Newspaper Page Text
Crops are looking line since
llie iccent rain.
Miss Aurora M tddox is on an
extended visit to relatives al
Mi Mack Hollingsworth was
on the ailing list a few days
last week.
The young people had a nice
time at the ice cream festival
at Mr G W Walker’s last Sat
urday night
Mrs Haden Hollingsworth,
of Atlanta, spent last week with
relatives in our midst.
Mr J T Sims lost a fine tnilch
cow last week.
Miss Sarah Blanket, of At
lanta, is on an’ extended visit
Miss Hattie Lou McDaniel
was in our midst Saturday the
guest of Miss Violet Walker.
Mr Nolan Maddox, one of
Smyrna’s best and cleverest
young men, has returned from
Dahlonega where lie has beer
attending college. He won the
declamatory medal and is much
pleased with the work done
Smyrna Sunday School has
r;Ciived an invitation to Oak
Hill and will decide Sunday | j
whether or not they will go.
Rev A (J Pyle has returned
from Macon where he has been
attending college. His vaca¬
tion will he spent here with
relatives and friends.
Mr and Mrs II II Daniel
spent Saturday and Sunday
with the Inters’ parents at Oak
Grove, Mr and Mrs B C Gra
Ask Messrs Nolan Maddox
and Will McDaniel if they i
found many black berries Sun |
day afternoon.
A strange disease lias been
among the hogs in our com
inmmv Ibis year. More than
forty have died.
Ikooktiiilo rSo-wr-s. !
Mr and Mrs Ilughio Hughes
visited in Lithonia last Sun¬
day. j
Misses Hester and Lillian
Farmer visited their sister
Mrs. Quigg White, of near |
Oak Grove, Saturday and Sun
Mrs. Rachel White is visit¬
ing the family of J F Harris)
this week.
Mrs. Potts, of Ebenezer, is |
spending several days with hei
daughter, Mrs. Audi as Warren
Mrs. S A Harris is quite sick
tliis week.
Misses Susie Crawford and
.Josie Granade spent Sunday at
Lithonia with Miss Claud
Rev. J m Defoor will fill his
regular appointment at Rock¬
dale Saturday and Sunday.
Prof Wm F Granade attend
ed the teachers Institute at Li
thonia last week.
Rockdale Sunday School will
pic-nic at Gee’s mill today.
Everybody is invited to go and
carry lots of good “stuff” to
Hotdtliill Ntwvs.
Crops are looking line now.
Wheat cutting will soon be
Mrs Susan Eubanks visited
the family of Mr John Frank¬
lin this week.
Mr l’om McKinley visited rel
ttUveb in U\vlunette last week.
Mr G orge Camp was sport
mg the llockhill Is last Sun
Mr. Henry Peek visited his
best girl last Sunday.
KloixliK<? N<wvs.
We are having plenty of
Messrs B N Ford and J J
Robertson attended the teach
ers Institute at Liilio.'.ia last
Mr Mat Tucker, of Blossom,
past through- our town last
Your Rockdale correspond
enfc seems fco thil K he knows
wlio your Klondike correspond
ent is. It is a very eacy mat
ter for a person to be mistaKen
Mrs E C Powell is very sick
wit . . h tever. ,
A certain Klondikeite has
had about four inches of his
coat tail cut olF so that he may
be distinguished from preach¬
The Rockdale teachers made
a fine showing at the Institute
in Lithonia last week. Prof
T I) O’Kelley acted as expert
the greater part of the time and
well did he do his duty.
A negro who has been pas¬
sing through this community
has made some ugly threats.
He had better not let himself
be seen any more in this necK
of the woods.
e -* ► •
A moderate amount of work
regularly performed is conduc
tive to good health. Worry
hurts a great deal more than
work, and many people are kii
ling themselves with worry and
accuse woik of the decline of
(heir vital powers. Without
work we would die and fill pre
mature graves, Manual labor
develops the muscles and or
ga'is of tire physical man, and
when mental work stops the
brain loses it’s vital energy and
then an intellectual stupor pas¬
ses over the person, and in a
short while the brain force be
comes dead. It has been truly
a nd well said that “an idle mind
becomes the devil’s workshop, > 1
f or Satan would delight to see
the entire human race cea&e
work — Ex,
Bears the The Kind You Hate Always Bought
Bignaturo 'Uv.
Is fast growing into a Fan
cy and Family Grocery store
in answer to the demands of
our customers.
We are handling all kinds of
Fancy and Plain Crackers,
Canned Goods,
Fancy Candies etc.
Wo buy in small quantities
in order to have fresh goods
at all times.
Almost anything for the ta¬
ble can be found at our
store, always new.
We do not discriminate
—we treat all custom¬
ers alike.
Goods delivered in the city
promptly and free of charge.
Look at our goods and get
our prices before buy=
Yours truly,
Wood I Esilifmtl
^V. ! X Janes,
riij>ieianami ‘ Sisr^voa.
cm -e in J. C. Stephenson’s
store—Can bo found at resi¬
dence on Mill street at night
Patrauage solicited. All calls
answered promptly.
Fake this paper.
C. W. McCaila,
ax .-.u DeuUst,
Extract teeth without. pain. Pc
gan Richmond and Gold Crowns.
Bridge Work in best style and
plates. • J II Almand’s store.
Office over
Taxlteceivcr’s rsr«>t.i«®.
The Books for receiving Fax
returns for the year 180'.t are now
open audlwillbe at the county'
Precincts as follows :
Sheffield Apr. 20. May 11, June 8.
Lorraine Apr. 27 May? 18 June 15.
Honey Creek Apr 28, May 25 June
Remainder of time at store of J J
Langford April & Sons. 4 1899.
G II Hull, R T R.
Solid Gold Crowns 85.00.
Gold Band “ $5.00.
Plain White t i ,$ 8 . 00 .
Bridge work per tooth $5.00.
Gold fillings from $1.50 to $5.00.
Amalgam filling 50c.
PhiL-s srorn $8.00 up to $10.00.
All work guaranteed.
Office over Post Office.
Lonnie Martin.
« 3 \Jr 8 iii.--nv tir, said oa-ws
laysatlo^Uwo-Uiirds^^Sr^ and TEH DAYS roatm.?nt free.
t'd. Tostim-maN \
DR. II. fl. OREEH’S SOUS, Box K. Atlanta, Ga.
La 50 YEARS’
m I 1
Tbaoe SVIarks
n i 1 Designs
Copyrights &c.
Anyone ascertain senrtliiB a slieteli mid free description whether in nr
quickly probr.lily or.r patentable. opinion Communlrn- an
iiivontlnn is
UonsstTiotlycorfldent.ini.Handbook on Patents
gent free. Oldest pgency for securing patents.
Patents taken through Jlunn & Co. receive
special notice, vUtfrout charge. in the
A handsomely illustrated weekly. Ji.'irgcst cir
& 0Q.36tBroa(!way, f^g W
JJrauch Office. 625 F St., Washington. D. C.
i I s' Is
4 SETS! 5
Hi erect 3
My undertaking establish¬
ment is well fitted up and
my stock of undertaking
goods is complete.
Attention , . . prompt , and ,
Hearses free of
'W. V, Almantl,
Undertalicr A Emhiilinci’.
! I ** ljF.ORG*A
2% J o Ft. t \ \ £
A 5EA fS^ E 4’ k ; i - :r Agricultural. College
r Builwng.
- f
A college edtrcatioa *i* \\\<t resell t f all. A.B.,
B*S., Normal r;:d Buf- inv-o Mcuj’jS courses, cli¬
tiood laboratories; healthful, iavigoratiutf
mate; military discipline; pood moral and
religions i:id;;cncvs. Cheapest Ixiard in the
State; a bo a a nee ot country produce ;exj>enscs
from -So tv> S-150 a year; board i*i doruiitorics
or private families. full faculty Special license course for
teachers; of nine; all under the
control of ’.he University. A college prepar¬
atory class. Coeducation of sexes. Tueiusli
tution founded specially for students ofllraited
means . trend for catalogue tv> the President.
Jos. 5. Stew a a; , A.M.
r naiHMI ie- >
O V ffe »<«
HMpK r 'c-.-srrrUil i N nm
Keeps fresh meats in splendid
condition, and we will be prepar
ed to serve our customers in this
line from week to'week.
We handle Western meat and
our customers will find it superior
in every respect.
Call at our market when in need
of anything in the fresh meat line.
J<( jjj. JJTAJtS*
Mrs. Dr. Glenn is still making fine
dresses, coats and pants at prices to
suit. Room over McDonald & Hay
B01X, ‘ S mum * slore -
F 1 BE UfiM.
We represent some of the
best Fire Insurance Companies
in existence and ask the public
generally to see us before plac¬
ing their risks.
Office in Banner office under
f T~A
i La .
My Photograph gallery will
be open for business up stair’s
in the Night building next weeK.
^Jl who ''.’ant first-class photo
graphic work are invited to call
on me at the old stand.
M E Allen.
All work guaranteed to please
Office up stairs over J. II. Al
mand & Co’s, store.
Cox VERS, Ga
r I -p-i.-j L [’ A , T A i r, tiri \i f n K rnrori I I S
LiAlA UnD I 1 XL P\ 1 IOJ H -
f -4
(Georgia Ilockdale County.
T() v , 1)om j t lnay ccmcem :-Wm. L
PeeK executor of James M White late
of said county deceased having for made
n, final return and,applied such a dis
charge from this trust as exe
cutor. This is to cite ail persons con
cerned t-o show cause against the
granting of this discharge if any they
can, on or before tlie first Monday in
August 1899, when the same will be
passed upon, Given muter my hand
and official signature,
This May 20, 1899. M Helms, Ord.
Widow »Snpi»oi*t.
Georgia Rockdale County:
To whom it may concern :-Mistress
Malissa Maddox, widow of Thomas
L Maddox, late of said county, de
ceased having applied for a twelve
having filed their return in m,v office.
tliis is to give due notice as the law
requires to all concerned chat I will
pass on the same on the first Monday
in July next. 6th. 1899.
This Junr
A M Helms, Ord.
Adniinintrutor’s Snio.
Will be sold before the court house
door in the city of Conyers, Ga., with¬
in the legal hours, of sale, on the first
Tuesday in August- 1899, to the
est bidder, one brick store room and
lot. known as the I>r. J A Stewart of
lice, situated on the corner of Corn
merce street and Warehouse Alley.
Size of room 24 x .*<> feet: size of lot 25
x 7(*'c b et. To lie sold as the prop
ertyof J)r. J A Stewart deceased.
John H Almaud lioliis the titles to
said property l'or a balance on pur- \
chase money for same, but will make
titles to purchaser under this sale on
payments of such purchase money.
Terms of sale: one fourth cash, one
fourth Nov. 1 19C0, one fourth Nov 1,
1901, the remaining one fourth Nov. 1
with seven per cent, interest :
payable annually, on deferred pay¬
John H Almand, Admr.
of the Estate of J A Stewart, dec.
and Whiskey rubits
cured at homo with¬
out pain Book of par
tic-mars sent fREE
_ ____P, S? WOOLLEY CO.
Ht.aiii*. u^. A»iiico. 104 North I’ryor St.
Bears tha The Kind You Ha?e Always Sought -
Q Cifnatiire .
j 1VMW IT PIT a i
jjoKCJMamBorc-'O 11 a Lum i*i' liiaaiwn^ hi ,4 A i oo rllfi
3 ?
J| H cro zyzi BliP jaw—ywww
l II W l M •»B liS S! N
Of? si U
«-< cta v- o Hit,
TKT V V e will buy and pay higher,
CASH •" {' nric** lor ^ an
Cmckens, «, „ Higgs, Batter. V.
ctLUw ‘p*4 / 3 £iC , V^jl 0GH or Drv
■* j
«S •
SOil VOUT lOrOOTLOR t« a Ui ■ you seej
~ >
have the spot CASH £ or you
The Fyans 5 rouii(*p
«/ -
( ’
IXBrama J «\ ililljamS, A IH Gil/I mi i)ijH r.
1 Ml" SM I OSS k V
When you want a good, safe turnout, one tbal
drive with
One that looks well and goes well, call on mJ
Good drivers furnished if d
Terms very reosonabk
M U d\ v /r ft b r ml
lvi J_j u 1 H
fRP cry j. i> ■jium
■6 : 1 L
Tliis firm has a reputation too well and fad
known to need comment,, but we wish ureal!|
tioii to the fact tliat we are carrying an iicij
stock of
Dry Goods, Notions, Clothing, m
Shoes, Family, Fancy and Heavy
ceries, etc „ We sell at reason!
prices and our values are al'-**-tys 1
ed on the quality of article.soli
We can give some spes
values in Spring t CM
and Gents Furnisliings.
Give us a call an5 you tviii be 1
vinoed that we. can give satisxact
„ a
U fa U k S ciXiiun S li r u a :: SzicS
H .i -■ ^ i-i MM INN en is heff
_ » /fd i--* W II 4 3 MHMMI 5S dTU.‘i ,TX ipstimaa k L
1 the ~r a
Tl |-"-**•* I O ce in iMgm
• id * two
I PH ig pi.'* \ BM H wm Or
1 ifore or less Y5' It '9 1 a
photos for 25 c ■ «.
9 j , j
miss this chance n iU ^ ‘
>0111* last
M. E,