Newspaper Page Text
j e intend to leave for New York about the fifteenth to buy new goods
,i will sell fro <\i Now on for the cash at figures that will knock out all com
* y™ * i >—* • oil Our summer wash goods will go for a song—Would pay you to buy
and bold to next season. This is a general clearing up sale, We touch
ro r r department with the Same axe. Come and get what you Want.
Paragraphs, Personal and Otherwise, Oath
ered for our Readers.
f Covington 1 was
ft- M Norman 0
B S t Wednesday.
Carter attended a barbe
John week.
Augusta tliis
returned to his
I Jan,, Swords, of Soci al Circle,
JmgjfissMabie Langford, Whatley. of Arlanta.
ferMerle Lin this week.
I ■Lit Sarah Sue Langford nas gone
to relatives in Atlanta.
Ijfilijrd iieeso. of Eaton ton, is
jsit to friends here this week.
I,MV Bell lias been visiting
Litsat Hailem for two weeks.
Irish to urge our county corres
his to send us the news every
■llcttie Stephenson entertain
■rter of her friends last Tues
iGcnrgia Signian is at home a
■er a very pleasant visit to
Its in Atlanta.
■Birdie Ethrklre has returned
lliiune in Birmingham after a
lit visit to relatives here.
[Eadox McCalln, of Decatur,
pun yesterday and went out
Ifadier’s home in Sheffield.
p.ADSimimers, J Langford R W Tucker
attended the mcet
llieBusiness Men’s League in
bthis week.
|o people are missing the fruit
little. We don’t suppose
ton pearlies have ripened in
WUy this season,
p’ngfrom the amount of lum
ing sold in Conyers a good cieal
blog and repairing must be
i>nin the county.
i ll McOaila’s friends will re
ik;>"w that lie has been verv
Nils father’s home in Sheffield
ittliis week. We hope he may
Pt well.
H R Smith and family, of
r nii ky., are guests or Judge
Nfamily. pbablydo Rev. Mr. Smith
some preaching
tacamp meeting.
GB Hudson has bought of
pint lots one
"'Is adjourning Mrs. Gen
Fnands -Millinery store and will
ome score room on it at
H« will probably
fth, occupy it by
lavement 1<! exhibit is on foot to have a
r s*ue at die State Fair,
[ horses will be on exhibi
Uler eand the chance is
Pcultual exhibit that
this will also be
,l I Hun-, ^Md?iitUe Ie t b boy Ur Dab,,ey and Mr. ’
,;„ ‘ e daughter
(day, Tl . doi? , al last
r ‘ eor bvo ° bita cat
r 'koiand T T f ‘ w “ ki lled
sp *eto Huff ’ dr Labney
have m a8t0neappliftd * ‘
i!itei nfiicted
tliat n l ' lJOn him. We
H^bS 081 ' C8 ““ 8 may
y YY .‘j "'XcDonongli, 10,11 the
We ge r ; n ; wav
“bonj-er, HU te *»n will
Gouyerg j ne - v are anxious
go to their
0,1 here. they ah ow no
- We
***tiBi t/ 1 regret
' 6 prospect
^cbotioii -^ween -i 0 UV ° teams
vGcers vr S due
and t0
^ > ! ° pe s!)e
“W debt
Miss Lizzie Cook has returned to
her home at Oxford after a few weeks
visit to relatives here.
Mr. W G Alexander attended the
big barbecue in Augusta Thursday
A good time was had.
The Gailey Dry Goods Co. will do
business in the store now occupied by
Mr. Chas B Hudson. The store will
be overhauled and a glass front put
in about the first of September.
Hon. A J Smith spent Wednesday
in Atlanta in attendance upon the
meeting of the Executive Committee
of the State Fa : r. He reports an en¬
thusiastic meeting and says tho Fair
work is booming.
Mrs. Streeter’s father died sudden¬
ly at his home in Atlanta last week.
She was called home on account of
the sad occurrence and spent some
time there. Her many friends here
sympathize with her.
Miss Ruth Almand has returned
from Indianapolis.
Mrs. Cook, of Atlanta, is on a
visit to relatives here.
Mrs. .T W Jones is spending some
time at Indian Spring.
Mr. W L Adair made a business
trip to Atlanta yesterday.
Mr. A M McElvany made a bus
mess trip to Logansville this week.
Little Miss Nellie Johnson has
been visiting friends at Kirkwood.
Miss Dodie Burgess, of Dekalb
county, was here last Wednesday.
Miss Estella Ray, of Buttseounty
is with her sister here, Mrs. I G
Miss Mattie Mitchell is on a vis¬
it to her sister, Mrs. .T J Austin,
of Lithonia.
Misses Florence Austin and Leh
man Hightower are with friends
at Covington.
Mr. and Mrs. W A Murray, of
Ashburn, Ga., visited the latter’s
parents here this weeK.
Mrs.Shiply, of Clarkstam, spent
several clays with friends and rel¬
atives near town this weeK.
Mr. A I) Summers will go to New
YorK about the 15th of September.
Read his add in this paper.
Mr. Lamar Wood attended the
meeting of the Business Men’s
League in Atlanta this weeK.
Miss Emma Reagan has return¬
ed from a pleasant visit to friends
at Stone Mountain and Lithonia.
Mr. J T Wallis spent several
days with the family of Mr. W G
Brown at Social Circle this week.
A promising baby boy is mak¬
ing bis home with Mr and Mrs.
Robt. Hale. Congratulations,
The corn crop promises an im¬
mense yield throughout the coun¬
ty. In some sections it is unusu¬
ally good.
Mr. J M Huff and daughter,
Miss Claude, attended the reunion
of the 42nd Ga. at Social Circle
The young people enjoyed home a
straw ride to Mr. Weaver's
near town last Tuesday night. Re- o’
froshments were served at 11
clock. The occasion was in hon
or °f^li s 9 Ethridge of Birming¬
ham, and was greatly eujoyecL
Several of our business men con¬
a visit to New York at an
day. They will go to lay
in fall stocks.
Mr. Ray, of near Jackson, has
been here this weeK at the bedside
of his daughter, Mrs. IG WalKer,
who is very sicK.
Edgar Ewing has been pulling
the throttle on the Covington ac¬
commodation for the past week.
Engineer Huson is taking a rest.
Insurance adjusters have been
investigating the damages from
the recent fire, here this week.
Their work has not been com¬
pleted yet.
When the fall season opens up
there will be lively times in Con¬
yers from a business standpoint.
We see everything working to that
Mr. Chas. B Hudson was slight¬
ly indisposed several days this
week and Mike, the ever available
as well as invincible, was behind
the counter for him.
Editor Bayne drops into poetry
thusly : “The girl is in the ham
mack and the hammock in the
shade, and the summer grows en¬
durable with love and lemonade.”
Col. W L Peek made a speech at
Redan last Saturday. The De
Ka]b New Era says:
“Col. W L Peek addressed the
population of Redan Saturday af¬
ternoon. The Colonel seemed to
be in pretty good trim and made
an excellent speech.
Dr. J H Brooks has about re¬
covered from injuries his buggy sustained the by
his horse backing off
bridge into the creek between here
and Irwin’s bridge. The accident
happened several days ago The
buggy was considerably injured
and the harness broken.
Mr. M E. Allen, the photogra
pher, has moved his family to
Madison where ho will bo
for sometime. He made Conyers
his home for a good length of
time and has many friends here.
He is well up in his profession
and we commend him and his ex
cellent family to the good people
of his new home.
Miss Maud Scott has returned
from a visit to Mr. and Mrs Ar¬
thur Copeland, of McDonough.
Miss Scott was a member of the
party chaperoned by Mr. and Mrs.
Copeland that camped st Shingle
roof camp ground for several days.
The occasion was a very pleasant
one and Miss Scott’s visit was a
decidedly pleasant one.
The first service of Smyrna
Campmeeting began last night.
Some able ministers will be on
hand to assist Dr. Quigg in the
meeting and a good revival of re¬
ligious sentiment is hoped for.
Mr. I) F Clotfelter has moved out
and will occupy his tent durinS
the meeting. Many people will
attend the meeting from town
The preacher who can preach to
please every hearer; the editor
who can write to please every read
er; the merchant who can sell
goods to every costomer; t he law¬
yer who can speak to please every
listener, and the dressmaker who
can please every woman, are all
dead, and are wearing wings in
Heaven.—Marietta Journal.
The Albertville Banner speaks
to business men all over the
A standing advertisement increases in your bus
paper not only your
iness, but it speaks well for your
town and the class of business
men it contains. There is no bet
ter index to a substantial town
than to see the paper in the town
xsts ■* •' ■"
Mrs. Get; is expecting to have her
residence re-covered at once.
Col. J N Hale is erecting several
tenant houses on his farm near
Mrs. W II M Austin has return¬
ed from a visit to relatives in
north Georgia.
The Southern Oil Co., of Atlan¬
ta, is having a cotton seed house
built near the old depot.
Since the fire Mr. J M Evans’
meat market is located in his old
stand below Mr. Geo. Kennon’s
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Shaw, of
Monticello, have been spending
the week here with Mayor Al
mand’s family.
Mr. E L Almand moved to So¬
cial Circle last Tuesday. We hope
lie may find his new home all that
he expects it to bo.
Messrs. Tilley & Tucker’s ware
house is being used by the railroad
as is a telegraph office and dopot. It
not very convenient.
The busines outlook is
aging. Our people are feeling good
and times promise to grow better
in this neck of the woods.
The residence of Mrs. Sanli
Turner, on Mill street, is being
repaired. Mr. C G Turner is sup¬
erintending the improvements.
The ‘has beens’ and ‘new ideas’
played an interesting game of ball
last Tuesday evening. The score
was 0 and h in favor of the latter
Our young friend, Lieutenant
Guinn, has been driving a pair of
blacks in the direction of Stock*
bridge, Flippen or McDonough.
Some think that the Lieutenant
is more eager in this persuit than
any that ever claimed his atten
tion. We wish him well.
Mr. Clmrlio hariill, . who has
* ,fiea making JacKson his home for
lhe l )ast t " elve nK ? ntl,9 > wl11 re ‘
move a plantation near town the
which he has purchased within
past f«»'v weeks. Our people will
give the young gentleman and his
family a hearty welcome.
The Henry County Weekly says
McDonough has the best baseball
team she ever had. Our bovs have
invited that club to play with
them here on August 3rd. If the
invitation is accepted a good game will
may be expected. Conyers provid¬
goto McDonough and play
ed that team conies here first.
Mr. Eston Tucker was severely
bitten by a dog last Monday night.
He was coon hunting in Sheffield
district . The dogs ran a coon to
a tree when the boys proceeded to
cut it down. The tree fell upon
a dog, breaking his back and pin¬
ning him to the ground. Eston
tried to liberate the dog and the
animal, maddened with pain, it
grasped his hand and lacerated
fearfully. We hope his wounds
may heal rapidly.
Uncle George Tilley, our most
worthy express agent, is a heavy
loser by the tire of Friday night
week. His office was in a great
deal of danger and he rushed in to
remove his books and some
ges which were yet uncalled for.
In the shuffle which ensued Uncle
George was relieved of a “little
brown jug” and its contents, by
3ome f r j en< j w ho was kindly ns
gating him. Uncle George don't
know this friend but would like to.
Mr. Floyd Plunked arrived home
Monday evening. He has been the
at Dry Tortugas, Fla., for
past five months. He is looking
a ss
300 ACRES!
A good farm containing 300 acres
IVz miles from town, well watered,
well improved and well located.
Terms easy. For particulars call
on or address.
E. H. ALMAND, Conyers, Ga.
half since his return and it is pre¬
sumed that the increase will con¬
tinue from day today. The young
man intimates that he will return
to Florida at an early day and
take for himself one of the fairest
flowers of that state. The young
men he left on the island are well
and prospering.
The man who gets the smallest
number of letters is, as a rule, the
one who complains most of the
postoffice; the man who complains
most of his preacher pays him the
loast; the man who complains most
of his home paper does the least
to make it a succes or public bene¬
fit,. Ho says the town is no good ;
that it is dead . But lie is mis
taken—he is the corpse, and it is
only a matter of timo when the
funeral will fake place.—commer¬
cially speaking—Ex.
Old Rock, Mr. E C Gfnnnde’s
mule, died last Saturday. He was
in his 68th year and had enjoyed
a rest, with plenty of good food,
for two years, Old Rock was
broke to wont at 18 months old
and served faithfully whenever
hitched for fid years, He was
greatly treasured by Mr. Graunde
and when death ended his career
he was given a decent burial. This
was porhaps tho ohlost imilo in th®
Prol'csHiomil IN ot icc.
I will bo in Conyers every i'rd Mon¬
day of each month and will conic
prepared to do all kinds of first-class
dental work. Office in Commercial
Hotel, Boom (1. Dr. J. O, Seamans.
Hummer Anno i iiieeiiieut
Is now running on full time and wo are turning
out some splendid Ice Cold drinks. You can get So
da Water, Phosphates, Coca Cola, Ice Cream etc ,
every day. Come in and be refreshed.
We have a handsome line of Stationery of all
kinds. Our flox Stationery leads. Get your T Ql b
lets, Inks, Pens, also all kinds of choice Toilet P r
tide aud Toilet Soaps from us.
sportixo noons
Sporting Goods of all kinds may be bought of us
cheaper than elsewhere. Get your Base Balls,
Bats. Hammocks, Fishing Tackle, Marbles, otc.,
f .. nm
Yours truly,
CL • 1 | C V hJ J _
I l ° g »
Is fast, growing into a Fan¬
cy and Fatn'Jy Grocery sforo
in answer to the demands of
our customers.
We are h and ling all kinds of
Fancy and Plain Crackers,
Canned Goods,
Fancy Candies etc.
Wo buy in small quantities
in order to have fresh goods
at all times.
Almost anything for the ta¬
ble can bo found at our
store, always new.
We do not discriminate
—we treat all custom*
ers alike.
Goods delivered in the city
promptly and free of charge.
Look at our goods and get
our prices before buy¬
Yours truly,