Newspaper Page Text
The Gcuyg s •reek!”
J. H. WALLIS. Csiron.
Eaten -1 ■' ‘ 1 ' .. •. ■ at On vers h»
nr cot d -cl« ss until i
Sat*. v, June 24, 18^9.
IlOOl’S ' <• • : ’ r ‘i iio’ for !tr-t inser
tion ; S.'/jj c< If* i r iiiur > p. r each 1! *)ik'i i;ub-cque»t• t'Ci *1 1 cli i^*
ssrtion. ‘A v
tit*'- insert io > . 25 ,. jpr each subsequent
in • ri ion •
ni.'BM;Hiri iON KAllv.
One roar, in advance........ . ,tf. j oo;
Six month n. in advance .....50c i
The ht.uie of Gen, John B. Gordon,
at Kirkwood, was totally destroyed
by fire la.:-t V.’t daesday night. Most
of the hem,-.ahold goods were saved.
The less will pr >b«bly reach ?20,0C*0
(ionora! Wiie<-!er will 1 ik Iy be or
dered to the Phillipincs within the
next few days, 'i he Generr.i is au\
ions for active servtV and his ftdmir
ers tliroujiluui t the C( iiiitry hope that
he may !>< of to the ■ t.
M i is >' “ iniu.
vbi-li i hf da,t s’
labo:: \' i; ! *
Cfi he
line in,"', f '
\Ve p; ini !! is or (he i.-noriuaiion
of old i iichelnr-' • “Married men, a 1 .'
cording to a G. iuian invest igator,
Jives 1,-iigcr than bachelors, and are
less liable to become insane, And h
er argument loi lmui'iomnv ,s i,, ud
ill the fact that tliconr,'' iiuirals
among every ROttO baclichus, while
among ilu* jnnrried ocn the ratio is
only IH per 1,000.”
3 -■* sa»»**- •
Editor ('lark Howell will be n can
didalc for the State Senate next year
nud will aspire to the Presidency ol
that body. Of the younger men of
Georgia, Editor Howell lias, perhaps,
rendered the greatest service to the
State, and his ambition in this in¬
B AMCC is pelfceily natural and should
la 1 protected by the voters of the hath
district and latterly by bis friends
throughout the State.
7)r. E G Broughton, a noted Baptist
minister of Vllanta. created a sensa¬
tion in that city by demanding lie*
impeachment of Mayor Woodward,
in his sermon Sunday nielit. The
arraignment of the Mayor was very
severe and the council is now inves¬
tigating the charges. The position
taken by the minister as official rec¬
tifier is a new one but later develop¬
ments would indicate that lie under¬
stands the business, thnrongnly.
The, Marietta Journal speaks this
wise truth: “Industry is the great
antidote against had feeling, comm
illness, discontentment and adversi¬
ty. Poverty usually grinds the hard¬
est outlie indolent, simply bocans.
that indolence violates all laws of
prosperity, An industrious people
is a contented people, and a eontent
ed pfcople means hnppv, prosperous
peoph*. A pretty good way to ruin
hoys is io allow them to act the gen¬
tleman and spend their time in idle¬
ness; while the safety-valve of boys
becoming good, true men, is to keep
the boys busy at work.”
> »
Tlicvo -Vi-<* Otiiers.
lf there is any one class that needs
recreation and change of scene i! is a
man or woman who has spent nine
months in the school room.-—Mil
ledgcville Recorder. If there is any
class of people that needs recreation
it is 11 to overworked editor who
spends twelve months In the ediw
rial room grinding out "copy.”—Me
Irkm-bw " 1
yet have reason m believe
on coin n'wtdie' m'diV 'is shV Vw'he
who constantly works at any trade
nulsnieserviim ii , i -t t u!ein'^ i mi
the of
of this life.
Eggs and Fritters.
The Madison Advertiser prints a
lengthy explanation eoneerning tlie
whys and wherefores of the effect of
the cry, “Three fried eggs and a frit¬
ter for a quarter,” upon tlie young
men of Conyers. The explanation
as given by the Advertiser is very
fair and is prefaced as follows: “And.
we want it understood beforehand,
that it is not our intention to “throw
oft” at all on the p ogressive little
city of Conyers. There is tin city in
the State that has a more refined,
cultured or moral sec of citizens than
Conyers. Toe cjitlte population are
n strictly church-going people, w hieh
is sufficient evidence that the town
1ms an excellent moral tendency and
i« second
Vhich go to make up a AtU
community. ’
I ''mil «ro"ressive
I w-Mlrnnk the Advertiser for
expressions above and assure it
1 u has made no mistake in
,o <,ur town tnose Mrtm s of which
j j it f peaks. True, our hoys sometimes
loss “ancient hen fruit” tit “iresJr'
Oxford students, but it is simply in
• a spirit of “give and take.*’ It is
! with lio malicious intention Init a
i natural response to an unwise dial
Jenge. Unfortunately innocent
tics have (Oinetimcs suffered, and
! this is greatly regretted by all, for it
;n only the offenders that are sought
L() j,,. punished.
We hope that the egg and fritter
to end. .
feud may now come an
The man who looks for diffieul
ties will find two where lie expects
1 oily one.
Mr. Joe Ethridge, of Conyers was
rbe guest of Mr. E (’ Henslee several
days iast week.—Henry County
S HeasaHtliill News
( ‘fops are looking line in this com
mmiit v.
i’he Sundav school at Plcasanthill
‘.xpects to lake part in the
. ; am iit Itock Chapel.
; v Banner Baker and Pauline
H e.iitpb/ies visited Misses Mary and
iS Owens last. Sunday.
.Mrs. Jane Born is visiting 1 Mr. Jno.
i ./’s family,
y r Tern Chandler was hauling in's
in ,T girl last Sunday.
Siloiidike News.
Crops are in a flne
Wheat turned out unsatisfactorily.
w !u)d will open at this place on
the first Monday in July.
The boys of whom your Ebenozcr
coi; ( sposdent made inquiry last
wool; passed through Klondike on
i!it* Sunday mentioned.
Gall ant Mr. Rosser, of Ebenezer ’
was in Klondike Sunday last.
Rev. C Stephenson filled Rev. T J
Bledsone's pulpit at Philadelphia
Sundav last. He preached an excel
h'lit sermon to a fairly good congre¬
Mrs. J A Ford lias been very ill nut
is mending at this writing.
.V rs. li (' Powell is recovering from
a severe illness.
We understand that Mr.
Granade, of Rockdale, will visit a
fair one in our community next Sun
day. Come, Walter. We will have
a lot of fun at your expense.
It is ti e concensus of opinion that
;i “Blind Tiger ’ has been in
tion in or around about, this commit
nit v. The people should not tolerate
this monster.
8 Nowk.
Quite an enjoyable time was had at
the picnic last Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. J C Dulin, of Stone
Mountain, visited relativet here last
Mr. E C Granade lost a good mule
last week.
Mr. I) M Almand is spending a.
while wit ii his parents.
Miss Kattie Lou McDaniel spent
Saturday night and Sunday v ith
Miss Minnie Granade.
Mr. Bufe Almand was hauling one
of our sweetest flowers Sunday.
Mr. Emory Granade has been quite
sick this week If does not agree
with him to ride so far in the heat of
the day.
Mr. B N Ford was in our midst last
Wednesday night
Mrs.David Glotfelter, of your town ♦
spent Monday with her niece, Airs.
Arclias Warren.
The funeral of the infant of Mr.
and Mrs. MartinTurner waspreached
at Rockdale by Rev. John George.of
* allli| y have our heartreit sympathy.
Mr. w id ter Granade rides in a new
1 t iiggj these clajs.
flTfllV H 1 TUlPn SHUr flTTnTl
ul 1 1 UailIILIU
]-f ilJ-il TT |\J AV V 1 1 RFAfTAN rt I’t
My shop is comfortable.
My towels are clean.
My tools are always keen.
My attention is respectful.
My aim—to please all.
Give me a call when you need
dressing up
Bears tlie ^ Ihe Hind Ha toe Always Bought
H 'ir <2L*.0 £z&<
Sam Jones When
Uni gives a man a wit* and
or six children, he has done
thing for him. 11 '• * in) 1,0 ^ U (
him nothing hut a wifoai.d
bird ,ie *‘ ,s 1 11 J
—' ' & w ~
jf Piv^ident McKinley wishes
gfrike the key note he can do so
ge , H jj„„ a sufficient number of
(ji ers t,, Manilla to end the war.
xhia Manilla struggle is
monotonous as it stands.
Chief Joiner. °* the Atlanta
lice department lias resigned.
was discovered under the
of whisKoy and rather 1 ban lie dis¬
missed lie tendered his
( j on
Dr. <J. W Medulla,
Conyers, Georgia,
Will work
qceetli Extracted Free,
Amalgam fillings 25 to 50 ctfi.
Gold fillings, io cts. to $2.00.
( "
Bridges per tooth $1.
Piatt'S from $2V0 to $5.00.
Teeth of childoren under 12 years
age filled with proper material at25c.
Oflice over J. H. Alixumd Go’s.
11 SHI Mil 5111 OF 3 E! »S.
j^We are ready for those customers who wish to
who wish Io buy bargains in Dress Goods, Clothing,
thoes, or any other article in the Dry Goods line.
We have been reconoitering our stock and find, with
the new goods coming in, that we have more than we
need. This being true we must offer fro me special iu
dueements for the next few weeks in order to reduce
our stock ptoperly for the coming change of season.
■ With the above explanation v/e call your
attention to our stock of seasonable
] and stylish Clothing. You can buy now
at a great saving and get something
that will wear you well and give you
splendid satisfaction. If you need
Clothing now is the time to buy, and if
you wish tO buy at a saving come to us
In our Dress Goods Department we aro making
some unparallelled offerings. We have a handsome
stock and during this mid-summer reduction sale we
propose to give somebody delightful goods and great
values from this :took. Ladies who contemplate mak¬
ing put chases of goods any kind and in note this reduction line are cordially of prices. in- ‘ j
vited to see our
This line will give genuine satisfaction and we are very
anxious to reduce the stock at once. Come next week
and examine these unusual drees goods bargains.
In shoes and slippers for both old and
young, we will astonish you. Nothing
is more desirable than a nice, neat
slice. We have shoes and slippers for
all comers and the reduction we make
is inducement not often met with in these
times. Come and see them.
We assure one and all that
those who come to us will get
YY>iii , («i to sei*ve.
OUflii f A111VI il. TT A T ElVlA.1NL/. 1\/T A Mh D Pi A IN MT/t. x\L. D
Exchange bought and sold. Collections made on all parts of the
country" Accommodations extended consistent with sound banking
Overdrafts will not foe fnomored pnder any circum*
b ^ lCe bours 5’om 8 a. m. till 4 p. M.till further notice.
I have removed my store from the Post Office to the store
next door to The Blue Front.
I have a large stock of the latest styles of Millinery goods
and am better prepared to serve my customers than ever before.
Miss Lola Y r oung, of Atlanta, will trim for me (his season.
She is an expert trimmer and well known here.
All are invited to give me a
Miss Emma Riley.
A new bieyele trust with a capi
tal of $80,000,000 has been formed.
Tt is we H since a wheel is not one
of the necessaries of life.
* 'tvli-Mr', „ , nsivOCt 1 tie female *uf
orutyr, y < -ind man >e J°
l,a y ' u : J ' ri 11 not 1< ' 1 ‘'
P ause ^ il moment, am. looked u
rovin( * 1 * m " • L repeal, slie
said, “where would man be
it not for women? 4 .. Ile'd
be in tlie Garden of Eden eating
strawberries,‘ answered a voice
the gallery. /________T.
j,,-. Slaton, son of .Mr. Char¬
lie Slaton, died at the home of Mrs
Burnett, near town last Monday
night. I To had just recovered Com
ail attack of fever in Atlanta and
came home for a visit, lie went
ing and eat a quantity this brought, of tYe.-h
fish. J t is supposed terminated
hour a relapse which r.s
Mr. Slaton was a splendid
man and Iris death is deeply
ted by his friends.
Tlie remains were enterred in the
Aliiiaiul burying ground.
Mr. W W Faulkner, an aged and
highly respected citizen of Lorraine
district died last Friday. The inter¬
ment. occurred at. Smyrna burying
ground on Saturday/ He leaves sev
eral children who will greatly miss
him and to whom we extend sy.opa
-----~ a
■ i’t ■■ nmiiimS m jafSPffmsn
am if w I m
/ii5S ^^ate a.4claw ,
wasst Kind ?sy Have
AVegclabk V: Preparation for As- : Aiwsys Bought
slmilaUrig ^g the read attdReguIa- M Bears
ttestatdamiiBciwte cf the
few Signature TV i
Promote s D t^es Hou.Cheerful¬ :
ness and Resi.Contains neither SW
Oputm,Morphine nor I lineiol.
Kot NAttc otic. i
tec’/?s rtfoidVrSAWJELT'ircmR S'
Pumpkin See H*
jilx.Senrur >
Podfiilft. Safe — In
yifiisf. Sef*t *
PppenrJnt *5/ CurdffitGttSoila
Chuiffotl fikrn Sz&d •
Itihteyr&n Sugar F/tmr .
Apcrfrcl Remedy for Constipa¬ % CO e
tion, Sour Stomach,Diarrhoea, for
Worms ness and .Convulsions Loss OF .Feverish¬ SLEEP. 1 O^r
Facsimile Signature of Thirty Tears
NEW YORK. iir-%
it 1 OF mss
W [! t Cut- Price Stoke.
Fresh goods every day. Such as FlourJ
Meat, Lard, Sugar, Coffee, Meal, Sausage,
Hams , Syrups, etc.
A few sample prices:
20 lbs. sugar for |1, 10 lbs. best gmn
coffee $1, 3 lbs. soda 10c, 12 bars soap 25c I
2 boxes baking powders-5e, good tobacco 30c
per lb* Ladies and children's hose 5c psr
pair, 2 spools thread for five 5c* Suspenders
per pair etc, etc.
"Br !0f i
ns il ■
When you want a good/safe turnout one that you can
drive with
Gnq that looks vveli and goes well, call on me.
Good drivers furnished if desired.
Terms very reosonable.
& Qooel Sqfe Pk-pe to Shade.
You can bu ai thia ia tbc general merchandise line at
> r D’ g
OU! ' siore 5 rices ancl every article you buy V, n.
class. We aim to please our customer!- ill every transaction.
We buy goods close and sell them for close profits, We
our customers all possible advantage.
Come to us and t get vai*
ue and satisfaction inev*
Our grocery department
is always Kept full
A £ Im illhas 1 11 » «aco* •