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CD S—» K'i V A*- & o o cr i-H • o mi MW (WuW r* (r b m c e*' pant 9 J F**, vans w w & 40* CD dJ |«Ml a &
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JTj m C **** Arm* a iW frtta WJ it** /*A Kutai 0am 00m '£2 & ^ tmtuxd Km* Nwje>' iw»H m ft**K pati ■ I C ^ Mscsa ' 4 a (**"■ w w w
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kA 9 |3MJ 0»-rfvV ppmwsji is seldom given the publi C il nd it is natural that it is eagerly seiz-
4 PWMM v>>" kMRBBB w O fSBBfiiXd i o fvm* * 0 * ■i aj Ksct (fj #T4.ltv tat*/ tazraai %*»id Wrvse/ GC FV.'HCfi" W c Afc'.'V! prjutf a success so far and we
crj fsnauid Period r“ ■< « '"d CD o pertyuai ^ a i CD &*■,**• ***** frasri « (X 1 &aapt. Come early
W.-V.W A- JM ■ '* 1 20 ( s.y !VMt ► fat'd * on as as
« Yours for bargains * Summers
ragnap nhs 11 Personal and Otherwise,;
ered for ot:r Readers.
Farrilk is very sick.
[craisr. e L T of Faml Atlanta, 1. JS
Elder, of Miami. Fla.
to his mother heie.
s Georgia, ia.of Lithonia,
t time in Conyei*
L lovuVay lloUcT, of Alrnon with
Ipresnrif and Norwood «d' Mrs.
■ n , the aw* ts
Wjo I he city.
RI It Richardson, one
prominent citizens,
'Carter went down
[perator at Hattock on
bind) this week.
Farrill, of. Farri 11,
visit to her sister,
lislioj), in the city.
lleC.dla and
[or In Sheffield an extended district.
Wallis, of
v with relatives
Argo may consider
to him for
extended us. He
visit to
Mr. Belle is
the depot.
“Mias Teedy”
and, we
i-ou Winhurn
Friday to
with her
M Jfiues.—Madison
-i M Almand
they evening f
Their return
on account
of their
i* jet
to publicly
A M McElvan
n°ine us last darning
ro last.
, .
111 publishing
grateful to him
ail v seven prisoners
ler i ff Austin.
them. Coon i 8 |
an d if
J S f d w . likely 1
!W of C0lu-t Mr.
gi„ ,.\° - Uc ^,
other day ?
' hands o ' 5 ?- r'l 1 1 ]l V
such tin if ;
‘ — emotion-)
fellow;, 1 1 'v l!n ’
t ,
aa ahs M a u v,p
"’ r Uler , k
M aron.l around,
^Cord Grocery r
11 fii-in.j ,
‘ - ’’
- Sumi Elliott 8
viol hers aiul Ji
-•they Mr. are enim-;,, 1 '
- -or,ever in At
Have you given in your taxes!
Mr. T ,T Almand was in Ingle
side yesterday.
Dr. J H Brooks made a short
visit to Logansville this week.
Miss Sallie Chupp, of Lithonia,
is the guest of Miss Mamie Nelms.
Miss Pearl Cook spent some
time with relatives in Oxford
ibis week.
Prof. Colvin of the Lithonia Bern
inary, was in Conyers on business
this week.
Miss Mary Turner, of mcD m
ough, is on a visit to the family of
Col. J N Hale.
Mrs. Lawson has returned from
a protracted visit to her daughter
at Edgefield. S C.
Mr. Joe Byrd, a prominent, citi¬
zen of Gwinnette county, was in
Conyers Thursday.
When you come to town don't
fail to call on Tax Receiver Hull
and give in your property.
The Tax Receiver will clove his
books soon . You had better re
turn your property at once,
Mr. Grier Dunn is delighted at
the arrival of a dainty little lady
at his home,
Miss Goode and Mr. Wm. Earned
both of the Atlanta Journal, were
of Miss Annie Ethridge last
' Sunday,
Friend Chas. E Reagan has been
on the sick list this week but he is
improving now, we are pleased to
The gardens in Conyers arc suf¬
fering badly from drouth. Unless
rain comes soon vegetables will
soon play out-.
County School Commissioner
O’Kelley conducted a teacher's ex¬
amination at his office in thecourt
house last.Thursday.
Gr. Henry Quigg will preach at
1 he Presbyterian church to-mor
row > Sunday. Everybody- cordi
ally invited to attend the service.
Wore on Mr. J .T Langford’s res¬
idence has been somewhat delay¬
ed this week. Planks that could
not be had at once were needed.
The game of hall last Wednes¬
day afternoon between two home
teams was rather a one-sided affair.
The score was 22 to 2 in favor of
“The New Ideas.”
Mrs. M A Langford and daugh¬
ter. Airs. C \V White, are now
with Mrs. J N Hale. Mrs. Lang¬
ford has been with Mrs White in
Alabama for several months.
Mrs. W A Roberts, who has been
Johnson, spending some time with Airs. J S
will leave to-day for At¬
lanta, where she will spend a week
before returning to her home at
The young people enjoyed them
selves last Wednesday evening at
1 lle hospitable home of Ur. W H
^ se ’ 'Guch events at this home a re
productive of much pleas
to those who attend,
,f ] 0leyFor d’ 0neof ^i 011
’ ’ here
s rising young men, was
Thursday. He will attend the
at Gainesville next
Week and the first Monday in
July his school will open for the
Gflti'^f. ef l K,nin T .! t Beagan and Nellie . .
kuests of Misses Maggie and Cara
heck Davis, on College avenue, dur*
wg the week,—Covington gtar.
The Aliiion correspondent to tho
Covington this Enterprise has these items
Mr. WS Marbut has been indispos¬
ed for several days, the result of an
Some gentlemen from Conyers, are
spending Holder, a few days with Mr. J M
fishing. Several fine cats
have been hooked.
Mr, and Airs. Aubry Almand, of
Convers, were tlie guests of Mrs. Al
mand’s parents, Air. and Airs. Rober¬
son last week.
Air. John Maddox, of Atlanta, and
Elisha Maddox, or Conyers, were in
our town Tuesday.
Conyers soda fountains are enjoy¬
ing a heavy patronage.
South Georgia watermelons are be¬
ing rushed west by the train load.
sick Afiss Emma several Reagan has been very
for days past.
Afr. and Airs. Beerman Camp, of
Winder, are visiting the latter’s
mother here.
Mr. and Mrs. Chas Rosser, of Al¬
abama, spent Sunday with Dr. W II
Lee’s family.
Messrs. Dock Phillips and John
Hamilton, of Atlanta, were guests of
Mr Otis Adair Sunday.
Mr. Lawton Moon has gone to At¬
lanta where he will enter the drug
business with his uncle.
We regret to announce the illness
of Miss Haftm Wallis We hope
may soon be well again.
Aliss Birdie Ethridge, of Birming¬
ham,left here yesterday for Jersey.
Ga., where she will spend a week
with relatives.
Air. anu Airs. J K Stewart, of
ville, Ky„ will arrived in the week
day and spend here a or
WIth relatives ’
Air. Chas. E Rogers is
along smoothly j with the construc¬
tion of A’ r. W Ehko’s residence on
upper Decatur street.
Mrs G M Hakes, who has been wiHi
her father, Prof. It A Guinn, in the
city for several weeks, returned to
her home at Whltosburg yesterday.
Your attention is directed to the
advertisement- of W L Adair’s popu
ula-r store in this paper, Attend his re
duetion sale of seasonable and styl¬
ish drygoods.
Your attention is directed to
advertisement of new goods at- Hud
son’s. This is a handsome new stock
of dry goods and you will do well to
inspect it.
.... The entertainment , , . , at ... the ,___ homo
Air. and Airs J C Stephenson their last
Wednesday evening in Honor of
guest Miss Lottie Afarhut, of Atlan¬
ta, was greatly enjoyed by all pres¬
The death of Rev. Simon Peter
Richardson, at his home in Macon,
w.'iieh occurred a few days ago, calls
for the expression, ‘A good troughout man gone. the
He was well Known
state as a faithful. Godfearing and
God-serving man for off years.
The announcement of the death
Miss.Kate Milligan, at her home in
Griffin last week, was received wiHi
much sadness by her many friends
here. Miss Milligan spent last sunt
made friends of all with whom she
Wea-re glad to learn that Air. Root
Travis won the ready writers medal
over a class of twenty law students
at the University. We always taKe
pleasure in announcing the success
of our Covinvton boys,—Enterprise. Travis’honors.
Conyers shares in Mr.
We congratulate the young gentle¬
A jolly party of afternoon picnicers
to tho paper mill last Thursday were
chaperoned by Alesdames A\ .3 Lakes
andAL Dabney. The party consis¬
ted of Misses Floret!e Tucker, Annie
Winn, of Lawrcnceviile, Mary Stan
sell. Jennie Guinn, of Griffin, Badie
Hale, Florence Austin. Lola Young
and Rum Almand. Messrs. Chas K
Gailey, Robt. Gailey. Mike Hudson,
Howard Turner, Fiurnoy Helms, Ar¬
thur Langford, Lieut Guinn, Walter
and Otis Adair. The occasion was
productive of much pleasure and will
partv.*" 1 ” 6 * ‘
of tlm ‘
Friend Charlie Taylor is now
planning to leave for Texas about
the first Monday in July. His
friends are a little skeptical as
G f jjjs utterances upon this
Tki5 paper k yevg-y.
Friends Hubert Galley and Otis
Adair are enjoying a limited vaca¬
Notice Dr. C. TV. McCall aw new
card in this issue. Ho makes some
very low prices.
Mr. J 15 Johnson .and family, of
(Markston, are on a visit to relatives
in the city and county.
Summers’ tenth year celebration
discount sale continues next week.
Head his ad and cal I at his store next
Several of our young gentlemen at¬
tended si moonlight luncheon at Li
thouia last evening. It was a pleas¬
ant occasion.
A game of hall between Conyers
and Oxford nines is being arranged
for an early day. The game will be
played on the Conyers ground.
Col. Jno R Maddox is entertain¬
ing two young gentlemen at his
home who give great promise
someday making themselves heard
at the bar of just ice. We
ulatehini and wish the young
yers all possible health and prog¬
Mnj. R J Guilin the
County School Commissioner of
Fulton has presented 1 he
dist Sunday school here wit h a
lief mop of Palestine. The
is both interesting and
and will bo gmtely valued by
scllooJ , ,
The Board of Education has
tod teachers for the next term
the public school as follows.
ses j t j a ^j rt y Stafford,Minnie
and Bessie .I Almand. The
and other teachers will
e] cto<1 liext Tuesday when
Board will meet for that
Barring the sickness of our
He girl, our visit to Jonesboro
productive of much pleasure to us.
B o have a number of good l
there whose hospitality and
pni i attentiveness arc a
()f ft gfH;d time lo those who are
Gununafo as to know them. Even
at this distance ffJ sinil? a
“smote” when we recall the
ing parly” on the old Flint, the
sonorous slumbering of the
{lie rude awakening of “Jim.” the
i , 1 , i " or ’ and the side-split ing jokes
of Gus. John, Jeff and others,
which never produced a smile. We
shall ‘A “ cherish the memory of the
night on the LGmt until wo go a
• — 9
Hears tio The Kind You Have Always Bough!
Rev. Tuggle’s Sermon.
R «V; Tuggle, past or nf the col
oied Baptist chuich hue, is_ «aid
to have given some fine advice to
his congregation a few nights ago.
j j.. j llM patience will) those lie
instilling into their niirnls '.we
prejudices against the whites, lb*
declares that a negro who is guil¬
ty of rape should be killed, H<
deserves instant death for his hell¬
ish crime. He advised his con¬
gregation to live within tin 1 law
and merit the respect of the whites
and the protection of 1 he law, It
it is said that his sermon was one
of the best he lias preached here.
Rev. Tuggle is for above the aver¬
age colored preacher and the ad
vice he is handing out to his con
gregations is on the right line, It
is to be hoped that other colored
pastors will take up the worx and
that their efforts may bring forth
Cl 'r THIS OlJ l
And bring it to our store and we
will give you a discount of ten
l>er cent on your purc.iase. 1 11 s
fot ,i,0,lth of Jnn( ‘
allen d summers.
Bears taa The Kind You Hare Always Bought
d %
lieutenant Guinn spent yesterday
in Atlanta.
Cream melts more feminine hearts
than hot words do.
This section of the moral vineyard
nas experienced some very warm
weather the past few days.
Wo learn Mr. L .1 Almand will
make a trip through Texas next
umntn. Ho will accompany nr. C :>i
iWanKitusk T KM i saa 1 Mflti
wmmmmm ■
We will devote
the next few months
to collections and
t hose indebted to its
are r e q nested to
come and make set¬
tlement, at once.
Our office will be
the same as hereto¬
fore .
'J hanking the public for past patronage, wo
are .
Very truly,
D. M. Almand’s Sons.
m m mi m.
SuiiimBi* A-iinoi(ii<A(^iiiLi*iit
Is now running on full time and we are turning
out pome splendid Ice Cold drinks. You can get So¬
da Water, Phosphates, Coca Cola, Ice Cream etc ,
every day. Come in and be refreshed.
STAT 1 < > > EI € \ .
We have a handsome lino of Stationery of all
kinds. Our flox Stationery leads. Get your Tab¬
lets, Inks, Pens, also all kinds of choice Toilet ar¬
ticle and Toilet Soaps from us.
Sporting Goods of all kinds may be bought of us
cheaper . than t |,„ n ol eh. cow . hero h e Get , > vnnr 01 Baco \ aee balls, BnlL
Bats, Hammocks, .’lslnng tackle, Marbles, etc.,
Gailey Drag Co.
Mr. and Mrs. Hebert a Sloan spent
Monday ami Tuesday here the guest
of Col. J N Hale’s family.
There will he a special meeting of
the Conyers Volunteers fit the court -
house Monday night fit K o’clock,
business of importance. Every en¬
listed member requested to bo pres
.1 B Irwin, Captain,
M II l’luuket, Orderly Sergeant.