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t -1
W stock is never allowed to grow old. With constant care we guard against this and thus we
have anything out oi date to palm off on our customers. To those who have shopping to do we say:
Etern al show watchfulness g r vD. make should prices be your and explain motto. merit—you Cash buyers should can always know what, do well. you are We bujing. never \ S Our prices will be ibund just and right.
jitate to
clothing, dress good}, shoes, hats, all notions, \
A i-o 11f , for You goods.
Cents s' it to fearselfil
,c • These „,vaid f-oids please claim you cur and undivided do you the attention. most good, We bought what we s s \ owe exams mj
iought Wepfliy vasli l’or ei'ciy liiiu"- wc lm t >- and sccuiv ill! ( he discount s for j oii,
m rCome to us and get new goods, good goods at prices that are equitab e.
"STconrs for e.q.'o.a,l to all, O. IB.
OCAL news items
paragraphs, Personal and Otherwise, Gath=
ered for our Readers.
ribbons and insertions at
lew 0 B Hudson.
nukes went up to Arlan
LfcyAmlwill r gVitb t , relatives. spend ssveral
LUss Belle of Stone Moun¬
jp, is visiting' ter sister, Mrs.
to easts and coats and vests
fe/ose cheap. C B Hudson.
[i B Etta McCree, of Athens, is
guest of her sister, Mis. Dun
i'e are closing out lummer dress
ds at a reduction.
C B Hudson.
,fr. Cterii" Far rill and wife,
tam. are visiting the former s
[her here. Mrs. Gee.
k Jones, of At laid n, is
jjsith Mrs. Candler, on
streot for some time.
home have just opened a , j' r
line of neck wear. t
[he latest ont. C B Hudson.
lb sermon by Prof. Dickey,
i ml, at I he Methodist church
tSunday was a sp’ effort.
fyou are Iook ing for good d
h, stvlish 1rv goods,
h that can be bought cheap,
»liW L Adair.
, rmii.ii; , bos min, a .
p-tr L mg lrtc.y, several ot weeks Gainesville, with is
I a, .Iis. W ill Faxes.
plot f Sentry, Snow, join of ■<! the his Social wife
ftSunday. p% morning. They returned
PJ>- protracted service at
|y rn* ian church closed last
evening.- The mooting was
p-D'ftliened interesting and profitable
the church.
U'livi ■ |,,vin " to the protracted
,h<? Baptist church, there
service at the
-'ireli next Sunday and
H;;( i Mrs. Fretwell are
kal weeks on their farm,
St tut) change will improve
health which lias been
t(> ' ,;a for some time.
No. 178 F.
wnl iiold regular c com
_ ^
V'.’V 01 ld ay, July 17 1899
; , ’." 1 ck , ,
i i ;’ fraternally P-m. Brethren invited. duly
E - ] L Almand, W. AI.
Liii i'l ;fp.,j services
Baptist are in
«' l- 10 church. Rev.
re S ,jr - of Atlanta, is as
pastor, Rev. I G
ar.‘ mteting and the servi
X * T Covingt ? interesting. Air.
is asTist
music is
Sunday meeting will con
- and possi
ivitp.! All are cordially
h) attend.
C I Covington
“ crossed
place Thursd ay
evers was wit h ease.
kit •'Jif-ed H R‘*i's the made plate the only cir
. ;
[•" t visitors were
*’•' "" !w »vsgotin the
inning and Cov.
run. The
j-, ' J” 1 the prae
i , -qd El arid invite we
". v
7 , a
Miss Daisy Mathews, of Atlanta,
is visiting Miss Juliette Taylor.
Airs. Smith, of Olhens, is the
guest of Miss Nellie Hailey.
Mr. E L Alihand and wife are
visiting in Atlanta.
Rev. J L Moon, wife and da ugh
ter, are visiting friends in Oxford.
Miss™ u»ie«".l .I;.ni.i!a &,,.k
..t Oxford, are v,.,.mg
ie10 '
Mr. and Mrs. W. V. Almand
s pend ing some time at Indian
Mesdames Hunt and Stewart, of
Atlanta, are guests of Aliss Juicy
Mr. W. G. Brown and family, of
Social Circle, spent Sunday with
relatives here.
Aliss Cleo Stewart has returned
to her home at Covington after a
pleasant stay with friends here.
Airs. Norman and daughter,
Aliss Ida, have gone to Norwood
to attend a family re-union.
Mrs. D W Almand has been ve¬
ry sick for several days this week.
Wo hope she may soon he entirely
Aliss Fannie Norton has return
od to her home at Litlmnia after
a pleasant 1 visit to Miss Florence
7 “
Air-and Mrs. A\ alter Mood on
tertained in honor of their gn*» ,
10 ^°. on ot ” ashington
Clt N> last ovening ’
Messrs. Lem Norton, Dave Phil-
1 ; „„ „ ,..1 tohn Pul Iowa v three of
• i , rominent citizens were
Wo 1,810 last W Su Sunday.
Wc print a very interesting _
communication'in this issue from
Afr. C. AI Taylor who recently
left here for Texas. His letter
was written at Hillsboro.
baseball team •
llie , Conyers _ , is
improving daily m team with wor*.
They show up better every
game they play. Now let * lie ‘ n
give Oxford a drubbing next week
Mr G W Cain, of Lawrence
vilte was here this week. We are
ii formed that he thiuKS of
ino- back to Conyers A welcome
awaits him at any time he may re
A picnic party organized and
chaperoned by Air. C B Hudson,
spent Thursday on the river. All
had a good time and pronounce
Mr. Hudson par excellent in the
management of such affairs.
* nd “ ' y 'S
VlSltlllg Alcne
£3 returned to her Irani, at
lan, Ga. While here Miss Solan
was the recipient of Manv oordtnl
attentions and some of oui most
worty young gentleinen are yet
deploiing tei 11 pai i .. .
Mr. and Mrs. W K Rosser, after
a pleasant visit to relatives and
friends here, left for their home
in Birmingham, Ala., luesday
morning. \A e understand that
Air. Rosser is thinking of moving
to our city this fall provided and he
can buy a home in town a
plantation near-by that suits him.
Their many friends here would
welcome them as citizens of our
Conyers furnished her quota of
attendants upon the Sunday
celebration at Smyrna on
the 1:2th. The event was very
successful and unusually pleasant. of
There was a larger number peo
pie present than on former occa¬
sions and the program was splen¬
did. The basket dinner was con¬
spicuous for its abundance and va¬
riety. Wholesome relishes and
delicacies tempted the immense
crowd and feasting prevailed.
Such good times are seldom had—
never save by good people in good
communities. Smyrna and Rock¬
dale can have such occasions.
Professional IN
I will come to Conyers every
, >ji| comraol , ci „ g »„, ,„l y J IT,
180# , nm , be , „ (1 o
kinds of iirst-class dental
work. Office in Commercial ho
tel, room (1.
J. 0. Seamans, Dentist.
An entire car load of people left
Conyers last, Saturday night on
the excursion train for
A coach had been side-tracked here
for those who intended going and
it was filled before the train
ed here to pick it up. sold About here. The
tv-five tickets were
excursion was run in two sections
is said to have been the most
profitable one tbo road has work¬
ed up. The party that went from
here claim to have had a great
time and expect to go again when
the opportunity is given.
Lieutennt Almand,
The appointmeid of AD-. K II
Almand first Lieutenant in the
provisional army, which was made
by President McKinley this week
gives the many friends of Mr. Al
niniu ] genuine pleasure. He was
a Mn j or in the Second Ga. Regi
mentun ni that regiment was mus
tered out. He made application
for appointment m the provismn
al army and was endorsed by Lon
gresaman Livingston, Senator Ba¬
con and others. His appointment
however, is due mainly to the cf
forts of Congresman Livingston,
who was backed up in his efforts
by the splendid record made by
Mai. Almand while the Second Ga.
was in the field. LieutenantAl
maud telegraphed his acceptance
t() th(Mvar department last Wed
Rnd oil Thursday lie was
t() join illG atfth Regiment
wl)ich is being recruited al Fort
McPhe] . son Lieutenant Almand
left early yesterday morning to
join the regiment as directed. He
splendid military man and know is
greatly liked by all who
His appointment, . secured over
hundreds of worthy and'victory applicants, is
a compliment Lieuten-
3 (Pl j 'lmand appreciated his friends. by
flllt A and
This appointment shows the
wood work of Congressman Liv
He was late in reaching
*» be made for tbo present
was quietly reetnis at in.
home at Kings when the hr... ivorks
the front ’and'aided'his
f i t i„ ^
Lie enant Almann
slICC ess in the new regiment and j
feel sure that he will daily grow
in the esteem of those with whom
lie comes in contact.
, tr „ub,«l account of
dream. I dreamed that Presi
dent McKinley appointed me to I
do pome work that would taxe a
bout ten days. I was to go ton
clcecft pjftce ami cany footi ready
cooked, and when 1 had baen there
about two days I met Andrew
Plunket. I asked him what he
was doing there. He
t at lie was looking out
turn and was hungry. 1 t ought,
“My God.” He spoke again
ing. “'l obe Helms is with me and
is also hungry.” When he said
that 1 fainted.
M W G ir.
Aunt Patsy Aluyfhdd, widow of
Rev Stephen ]VJ«yti>• 1 * 1. died at
the home of her daughter, Mrs.
Jim Mitcham, in Newton county,
last Tuesday evening at 5 o’clock.
Aunt Patsy was St) years of age.
Site, with her sainted husband,
lived in Conyers for 80 years or
more, during which time the lat¬
ter served tlw Raptist church lipre
with marked ability There, is
perhaps,, not a family in tin; conn
1y, but. that knows of uncle Steph¬
en and aunt Patsy and their iives
of service and devotion to the
Master. Their’s were lives well
spent and they—one some years in
advance of the other—have gone
home to a rich reward that await
e d them there,
The remains of aunt Patsy were
brought to Conyers Thursday
morning. The funeral was preach
ed by Rev. Chas. Stephenson and
the interment occurred in the old
Aunt Patsy has gone to her long
home but the memory of her, like
that of her husband, will linger
witn those who know her for uve.
The death of Mr. A P Tommy,
a former citizen of Conyers, occur¬
red at his home in Atlanta list
Wednesday. The remains were
brought to Conyers Thursday
morning and iuterredin the Rock¬
dale cemetary.
Air. Tommy was a most worthy
citizen, well liked by all who
knew him. He leaves a wife and
several children to mourn him,
while many friends at their home
and in this county sympathize
with them sincerely.
Alusical Eutertuiumenr.
11,0 imiwcftl entertainment at
the courthouse lliuTsday
by the Wages family was unique
mid pleasing. Lvory member of
the family is a musician ot much
intent. The youngest, little miss
Kr.miie, who is only five years of
»ge, takes no small part m 1 h e (Mi
Icrtaimnent and succeeded jn win
ning f lie hearts ot the iiudicnce.
^ he smgs sm-.nly and i - >« 1^'H.A
immltidil cniiitdifi jAiiw.t nma
and the ease wit 1,-which she per
ms upon tne piano.
Master Charlie and .
Wages deserve special mention.
rtiey handle the vioLn witli »»
!s delightful, j
and a great future is m store tori
them in the musical world.
Master Harry is tlie eornetist "f| .
real umster „ , be .nrtrmne,^
,f.g' “in! “ V[£ InchTalent lit e , -
vet with
as the parents exhibit in
the art it is natural that the little
ones should be bright.
The people entertainment and they was will a he treat glad |
to <>ur j
t<> have the interesting family .he' atop
lu pojnilar @.TA conductors „f the Ga. most road
to the entertainments,
Mrs. Wages is a most excellent
lady and deserves great credit for
the success she 1ms met with in
teaching her wUiWrcu.
jL i. i a
«*• T e r .« . 11 devote 3*
the n.ext i IW months
to colleefions and
thoseiiulebled to ns
are r v q nested to
come and make set¬
tlement at once.
Our office will be
the same as hereto¬
I banking the public for past patronage, we
Very truly,
D. M. Almand’s Sons.
m nm st '-it sc; sf
Stnnnn‘r AiiaoiUKtcmtiiil
Is now running on full time ami we are
some splendid Ice Cold drinks. You can get So
Water, Phosphates, Coca Cola, Ice Cream etc ,
day. Como in and be refreshed.
& r FJL r r SO rv EIJY.
We have a handsome line of Stationery of all
kinds. Our flex Stationery leads. Get your Tab¬
lets, Inks, Pens also all kinds of choice Toilet ar
tide and Toilet Sotp- from us.
npoktix; hoods
Sporting Goods of all kinds may be bought of uh
cheaper than else a re . Get your Base Balls,
Bats, Hammocks. Fishing Tackle, Marbles, etc.,
Yours truly.
Gailey Co.
\KI VV L L T lO 11111 I f-l F Rb R I j()R \A/ffiRk^