Newspaper Page Text
( M as, h- ssi nsovs i> M
our stock of Dry Goods has been so heavy we have been forced and buy again. These new goods vyere bought and mar
fee drain on
secure a saving to our ruatuemers. These new goods give the people an opportunity to buy the latest offerings and we invite
as opportunity. You always get full value and goods when buy from
advantage the new you us.
take Yours dealing and mutual satisfaction,
for square
Z Q Hi rrrBTfft c z o y f a rn o a > o o a
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acreage. ttcr<,ase - acreage. eoTitliVion. Cane Cane acreage. per fnl1 ner full cent full per stock last of 1 a of of a supply of
3 Wheat Wheat -|Sor«hum |(7rnsses 'Grasses Peaches I_ of iApples of per of jCrapes to cent oply cent
’otton no;') lio - Co T. Corn Oat Oat Sugar .Sugar Kice Vears Work Ho^s Per su ii-Vr
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V j a: ^ m ❖
In Memory
of little llobert Elton Goode, born
Sept. 18, 1S97, died Nov. 18, 1898.
Baby eyes are closed forever;
Laughing strings eyes of almost blue. severed
Our heart
When death parted us from you.
God gave to us this precious
Just for a little while.
An, how we miss thy had v voice,
Thy sweet, endearing’ smile.
But ’tis well without - child;
The paths of sin never trod ;
His soul had blit'budded on earth
To blossom in the garden of God.
One by one our loved ones are
im? -
Beyond the crystal tide.
One by 0110 the blessed Savior
Calis them to his side.
Oh. what joy ’twill he to meet them
When our trials are all o’er,
With gladness eve shall greet them
On chat fair, eternal shore.
A friend.
r n»(8 Printer’s Burden.
Take up the printer’s burden,
Von hardy sons of foil,
Wlm owe him on subscription.
For burning - midnight oil,
•Remember how he waited,
When times were hard as rock,
While Bryan talked free silver,
Jerry Simpson wore no socks.
Take up the printer's burden—
He knows no selfish greed,
In every blessed issue,
He works for things you need;
The town's prosperity ho shows—
Your farm land is the best—
These, tiling^ lie tells the people
J it north, east, south and west.
Take up the printer’s burden,
And pay Die debt you owe,
And when your mortal remnant
Has left this world below,
Your friends can read your title,
To mansions in (lieskies—
The printer knows’tis charity
To whitewash all your lies.
Take up tlie printer’s burden,
And make things what they
When oft’ in silent sleeping,
The people—is his dream,
Pay cash for every item,
Subscription in aciwmce.
And goes to church every Sunday
Without patches on his pants.
TaKe up the printer’s burden,
All who are in arrears,
His generations yet unborn
Will bless you all the years,
Times now getting better,
Since Dewey won the day,
And you ougnt to pay the printer,
’Cause the Devil wants his pay.
. Selected.
I 4>- •
For Infants and Children.
Tie ?ae- ———’ ii e*
tlailo -pe. erer j
sigpataie Zt/lt «*PP«.
i’]b(‘iioz:ei* TV
Rev. A M Fierce deliveied
quite an able sermon at Ebene
zer last Sunday, Hi h remark
were both brilliant and forci¬
Miss Mozsllo Weldon, one
Oxford’s most bea utiful and
complished young ladies,
visiting relatives in our vicinity
this week.
We are needing rain badly
our diggins.
Miss Lena Reagan,of
ia and Miss Della St John,
Conyers, attended
day services at Ebenezer last
Mr. W M Alntaud made a flue
wheat; top this year. His av¬
erage was fifteen bushels
ey Creek district. Theineeiing
will be held at the Honey Creek
courthouse. All are invited.
The boys in and around Eben
• z >r met a few nights ago and
organized a club. They propose
to rid the settlement of bache¬
lors The penalty for rein lin¬
ing n bachelor in i-b:s tuv.k
the Win id;! is a ii-iy-K 'M m • ! v
week. It is a good thing, boys,
•push it along.
|^1 >12. W. 11. S ^1513,-^0
Besides carrying a largo slock of t he very purest, freshest
best Drugs, Ale('iiein* - s, Faints, Oils and Glass at low
est prices, makes a sp'-einlty of ilie following goods at
prices that others came l duplicate:
A large assortmenf of
Spectacle s\ Ho . T* /??/ Standard Authors, also School
Hooks an I Sc/as’l Supplies, sack as satch-ds, slates,
sponge, crayon He.,. Fish hooks, Fishing Haas, and
*’ 7 rot" fines. Has" Halls, J lubber dial's, Checker and
Chess men, Clark ->■ Hoards, Violin Strings, Fates,
Pegs, etc., Funjo Sitings, Harden, and. flower Seeds,
Pocket Cuth-ry,
"Von will money if you buy bol’orc
lyiS. LEE’S PmCES.
liLKl” FfOOI.
w. tv. T. Stewart
Will keep ice during the summer months ami
con supply his customers in any quantity desired.
Soda foam a in ds oiks of ail kind. < an he had
his store.
Bicjcle repairing of ail kinds done promptly
and reasonably, if you vs '--is to 1-uy a wheel
call 011
W. W. To Stewarto
— -rvrTV&ttS&i ---
1 am now opening up a car of 50 open and top
Buggies bought from a factory that is going out of
business which 1 cun sell from twelve to fifteen dol
lars less than Buggies bought regular. You will save
Money by caking and getting my prices-Cash or P’all
payment to suit customers. Next door to Dr. Lee's
Drug Store.
Yours to serve.
NO. 24.
\yv, en you come io ju .g a
always remember how
p We or. you aro yourself.
Won’t jmlgo a man by 11 io lit
of his coat; it may be a bor¬
rowed one,
Dr icing to down one’s mi -
••r.y it (Mitting on- a fir- wit It - i).
Nov Huturday id logaatr
meeting day of the club in lion-