Newspaper Page Text
stock is never allowed to grow old. With constant care we g uard against this and thus we
My anything out oi date to palm off customers. To those who have shopping to do we say:
ii ve on our
yer u
[Eternal [»to r^~ ff atchfulness « 00 ' 18 make should prices be j'our and explain motto. merit—you Cash buyers should can always know what do well. you are We buying. never S Our prices will be found just and right.
to u3 for clothing, dress g^ods, shoes, hat's, all notions, \ You it Ij i
Genie omies i? fas ts
These S 00 - 3 claim our undivided attention. We bought what we owe s a
1d please you and do you the most good,
iught \ Wo pay cash for every tiring wji Imy unci scc'ivc se ll tlio<liN«onnts* for you.
IgfCome to us and get new goods, good goodsfat prices that are equitable.
“STo-iars for rig'irts to all, C-B,
CAL news items
t Paragraphs, Personal and Otherwise, Gath¬
ered for our Readers.
L Wallace & Q u s add on
|er L page of Turner this paper. is 9 n a visit
P.JolmYnceof Sarah Flippen.
Bss Ethel rice,!’ of Flippen, is
Euest.ofMiss lfinnie i urner.
■s«Eir ,e Wallis, of Augusta,
u to/pend some tune with reia- ,
Lsrs l lias been entertaining the
interesting delegates for
[few (lays.
| a dthe Conyers elsewhere Produce in Go’s, this
|ss FloredeTucker visit Social has return- Circle
roni a to
iss Claud Treadwell is visiting
lives and friends in Atlanta
hue is money. Read our
laments time. before you go to buy
lour Ii attention is called to Dr.
advertisement in this paper.
phim a call when in town.
|nc e Bob Ethridge says . he has ,
t been so hungry for a mess of
is since he has bean a beauig.
adewith merchants who adver
in The Weekly and you will
s'regret ir. They will treat you
[Igin fuly Stewart says tho jourtli
1. He was had just glorious at Oak
his best girl with
hies MinnieandLeila Thomp-
1 of Atlanta, were guests of
W T Stewarts’ family this
rs ‘ Y II M Austin has gone
s visit to Mr. G M Jones’ fain—
ntv. at Hickory Flat, in Cherokee
y fmit hag just jars received and fruit a largo jar
I l ;’°t 8 His prices remarka
low. . are
Ls Lmma Riley jg offering
lH ! ei 7 at a discount. Read
advertisement in another col
; ‘ 9 ^McDonald spent ^* last Iv0 Hud- Snn
savsJHmvnHT dTurnerrem!Ul1
Conym ’
1 '
; ' 5 Mirtie Moon, of Washino-
Clt y> is on a visit to rela
” he r ®' S!l e is at present the
t 1 ot f -'bs- C B Hudson.
LAX Ifliinysra Pi 11 i. P r 9 P r i . tor of
fin ’ 0
’“rtUememT 11 ^ 111 ’. 1 ^ an
k.*r. Reid 38 ' V 16re
1 alfthat w* , i wa> the that night ™te
Cbi Si Z aUd con ductor she of that
isr? 'v. Uu n might .
Ills, ^ inter
■. - of Mad
kn r of Mis*
■’ '“5 Mis, dist{u ;,, 1 My ® a .u? ^ ,K!ie ele S >y a t e of to the the
r i
5 l:- re '' " nic h is in . ees
* r riY LAVnir ^
MoAtla 18 a8 move d his
i ‘ ; a He has seettr-
1 * r oft ; ha r e %; withthe We ^in- hope
ri. iU t ith
w success in
The Lithonia correspondent to
the DeKtilb New Era says . Ahss
Sadie Almand is att ending the La
dies Missionary Society at Conyers
this week, as a delegate from this
Rev. J A Clotfelter, of Conyers,
preached two interesting sermons
liere Sunday morning and night
to some large congregations.-Hays Georgia
ton correspondent to the
The Brazos river runs through
Mr. C M Taylor’s lands in Texas
for four miles. The great flood
occurred along this stream and
did horrible damage. The coun¬
try is now flooded. We hope that
he lias escaped this disaster.
Misses Minnie and Ellie Smith
hava returned home after altend¬
ing the Teachers’ Convention at
Warm Springs- Mrs, F 1) Mctnil
lan, of Atlanta, joined them on
their return home anil will spend
some time at the home of their
father. lion. A J Smith, near
t°' An -
Some of our citizens noticed a
fn*o about Lithonia' last Sunday at
11 o’clock. The following item
fpom t he I)eKalb Nevv Era exj.lains
U; -Venable’s office at Little
Mountaiu wa8 destroyed by fire
Sunday. The report is Home white
men had been in the office play¬
ing cards just before t he fire was
There is a certain young gen¬
tleman in Conyers who always has
railroad time. Maj Almand says
he knows this to be tiue because
he sees him every morning set his
little watch by the steam guageon
the engine of the Conyers accom¬
modation. This is having such a
locomoting effect upon the young
man that his ‘‘Pa” better look
sharp or he will loose a son or gain
a daughter before he is aware of it.
One of Sheriff Austin’s prison¬
ers tried to kill himself by but¬
ting his head against the bars of
his cage. Dr. Guinn was calied
in to examine as to the extent of
the damage done and pronounced
it not serious. Since this occur¬
rence the negro has been given his
liberty, the charge against him
being a slight one with only scant
evidence to sustain it.
Gardens this year have not been
worth much as a general rule. The
fruit crop is a total failure and
black berries are so scare that ev
en vigilant little pic-a-ninny can’t
fincl th em in any quantity. The
shortage in these three items alone
will cost the ]>eople ail enormous
in their effort to secure sub
Mitutes for them for tho tablo.
Some of us are really in hard lines
for something to eat in the season
when eatables should be most plen
tiful and inexpensive. ’What will
wo do later on?
The J C Wages family will give
a musical entertainment at the
courthouse , Tuesday night, July
B3. This is a family of musicians
from the youngest, 5 years of age,
up This entertainment will be a
rare treat to our people. The
young people, especially those who
are studying music, will be inter
ested and profited by this event.
All of them should attend, It is
an opportunity not often met with
and one that will inspire lovers higher of
good music and give them
ideals. Admission 15 and 25
eta -
Congressman Livingston was here
a short time this week.
The boys think of going to Oxford
to play ball next Tuesday.
The joke is now-on Walter Adair
but lie acquits himself gallantly.
Crops in this immediate section are
not suffering but a good rain would
be heartily appreciated just now.
After a pleasant stay ofa week with
r „i a t; ves and trieiuls in Atlanta, Mr.
Q t j g ^ t j a j r ^turned home yesterday,
Mr. Clifford Sigman is now with
Mr. A J) Summers. He will he glad
to have flis friends call on him.
Judge A C McCalla, Col. Jno. II
Maddox and Mr. Jesse M Almand are
attending court in Henry county to¬
Mr. Anthony Norton lias enteied
the Technological school in Atlanta.
His brother, Mr. Clarence Norton, is
in his place at the post-office.
Messrs. C M Taylor, L J Almand
and Otis Langley left last Monday
morning for Texas. Messrs. Taylor
and Langley will probably remain in
that State wbtle Mr. Almand goes ns
a prospector.
Mr. Will Stansell informs us that
Messrs. Jim McDonald and
Posey expect to return rrotn Dry
tugas at an early clay. Floyd
ketalso thinks of returning.
John Hardin and Jim McLivany will
probably remain with the company
until Christmas or even longer. Mr.
McElvaney thinks of going to
Cubit in January.
This is a splendid time for those
of our people who contemplate
ing life insurance to learn
of that which they would buy. Mr.
J D Lochridge, one of the most sue
cessfui agents in tlie state, and at the
same time a clever gentleman in ev¬
erything the word means, is liere and
will be glad to talk insurance
will benefit and profit you. See him
while you are not busy.
Mr. Will Stansell, who has been
working at Dry Tm-tugas, Fla.,
last April, arrived home this
lie comes to prepare himself
standing an examination for
to West Point. Congressman,
ingston appointed Mr. Huie, of
ton county and that gentleman
ing to pass, as did many others at
same time, gives (lie alternate, Mr.
Stansell an opportunit y.
We wish the young gentleman sue
cess in liis undertaking.
Mr. Clms. McDonald, of
ia, spent Sunday here.
A little baby girl has arrived
Mr. L F Scott’s home.
Mr. Ed McDonald, of Coving¬
ton, spent Thursday in Conyers.
Miss Cleo Stewart, of Coving¬
ton, is visiting in Conyers this
Mr. Virgil Shepherd, of Atlan¬
ta, is the guest of Mr. Henry Mc¬
Mrs. Thompson, of Atlanta, is
on a visit to her neiee, Mr*. L F
Mr. H E Ray and family, of At¬
lanta, spent Sunday with relatives
The prospect for a cotton mill
at the river grows apace. Let it
come. We need it.
Miss Fannie McCalla has return
ed home after a pleasant visit to
Atlanta and Acworth.
Mr. Idas Langley has moved his
family into the house with Mrs
Harper on Decatur street.
Mr. J M La Fontain, after a
pleasant visit of two weeks to his
uncle and family Dr. W H Lee,
has returned to his home in Atlan
Misses Eva Stephenson ami Sa¬
die McDonald, of Couington,, are
gue3ts of Miss Keltic Stephenson.
Mr. Henry L Smith and family
of Atlanta, were guests of Mrs.
Smiths’ father, Col. W L Peek,
this week.
Country melons are coining in
slowly. The crop is not much
good up to date. The late crop
may do better.
Read W L Adair’s advertise¬
ment in this paper. He 1ms inau¬
gurated a sale that will save his
customers money.
Air. ,T T Wallis, of Lindale, nr
rived here Thursday evening and
will spend several weeks with rela¬
tives and friends.
The picnic at Gee’s mill joyed last by
Wednesday was greatly en
the younger set. Miss Mamie El¬
der chaperoned the party
Your attention is respectfully
called to Mr. CBHudson’s adver¬
tisement. What he says may be
relied upon and you will do well to
exn mine his goods.
Rev. Mr. Brindlo, who lias been
assisting Rev. Mr. Harmon in his
meet i, lg here, left last, Wednesday
f() oommeneo a similar series
me etings at Conyers. Rev.
nog t Mobley went with him and
w j j j a *@ist in the services.—Wnl
ton News.
Mr. W K Rosser, a former cit i
zon of our place but now Foreman
of thoL& N Shops in
ham, Ala., came over Tuesday for
a visit <0 relatives and friends
], pre Friend Dock is as jolly ns
eV er and does not seem 10 grow
any older.
We learn from (ho Lawronceville
News-Hfcrald that the line between
Gwinnett and Rockdale will be es¬
tablished in tho near future. Dr.
T B Bush has been engaged this tornn line
the line. It is said that
will have to he established before
the line can he run bet ween Wal¬
ton and Gwinnett.—Walton News.
Mr Ed L Almand has with¬
drawn from the firm of (he Al¬
mand Hardware Co. and willmovfe
to Social Circle where he will en¬
ter the same line of business. He
proposes to do a general hardware
business on up-to-date lines at
the Circle and thinks the prospect
there is good. We regret to lose
Mr. and Mrs. Almand, but com¬
mend 1 hem to the people of their
new home, and wish for them pros
perity. They will make the move
at an early day.
The meeting at the Christian
church is being attended by good
congregations and great interest
is being manifested in each service.
The Bible study from 10 L> J 1 o'¬
clock a m., conducted by Rev.
Brindlo is proving very insf rnct ive
and profitable. Bro. Brindlo is
doing some very fine preaching at
night; doing all in his power to
make the services enjoyable afford and
beneficial. You can’t to
miss hearing him through bis able
discourses. Miss Latham, who
recently moved to our town
who is an estimable young lady,
has been identified with the church
and it is hoped there will he many
more before the meeting closes.
Preaching at: nignt from 8 to 9 o'¬
clock. All are cordially invited
to attend both day and night.
Meeting will continue through
Sunday night.
rbrotrnoteil Hervico.
Protracted services will begin at
the Baptist church in this place next
Wednesday night. The meetings
will b« conducted by the pastor, Rev
I G Walko r - A cordie’ ation is
extended to all to attend meet
Cflpni uUiiulOl I H lUnti .
We will devote
then ex t fe w m onths
to collections and
t hose indebted to us
r e q nested to
come and make set
tlement at once.
Our office will be
the same as hereto¬
Tk iiiking the pulflic for past patronage, wo
a r?
ery t r
I). M. Alniand’s Sons.
T 3 " 5 , 11 ! ■ GO’S.
Is now running on full time and we are turning
out some splendid Ice Cold drinks. You can get So
da Water, Hhcsphates, Coca Cola, Ice Cream eto ,
every day. Come in and be refrebhed.
sta r i' 10 :s scii \ .
We have a handsome line of Stationery of all
kinds. Our liox Stationery leads. Get your Tub
lets, Inks. Fens also all kinds of choice Toilet ar
tide and Toilet Borps from us.
Sporting Goods of all kinds may be bought of ua
cheaper than elsewhere. Get your Base Balls,
Bite. Hammocks, Fishing Tackle, Marbles, etc.,
Voars <i*iily,
Gailey Drug Co.
‘fj „ jv ^ ; „ j TIT r BEST .JOB WORK