Newspaper Page Text
fm jsf OUR SUMMER CLEARA p b Sfl l> I .5 ••C ON! V,
1 m
Ssst> gss> A> §r;> V- ferte!
.jp !«J£?
The seasons are aways changing and so ikewise must we. Our entire stock is row offered at
has escaped and they who wish to buy can do so at this store he-their ^
prices Nothing purse great oi'sj
TH ? S SALE WILL CON 1 INUE WEEK AFT jw fi iv p WEEK | ft tu ■ h i
Tlie time is ripe for bargains in this store from one end to the other. These Goods Must Go.
The Centers Weekly.
J H. WALLIS, Editor.
Entered Ht the. postoffice at, Conyers as
socond-t lass mail matter.
Saturday, July 15 1891 ).
Locals 5 cents per line for iir>t insev
tioa ; 2k. c. nts for each subsequent in
»«rtioil. I tegular adv. each 50c. per subsequent inch for
first insertion; 25*' lor
One year, in iidvanoe...... .....$1
Bix months, in advance ........50c
A Georgia . ditor snys that “
difference hetwt on ivsnake and a bed
hug is that a simlo: crawls on his own
stomach, while ji hod hug don’t care
whose stomach ho crawls on.”
Wcarcglad lo nnnounce tluit,
ilia Macon wlietil convention was
a dieided success. Wo hope its
influence may ho far reaching and
that the wheat culture in Geoigia
liutv become creator with each
succeeding yenr.
Hon. Then. I'. Watson lias lost a
finger. A horse stepped upon it and
it had to be amputated. t.mugh has i Ins brought
dent. trivial it is,
t lie gent I' lim u again helore the pen
plo, wliieii i.c.iiniisirates his imjioi t
since in the public eye. his 1 he only
trophic with \N ntson is way ol
stop]iing oft on the wrong loot pout
ieally. However, we are sorry he
lost his linger.
* A lamlt, a goose, a frog and a
skunk wanted to go to a circus to
which liie admission was ifl- Tim
laml) could get in all right for he had
tour quarters, also tho goose for lie
lmd rreenbavk. « bill; the hut Dog . the also, , r for skunk , he had , ll,( !
a poor
only a scent, and it was a had one.
They were all going away because
the they skunk met a could saidme, not get anu uu * 10 wJ-jn S!U ',;
l onie with me, Itoj s, Iiam* n . iox.
Additional Locals.
Mrs.,I II Tucker is very sic!; at in r
home in thiscity.
The death of Mr. .7 W Butler occur¬
red near here yesterday evening.
Mr. Butler lias been suffering faun
cancer for souk' time and his death
was exnccted. lie was a good man
and citizen and bis death occasions
much sndnes'.. The burial will nc
curat afternoon. the McClnng groveyard ibis
Jiossrs. .Inn McDonald , ,, and ... H um
dav after n'stn v ef some*'IBe'mtmH's
at lookiiig Drv Tortugas, Fia. The hoys arc
wcil aiul profited hr their
stay on the Island. Mr. McDonald
sustained some injury to his shoul
der by a falling iron which disabled
him ami lie decided Income home
for a rest. him and Mr. Posey came dreide along
vith the two may to
return We hope to the they island enjoy about their Sept. stay 1st.
ln their old home.
The Conyers baseball team went
to Oxford last Tuesday and play¬
ed a game with the team at that
place. The score was 10 to IB in
favor of the Conyers boys, This
is one mid one between these two
teams and the next game will oc¬
cur on the Convers ground. Tie'
boys did well D> win awnv from
home and we hope they may lie
able to take tin* third game ef the
series when they meet again.
* *
The annual meeting of the Oxford
Diet, of tho Womans Foreign Mis
ssionnty Society met at the M K
xlaiuli Ihmsdny night July C, with
* large mmthcr of Delegates and
who read a scripture lesson
followed by an earnest prayer in be¬
half of the meeting. Miss Mamie
Elder delivered the address of woi
com from the Conyers iy Society which
was responded to Mrs. Henderson
of Oxford. Both are happy in effect.
The Juveniles had as representa¬
tive Gladys Tilley, who sweetly ex¬
tended greeting in their behalf. In
behnif of the Epwortl) League Miss
Minnie: Tinner delivered an excel¬
lent address of welcome. The re¬
mainder of the evening was taken tq>
with the musical program so admir¬
ably arranged and conducted by Mrs
,1 D Lochridge Misses Florede Tuck¬
er, Ruth Vhiiand, Florence Austin,
Maud McGalla, Nellie Gailev, Mrs.
Streeter, Allie Klder and others.
Friday morning the Conference as¬
sembled for business. Mrs. \V It
Daniel. District Sec., and Mrs. W. Ik
Lovejoy. Short talks President, made presiding. by Revs. J
i j Moon, RA ICakes. A F Pierce and
Beading reports from the different
occupied most of the fore
The afternoon session was devoted
to unfinished reports and miscellane¬
ous talks. Miss Bailie Stewart, flic
enthusiastic agent of the Little
v.hwkor,- never let an opportunity
pass to advance that excellent little
paper. evening Mrs. W II Gaudier
gave a deeply interesting talk on Gu
I a. Her words were touching in the
extreme as she pictured the suffering
she had been an eye witness to in
that beautiful island. She seems to
he thoroughly imbued with true mls
s : ona>'\' zeal.
Saturday morning Airs. W P Love
joy madec.ii interesting tali< on “Wo¬
man’s Work,” urging the delegates
11!K | members to greater activity in
lines °f missionary v-ork, espeei
a |) v the financial department,
y Iiss p ( >. u l Cook, the fraternal dcl
, ft*<HM the Baiitist Missionary
of this place, vyas introduced
a*vtl made a. short but exceedingly
interesting talk.
Saturday afternoon was taken up
with firm king minor details of the
meeting and a discussion of the
twentieth century movement by Mrs
Lovejoy, Mrs. Candler ami Mrs.Mary
During Sabbath school Sunday
morning, our Superintendent Barnwell called for
on the saintly Mrs. a
She appropriately 7|,o Lieossitv urged upon
. , M( , rell of reading
t he Bible \
A( ,, n n ]}ev j. niekpy ; ir( ,ached
{l lwilliaiit missionary sermon to iltl
appreciative well rendered audience. and the The sweetsing music
ingot'.Miss Ward lfardwirk enjoyed
by all.
Sunday afternoon the Rpwortli
League selected missions for a sub¬
ject. The services were gracefully
eoiiducted by Miss Florede Tucker.
Short talas from various members
and visitors infersjx rs *d wi h music
constituted the program.
The singing of Miss Florence Aus¬
tin was an attractive feature.
Plot. Dickey preached again at
night to a large audience. Bifore
the sermon Mrs. Albert- Braswell o!
Decatur read a beautiful resolution
of thanks from the visting delegates
to the Conyers Society and citizens.
Tht ‘ ’h’l«lf«tes left Mondny for their
ivspeei’ve mines. Ti.ey eft a bene
dictum with ns. >V e gladly bid them
come again.
The following delegates were in Ai¬
tendance upon the conference:
Mosdanies W P Lovejoy, Atlanta ;
W R Daniel, Madison; Alnerr. Bnu
well, Decatur; D W Few. Madison;
L J Davise, Decatur; Warren Can
dh>r. Oxford ; K Y Sw anson. .Mom i
cello; Alniaiul, L J Snow, Social Circle; AJ
Lithonia; Henry George,
Lithonin, and Mrs. Moseley, of
Katonton; Mrs. Hanson, of Rutledge
and Mrs. Henderson, of Oxford.
Misses Bonnie Braswell. Decatur;
Bessie Hutcherson, Ruflodge; Flor¬
ence Oxford: Shy, Clyde Shadydalc; Nolan, Monroe: Saliio Stewart Sadie
Alniand, Lithonia; Anno Mai Winter,
Madison; Georgia Smith, Snapping
Shoals; Dyer, DallieGrier. Monticello* Su¬
sie Covington; Kppfe Shockley
Covington; Lizzie Floyd, Snapping
Shoals; Mol lie Richards, Conyers;
F.loJso Moon. Conyers; Daisy Bird,
Oxford; Bessie Almam! Conyers.
Letter From 'I’exas.
MU'. M. Taylor writes us from
Texas, under date of
tOih. as follows;
"We have had n safe, pleasant
trip tp this point, arriving here
‘lay night at 11 o’clock
We left Atlanta last Monday at 4
p. in. over the Ga. Pacific to
ham. Western Georgia is miserably
poor and broken. .Saw quite a mini
bei of (Inc ‘•vineyards.”
We crossed tlio state lino near Tal
a-poosa and was soon in a very pret-tv
valley at the root of the Blue Ridge
mountains. It was just growing
dark and as I looked upon the moun
tains in the distance as they faded in
the darkness, I thought how appro
priate the name, ‘-Glue Ridge.”
As we were going along some dl?-
tance !rom Birmingham one of our
party remarked that be could see
Binning])am. I told him be could
not. “Put your head out of the win¬
dow,” said be, “and look at those
electric lights.”
I looked out and saw that .hey
were coke ovens. Our first laugh
was at bis expense.
As we ran into the town of Bir¬
mingham with its electric lights,
iron furnaces, coke ovens, roller mills
etc., it looked as though we were
nearing the gates of that country the
“Book” t dls us is to ho the final
home of those that forget God, and
then and there 1 prayed that, that
would never ho my fate. Next day
wo ran into Memphis, stopped about
two hours, crossed the Mississippi
river on that mammoth bridge that
spans it, (get Tv. J. A. to describe ii
when he returns) into Arkansas. By
the way 1 am now in Arkansas and
have forgotten to tell you about tin*
country passed throng!, except Ga,
Alabama is very like Ga., the por¬
tion wo saw, broken and poor. MIs
sippi Tairly level and although a
sha h: more productive than the oth¬
ers still it too is poor. Arkansas, the
portion I saw, would make the finest
terapin and frog farm in the world.
I don’t see how the people live in
those swamps. I saw a poor woman
get on the cars near Little Rock with
three little sallow, sickly children.
T noticed a lot of men bringing in a
man in their arms. I walked into
the smoking department of our car
and there she sat holding him down
and at the same time holding her ba¬
by in her arms, while the other two
were crying. I astced her whore she
was going and what were iicr trou¬
bles. She said her husband was d O
lirious from fever, her children Aver
sick, she wgs worn out and was try
ing to get to her folks I asked her
where they were and she tout me,
adding that she ban paid the condne
tor all the money she had and that
lie would have to put her off before i
she got there as she liked S2 20 hav
ing enough money to take her home.
I asked the conductor if he could not
let her go on. Ho refined, 1 U ' u
my very heart move with piiy and 1
said, ‘she snail go.’ 1 went hack into
the ear and asked the men to help
her and before I had gone a third
through the ear I tnrnsd buck to the
woman and gave her $2.50, enough
and more.
Blie broke down in trying ;o thank
I felt, after seeing liov, grateful she
was, so R-lad that I did it.
We arrived at Texarkana a little
night. After traveling all night
we awoke lieglit morning on the prai¬
of Texas where farm after farm
cotton, corn, wheat, oats etc.,
the eye, the finest you ever
Oats will thresh from 50 to 7-5
Gotten will make from D
to a hole per acre. We spent one
in Dallas, two days in Ft. Worth
is now at Italy with Ben
Born who was raised in old Rock¬
Well 1 am here where I used to
I used to come to this place
there were only two stores, now
it has two hundred with a popula¬
tion <>f ten thousand, i could have
bought these lands at 75c per acre,
now they are worth $50 and are soil¬
ing f<»r it.
Well L havo been att bug a great
tent meeting here com- - cted by Abe
Mulcay. He is to T ‘x;*g wljat Sai»|
Jones is to Ga. Mulcay is a
odist but all preachers of ail
Rations co-operated with him.
terday the praeher in charge of
M. E. church at this place asked
people who were disposed to
Pro. Mulcay something to conn
with their offerings. You never saw
such liberal peopi c?. He soon !i: -1
about- $5!) h After it was over
Mulcay got up and sain it was
nnexpeet c <] to him. IIo 11 1 anked !!:e
people for their generous
lie said the people had contributed
to him as if they thought lie wanted
to engage in the banking business,
Ho said, “You can’t tempt me to do
that. 1 ? “Now,” said he, “I- afti not
;m orphan, neither is Louisa (his
wife) a v idor . Now, Mr. Clerk, v. u
get a check to-morrow morning for
every dollar of that money and send
it to the Methodist Orphan’s Home
in Waco Texas.” He said, “This
brother lias taken this collection for
me. Noav I am going to take up one
for the flood sufferer:- in the southern
pan of our state,”
The money again began to pour in.
“Mr. Clerk, send that in the morn¬
ing to the Dallas News for the flood
sufferers.” “Now,” says Mulcay,
“this little Methodist preacher owes
GO for tho cxpciices of this meeting.
I want that and I am done ” That
was in his hands in less tun two uiiu
uto.H and ( said to myself, h«*w liber¬
al is this jn pie. J .understand, how¬
ever, the cause. They arc prosper¬
ous. After the sermon Fro. Mulcay
opened t he doors ol'all the churches
and the 1 arrest crowd I ever saw
joined, some one and some another
church. Between 150 and 2U) people
We will leave here Wednesday for
the wilds of the West. C. M. T.
I mzm
re, mmam
if ii!
y ou may fc avc | icar(
gbout S r Q j TS
e)hd « . V3^UC
R3V6 9
that it i§ COd-IivCT ( oi!
its bad taste and Smell
a jj ]j s other repulsive
tures. It is cod-iiver oil,
purest and the best in
world, but made so
ble that aimosi
can take it. Nearly
children like ii and ask
iooks like cream; it
ishes the wasted body
the baby, child or adult
better than cream or any
other food In existence, It
bears about the same rela
tion to other emulsions that
cream does to milk, if you
have had any experience
with other so-cailed “just as
good preparations, ycu
wiii rind that this Is a fact.
The hypephosphites (hat arc
combined with the cod-livcr oil
^ivc additional value to it because
they tone up the nervous system
and impart strength to the whole
body, "
SCOT Boc. and $? oo. all druzeLts.
r vk BOW NIL, Chemists. New York,
T* ■ r 1 F ip
1■ :
: imutimi ! : S For Infari
Ip: e^waBBBraasaBBSBtaa*-**
j *\- =3 * lie i ffe
! ■\ ! mm i A A mm I i U c: 3 ; ; I
m V AiWIP s*
: j fpr
ATgelablcPrcparationforAs- i ;>a ate i
slmilaUng Stomachs iheFocd andRegula- j '£ T-- LI
tiiig trie and Bowels cl" \ • .dears tre *
S J S'
! Promote s Diges •jsth* c c- vion,Cheerful¬ r'" V Signatu: •• 8
ness andRest.Confains neither | V I
! Not Opium,Morphine Id nor Mineral m
Art gotic. A
; I TV,
iftem DfOM3rS.®fU2LFiTC2E8 jg a 1 t- /* * '> *
yWy- lilx.Sama Suit~ t %S c.
i.i’i - m V
f inisfl Seed * > m
Peppermint /Ji C&$6eUt£ Sexto, . ,
('belled fiirmS&ed Super - 0. .
Xifotayrecn rimer. in.r
tio Aperfec! Remedy S for h .Diarrhoea, Con" 1?pa¬ ■ii Ivlf
a, Sour lorttac
Worms .Convulsions,Feverish¬ m
ness and loss of Sleep, i i yi ii
I'acStewle Signature of 1
Toi r 7 -' ■■ I 1 ii h i i i ^ f
new m.
: S,
! : IIpThi :;ci
If t&tvtatxeanaaijb 1 P I I
■ ass erv til id SCI KBi"— crr:’:FD
When you want a good, safe turnout otto that }
i drive with
One that looks well and goes well, eni! c:v r-'•
Good drivers furnished : f r?A
Terms very reoson Q le.
M <4 -- \/n -i r
--- 7 1 i H
K i 1V1 J--J
JOHN H. /HAND, BANK T"\ ■* R i\.
Exchange bought and sold. Ccllecticns mat ■
country. Accommodations extended consistent
will not be fnoncTeti c
till 4 •;
Offic3 hours from 8 A. m. y. m d
Thoroughbred Ch i cks,
Any one wishing !o buy pure
Barred Ply mouth Rock chick¬
ens .ire requested lo call at this
office. A few yonng “roosters
sale. Pure stock and
brsfc br eed for general purposes
Now is your chance to an pro
vou r peu try. Don't fail to call
at this videe quick.
A barer
Brown 0
O uSt. & •
Bears tho