Newspaper Page Text
people :-~We are now in cur tenth year of business in Conyers. Our relations with the people of Rockdale and adjoining
most pleasant and we believe mutually profitable since the day we went in business, We have kept good goods and made low
Have to this and the people shew their appreciation of our store and of dealing with them by their continued
our manner
from is our aim to do better and better by cur customers. Note the folloving prices:
ronage* It
TO suit for 87 50.
r. §10.
0 50 *»eu‘ s suit
I' 50 men's suits §5.
boys suits §5 e0.
invite the people to us this month of June and we will give them bargains of which they will be
Come in and help us celebrate our tenth year in business.
rt Paragraphs, Personal'and Otherwise, Gath¬
ered for our Readers.
Corn needing ram.
Cotton looking tine.
Hot! Hotter! Hottes.
loatcto\n®Hy short.
|Dewberries getting ripe,
I New is scarce this week.
\§prii )$chickens coming in* the
Take this paper and get
[Mr. Arthur Langford is visiting
I Columbia this week.
[ ss Della Liihonia St John, last spent week. several
vs ill
bliss Fannie McCalla is on a
lit to relatives at Acworth.
hirAC [sin Stamps, of Covington,
the city yesterday.
jllrW U Wallis went to Allan
one day this week on business.
Hisses Emma Reagan and Nei
[Giiiley visited friends in
|ton this week.
Eire,Winn Peoples, ami sister.
Is* Viinhie Peoples, of Law re nce
lle, are guests of Mrs. Dr. Guinn.
pj'r.C. P. Fafrill, Monday of Jackson,
put Sunday alul in Con
p. [Joa 0. hurried Gailey and visit 3’ ike Atlanta Hudson
fursday. to
piss u the LattP city for Marbut, extended of Atlanta, visit
faster James Tilley, who was
ry sick the first of the week, is
Biss Lula Hucheson has return
r ^ ler home at Hiloam after a
Gant visit to Mrs. Ar B. Os
GJohn Carter spent several
■*of this week in Bnckhead.
there. , charge of the telegraph
Gs Jackson, a cultured young
i ,l! Athens, is the guest of the
ses H. Haygood on Almand
Ids Jennie Guinn a bright and
i«hve young lady of Griffin is
P -humlyof '‘' a few days with the
Profit A Ginnn.
A hihl Garr, and Messrs.
■ {“ded the Carr, of Coving
(> Kc 'Ca]]a funeral of Mrs.
here last Monday,
';.|hiisy tiivu^'m Foster, Jadies ©ne of Li
'"Hh T friends U,1 " herd s P this e ut
lti?.im° " u! neof an, l R ockdale’s
?f ar . that prosperous he
ii Mi had a
TpV- 1! \ 119 Held on the
Hi of. ls hie earliest we have
l!i B M Black!
'S! 0 VhiI nirn of At
'to lf f ' ere reetsone he took < la v
. haiid oc
" fiends o L M u'',- 1 E ,° da water
’ Taylor and Dr
fefered c ’ n ‘^ .!! ’ es at t, hist . le court
a S a one
0! l| ■' eek
in %y
C! that i U4 l ^ den Be
. ^ hf. ' 'dig
aud 8 let off with-
$1 50 and $2 tan slippers $1.
$2 50 ladies shoes $2.
$3 50 men-s shoes 11 JO.
Children's slippers GOo on the 8.
Miss Nannie Duxes, of Atlanta,
spent Sunday here with relatives.
Friend J D Lochridge “went up
to Atlanta on business today.
Miss Parasade Haygood spent
several days in the country with
relatives this week.
The first water melons of the
season were shipped in here one
day last week
Mrs Lillian Lochridge is visit¬
ing relatives in Sheffield district
this week.
Mr A I) Summers attended the
burial of his Aunt Mrs Murray,
at Oxford last Wednesday.
Mrs J N Hale's many friends
will bo pained to learn that she
has been very sick the past week.
Miss Not a Meadow, of Ox¬
ford returned home with Miss
Hattie Wallis yesterday.
Mr Jesse A1 maiul is expected to
arrive here to day from an extend
ed visit to Ala., and North Ga • j
Wheat threshing has been the
older of the day this week—The
turnout is said to he very poor.
Mrs Albert Roberts who has
been visiting relatives in the city
left for home in Atlanta yester¬
Mr. Fred Wallis, The wkkic
f-v’s foreman, has been confined
tohis home since Tuesday night.
He has been very sick.
Miss Fannie Capelurt has gone
on a visit to her sister Mrs Jett
Whatley in South Georgia and
willspend several weeks down lie.'.e
A new photographer has arrived
here. It reached Mr m E Alien’s
home on the Gth and lias claimed
considerable of his time since.
M E Allen, the photograp.her, weeks
will remain here only two
longer. If you want pictures now ice.
is the time to get the at half pi
Russell Barter, col., a tenant on
Mr Will Park’s place, sent in the
first cotton bloom. It reached us
on the 15th.
Miss Annie Winn, an accom¬
plished young lady, of Lawrence
vilie, will be the guest of mrs. G.
A. Almaud next week.
One of the saddest we have ever
seen is a negro with only ten cents
looking at a twenty five cent wa¬
ter mellon
Most of our young people, who
have been attening the eommence- returned
ment at Oxford have
Rev H C Combs State Evange¬
list of the Christain church preach¬
ed to the church last Tuesday
night in the interest of the state
Miss Ella Belle Morrison has
returned to her home after a
pleasant visit to Miss Ruth ■A* I
mand. Several of ot young men
are said to be inconsolable.
There will be a hot game of ball j
next Wednesday between the Has
Beeus and Young Ideas, Each
team is confident of victory, so a
close and exciting game of seven
innings is exiiected. The oclock. game
will be called promptly at 4
Ladies cordially iu'itc-d tp attend.
lSc Piques 12e.
8c Ginghams 5c.
10c Percales 5c.
40c wool dress goods 19c.
Miss Maine \\ hatley is visiting
friends and relatives in Atlanta
and Marietta. Sl.e will be gone
several weeks.
Miss Daisey Taylor lias gone on
a visit to her sister at Talbott-on
Ga., where she will spend the
Mr. P M Born, motorman for the
Atlanta Consolidated street railway,
came down last Thursday evening
and is sick at his home on Mill street.
Prof Stark has gone on a bus¬
iness trip to Dalton. He carried
his two oldest children with him
and will bo gone several days.
Friend Henry Tucker and fami¬
ly are spenhing some tinie in the
country-enjoying the good things.
Bears the The Kind Yon Have Always Bought
Our clever depot agent Mr. Wal¬
ter Bell and wife have gone to
Harlem on a week’s visit to rela¬
tives. Mr John Carter has charge
of the depot in Mr Bell's ab
It is rumored that Prof Glenn
has accepted a position as Supt of
Public Schools of Dublin. We
hope that this is a inrstaKe and
this excellent gentleman will be
with us again next year.
Judge Helms our efficient ordin¬
ary and was inspecting t ho bridges
roads in Lorraine district,
one clay last wees. The Judge is
always wide awake to interests of
the people of the country and de¬
servedly popular.
Bears tbo the Kittd You Have Always BoUjjfU
Ml* L J Almand, C M Tavlor will
leave about (he first of July for
Texas. Mr Almand goes .on a
prospecting tour through the state
and may take in other western
mi* Taylor has property inter¬
est out there where he goes to look
It is always sad to chronicle the
death of our friends, but it is with
unusual sadness that we are called
on to chronicle the death of Mrs
T C McCalla whodied at her home
on Glade st, last Sunday at 11 :25
oclock surrounded by her husband
children and relatives.
Mrs McCalla had been in feeble
health for some time and while
her death was not unexpected
yet it came as severe blow to her
loved ones and friends.
Mrs McCalla possessed many
rare traits of character that go to
make and ideal mother and wife.
She will be greatly missed not on¬
ly among her own family but by
all the people of the town.
She leaves a husband and five
children and host of relatives and
friends to mourn hfir loss. *
Prof Glenn and his most excel
lent , wife have , to , ,. Washing- r , .
ton and other points m South
Ga to spend their vacation, they
will take in the meeting of the
State Teachers Association at
Warm Springs. widow
A bride and a in less
yjjan twenty four hours, was an un¬
usual exporie,i C e of a young girl
near Rj Ilgg()]fl Ga . One day this
week a Miss Bryan was married to
a man name Overby—The next
evening . about d o'clock her hus
band was killed by lightning.
R . Ttie Kind You Have Alw ays Bought
g; ?Eltare
bats 50c on the $1.
Sample suspenders factory
Underwear at factory prices.
Neckwear way down.
£'»■ ^.Jo
per cent; oil your purchase'. This
offer is for the month of June
The secret of long life is in pay¬
ing attention to small details. If
you wish a long life observe the
Eight hours’ sleep.
Sleep on your right side.
Keep your bedroom window open
all nitiht.
Have a mat to,veur bodrrtm door
Bo not have your bedstead against
the wall.
No cold rub in the morning, but a
bath at the teinperture of the body.
Exercise before breakfast.
Eat. little meat, and see that it is
well cooked.
(For adults,) Drink no milk
Eat- plenty of fat, to feed the cells
which destroy disease gems.
Avoid intoxicants, which destroy
those cells.
Daily exercise in the open air.
Allow no pet animals in your liv¬
ing rooms.
They at e apt to carry about disease
Live in (lie country if you can.
Watch (he three D’s—drinking
water, damp and drains.
Have cnnnge of occupation.
Take irequent and short holidays.
Limit your ambition; and
Keep your temper.
Keep all these commanements, and
live long
It is uot- generally 1 n >wn that
Wheeler was educated in
north, and appointed to West
Point from the state of New York
of A labnimi. His parents
when he was a child of five
and he was sent to the mire
relatives at Chester, Conn.,
where he spent his boyhood, His
to West Point was
to him by a congressman of
own name, John Wheeler, for¬
of Derby, Conn., who how¬
represented a New York dis¬
a cur.iosity in the shape of a let¬
was mailed at a rural postoflice
On a sealed, stamped
was the following:
“ John—I write von this
say I got your letter m 'Tuesday
illumin’ an this is wrote to you on
Wednesday night. 1 will expect
you shore on a Sunday. as you
told me you didn't want folks to
know where you wuz at. 1 have
wrote an sealed your address on
the inside, so’s the postmaster
won’t I e none t he wiser. No one
on earth will Know whar you are
now. write as soon as you git
this.”—Const it ution
Rev J F Wallis, his daughter
j >e < n an( j Fred went to Fanil Ala.
last Sunday morning to attend
the funeral of his son’s wife, Mrs
T Wallis, av ho died at Lin
Ga on Saturday night at
n 0 ’ c l 0ck and was carried to Fnr
Ala.,—where her people lived
fur burial.
Mrs. Wallis was formerly Miss
Mabel Thomas, of Farrill Ala.,
and Mr Wallis is the son of our
esteemed townsman, Rev J F
Wallis. They had no children.
For Infants and Children.
The fw- ■—* is
{ erttj
If ti»ppw.
New shipment Swiss Euibroid
cry and Insertion.
All tne new novelties in no
vfixnsmausvasu vmne
~r will devote
the next few months
to collections and
those indebted, to us
a re r e <ji nested to
come and make set
tlement at once.
Our office will he
the same as hereto
Thanking the public for past* patron ago, wo
Very truly,
D. M. Aim a nd ’g Sons.
m tm? ii m.
'Summer AimouiioDiuont
Is now running on —tl - time and we ary turning
out some splendid Ice •v - — drinks. You can get So
da Water, Phosphates, Coca Cola, Ice tYearn etc
every day. Como in aud be refreshed.
We have a handsome line of Stationery of all
kinds. Our flox Stationery leads. Get your Tab
lets, Inks, Pena, also all kinds of choice Toilet ar
tide and Toilet Soaps from us.
Sporting Goods of all kinds may be bought of us
cheaper than elsewhere. Get your Base Balls,
Bats, Hammocks, Fishing Tackle, Marbles, etc.,
Yours truly,
Gailey Drug Co.
Have you seen our beautiful
summer fabrieks?
Don't fail to look through our
st ok.