >.
m 4 ;
ft Iffrfrtj
A college education in the reach « f all, A.I*.,
Normal and Business Maix*8 courses.
Good hhtratoru's*. healthful, invigorating cli
nirtte; religions military influences. discipline; Ciica|x good board moral in ami
k st the.
Slate; abttmlanccof country pruduce;espenses
from to $150 a year; board i«i dormitories
or private familie s. Special license course for
teachers; full faculty of nine; all under the
control of the University. A college prepar*
atory class. Co-eduiation of nejtes. Theinsti
tutiott {ousted teud for 6isccially for etudents of limited
catalogue to the President.
Jos- S, St r" ART, A,Mt
Our Re
frifferator n
Keeps fresh meats in splendid
condition, and we will be prepar¬
ed to .sene our customers in this
line from week to week.
We handle Western meat and
our customers will find it superior
in every” respect.
Call at our market when in need
of anythiiigiii thofresh meat line.
Mrs. Dr. Glenn is still making fine
dresses, coats and pants at prices to
suit. Room over McDonald & Hay
good,s Millinary store.
We represent some of
best Fire Insurance
in existence and ask the
generally to see us before
ing their risks.
Office in Banner office
My Photograph gallery will
be open for business up stair’s
•"«» Nigh, building next photo *«.
AU who v ' ant class
graphic work are invited to call
on me at the old stand.
M E Allen.
All work guaranteed to please
Office up stairs over J. II. Al
mand & Co’s, store.
Conyers, . . . . ; Ga
Georgia Rockdale County.
To whom it may concern:—Wm. L
PeeK executor of James M White late
of said county deceased having made
a filial return and applied for a dis¬
charge from this trust as such exe¬
cutor, This is to cite all persons con
cerned to show cause against- the
granting of this discharge if any they
can, on or before tlie first Monday in
August t89i), when the same will be
passed upon, Given gutter my hand
and official signature,
This May 20, 1890. A M Helms, Ord.
Widow Support.
Georgia Rockdale County:
To whom it may concern :~Misrress
Malissa Maddox, widow of Thomas
L Maddox, late of said county, t’e
ceased having applied of said for deceased si twelve
inonths support out s
estate, and Reappraises appointed,
having filed their return in my office,
this is to give due notice sis the law
requires to all concerned that I will
pass on the same on the first Monday
in Julv next.
This Juim 6tii. 1800.
A At Helms, Ord.
Adiiiiuistrator’isi l^alc.
Will be sold before the court house
door in the city of Conyers, Ga., with¬
in the legal hours of sale, on the first
Tuesday in August 1895), to the high¬
est bidder, one brick store room and
lot. known as the Dr. J A Stewart of
fice, situated on the corner of Com
nierce street and Warehouse Alley.
Size of room 24 x 50 feet: size of lot 25
x 70 feet. To ne sold as the prop
city of Dr. Almand J A bolus Stewart the deceased. titles
John H to
said property for a balance on pur
chase money for same, but will make
titles to purchaser under this sale on
payments sale of such purchase fourth cash, money .
Terms of tone one
fourth Nov. 1 1000, one fourth Nov 1.
1901, ttie remaining one fourth >Tov, 1
1902. with seven per cent, interest
payable annually, on deferred pay.
Jolm H Alniand, Admr.
of the Estate of J A Stewart, dec.
mm 8H0 At4iiu. urn OR out • cured ticulars r,d P. K>4 pain Whi§key M at North sent WOOLLEr Book home Pryor FREE of Tabits with¬ par CO. St.
t*<*. ee.
Bears _ tu 4Ue Kind You Hate Always 3oug8i
4 -t TUB PMI oil Dti
CoEqy-exs. Ga
Beatowtets in teiti’s p * m m (b m
Cento *' Si I
We will buy and pay highest s
pfiCe for jjl]
Chickens, Eggs, Butter, Bess,
Tallow, Hides, Green or Dry, j
sell your produce till you S8e Us
have the spot CASH for yon
The Fyans Produce!
S. u AJmand. m ) Ub
9 U!
When you want a good, safe turnout one that
drive with }
One that looks well and goes well, call ou me,
Good drivers furnished if des
Terms very reosonable.
IT r\ i;
1 V ■i
t I u i
ggE J. B- yffilMp
This firm has a reputation too well and
known to need comment, but we wish to call
tion to the fact that we are carrying an
stock of
Dry Goods, Notions* Clothing,
Shoes, Family, Fancy and Heavy C-ro
ceries* etc. We sell at
prices and our values are always
ed on the quality of article sola.
We can give some
values in Spring
and Gents Furnishings.
Give us a call and you will be
vinced that we can give
J. if, ^lm^ND ( >0.
m %
M. E. Allen is here
([ few weeks Night at the Bui saj
place in the
mg • • and for two wee
more or less w ill make
photos for 25 cts. I'M
miss this chance it i> lU ;
your last. ALhE^
M. E.