Newspaper Page Text
^ > IliluU!Pe,Uk ' nCe ’'’
;/* q c: 1 ar'-'i lsSon:
farmer to l>
"CSi. lS almost ov^r,
^» hed .,.. done.
]SSrni nearly
1,1(1 *. he in independence
lieres HC "“ ever share,
none ca n drifted
a«cl» v.-!m once has
r ,
J] , ! et ; cavern oftlof 1 '
] ,e \ effort,
v i;o by an _
>< !1,an , cj>Ie was a pauu
^lv tril hi^dab
1 ^ aet6i dli tt /-"n'iiYwithout i^ stheyrise; flinching,
i psSsrjr
lees to every wine,
ruere arc
•here’s a charm in independence,—
feel that you have won
ro due to merit
oAie iep irize have done;
B labor you llftnded
<e e l that, single stood ’ aside, .
iihUe " vour ainetl nighbor the meed of courage.
tthe rewa Vd of honest pride.
Unok at tbs is timid afraid follow
[Who l) always project
venture on a
[without his neighbor s aid.
Long, atoptlier the chances Dan are my son,
(He’ll aided him.— .
[non the iliat
L spiritless machine.
Kotvssif')isfood who daily
lAtiuio'lier’staMe fares!
lor June the feet that labor
Mil down another's stares!
Vson,iriafe’er your place in life,
IWImte'er,vnuraim and end,
i brave, be proud, ntnl never lean,
but on yourself depend.”
—Engineers’ Review.
For Infants and Children.
i; Kind You Have Always Bought
Iftars the
Stature of
A Mother’s Argument.
"The most to be •’egret ted act
f my says a lieutenant
fcoinmauder of the navy, ‘was a
Eteri wrote to my
pen about 17 pears of age.
rte always addressed her let
ps to me as -my dear boy.’ HH
Gh at that time I was a man,
p i ery near it, and wrote say
|ug that her constant
pc as a, -boy’ made me feel dis¬
pensed. Ner full I of received in reply
pars- reproaches
said: Among other things
l: “You might grow to
as nig as Goliath as strong
Sampson, and as wise as
teon: you mi flht become
a nation, or emperor of
J nations, and the world
and fear yon,
0 }our devoted mother
" 0il, , ‘I alwa yon
ys appear, in
, in your innocent, u
kmious. n
unself conceited. Ull
Pampered babyhood. In
da .vs when I washed and dress
^ ;° U and ’you kissed were and
my idol.
*■'* 30u are becoming part
aif,H 8 cannot W ° rld by bow contac down t with it
and "orshib to you
you, but if
trai'* Ira ’emitted an °° d to aD< * materna J
der J you, you will un
vt du that die
^ "«that highest com
p3y mother lore can
« to call y ou dear
'my boy.’
^ iIeged n am of %ns of Luck.
e ?gs. sign of money.
brer ni of snakes, sign
mie-;. ot ene
If C U Sl b
Jou '\i f before breakfast
. “ before supper.
^ f ^J Uddy ° r rush
water ~
brin trouble.
F indil
Wd cCv* hai ' Seshoe or a four
er brings good luck,
@lif (taps 9m%k
If you cut your nails or suecze
on Saturday you do it ‘for evil.’
She who takes the last stiten
at a quiking will be the first to
marr v
Ctr .on , your i j g ., 1 fo# . ( r)
iisg wuere you are wft.-uM :yot,r
ieft,vMiere you aie not w autec.
If ihe first Sunday in the
month is unpleasant there will
be but one pleasant Sunday dur
ing the month.
If your right ear burns some
one is praising you. if your left,
your friends are raking you
over the coals.
Returning to the house for a
moment after having started
out will bring bad luck unless
you sit down.
When, „ T1 . dropping , . fork, c . ■
in a it
strikes the floor „ and T stands 1 up
right, . . t it will bring • a gentleman ,
visitor, if a knife a lady
Rayner, Texas, July 25th 1899.
Editor Weekly;— My last
letter was written to you from
Hillsboro. After Luther ro
turned from his trip to Italy,
we got a team drove out ten
miles to Mr. Ivey
Mr. Buchanan at. once boarded
with Mr. McCalla in
tauglit school at
married a Miss Lester, cousin
J. K. P. Lester while at Mr.
Calla.s. He remembered, and
especially about many
the old settles that have long
since gone, and made
inquiry about lhe boy s andgii
who went to scool to him. Mrs
Ham Ain -nd. Mrs. Na ! e
A. 0. McCalla and many cfl
"How they both questioned
nbout ihe friends of long
I once boarded with them
in Texas myself in what
to me to be the long ago. 1
a fine opportunity of
Luther a little of Texas
merit. I pointed out to him
farm I bought joining Mr.
anan for $4 00 and sold it
$5.00 and it is now worth
I was one of the pioneer
of Hill Co. I gave a de^d
the land and helped to build
first Methodist church in
section, nice church, still stand
ing the people have never
gotten me for that, I really
pround to point it out to
I started the Johnson grass
that section, and am held
reraemberaoce for that,
have been cussed by many
never saw me. On our way
stopped to see an old man
memory I will evei cherish,
account of his friendship for
when a boy, (Uncle Bob Petty)
he had grown quite old,
had lost his sight. I told
howdy, when he
up and said, that ain’t Charly
Taylor, is it? he remembered my
voice, and was glad ro see me.
We crossed the county over
Aquilla. The entire country
seemed to be solid farm
that ranged from 75cts to $4
per acre when I was there
worth now from 40 to 50 dollars
per acre, We took, the cars
Aquilla bound for Cisco. After
we crossed the Brazos river
ran aloDg up Bosque and Wal
nut creeks, amid the breaks in
a very poor section of
and yet it is better than lhe best
iu Ga. I refer you to L J for his
op i n ion. The’pecan trees we
saw were wonderful, no wonder
they are cheap. Cisco is at the
motion of tho Houston jukI
Texas Contrail with the Texas
Pacific. In 93 it, was then
about the size of Walnut
perhaps a little larger, now I
would guess it is nearly as large
as Conyers and Covington “ both,
Wf |eft ci(CO for Ab l|in0 lhe
ra j] ro . J( j traveling the poorest
section following along the
breaks, climbing higher and
higher until it reaches the top
of t he plains. The lands on eith
er side of the road off a few
miles is level, and rich.
From Abaline we drove over
to Anson Jones Co., through a
very pretty fertil section of conn
try, then we spent the remain
der of the night and next morn
ing came on to Rayner. Luth
er 7 got acquainted 1 with several
of the people here. Every one,
since . they , , heard , he , was out
^.“specung seen, to be anxious
for him to return. I have nad
many to ask about him who
failed to meet him. Come back,
Lutliei! these people want you
to locate here,
We are right in the midst of
of a big railroad boom, the H.
and T. 0, railroad is being ex
tended from Albany to within
12 or 14 miles of my land, that
will be the terminus for a time
Another road has just complet
?d a survey from Abaline to
Haskell, crossing the other road
a t its terminus. At that cross
ing will be the new town of
Stanford. Thar new town to
! d ty is nothing but Prairie cov
m mesquite grass, listen,
in 5 years it. will bo as large as
Conyers and Covington combin
ed. While there is not a single
inhabitant there today, get the
census, 6 years from now,any-
1 bod v in Georgia who has a little
1 n. nev. try Stanford. Here is
something I know whereof I
speak; There is a man in this
county who has sold $5000 worth
of Beef steers since I came, he
lias a League and Labou of land
level and rich he offers to sol
for $15000 dollars can’s some
man in Ga. with means calcu
late; Now if there is a man in
Ga. that would asx my advice,
I would say to him come- If
there is any poor among you to
him I would say come, and who
soever will I verily believe it
would pay him to come.
These lands are v ry rich, and
in a few years will certainly be
very high. I wish the people of
old Rockdale well, and for that
reason I say to them come. If
you wont hear me, others will
soon occupy the places that to
day are open for you.
C. M. Taylor.
A Boy With a Budge.
No. my son, he replied, as he
j put on his hat, you can’t goto
j the cirucs.
j But why father?
Well in lhe first place I can’t
i fool away my money on such
1 things.
[ Yes but I have enough of my
And in the next place it is a
rough crowd, the sentiment is
unheabhj , and no respectable
DcrsoD can countenance such
But f .th—,
That’s euough, sit! You can t
K"! 1 w ant you to enjoy your
eelf but you must seek some
more raspectable amuseu mt.
An hour later a curisus thing
happened at the circus tent, A
boy climed to the top lli^lit of
seats and eatdown beside a man
who had just finished a glass of
lemonade and was lighting a ci*
gar. He had ilis plug baton
the back of his head and seem
ed to be enjoying himself huge
, y . It was father and Bon- The
father had gene straight to
grounds from dinner, the boys
had run away. They
at each other for half a minute
and then then the boy got in
the first blow bv whispering:
say dad if you wou.t lick me I
won,t tell ma where you was
The father nodded his head to
the agreement and tho groat
spectacular parade in the ring
My shop is comfortable,
My towels are clean.
My tools are always keen.
My attention is respectful.
My aim—to please all.
Give me a call when you ueed
dressing up
'sttkisg d Imklas
My undertaking establish¬
ment is well fitted up and
my stock of undertaking
goods is complete.
Attention prompt and ca
pable. /
Hearses free 0
W. V. Amand,
Tlndei tfiker .Sc Einlmlmcr,
Bears the OA8 IS YoHli iteys Bought
All work guaranteed to please
Office up stairs over J. H. Al
mand & Go’s, store.
Conyers, . . : Ga
We represent some of the
best Fire Insurance Companies
in existence and ask the public
generally to see us before plac¬
ing their risks.
Office in Banner office under
• '► •
A. 3 >. .3 alien,
Physicmnaiul Surgeon.
Office in J. C. Stephenson’s
store—Can be found at resi
on Mill street at night.
Patranage solicited, All calls
answered promptly.
For Infaats and Children.
is a
NO. 30.
We are receiving a splendid line of pat
ronage and the flour we are making from the
new wheat crop is giving splendid satisfac
We ask the people to bring us their
grinding and we guarantee that they will b0
pleased with their bread.
Don’t fail to give us a trial with your
next turn.
Yours for good bread,
Books, Stationery, School Supplies,
Toilet Articles, Fancy Goods, Per
fumes, Jewelry, SPECTACLES, Marbles, ;
Tops, Balls, Fish Hooks, Fishing Lines
Pocket Cutlery, Lamps, Gardet Seeds,
Tobacco and Cigars, Violin Strings,
Guitar Strings, Banjo Strings, etc.
Come to us for Brick and Lime
and Goa. Our prices are right and
Removal sale of
Fine Millinery:
My entire stock of new and stylish milli¬
will be sold at a marked reductiion, I
wish to reduce my stock before the fall sea¬
son and before I remove my goods into another
store. Those who wish bargains in
should come to me at once as I will save
Yours for millinery,
Miss Emma Riley.
If you want a cool, delicious
and refreshing drink, patronize
Dr* LEE’S Soda Fountain. Every
one, especially the ladies, say El¬
gin Stewart is an expert in making
Soda Water, Lemonade, Milk Shakes,
Feach Cream, Chocolates ,
Gingerale, Mineral Water, etc.
He also serves fruits with ices,
such as Strawberries, Pine Apple,
etc. You will always meet with po¬
lite attention at this fountain.