Newspaper Page Text
n if * OUR SUMMER CLEARANCE SAL E S C» ft! % £5 irESEo*'" fflff
reduced from $7. 50 to $5 50 *10 00 to *7.50.^12.50 to $9 00. $10.00 to $12 50. Slippers reduced from $1.00 to 75c. $1.25 to $100
Clothing—Spring Styles , 15
reduced from So to 10c. 10c to 7 Ve. 12c to 9e. liicto 12Jc. Dimities from to 10c. White Organdy, 72 inch, from 50 to 35c.
to $1 25. Colored Lawns
15 10c. Percales 12A to 10c Piques 124 to 9c.
patterns, from to .
The time is ripe for bargains in this store from one end to the other. These Goods Must Go.
The CcnyHS tlieekly,
J, H. WALLIS, Editor.
Emeltd at the postoffice at Conyers as
second-class mail matter.
Saturday, July 29, 1899.
Locals 5 cents per line for lir-t inser
tloti; 2 % cents for each subsequent in¬
sertion.' Regular adv. 50c. per inch for
first insertion ; 25c for each subsequent
One vear, in advance............... $1 0L
Six months, in advance.......... 50c
1 «ocUdalo News.
No news.
Hot again.
A number of our boys went fishing
at Danial’s bridge last weeK and came
back with “fiisberman’s luck”.
M«hhs. „ ;! 'n ,,,, . ....., -
. J
ovor to ifount ‘'imm a ' ’ f
on '"‘•(Th 1 v
was a great treat to them, lie kept
Ins hearers wide awake for over two
hours in the forenoon and for some
time in the afternoon.
Mrs. John Freeman is teaching a
splendid school at Rockdale, She
lias about twenty pupils.
1 was in Conyers the and
r 11 the comers and goers tlia-. I met
with wore a smile. Upon inquiry I
learned that they were anticipating
another fish try. Hoper.
tliill JVews
We have had splendid seasons and
crops are looking well.
Big meetings are at hand, Look
out chickens.
Mr. and Mrs. Whitauer spent, Sun¬
day with relatives here.
Misses Mary and Susie Owens,
were guests of Mrs Hammock last
Mr. John Haralson spent lust Sun¬
day with his best friend.
Blue Jay.
The Madison Advertiser says
in Morgan county are very
W'e are told by those who know
crops in Itoekdaol are the best on
road between Atlanta and
An advertisement is supposed to deal strictly in
fact. We talk fact when we say you will find our
store a good safe place to buy your general merchan
dise. Our goods are new and prices right. If you
wish to verily this come in and investigate.
Yours fair dealing,
Russell A Alger has resigned the
War Portfolio. He was offered up
by President McKinley.
Robt. G. Ingersoll, widely known
as a most brilliant lawyer and agnos
tic, died of heart disease at his home
on the Hudson last week. His great¬
ness was marred by his sKepticism.
else he would have been called into
greater national prominence.
Gen. Otis is said to be making a
reputation in the Philippines
that will haunt him the remain¬
der of his days. He is charged
with having occasioned the vol¬
unteers much uneccessary suffer¬
ing and hardships.
C»corgia Normal jirnl In*
dustriul College.
“The above named state institu
tion for the education of Georgia girls
and young women will begin Its ninth
annual session on September 18th, 18
90. It is to be hoped that Rockdale
county will send a large delegation
to this most excellent school next
session. The entire cost of a year’s
attendance including board, inciden
tal fee, books and stationery, is only
«<*»■ Tlwre wo usually » e««t
many more applicants than can be
accommodated, lienee those who
may wish to attend should ap¬
ply for admission as soon as possible.
The new catalogue containing full
particulars may no ban by address¬
ing J. Harris Chappell, President,
Milledgeville, Ga.
Mr. LJ Almand who has been
prospecting in Texas for the past,
few weeks arrived home last Wed¬
nesday evening. We have had no
opportunity to get his views on the
“Lone Star State” but one of Ins
friends informed us that he was
“shouting” proud to reach Geor¬
gia again. We take this as an in¬
dication that he will be betler con¬
tented in his old home for the
next few years.
The Gailey Dry Goods Co. will be a
new firm to enter business hero about
the first of October. Mr. Robt O
Gailey will be the head of the firm.
He will leave bore about sept. 5th,
for Baltimore, New York and other
markets to buy goods. This firm
will do a strictly cash business with
one price to all. Mr. Robt. Gailey
lias been connected with the mer¬
cantile business in die J H Almand
block for the past eleven years and
is a splendid business young man.
We wish the new firm well.
Large Melons.
Mr. J M House wort h brought
three large melons to town Thurs¬
day that attracted wide attention.
They are known as the Triumph
variety. The three melons weigh¬
ed 73, 79. 80 pounds respectively. in
The same gentleman brought
an eighty pound melon last year.
He is competing fora prize which
is offered by a man in Florida who
originated this melon and we hope
that he may prove the successful
Fire at Lithonia,
Last Wednesday morning about
8 o’clock fire was discovered in
the J E Johnson Drug Co’s stve
at Lithonia and the building, a
two story brick, with its contents,
burned. The second floor was oc¬
cupied by office men and the man
nf ., ctuv j n a department of the
^ ,^ Co.° The origin incendiarism of the flrs is
. g u nowu b u t
guspec 1 t e d. Loss about $10,000.
I take this method of thanking
the many friends who so kindly
rendered me their assistance on
the night of the recent lire. I ap¬
preciate their kindness more than
I can saY. On such occasions we
are forcibly reminded of the old
adage “a friend in need is a friend
indeed.” W. H. Lee.
July 25, ’99.
YJnioii IVeM’s.
Fine rains make fine crops. We
have the finest this section ever pro¬
People about done work and the
boys and girls are merry once more.
Prof. Lem Bowen lias a fine school
at this place.
Mr. G.L. Moss is herefrom San
fraucisco visiting friends.
Mr. Ab Bailey’s little baby is very
The protracted meeting at Mt. Ver¬
non closed last night.
The new bridge at Sims’ mill will
soon bo finished.
Mr. J. J. Mann is putting in a saw
mill at his place of business.
Tell John Bonner and Henry Mose
l.v the Knob few'days boys are coining to see
them in a and expect to
have a fish fry. John is expected melons. to
furnish coffee and Henry the
It will take a lot of coffee, John.
K. F.
IN oticc.
I have a fine young milch cow with
young calf for sale. Call on me at
once. Jno. E. Whitaker.
Xlie Diiiry a IVecessity.
Every community should have oue.
One quart butter-milk delivered 2>£c
One pint sweet milk delivered "H c
One half pound fresh gilt-edge but¬
ter - 10c
The editor has tried the products
of the Scott dairy and unhesitatingly
recommend the quality as strictly
Dissolution Nonce.
Conyees, Ga., July 1st, 1899.
The firm of the Almond Hardware
Company is this day mutually dis¬
solved, ELAlmand having sold out
his one-third interest in the firm to
F G Dunn and A L Dabney, who will
continue the business without any
change in place or the firm name.
The business will be conducted un¬
der the name of the Almand Hard¬
ware Company. The new firm takes
eh awe of all the assets and assumes
all liabilities.
F. Cf. Dunn,
A. L. Dabney.
In retiring from the firm of the Al
mand Hardware Company I y ish to
thank my friends for their confidence
and patronage to me. I assure ail
that I shall reinember them with
kindness and gratitude. With kind¬
ness and good wishes to the new firm
lam Very truly,
E. L. Almand.
This July 1, ’99
In assuming full control ■>! the bus¬
iness of the Altnauu Hardware Com¬
pany we will expect a continuance
of the liberal patronage extended in
the past.
F. G. Dunn.
A. L. Dabney.
July 1, 1899
You may have
and have a vague
that it is cod-liver oil
its bad taste and smell and
all its other repulsive fea
tures. It is cod-liver oil, the
purest and the best in the
world, but made so palata
ble that almost everybody
can take it. Nearly ail
children like it and ask for
looks like cream; it nour¬
ishes the wasted body of
the baby, child or aduit
better than cream or any
other food in existence, it
bears about the same rela¬
tion to other emulsions that
cream docs to milk. If you
have had any experience
with other so-called “just as
good” preparations, you
will find that this is a fact.
The hypophosphites that are
combined with the cod-liver oil
give additional value to it because
they tone up the nervous system
and impart strength to the whole
SCOTT 50c. & BOW and $i NE, oo. all druggists.
Chemists. New York.
I wmmm. ; i
11 till 1111 n 11 m i ii 1: 1111II i i 111 m m; i; i; i n 1111:
■ ' - 1
II l III I in 1 1 ill; i ,i ||i 1111, n ii i in i 1 1 111 n i 1 1 II1. 1 , 1 1
AVegetablePreparationfor As¬
similating Stomachs ilierood and and Bowels Regula¬
ting the os
Promotes and Rest.Contains Digestion,Cheerful¬ neither
Opium, Morphine nor Mineral .
Mot Narcotic.
/a-eve ofOldBrSMOELPiTCHER
Pumpkin Seed*
Mx.Senna *
fiocAelle Sails -
jtnhc Pppermint Seed *
jfr Card orwk Soda, *
fi&rm Clarified Seed Surfer -
Wthbraroctj Flam:
A perfect Remedy Stomach,Diarrhoea, for Constipa¬
tion, Sour
Worms .Convulsions .Feverish¬
ness and Loss OF SLEEP.
Facsimile Signature o?
c i B ' s m Co \\ ESL-VCSa i
y m -—
When you want a good, safe turnout one that you
drive with
One that looks well and goes well, call on rue.
Good drivers furnished if clesir
Terms very reasonable.
Exchange bought and sold. Collections made on all RET
country. Accommodations extended consistent wiu scui^
Overdrafts will mot lb© honored is rider dreui
Office hours from 8 a. m. till 4p. M till further notice.
Thoroughbred Chicks.
Any one wishing to buy puro
Barred Plymouth Rock chick
ens are requested to call at this
office. A few young “roosters'
for sale. Pure stock and the
best breed for general purposes
Now is your chance to
your poultry. Don't fail to call
at this office quick.
fa&a S 111
3 £•¥,.>
l .. ;
F03* Infants and ChiMn
ind You 1
Always Bongii
Bears the
Signature j
rh \
& 1 / \
HW'S<n«nr« 9 hhP a Shrani * I a.
1 il
3 oi ice. iitfi
ginning. A bargain One lob- .V" *■;' •'Vdp “yjM
urookscott ::
'.[’VhitakeaEr inf' " ;
1- oacl from < ■
Estate •!»'■
fail jasssfe* n m «.