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mssmmm I I 11 W3> Y rrl I $ m WV% esssi 'M 'fesBSfc-'- ^ r^sa»raESS^S3^3E*a^cs
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I-/ 1 #1 ^geiW 1 ia c G:
m &SSHEBB3&mmtaWSmKEaK- aBHsass^msssswBK-ass-i iTnsKSEESWBeKBr BIS CASH STORE
-am r To get White Wine Pickling Vinegar at 25c, Apple Vinegar at 15c, Molasses 15 c, Syrup, best
grade 80c, Meat 5% to 6c, Hams 10c, Breakfast Bacon 10c, Smoked Sides 8c, Patent Flour, 50 pounds, 95c,
Sweet pickles 15c quart, Sour Pickles 10c quart, EVERYTHING LOw. A nice present given away
$5. Will give ticket and have long like to trade the amount. .
, T , rv - purchase of you a you can as as you
r » h Vegetables-Always fresh. Everything in the Grocery line just as cheap. Clothing, Dry Goods,
Shoes and Notions below the bottom. 7§e for Ladies Fine shoes. A new lot ox Hats and Caps just come
. goods deivered free. No excuse. Come in and save money.
“ >
H 1 X : ~
3sn >. 1 * • W. II. LEE, - *]
Besides carrying, a large stock of the very purest, freshest
and |jest Drugs, Medicines, Paints, Oils and Glass at low
est prices, makes a specialty of the following goods at
prices that others cannot duplicate:
A liiige as.wu ii.uu.t of
7 1 c i j
Booh and /School Supplies, suck as satchels, slates,
spovr/e, crauon etc., ishhooks, FMff Hue*, and
-2rof line*. Base Bails, Rubber JM ! s, Chech/- and
Chess men, (Bucher Boards, Violin Strings, Bows,
/V/.s, Me., Banjo Strings, Garden and Blower 3 eds,
Pocket Cutler//,
You will lose money IP you !my l>ofoi*e
ssettinsr l>Ih JYKM’S r*l£lC la.-*.
We are always at war, fighting high prices, We easily
qutr because we sellgood goods for the same money that
pay for inferior goods elsewhere.
We wish to call the ladies attention toour new line of
and Summer goods. We now have on display at our store such
goods as
lawns, Maaras, Embroidery,
Muslins Percales, Laces,
Organdies Ginghams, Iusertings,
Tiques, Calicoes, Belts,
Welts, Draperies, Belt Bnckles
etc. etc. etc.
Cnr line of gent’s furnishings can t be excelled
Hung men desiring to dress well and iu the latest style, can
do better than buy from us.
We are leaders of low prices on these goods. It is a
to 8 ^ ow you our line even if dont purchase. Give us a
a >G be convinced, we are confident we can interest you.
T J. Langford & Sons,
Knob News.
Brops are looking fine since
IT rain.
’Aheat will soon be cut and
Some of r nr teachers atten.l
Institute meeting at Lit.hon
la Yt week.
at &e n h ‘ S a new
/ will be on ha hand at
rt r—U for the
^ e Q nderstand
tf at i Mr J A
<i / s#W$
/ @ ff f»i |
Y ® j : If! TO
Cook has small pox.
Mr Wm Parker and
visited the family of Mr W A
Browning Sunday.
Some of our young people
tended Children’s day at Cedar
Grove Sunday.
Quarterly meeting was held
at Union Saturday.
Mr o S has a ne\>
•op bagny.
The Rev Mr Pierce preached
ail interesting sermon at Union
Mr John Bellah and family
Bailey’s Home -
Sunday was a fine day for a
( ( deer” hunt over on the river
and a half dozen of our hoys
were out over that way.
o —•i C> >- o
jirs J m B Goode gave a mu-u
cal entertainment, last Saturday
*» {n honul . of 8 ai.,i
Band with miss . Cora belle Al
maud as hostess. The guests
were entertained in royal style
After the hand rendered several
pieces of music to the delight
of the guests, they were invited
into the dining room where de¬
licacies too numerous to men
non awaited them. After
tailing freely ilie party return¬
ed to the parlor where all en¬
gaged in a general chat. At
11.30 tiio guests departed for
their respective homes declar
ing the occasion to be one of
the pleasantest of the year.
Mr Luther Amos was in our
diggins last Sunday. Come
old boy, we are always
glad too™ you.
Saturday to day, is being ob¬
served aa children’s day at Ebe
Was Messrs Potts and Aiken
in Klondike Sunday the 10th?
We had a ni e rain last Tues
day and crops are looking fine.
Mr Egbert Johnson and Jir
Tucker, of Lithonia, were the
guests of two of our fairest
daughters last Sunday.
>tr W S mar but and
of Almou, visited his fattier,
Mr B J Marbut, last Sunday.
Levi Cohen
An agricultural Club was or
ganized at Honey Creek court¬
house may 6 th. Officers were
elected as follows;
J It Rosser, President, J >t B
Goode, Secretary, b ICow’an,
Treasurer, After the transac
lion of routine business several
members made short talks and
adjonrmnent followed.
'Hie President was
by yqur correspondent and
:is to the aim of the 01
ganizatioD. IIo replied
t i ie general promotion of the
f arm ; U g mterest of that section
of the country, the buying of
staple groceries at wholesale
and other economical reasons
had prompted the or&aivzvtior .
With such gentlemen as com
pose the membership and officers
of this club, the organization
will no doubt prove successful
and highly beneficial to the
district. The next, meeting will
ho held on Saturday before the
(irst Sunday iu July \ 11 are
cordially invited to come out
and join in good work.
In one day recently 300 trav¬
eling salesmen, in-tha employ of
the tobacco houses
combined into a trust,
dischaged by telegraph, whom¬
ever they happened to be witti
out transportation. Tiio brief
sentence ‘ Service 110
required,” settled the whole
business. The try it is master
of of the situation because it
protected by an import
which consumers pay. This
one of the beauties of
tion.— Ex.
Bowa tho Tha Kind Yo:i Have Always Bought
l -*-** 1
of <0*1
France \ ) 1 said that
girl’s mam, who was entertain¬
ing callers in the parlor. “y () "
came down stairs so noisily
that you could be I ea d all
the house. You kio v how
do it better than that. Now go
back and comedown the stairs
like a lady.”
‘‘Did you hear me
down stairs thi • t me mama?”
4 -No, (luar. 1 am glad you
noislessly, for
that you can come quietly
you will: Now tell these
how you managed to
down like a lady tho
time, while the first time
made much noise. ) 1
‘ The last time I slid down
the banisters,” explained Fran
ceg —Harpers Bazar,
. .
For Infants and Children.
Tie fat- ——““* IS OS
si ails -ii
slgsatw# (UiS i7t!7
a vrappe?.
We appreciate the patronage
oi our business men. They are
all progressive.
NO. 23.
Ollyvlul ^ 00410 ! 111 {VI 1 111 11 ill I iI / 11 \ l*T/' LiUllUS. \’ / J j/»fl
* J
Our ncW and st\ lisli
millinery is ad mired by all
w ho have seen on.* Roods.
Season tide got a Is and styles (hat will please and delight
I!. Our Fancy goods very pretty and stylish and our prices
reasonable. Ladies are cordially invited to make our store
their headquarters Come to see us.
Yours to serve.
Mrs. Usuis Z&ygtnL
w. w. T. Stewart
Will keep ice during the summer months and
can supply li is customers in any (juantity desired.
Soda fouutain drinks of all kinds can ho had
bis store.
liicjcle repairing of all kinds done promptly
and leaaonably if you'wish to fuiy a wheel
call on
Wo Wo To Stewart o
J am no.v opening up a car of 50 open and top
Buggies bought from a factory that is going out of
business which I can self from twelve to fifteen dol
less than Buggies bought regular. You will save
Money by calling a id getting my prices-Cash or Fall
men! to ni • usloiuers. Next door to i r. Lee’s
ug Store
Yours to serve.