Newspaper Page Text
^00 aCRKSj!
i Toi-n containing 800
QOCt well watered,
iiles fro 11 ! town,
imp roved and well located.
p easy- For particulars call
[address. U ALMAND, Conyers, Ga.
w jng iuto a Fan
enters. baitoga" kmds _ of
jid plain Crackers,
jjined Goods,
indies etc.
L small quantities
\ er to have fresh goods
JyjAling L found f° r die at our ta
a/ways now.
not discriminate
treat all custom*
pelivered in the city
and free of charge.
our goods and get
irices before buy
Yours truly,
infants and Children.
m Have Always Bought
; of
peat [eld in convention which
Macon July 12
urgely attended.
its from every part of
; who have already en-
1 wheat culture and
10 think of doing so will
■five that the latter will
paged by the reports of
pfience pgia of representa
wheat growers.
K c 0D8 at planting ti me
Rat crop recently har
P d at several periods of
lh "’ere unfavorable, but
W this a great deal of
as raised in Georgia
f - probably more than
Needing y ear . Ac
t0 a H the reports that
Sather the results on the
been Ver y satisfac
* has been demonstrat
w heat can be grown
'Dd almost every
Georpi sec
gia, We hear of
^diose d ^ bushels wheat crop have
^ to the acre,
Ve ral who 0D land
Spared es
h ave raised 30
to tli e r acre. There
in such is
a Cr °P: there is
ld ^ce of the
*b°i8intellj west to the
iS eoou gcot and in
gb to raise such
1 *^“* ,or »ar<i in
011 Macon will
DROPSY CURED with rrgetnfJJe
‘Remedied. Have cuntl
many thousand ra^e??
on lied hopeless. In ten
days at least two-thirds of all symptoms remov¬
ed. Testimonials ami TEN DAYS treatment free.
DR. fl. H. GREER’S SONS. Box K, Atlanta. Ga.
be of great practical value to
the state, because it will prove
that wheat can be produced
profitably in Georgia; it will be
of special value to farmers be¬
cause it will bring out discus¬
sion and comparison of methods
of wheat planting and culture.
North Georgia is the best
wheat region of the state and
should take the lead in the
wheat campaign notv being wa¬
ged. We hope that north
Georgia will have a large re
representation at the Macon
wheat convention. It is but
jurt to say that this convention
will be the direct outgrowth of
the ea-nest, persistent and lib¬
eral efforts of the Macon Tele¬
graph to encourage wheat grow
ing in Georgia. The Telegraph
has not only pleaded with the
farmers to plant wheat and de¬
monstrated (he prat t'cal advau
t tge of doing so, but it has of¬
fered 1200 in gold prizes for the
best acres of wheat in the state
this year We await I he result
of this competition with inter
est. The wheat crop of Geor¬
gia has special value this year
owing to the fact that the crop
in the west will be many mil¬
lions of bushels short of what it
was last year, and the price of
wheat is sure to be high uext
The railroads will give reduc¬
ed rates to the wheat convention
and there is assurance of a large
attendance.—A tlanta 'Journal.
Advertising; Always Pays,
This is probably the dullest
season of the year in all trades
and callings,, says the Jackson
Argus, yet there is more cash in
the country than the
would indicate . At this season
of the year people who have
little money are loathe to part
with it, and when occasion aris¬
es for making purchases obey
want to trade with the merch¬
ant who can give them best val¬
ue for it. This is right.
The Argus has thousands of
readers who belong to this class
and who watch its advertising
every week to see what
firm or dealer is offering for sale
the articles of goods which they
need and must have. Fre
quently they see advertised the
very goods that they want,and
though other stores may have
the same thing, if is more than
likely the buyer will go to the
firm whose advertisement he
read to get the goods, If the
advertiser quotes prices which
interest him lie can count pret
ty certain on a sale, if the goods
are reliably represented.
The great question with the
buyer now is, what merchant
is offering the best inducements
to customers, and the advertis¬
er who keeps a livo up-to-date
add before the public in The Ar
usandcan (ffer bargains to
customers is the one w ho is
K oin S 10 his share of the
trade—and maybe more -Ex.
Yes, Woman Runs Us.
A Ohio man has sued for a
divorce on the ground that he is
being ■•bossed” by his wife.—
Rome Tribune 1
Every married man on earth
can ask for a divorce on tins
ground “ground.”—Rock mart
Although that is the guess of
a bachelor editor, he hit it pret¬
ty neaily right in some respects
so far as real sure enough men
are concerned. Every true man
is predominated by the pure na¬
ture of the woman with whom
he comes in contact, whether
wife, mother, sister, daughter
or friend; controlled by lier bet¬
ter judgement • influence. Yes,
although we do not liko the
somewhat rough word ‘ boss,”
it is safe to say that every true
mao who amounts to much
comes pretty near being run by
woman, and for woman, from
the cradle to the grave. Wom¬
an makes him what he is: and
woman reaps the greatest bene¬
fit from it.—Dalton Argus.
July 4ih was a bright day at
RocKdale. The people of the
community with visiting frieuds
celebrated the day with a pic
nic and fish fry. The day was
one of the most enjoyable in
the history of the community,
Everybody feasted to their
satisfaction but out (j r j.
inary didn’t get ‘-too full
utterance” for he made us a
splendid speech in the after
noon. Ho w is followed by Maj
domo A N Plunket, whose eio
queuce delighted the crowd
The keeper of our poor farm
also made a speech in which ho
declared that “if thi3 is the way
the p ople live in this commu¬
nity I’ll have to leave here.’ The
Mayor was next called for but
it was discovered that he was
actually ‘ too full to yawn.”
Your correspondent noticed
the Conyers fellows especially
on this occasion and all of Ui Hi
have evidently been < < raised u
eatf’ as well as some of
Gatherings of this kind always
do good and wo hope tint our
people will gradually come to¬
gether more and more socia
Come to see us again, .
A Hoper. *
Smyrna, News.
Crops are looking fine in this,
We are sorry to note the ill
ness of Mrs. J C Mitchel. May
she soon recover.
Prof B x Ford of Klondike,
was in our midst Sunday.
The most of Smyrna’s young
people went to Oak Hill July
4th and report a very pleasant¬
_ Dr Omcrir _ fl led ll - reeular , I
-lai-VaigS 11 1110 IS ^
appointment at dn-.ina
an( ^ preached 1 \t iy in.* -
estiug sermon to a large con
Miss Willie Granade aua ht-
tie brother, of Oak Grove, spent
Saturday night and Sunday in
our.midst the guest of their sis
ter, Mrs. II II Daniel.
Mr. R S Sims has been on
the sick list for the past few
Mr. James Stowers and fain
ily, of near Lithonia, spent Sat
urday night and Sunday with
relatives in our midst.
The Annual Sunday school
celebration will be held here
uext Wednesday, July 12th. A
large crowd is expected and all
necessary arrangements are be¬
ing made for their comfort.
Blue Jay.
* 4 —
.RoekdaU‘ News.
The best picnic our people
have attended was at Rockdale
on the 4th.
Mr. Ra.k Almandatid famil
and Mr. Mann and family spent
at Mr. J F Harris.’
Mr. Walter Rice, of Atlanta,
is expected home ibis week
where he will remain a few
days and then leave f.*r Penn¬
sylvania, where he wib be with
his brother in-law.
Most of our young people
went i ■ Oak Hill Wed .eeday.
LitTi. Miss Lillie Gr; iade has
been on the sick list this week
Gen Otis is now quoted os
paying that with 50 000, men lie
will hi'able to bring the l’nil
ippine war to an end m short
order as soon as the ramy
son is over, It will be remmn
bered that a few weeKs ago b*
said that ho didn’t need more
30.000 men to complete
the job Does Gen Otis fully
understand the situation in the
PhiHpdines? It is to be hoped
be does. If ho doe- os t seeui<.
bette, results with 50 0'H) troop -
than he has with 30,000, thu
American people will begin to
lose confidence in him; ii, in
fact/ they haven’t already .—Lx
O .A. £* *3? o m X A .
Bears the The Kind You Have Always 3oughi
Sl e natn ‘°
Trade with our advertisers
• -*<!>>- •
An t xehange says i make-
no difif rence how P«KK tunes
may be. there will always be
people who complain of hard
times it was the ca in Belo¬
men - w hen the . Imd gold
to t rie orses 1
to throw at bo d ' i ih- re w a s
then as now of the good
old times, and he said 'Say not
y? wlr> were the former da*, s
better han these: ye t. > not in
quire ssely codcemirg this 11
Yes; * tie chronic
have b -en here since 10 begm
ing of the world and will al
ways be here.
Trad- (VIarks
Copyrights &c.
snick]y Ar.Tonft ascertain .pnrt!ti(j our a pket<-h opinion and free dearriptlon whatber ma? ao
iuvent-f-n <.1 prnhnbly pnteiitablc. rommunlcn
tlonflsirictlywr.fldentlal. Handbook on I'.it-nta
sent free. Oldest asency for securing patents.
Patents taken Uiroue'n Jlunu & Co. recelt
tpecial notice , withont chance. In the
Scientific American.
A handsomely illnstTated weekly. I.srcest eir
cciation of any scientlfle Journal. Terms, 13 e,
year; four months, |L Sold by all newsdealers.
MUNN prMXft Office, & Co. e» 361Broadway F et, Waditagton, New p, York C,
NO. 26.
TE J I »-<s 1 L i Lr-A— JJ j ; in jmiiwi icnac 1 EL
We are receiving a splendid line of pat
nonage and the flour we are making from the
new wheat crop is giving splendid satiafac
ticn. Wo ask the people to bring U3 their
grinding and we guarantee that they will be
pleased with their bread.
Don’t fail to give us a trial with your
next turn.
Yours for good bread,
Books, Stationery, School Supplies,
Toilet Articles, Fancy Goods, Per
fumes, Jewelry, SPECTACLES, Marbles, ;
Tops, Balls, Fish Looks, Fishing Lines
Foe k o t C u 11 e r , La nip n, Ga r d e t Seed s, ;
Tobacco and Cigars, Violin Strings
Guitar Strings, Banjo Strings, etc.
WAFFiHOT7^ ; ^- 1 -, T i - 1MEN and DE AT
Gome to as for Brick and Lime
and Coal Our pri ?es are right and
goods first-class.
.......- * tw
Hit mo vu l sale ot
: 1 '» town i \ 0 \ ; Wnri mm mm nierv o
% '
My entire stock of new and stylish milli¬
nery will be sold at a marked reductiion, I
wish to reduce my stock before the fall sea¬
son and before J. remove my goods into another
store. Those who wish bargains ill millinery
should come to me at once as I will 3ave you
7 ours f or mi. 11 inery,
Miss Emma Riley.
,‘i 1 |0 GOO I.
If you wont a eooi, delicious
and refreshlr.g drink, patronize
Dr. LEE’5 Soda Fountain, Every
one, especially the ladies, say
Elgin Stefan, is an expert in mak
ing Seaa kater, Lemonade, Milk
Shakes, Peach Cream, Chocolates,
Gingerale Mineral Water, etc.
He also serves ,’ruits with ices,
SUCh Cl Strawberries, Pine Apple,
etc. You wi 11 p/ sys meet with do
iuto attention -at. this fountain.