Newspaper Page Text
The Conyers cbeekly.
j h. WALLIS, Eoit&h.
Eiiteicd lit ll.e post, nice at Louvers , a
farond-chu* mail matter
BATUKDAV, Aug. 19, 1899.
LochIh 6 rents per liue fur Hr-t inser
tioa 2 1 ;, cent* for each -ubsi querit. in
fsrtinin* ; Keguluralv 5<>e.
Ia r ° ’
One year, la advance............... .V 00
Six mouths, in advance.......... .....'(•«
Mayor Woodward, of Atlanta,
been given another opportunity to re¬
form. We hope ho may he success
Bryan and free silver are sticking
well mid Urn campaign may yet ho
enlivened by this issue and its faith¬
ful champion.
« -* « 4 V ► *
The 211th Regiment is
rapidly. It will be completed
Hhort time ami before many months
it may be doing service in the 1 ll,1_
h'ppuu h.
Congressman Livingston for t " e
Senate would lend anew iuteiist. t ,J
(1 corgi a politics next year. He is
being mentioned in connection with
this "high office by his friends, Fifth but de¬
the gentleman from tho
clares his intention of standing for
re-election to Congress.
—--* volunteers to fight |
Another cull for
Phillipinos will be made bv the See
relary of war at an early day. it is
the intention of the War Department
to send sufficient men to tho I’bllll- j
pines to end the struggle therein ns
short n time ns possible. There is no 1
doubt of the fact that these Island?
are a considerable elephant <m that Un-j
cle Sam’s hands and it seems
thcre is no immediate prospect of his
being able to tuiii it looso.
Wallace Putnam Heed, in Hie Bun¬
ny South, writes nil interesting arti¬
cle on Congressman Livingston. Ho
gives a brief hiktory of liis carter and
proclaims him one of the leading
and most useful men in the country,
lie couples his mime with the Fed¬
eral Semite and predicts that lii.s peo¬
ple will call him to this high office.
He thinks him the, most itdluenlil
member of Congress rrom the south
and says many very complimentary
things of him.
The Fort Gains Sentinel says:—
“Cotton mills should hum in every
Southern town and city. Tlie field is
vast; it cannot he overrun.
community should have a metory
some kind, and altogether tho South
would be able to make all it us< s as
well ns all it cuts at homo, besides
successfully competing with North on
and foreign made goods in every
Tlie Sentinel is very correct in its
utterances above and we hope it may
lire to see the South prospering along
the line of its suggestion.
Fanners arc always being urged io
“live nt home;” to make all they
need on their farms and become pros
porous. “Sauce for the geeso should
bo sauce for the gamier” mid those
who thus advise the farmer .should
be able to apply tlie hint in the fol¬
lowing item from the Macon Even¬
ing' News:—“A representative of a
Northern house sold a car load of
leather in Macon the other day, and
at the same time bought a car load
of hides. The freight on the leather
coining anti the hides going amoun¬
ted to over a hundred dollars ami
tlie leather and the profit might have
been made in Mr,eon.”
Not a day passes lint that , tho news
is flashed over the wires from some
section of the south to the daily pa
pors, that some black brute lias
raged a white lady. Frx*m one to
five occurrences of this kind is the
daily average in the south, and not
one-halt of tlie assail ants are sum
warily dealt with. In any commu¬
nity in this country lyncli-law will
prevail under such circumstances.
The situation is becoming more and
more alarming and the white men
of the country are determined to
make quick and terrible punishment
for every fiend in human form that
outrages humanity by such loul
- 1 ----
^ tine of the most important features
of the fair will he military day. A
committee ot three, consisting of
Colonel V G llyrd, soring adjutant
general of tl ;e state, as chairman.
Captain Jogeph Van Holt Nash and
Dr. George Brown will have com.
pletc charge of the full arrangements
for this day and are expected to dt
cide upon a date shortly. As soon
as the date has been fixed the otuer
arrangements will be made, Invi
tations will be sent out all over the
State to the various military organi¬
sations requesting their utt ndance
on military day, and it is coiifident
' crack
ij extwct( expei (l f ] mt a milliner of
companies will respond. It is not
improbable that a s’nnm battle will
be one oft lie interesting features of
this day, and prize drills may l>e par
ticipntcd in hya number of compn
„j r , g tJiat will attend, The commit
t(3J4 aliead.v commenced its work,
aml will doubtless report progress
, ilne t „ tlm ,_K*.
We suggest that (lie \ olunteeis
take on new life and accept any in¬
vitation that may be extend, d them
to attend the fair, We have no
doubt that (’apt. Irwin will carry his
company to rise fair if it is the wish
0 f n, e Ho.yis to attend. Let 1 lie com¬
pany wake up and take the front
rank in the State Militia.
The Georgia military has been
invited to participate in the re¬
ception to 1)0 accorded Admiral
I)ewoy in New 5 ork upon his ar¬
rival from Manilla on Oct. 1st.
^ 1>( jUgt meeling j„ Allan
* Jnst „. Pe ,- j y ; created a rip
^ <h(j surface It imi8t . ho a
f 0 rjorn Jiopc—just, a tinge of sat
isfaction; as n bit of water to
parched lips—these deliberations
the leaders no\ V ami tlien. The
bittor Iflssons of political experi
ence is their sole legacy.
TTix Hate.
The State lax rate estimated on
the return of $154,000,000 of tax
able property has been assessed by
Governor Candler at $5.80 on $1,
000,000. with tho rate at $6,21
) RS < year it is seen that the chief
executive has ordered a decrease of
almost $1 outlie $1,000, and thus
lightens the burden of taxation in
accordance with his utterances
previous to his elect ion.
One dollar mt of every tlious
and collected will he used for gen
erfl f State purposes. Two dollars
and ten cents of every thousand
collected will go to the common
school fund.
Beam tho The Kind You Have Always Bought
IN of ice.
I have a line young milch cow with
young calf for sale, Call on me at
once. Jno. E. Whitaker.
Tine Dstitqv « Necessity.
Every community should have one.
One tpiart butter-milk delivered “2> 2 e
One pint sweet milk delivered vbr
One half pound fresh gilt-edge but¬
ter - the
The editor lias tried the products
of the Scott dairy and unhesitatingly
recommend the quality as strictly
Disscliuion Nonce.
Convkhs, Ga„ July 1st, 181*0.
The firm of the Almond Hardware
Company is this day mutually dis¬
solved, K LAlmaiul having sold out
lfis one-third interest in tlie firm to
KG Dunn and'A L Dabney, who \\ ill
continue the business without any
ti s i!'w'ilTbe cmidnctec'itin
dt>i-(lie name of the Almand Hard¬
ware Company. The new linn takes
clmrce of all the assets and assumes
all liabilities. Dunn,
F. G.
A. L. Dabney.
In retiring from the firm of the Al
niand Hardware Company J v isli to
thank my friends for theircoiifidence
and patronage to me. I assure all
that 1 shall remember them with
kindness and gratitude. With
ness and good wishes to the new firm
j I am Very Ph L. truly, Almand.
j 1 liis July 1, ’99.
In assuming full control or the bus
iness of tllt . A j, naI1 „ Hardware Uom
p«uy we will expect a continuance
of tne liberal patronage extended in
l ,U! ' t *
F. G. Dunn.
A. L. Dabney.
July 1, 1809.
2 4 1 J Patents
Copyrights 4c.
Anyone ascertain aenAtas and free description whether mi?
quickly invention Is probably our patentable. opinion Conmiunlew. an
tlone strictly ouw confidential. Handbook on Pntcnt»
with o. receive
ffvciai noflce, oat charge, ta the
Scientific American.
AhandS omciym«tnit«i T-unrest clr
jMIlNN W SSI £ Pn 361 Bre»m,. fipw Yfttk
r eu
Tteaxl r JTl»i*.
Allen D. Summers is crowded
for space. True, he has a huge
store, but the arrival of new fall
goods in such immense quantities
has }jroved to be a heavy tax on
his room, Head his advertise
ment on 1he front page of thispa
and goto , his . store . for f the nd- ,
vantage he offers you in the great
reduction in price :>f every ntlicle
( f sena(J?ia i,i e goods in his house.
„ \ lose unless . to . bum- ,,
on you go
Ikipcr for Fannei’s.
A paper lot* farmers is what the
Twice-n-Weck Macon Telegraph pro¬
poses to be. The daily Telegraph
has proven itself an earnest friend of
agriculture, and its special issue will
be more direct on that line. The
Twice-a-Week Telegraph will be
sent to any address one year for $1.
SPECIAL Si © m if i B
I Announce:
Having bought the Gee Mills on yellow river I have put
new bolting cloths and over-hauled tho machinery and the
are now in first class order,
mr yours to serve,
J. W, McDaniel.
W. L £ 5
ill Goods 1 RigiilStjte! Eiilil
Ladies wi'l fiml 8ucli wearables as they need at this season
cut almost half in price at out* store. The season is passing out
and we are closing out these goods to get room, By pricing tlie
different articles you need you will at once note the difference in
our present pricesrand the prices of a few weeks ago It is nec¬
essary for us to make this cut and we invite our customers
take advantage of it.
Gentlemen will rind it the same
way in their line. All gents fur¬
nishings have been marked to
out, we are working to lower our
stock to make room for new fall pur
chases. Odd pants, coats and vests
can be bought remarkably low.
If you need a pair
shoes or slippers no
the time to buY them B
You can save money
you buy from
>ia i? imi:i;>.
rev. Silaft FSiirs, of Texas, anil
Miss Mattie Peek, daughter of Mr.
.las. H PeeK. were united in marriage
by Rev. J P McConnell, at Salem
Pap ist cliureb, in Sheffield district,
last Wednesday evening ax4 o'clock.
The attendants were; Mr. Newt
McConnell and Miss May Artidell;
Mr..Tin*. Ford and Miss Fannie Mc¬
Connell; Mr. Henry Peek and Miss
Lulie Smith; Mr, C W Smith and
Miss Tempie Camp. After tlie mar
Wage ceremony was performed the
bridal party repaired to the home of
]>v,.I P McConnell, at Trip, where
ati elegant feast awaited them.
These are most popular young peo¬
ple and their numerous friends wish
for them a happy fttlitre.
They will leave for Texas, where
they will make their future home,
about the 1st of September.
Beare the The Kind You Have Always Bough
b * b S5a
HTT ul T 1 JlBpjsM *^
wfi liOh'l! !l nw'w.i! :-.
It i 3 time for you to look out for J'&ur indi
stove in your kitchen is responsible f, )r
,, dn i .
ily trouble. Ti a 0
e newest and S»*e s5 ; s n «he
too k'-ou,
will find Coat the-
o OTA 1D V!? \ i v 1 A A \ t> k iU;Ml 1 1 \ I I
, i
We handle at: lit {!,« lead every when,. Tears
have taught what Stoves t!
ence us and R ; n fixate d
L ii, e
we handle the best made. Give us an orhcttuBety to J
our stoves and we will give you a chance t0 get the
1 prices. beS
We are leaders in Tinware and our stock i Sa I
besides being able to fit up your kitchen and dim-;,
everything yon might need, we are equally as well pre[
lit up your bed room, or any other room in y 0 ur house f
Let us sell you your furniture, chairs and roc j ier? j
latest designs just out.
We are still agents icr the
ter A. W bod Mower, the best ia
country, and Clarks Cutaway
John v. /N Stephens
Is knocking tlae bottom m
High Prices
!« i
m «4 %
B i .r wlk- m* , 4: : '
w-: i
r/Vvw--. - -
m. 1
I i ;// -1st.
s’i ^ "-s'
Upl pi m wfe-w m
1 w - ’1
n i
A ssss
ill a
Pill ■te n- -
di sgglfg-^ feffiGvi
Co-be totliis qfiiee do
get the neatest aini 1 bei