Conyers weekly. (Conyers, GA.) 1895-1901, July 15, 1899, Image 4

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    \ i ou ean buy ice of me in any quantity at an\ time. Also you MM ktn»*»
and it will Gp \
your orders for ice cream, any quantity,at my store receh e mmmmm
m 'i'¬ ll
% k
attention. You will also be pleased with mv summer arinKs.
Bring- us youi * bic\ c ] es for repair. W, W. T. Ste *\V'A *■ u MMV * WtU. 0l*jr
Right Kind of Citizens,
Speaking our sentiments ex
actly, an exchange sayp; ‘One
|,r,ia.imin.IaJ and determined
citizen is worth a thousand
times more to a town than a
carload of the sort whose lime
is spent principally m wearing
out their pants and making
light of every new movement.
The man who does nothing for
his community further than to
pay his taxes maybe entitled to
police protection but be is cer¬
tainly not entitled to any of the
ben, fits of increased commerce,
and if In, property increased in
value b. cause of his neighbors
he gets that much which is not
fully his own.”
There is said to be an editoi
in heaven. How he got there
is not known, but is conjectur¬
ed that he passed himself off as
a minister and stepped in un
expectedly. Wlieh the dodge
was discovered they searched
the realms of felicity in all
their length and breadih for a
lawyer to draw the necessary
papers for his ejection but could
not find one, and of course he
held the fort—Exchange.
Ben Franklin was dining
with a small company of dis
tinguished gentlemen, when
one ol (hem said, “Here are
three nationalities represented
I am French, and mv friend
her » is English and Mr. Frank
lin is an American—let each
propose a toast.” It was agreed
to the Englishman’s turn came
first. He arose at;d in lire tone
of a hold Briton said • “Here’s
to great Britain, ihe sun that
gives light to all the nations of
the earth.” The Frenchman
was rather taken back at this,
but rallied and said: "Here’s
to France, the moon whose mag
ic waves regulate the tides of
the world.” Ben then arose
and with an air of quaint mod
esty said; "Hero’s to George
Washington, the Joshui of
America, who commanded both
sun and moon to stand stilL"
Tho process has been going ou
ever since. Washington said
lie was a citizen of what would
he a great, empire some day, we
are radii ally reaching ourglor
ions do-ainy and are becoming
more and more the arbiters of
th* late of nations, not. only in
lie western but in tb, eastern
hemisphere, France can sup
ply the diplomatic manners, we
will help supply the diplomatic
morals and hasten the time
when fro government shall ex
tend throughout the world aud
pin ity aua peace and paradise
shall be the people’s portion.—
R&nFs Horn Wrinkles.
Adversity is often a blessing.
’i oday is eternal,
in ' is power.
Ko man who G an nemy Vo
Goa B a H'iend tosociet.v.
Fiit-nd.- ip i< n .rib more
than its git!;
Menial dirt i- p neeeseity tor
the towth of creed a.
v ! life is learning u> know
GoG \ y-ays wall us.
' * duu t iike to . v . a-
for fear of meeting our
worst enemy.
Li,tie men measure them
selves by each other, great men
by the Golden Rule.
Delight in our neighbor’s in
ferioiity, does us more harm
Hian any a ct of b’s.
There can be no peace in the
heart when v e arc fighting a
gainst the will of God.
Some preachers aim to make
plain things mysteries, instead
of making mysteries plain.
The evil conditions within us,
give us more unhappiness than
the evil conditions outside of us.
Your work will be divine in
the measure in which y<-u see
the possible Christ in all.
The question of the real es¬
tate of your soul is more profit
able than the price of city lots.
God shuts us in a prison
home of pain, and we do not
understand that it his ele
The secret of happiness is the
assurance that the ruler of the
universe desires our happiness
B»ar« the The Kind You llanWvuys Bought
Signature nf %
Protect Our Food.
The doctors inform us that al
ljm j s ft poison, and that alum
halting powders should bo a
voided because they make the
food unwholesome, Prominent
hygienists, who have given the
matter most study, regard these
powdeis as an evil that should
be supprmtd by that action
i (1 Minnessota and Wisconsin
alum powders are not permit
ted to bo cold unless they are
branded to warn consumers of
their true character, while in
the District of Columbia the
authorities have under the di
reciion of Congress adopted reg
ulations to prohibit the use
alum in bread altogether.
Are not the people of other
states, as well as those of Min
nessota and Wisconsin, entitled
to warning of a danger which
is apparently menacing them at
close band, and is not the whole
country entitled to absolute pro
tection, as the people of the Dis
met. of Columbia are protected
by legislation which is entirely
Until we can have protection
in the form of a statute, how
can our state beards of health,
state analysis of food commis¬
sions better serve the public
than by publishing in tlie news
papers from time to time the
names of the baking powders
which they find to be made from
Meantime, it will an! the
housewife in designating the al
um powders to remember that
powders - >ld at twenty-five
emts or less pei pound ire of
this dangeious class, Bure
cream of tartar powders are u
sold at from foriy-five to
fifty cents a pound.—Ex.
Wo should like to live
if all the wicked men were dead.
It is a dull day r.ow when a
Rentucky feud doe -not get
A distant manner doesn’t lend
enchantment to one’s view to
It is a wedding check when
the girl refuses a good proposal
of marriage.
The Observer thinks “hailing
streetcars - is worre than “rain¬
ing pitch forks.*
Ti e statisticians think the 12
census will show that we have
78,000,000 people.
The lighting now in the Phil
ipinos does not amount to
more than a Kentuckyfued.*
Rupert. They can say what
they will about the Cuban sol¬
dier, but one of them saved my
life at San Juan at the expense
of his own.
Ethel; ‘Oh, the noble fellow!
How did it happen?”
Rupert. “He stole mv can
of beef and ate it himself.”—
For Infants and Children.
Ti« f«- h oa
ilaila ewry
dfsatsro cf % n»pp*f.
My shop is comfortable
My towels are clean.
My tools are always keen.
My attention is respectful.
My aim—to please all.
Give me a call when you need
dressing up
Fake this paper.
r JTjix ltoociver’s Notice.
The Books for receiving Tax
returns for the year 1S99 are now
open mull will'be at the county
Precincts as follows:
Sheffield Apr. 20. May 11, June 8.
Lorraine Apr. 27 May 18 J 1111 * 15.
Honey Creek Apr 28, May 20 June
Remainder of time at store of J J
Langford & Sons.
This April 4 1899.
G II Hull, R T R.
Trade Marks
‘ n7ln o
quiciiiy AnTo ne9e g « whether
iiseortain our opinion free an
»entfree. OWtst agency fOTBecnringpatents. roce,Te
Scientific American.
A hnnrtKimely illustrated weekly. I.arse.t. c!r.
oulatlon of u y Bclentlfle lournal. Term . |3 a.
year; MUNNiCo. four months, tE Sold ^'NewM by all newsdealers.
Brancb Office, 625 F St., Wattalngton, D. C.
Uimotj II till isi (Sit Eisklis-
My undertaking establish¬
ment is well fitted up and
‘ my stock of undertaking
goods is com pi e
Attention prompt aud ca
tt ■tkGS'l .0 Ol «
^ S6S II ^ GG
"V. Y Uiaml,
Uudcrmlicr A Lmbuh uc >'
Mrs. Ur. Glenn is still making feu
dresses, coats and pants at prices t<
suit. Boom over McDonald & Hay
good t s Aliilinary store.
A. 1>. .1 aucs,
Plijsicmn and Surgeon
Office in J. O. Stephenson’s
store—Can be found at resi¬
dence on Mill street at night.
Patranage solicited. All calls
answered promptly.
We represent some of the
best Fire Insurance Companies
in existence and ask the public
generally to see us before plac¬
ing their risks.
Office in Banner office under
All work guaranteed to please
Office up stairs over J. II. Al
mand &■ Go’s, store.
Conyers ; G a
Goiters Seed
Fn°®e a
Tor a year'* subscription to ths
Atlanta. Semi-Weekly Journal
can get postpaid one pound of the
A pound of these seed will
yield enough to plant a crop.
The seed were tested in a list
of thirty varieties by the Georgia
Experiment Station and a bul
letin recently issued by Director
Redding shows that the African
Limbless Cotton produced 70
pounds more per acre than any
other variety, and 161 pound*
more per acre than the average
of thirty leading varieties.
’Ihe African Limbless Cotton
produced 780 pounds of lint per
acre ’ wllich ‘ 3 nearly four times
the average on the farms of the
South - This shows what
fertilization and thorough cult
tire will do with these excellen*
Seed \ Thevalue ^ the product, . ,
counting cotton at S cents and
seed at 13 cents a bushel, was
over $45 per acre. The coat of
ferfittrers used was $4.77 ^ per v acre.
The Journal docs not guarenuee
results, but the result of the test
at the Experiment Station makes
^ or
The Journal brings you the
Nkws of thk World Twick a
Week, with hundreds of articles
of , special . interest . about , the , tarm,
the household, juvenile topics,
etc., and every Southern farmer
should have the paper.
\ ou don t have to wait a week
for the news, but get it twice as
often as you do in the weeklies,
which charge the same price.
Agrkts Wanted Evehvwh~xs.
Send for a sample copy,
Atlanta, Ga.
Sip 3- B- ^LIDjidd m
gM- rm: 01.13 reliable
This firm has a reputation too well and fay
known to need comment, but orally
we wish to call alter
tion fact 1 -.
to the that we are carrying an immense
stock of
Dry Goods, Notions, Clothing, Hats,
Shoes, Family, Fancy and Heavy Gro¬
ceries', etc. We sell at reasonable
prices and our values are always bas¬
ed on the quality of article sold.
We can give some special
values in Spring Gotha?
and Gents Furnishings.
Give us a call and you will be con
vinced that we ean give satisfaction.
J. if. fliiM&ND co -
mmmmm tm tmr^sss&vmsiet&r fcestRitancjaatnfB KM«C5U»13.=U-J w«<e> , -jnJW na i I 1
Conyers, G
Heaftnarters it Entitfs i Slit
Center sti*eet,
0 •
We will buy and. pay highest SFOl
CASH price for all Beesv/ai | T
Chickens, Eggs, Butter,
Tallow, Hides, Green or Dry. Don
$q\\ yOUY •' prOClUC8 * till ¥011 ^ £98 US 5
have the spot CASH for you.
i'lie 1 Conyers Produce ^ C /q
S. u AJmancL Bus. m
Georgia Bock dale County,
To whom it mav concern .•-Win. L
Pick executor of Janies ’Si YVliito late
or said county deceased having made
• final return ami applied for a dis
charge *>. from this trust as SUC'il CXe
This is to cite all persons con
coi ned to show cause » gainst they the
of before this discharge the if Monday any
can, on or first in
1899, when the same will be
passed official upon, Given under my hand
and signature,
f bis May 20 , 1S09.
^ M Helms, 0*d.
Administrator’s Sale.
Will be sold before the court house
in the city of Conyers, Ga., witli
In the legal hours of sale, on the higli- first
1 uesda,\ in August 18JJ. to tin
bidder, one brick store ro> n and
knov , n as the Dr . j A St ewart of
fi c . ei situated on the corner of Com
street and Warehouse Alley.
*>;e of 2, x 50 feet; size of lot 25
a x 70 }4 feet, i’o be sold as the prop
of Dr. J A Stewart deceased.
H Ahnand holes t!ie titles to
property for a balance on pur
n,one - v for siUne ’ bl,t wiM make 0
rr On
of m uch purchase money,
of sale: one fourth cash, one
Nov. l 1900, one fourth Nov
the remaining one fourth Nov. 1
with sev S per cent, i terest
V; . on deft-rre pay
John H Alvnand, Admr.
of tbo Estate ot J 4 Stewwt, dec.
GEORGIA, Eockuaia- G " T
Notice is hereby given tbat
del',signed has applied to “’y ''- u l
ry - id
the real estate y"’ , Oh
Mrs. N. C- A Inland b"' J
of distribution deceased- Huh! aineng by; ■: J
saiti j
be heard at the regular sac! can |
court of ordinary tor “I
be hekl 1899. on the fln»t ^
M i xTV'
2240 fFjh! / ff\Mt* A \“ ' U- |9kw
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abumnnceofy^yv.'., anueuT':-TiH'-'T- : "r?
state: §75 $is> a . ; . y;
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