Newspaper Page Text
vi I'? 4
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is at?* 1 * 1
lisv ers people
• F 0 r years 1 of the fact
ibled because ..fcotnmod'itjon
, ,»
1 vvorst on the
wa?t i. e
c [ rfihrt we succeed
r years one of the best
securing iniodious depots
pjost cor ‘ enjoyed tins
road. \\ r e
hr time and in
I'Ylhc short
flan' 68 rle'’ 01 "' 4 ' 15
lefl u» with nothing.
k" falls upon the
i the 8
[ feel it keenly. The
but we house
tank ami station
also wiped out and only
track was left us
a ; re following, the
Sunday here and
re gang came
U all day erecting a tem
L [leted water tank which was
Monday morning. A
ioilef was placed in posi
md by noon of Monday
ink,holding aboti t 20 thous
’a\loU 3 «asfUed aim eo
were once more ab’e to
■water here.
oftke most im
Mat irakr Nations on the
■and is is‘presumed that a
I such as we bad before the
Ivill bo built as soon as the
[can [to get to the work.
a depot, we have learn
liiiitig as to the intention
[ void. That we iwed one
bod one— is certainly t rue,
kwo can’t possibly do
pit a good one and it
Id be built before the fall
hi Lust opens up The cotton
be handled here and
necessary that wo have a
I depot for this. Our peo
M this loss keenly, They
lust learned how to value
kilding when it was des
d and now they are hop
iliat it may be rebuilt at
K e«H hoa n «ji e 'ii 8iS -’S
rovide Against Fire.
pnyers ought to tnaKe some
ision against fire. We have
two fires this year either
of which would have been
edistructive had not rain,
ie first instance, and damp
• with atmospheric condi
t favored us in the second,
next fire, which in the
seof events we are morally
to have some time, may
^successfully controlled.
1 aQ d favorable winds
fiffays sid e with us,
l ' le next alarm
comes we
n !? Woa 1 of ° Ut th t0 Witness t he
e greater
eour People willing to
Without making go
f°r such auy provis
au emergency?
, t
j, ’U-'loess portion
, ; N v „, 1
11C with an
Y, ofh °se a good la blaze
'I br r ge
controlled. Our last
nave been prevented
poesiolfj to utilize
v^ railro water
’ a ’ tank
* • relieve -
o- an au ’ungetnent
,p Bia^c.
fc— tn " tile Georgia
«, y 0 water a h »‘f from dozen the
Pond at a nominal
J Mhink it cost
Vil,Ve Wou?d prove a
h ffi>en t te die city.
■ the town
m m
burn up? 'J’en thousand dollars
worth of valuable property
went up in smoko tho other
night. That amount would
more than equip (lie town with
a first-class system of water
u - or ks, and we have no kind of
assurance that we will not be
v isited again in like manner. As
; t j ? , to day we are at the mercy
() f ( i ly fi ia mes and our people owe
it to themselves to do something
toward providing against fire.
Many of our people know
that a charter has been granted
the Wellhouse Paper Co., for
the purpose of erecting a man¬
ufacturing establishment at the
paper mill for the manufacture
and sale of almost any article
that can be mentioned, and for
the past few months this com¬
pany has been arranging to
build a cotton factory. This
has been stated so often that
many of our people have be¬
come skeptical and are prone to
pass the matter lightly but all
indications lead us to believe
that this mil! will yet material¬
ise. Several hundred dollars
have been spent in prelimina¬
ries and unless all signs fail the
mill will certainly be bulb.
Industries of this kind don’t
sping up in a day. but are
brought about gradually. This
one is gradually coining to a
head, so we are informed, and
worn is liable to l egin on it. w itli
in a short time.
We wait patiently and contin¬
ue to hone for advancement
an Y a!ld ad
The prospest for business in
Oonyera this fall was never
brighter in any past year. Crops
are univers illy good and far
mers have bought less on time
than evei before. The ca3h
trade through the summer has
held up remarkably well and
this fall, if the price of cotton
holds up within the bounds of
reason a streak of prosperity
will hit 11s sure.
Some new firms will open up
here within the next few weeks
and the renewed competition
wi}1 do much toward makin S
busiuess better.
7 'hero is a fair prospect in
front ' of t,ic P eo P le and l!ie y are
!nakin g ready to use it to the
be&t advantage, We have a
fi ood old tovvn and if everybody
w ’ d P ul ‘ together we will make
some l° n £ slides forward this
fal1 •
o .A. = 3 ? o> :o. 2: -
c The Kind You Have Always Bought
Company K, 22 nd, Ga. Regi
ment. will hold their annual re
union at Kelly’s school Ik use,
near Peach stone Shoals, on
August 10 th. AP .,,
surviving members of the corn
patiy especially, with all other
veterans and citizens generally,
are cordially invited to attend,
Good speakers will besought to
address the meeting, and every
thing possible done to make
day ’ an interesting and pleasant
one. It is hoped to have the
same Conyers musicians on
hand who have heretofore cori
tributed so much to the occa
sion. Let all w ho can possibly
so do, come with well filled ba^-
kets and join us in this day ’s
reunion of social intercourse
and annual revival of past plu¬
vious memories. It wili do us
all good.
L. IT. Thompson, Cham Com
Two trains ran together on
the Central railroad in Coving¬
ton Monday, The trains met
on a trestle and came together
with an awful crash. The t %, es
tle gave way and (die two en
gile fell some thirty feet. A ne¬
gro was killed and an engineer
and fireman on one of the trains
were badly injured. The trains
colliding were an incoming pas
eeuger and a service train.
Some of tiie passengers were
considerably shaken up.
A Central railroad engine pas
sed over the Ga. road Tuesday
going to assist in clearing up
the wreck.
fr ^*<t*>*~ c
For Infants and Children.
Tiie Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
Signature of 6 / 7 .
» —i •!£> *' t
The Race Track.
We are now told that the race
track is to be completed. Work
will commence some time next
week ami will be continued un¬
til the Lack is in condition for
It is said that some very fine
horses will be put in training,
as soon as 1 lie track is ready,
from different towns around us.
The track ptutilises to create
a new interest among our peo¬
ple and a better strain of stock
will be sought after by till.
For the past few weeks our
people and especially the far
rners, have been wishing for
rain. The crops needed rain—
in some sections it was badly
needed. For the past week the
weather has been
tin earning and considerable
rain has fallen. L is now be
ing predicted that we will have
more rain than is wanted from
now on—some fear that so
much water wql fall it will be
difficult to save fodder, We
hope this will not. be the case
and that the gathering season
may be propitious.
Our Correspondents,
We want to urge our corres¬
pondents through the county to
send U3 the news every week.
Our readers appreciate the items
sent in from the different com¬
munities as well as ourself and
we hope, in the future, to have
them each week. A weekly
newspaper is never complete
without the county news and
this is the'only way to get it.
Send us vour letters, boys,
C^QT ■ Villrl ^ 1 ^
For Infants and Children.
Ti» fss- 1: ee
timCs e?sr7
Ujso-.ure '/yU vrsppefc
^ When a man loves a woman
he can never forgive her for
doing wrong; a woman can’t
love a man unless she finds
something about him to
A wife should never expect
her husband to be lightheaited
:f her biscuits are heavy.
What man needs is a tongue
that will stop wagging when his
brain stops thinking,
Mrs. I.)r. Glonn is still making-fine
dresses, coats and pants at prices to
suit. Room over McDonald & Hay
good.s Millinary store.
My shop is comfortable.
My towels are clean.
My tools are always keen.
My attention is respectful,
My aim-—to please all.
Give me a cal! when you need
dressing up
Minal ■m m Mi
»5 S i
My undertaking establish¬
ment is well fitted up and
my stock of undertaking
goods is complete.
Attention prompt and ca
Hearses free of
W. V. Amaiul
Undertaker Emlailiner,
11. fl. MCbONAL & SON,
All work guaranteed to please
Office up stairs over J. II. Al¬
ma tid & Go’s, store.
Conyers, . . . . ; Ga
We represent some of the
best Fire Insurance Companies
in existence and ask the public
generally to see us before plac¬
ing their risks.
Office in Banner office under
►- s
yV.. I >. J alios,
PliyNieian :* ji<I Surgeon.
Office in J. C. Stephenson’s
store—Gan be found at resi¬
dence on Mill street at night.
Fatranage solicited. All calls
answered promptly.
DROPSY CURED with vpRetable
He’iuudie.s. Have cured
many thona-unl
railed hop. Ill ten
lays at lra«t two-thirds '<( all symptoms remov¬
'd. T>stimoniVia ar.d TEH DATS treatment free.
DR. n. H. GnEEIT’S SOUS. Box K. Atlanta. Ga.
Take this paper.
Copyrights Ac.
Anyone nscertAin senilng a sketch and free description whether mi)
itckly probably our patentable. opinion OommYinir*. an
tions strictly Oldest confidential. for Handbook on Patents
pent free. taken agency through Munu securing & Co. patent*,
Patents receive
$pecialnotice> without charge, in tho
Scientific American.
*J^5%“SSSS2 sohbxeii . T.nrtrest Teran. $3 elr- a
NO. 29.
TEE C 5 IIEES Hill 111
We are receiving a splendid line of pat
ronage and the flour we are making from the
new wheat crop is giving splendid satisfac
tion. We ask the people to bring us their
grinding and we guarantee that they will be
pleased with their bread.
Ad^Don't fail to give U3 a trial with your
Yours for good bread,
Books, Stationery, School Supplies,
Toilet Articles, Taney Goods, Per
fumes, Jewelry * SPECTACLES, Marbles,
Tops, Balls, Fi in h Hooks, Fishing Lines,
Pocket Cutlery, Lamps, Gardet Seeds,
Tobacco and Cigars, Violin Strings,
Guitar Strings, Banjo Strings, etc.
Come to us for Brick and Lime
and Coa. Our prices are right and
goods first-cass.
11. m — H A.TrtlN»i
Removal sale of
Fine Millinery:
My entire stock of new and stylish milli¬
nery will be sold at a marked reductiion, I
wish to reduce my stock before the fall sea¬
son and before I remove my goods into another
store. Those who wish bargains in millinery
should come to me at once as I will save you
Yours for millinery,
Miss Emma Riley.
If you v;ant a cool, delicious
and refreshing drink, patronize
Dr# LEE'S Soda Fountain. Every
one, especially the ladies, say El¬
gin Stewart is an expert in making
Soda Water, Lemonade, Milk Shakes,
Feach Cream, Chocolates ,
Gingerale, Mineral Water, etc.
He also serves fruits with ices,
such as Strawberries, Pine Apple,
etc. You will always meet with po¬
lite attention at this fountain.