Conyers weekly. (Conyers, GA.) 1895-1901, August 19, 1899, Image 1
i vU![ Id |ji IE SHOP E fiiw GAN shopis com fortable IJ vvel3 are clean. !yW rea l>v:, vs te ij Hon is respectful y atten all. aim— t0 P lease ire y me a ca Jl when you need sing U P sitiii Isli&lffl la i !5Jr.r^cu 6 My undertaking establish is v ell fitted up and t, Of undertaking ,uck }8 is complete. .and Attention prompt ca e. Rises free of Chars©* rer V. ./isklSi J5<K lertaker Jk Embalincr. Notice. L pr.Ghnn is still making fine L coals amt pants at prices to [ Jlocai over McDonald & Hay* fe Military store. « 0 MCbONAL & SON, RESIDENT DENTISTS.^ in pork guaranteed to please pip stairs over J. H. Al¬ ii & Go’s. store. te, Ga IVANEY & BRODNAX AGENTS, |e I Fire represent Insurance some of pistence and ask the public rally to see us before plac fheir risks. pice in Banner office under flYANEY & BRODNAX. • —•&> kOPSY CURED R**mt*dies. many thou with Have gaud vegetable cuivd c.a-ea | s SONS. Box K, Atlanta, Ga. 1 >. «I sinew, ‘\v,si cianauti Surgeon, f CONYERS. GA., . e ,n J- C. Stephenson’s —Can be found at re-si ' n dal street at night, '" ia £ e elicited. All calls lf ^ promptly. ■ A Georgia idylls ^ A!,NI Building. fREt Tuition. Pirn | s Sit • .^hlonegaTga' A ",■ JT; r- N, iTers itr. “a c LhI ^ olle ^ " nder P^par- th0 of SA ’ ^ 5 , 6 iBwUvA. 1 >ir* m A11 ❖ CONYERS, GA„ SATURDAY. AUG. 19, 1899. C A" JS ’iM ip v V, 2 »./i '-a — 4 11 •»<* S : ^L/\li K-J^S HxStSfe. *"'X L -Z#^^A fir*** • r j r£,IV' W»P»S«; & sEsrs?*-' Jm ^ MrroRMiGKjal We carry in stock a full line of repairs for the Mowers. We also have several new Mowers on hand. is money in the McCormick. Repairs 88& per cent cheaper other machines. There is money in HAY'. ALMAND HARDWARE CO. ALL KINDS OF SNUFF. Laiiilards Jrfs and Boxes, Raihoad Jars and Boxes, Fairplay, Red Rose in Tumblers, Red Cross, Railroad Sweet Scotch, Three Thistle Sweet Scotch, Blue Ribon Sweet Scotch, Honey Bee Sweet Scotch, Railroad Strong Scotch. Twenty different styles of packages, For Sale By N. T. STREET. Conyers 9 CM Georgia. j \ . K For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of Mr, Rockefeller Dreads Debt. John D. Rockefeller, the “Oil King,” whose wealth touches the §125 000,000 mark, won his first start in a business way by working on a New Yoi k fat in twelve hours out of the twenty four for 25 cents a day. He has earned his position as a multimillionaire by adhering to the principles of the follow iug maxims: 1, It should be every man’s duty to get all the money be can, keep all ho can. and give away all he can. 2 Buy only what can be paid for, and look upon debt as an ogre that first paralyzes and then kills. 3 Live within your means and don’t think too much of your neighbor’s good fortune 4. Keep a record of all ex¬ penditures and receipts, so that at the end of each year you can eiI Whether you are saving e nough money to provide against lhe i " evilab 10 rain J' tlay ' Any 0Re can make , lnoue * : few can save it. 5. Live as though every act jours was uucLr tho scrutiny of your bitterest enemy.—Sat¬ urday Evening Post. It seems that the air of Alas¬ ka lms a prolific effect on the human hair, R. L. £ mi th reached San Francisco recently, after an absence of two years in the Klondike region, Ilis nead was bald when he left San Francisco, but upon his return it was covered with a growth of luxuriant ha ; r. Mr. Smith says there are few bald heads m the far north. Even dogs t here soon become as shaggy as Shetland ponies. This is some .(range provision of nature to give pr.uoction from cold.—Ex. II M Nffiil, the famous cot¬ ton exfii-rt, of New Orleans, has i,sued his first estimate of this year’s cotton crop. His esti¬ mate i unsup to the enormous figures of 12 G00,000 bales. Of course cotton took a slump as soon as this estimate was made public. Neill ought to 1>8 tar red and feathered and sent to the chaiugang. The harm he has done the fanners of thesouth by this wild estimate is irrep¬ arable. The cotton exchange of Augusta offers to bet $8,000 that Neill lias missed the truth by a good many figures, and the exchange in New York says there is plenty of mony in that which says the crop will not he 11,000,000 hales- Somel body should aiubush Neill fori the sake of southern humanity.) Ea> $ 1,000 Worth of New Fall Goods Wait¬ ing to be Opened. We have just finished tak¬ ing stock and must close out to maKe room for these new Fall goods. We are passing out bargains to every customer and will con¬ tinue to do so until we dispose of the remainder of our summer goods. Every Customer Must be Satisfied. All goods of the latest styles and best quality. There is no excuse for any one being poorly dressed while our present sale continues. You can buy a wagon load of dry goods for just a little money. Clothing, Dress Goods, Shoes, Hats, Notions. Everything first class and marked to go. Suidh opporty eities seldom come to a peo. pie. A ♦ O o O These goods are worth more than we ask for them and are full grown bargains. you need any¬ in our line is the time buy. 4 Big Cash KEEN (5001. rr»-i If you want a oocl, doiicious and refreshing drink, patronise Dr* LEE’S Soda Fountain. Every one, especially the ladies, say El gin Stewart is an expert in making Soda Water, Lemonade, Milk Shakes, Peach Cream, Chocolates , Gingerale, Mineral Water, etc. He also serves fruits with ices, such as Strawberries, Pine Apple, etc. You will always meet with po¬ lite attention at this fountain. One of (he handsomest stocks (his side of Atlanta. Handsome bed-room suits, lounge3 hat racks, center tables, rugs, car pets etc. YOU WILL FIND ALMOST ANY¬ THING YOU NEED FOR THE HOUSE. IN OLR STORE. OUR STOGK IS WELL SE¬ LECTED VND GOODS ARE OF THE VERY BEST QUALITY. You can find Beds, Springs, Bedsteads, chairs of all kind?, in fact and piece of fuinituie you m od, in our store Tlmso goods were bought low down and we will Jell them for cash. Call on us when you come to town. TURNER BROS. It is said that the mnmifac tuer of cotton goods clears from 20 to 40 per cent on the goods he makes, while the farmer los¬ es from 20 to 40 per cent on ev¬ ery hale he raises. This is not fair. The country at large owes much to the farmers of the south, and they should be given a fair return for their la bor. Wo sincerely hope and pray that the day will come when “the worm will turn.’-Ex. • Latest Fashion Fads. Lace tunics are worn with silk dresses, and silk tuuice with lace daesses. The newest wrap is a scarf-, shaped affair, having a hood. Cloth gowns in pale yellow or primrose are trimmed elabor ately with lace insertions. Bluets, or bachelor’s buttons, are being much used for sum¬ mer wool gownS. Poke bonnets of black tulle trimed with clusters of Japa red roses. A new oj en-work canvas is silk and linen. Fringes are much in vogue to trim the new shawl-shaped dra¬ peries. TutLr gowus of &il* are a NO. 32 summer time novelty .—From “Fashion Notes,” in Dernoresl’s Magazine for August. Our County Contributors. We have earnesily sought to secure a corps of county corres¬ pondents to Tins Weekly in or¬ der that wo might lay before our readers the news of tho en tire county each week and wo must acknowledge that our ef¬ fort availed not. Some weeks we hoar from one or another of the communities of the county and the next week we have nothing at all from any of them. This is very disapp rintiug to us and our subscribers. b is important that we have the news of the entire county and We would like to appoint a gems, in the different districts, to represent Tub Wkesky and send us the nows every week. We will make a g >o 1 offer to the right party to thus repre¬ sent us. Come i.: to see us ml get our idea. nntfnniT' j. y ^ 11 MTEUT SRS.“3BS5 Cood Idsas THS FAIEtiT RECORD. Baltimore. Md. Sutscfii4i«BS . to TUc; Escord uuunb