Newspaper Page Text
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'■if. fes
■ IS* SGg ¥
ii HZ, 1
Until we ' commence to move our stock into the old stand of 1), M. Almand s
We will occupy this store until our new i build mg is completed. I f you
on i > . -
hlllO us now you can buy goods right tor the cash. It is cheaper to sell
move and we will sell if you come to us for we have the goods and pri
Come quick if you would do well. C. B. HUDSON
« JL *•'
t Paragraphs, Personal and Otherwise, Gath=
, r
1 ered for Readers.
Ltp aS 3 The Blue Front .
A Gootlc is on a visit to rel
is 5 J Circle.
in Social
Harry Davis is spending this
:. bntlirelatv««t Covington. . .
J SSiiephcrd. of Atlanta, is
rs- Mrs. S C Tur
liny iio" mother, _ -
LfW#Simpkins 1ms gone to So- be
Im. of the Misses Sword at
In fof miss the greatest opporlu
your life unless you buy
,,-tnd Mrs. Augustus Stark have
hied to their home at Social Clr
fter a pleasant visit to Prof,
k and family here.
Me id lias returned to her home
Wh Carolina after a pleasant
ofseveral weeks to her nephew
■/T Longshore.
Be Blue Front for the
■best bargains.
|r. Inis Lawton here this Moon week. is with his
I I barrel of tine, i <ov mackerel
illiuiis <fe Whitaker’s.
jrs. llatives Stansell in Walton is on a county. short visit
P- M Ahniuid is on a visit
llatives in .Morgan county.
N Etta Miller, of .Macon, is
pest of Mias Mattie Wood.
pa i‘ ri Loin ‘ this \ovmg k wit spent h friends. several
r wee
y-A F Almand who has ’neon
tug in Madison 1ms returned
r - Walter Almand and lady
ft Wednesday ....
Hid, at Salem camp
f U‘cUt rs : p en ' e Haygood has been
week Salem camp ground
W C Goode and R L Cow
several (ia V3 at Tybee
David Albert and family,
pie tlanta, are visiting relatives
5 kZ & ....... cr
4 '!:.".i 1 !* L 0C e3 "l <1 visit .1 rel-
1 " le this week.
"T car loads n f i , ,
'"fanew r, " i to be usedin tl' leconst m J<?l " o!. :lVe uc '
depot ‘
Anii Night has been visit
>1 *
PUavs AVs ti tins er N Slck for
" l0to he week. ” lie is '
N. 1 .'! 1 ' 0 ai) d Claire Lang
^S’rahsI of a
ritl1 hue ?’ Langford. are 8 aest9 of
s , \qiV!has
r ,,| n a return
•' r v'iiag p
Indian p b ea ? an left jester
ADe -—kt nf i -l )rin g3 where he
a several days
'iGiftf- 4 hl ir tW ° int w ^ is ks Die Dd
^tkiS e« ffbyth y »
e drought
rr :4oun
J °. ur cI ^ver clerk of
rei ' Wth- beeii absent
fi ed hla l ,lace
Mr. J A Dukes lias gone for
visit- to relatives near Jonesboro.
He left Thursday morning.
Gardens are about dead and t he
people are complaining of the
scarcity of all kinds of vegetables.
Mr. Geo. Christian came down
from Atlanta last Sunday and
went out to Salem camp meeting.
Lieutenant- Almand. of the 29th
Infantry Regiment, is in charge of
a recruiting station at Cedavtown.
Big Run soap—one yard for 15
cents at
Williams & WhitaKer’s.
Some repairs are being made on
Johnson & Goode’s store, which
were necessitated by the recent
Misses Vie Elliott and Bertha
Waldrop, of Lithonia, visited in
Conyers last Saturday and Sun*
Miss Lehman Hightower McDon¬ re
turned to lrnr lu-me at
ough Tuesday after a protracted
visit here.
Fr, sh smppl v of nice Freak fast
Bacon, Boneless hams, Doveliams,
and Rex Hams at
Williams & Whitaker's.
Those farmers who are in a po¬
sition to hold their cotton would,
no doubt, profit by doing so this
Friend Billy Stovall and Broth¬
er, Mr. HR Stovall, of Morgan
county, spent a short time here
this week.
Mr. G A Almand and Miss Fio
rede Tucker have gone to Law
rencevllle to attend camp meet
Mrs. C E Reagan will leave
Monday for Wliitesburg where she
will spend some time with rela¬
Fine home-ground flour—made
at the Snapping shoals roller mills
—very fine flour at
Williams & Whitaker’s.
Miss Etli.1 'V«rs |.» S relun'e!
t„ her home U at »/'" ’ ‘
n w It mano.
Mr. A J Oakes lost his gray
mare last Wednesday night. He
thinks the animal was afflicted
with blind staggers.
Messrs. J W Carter and G A
Street have moved into the room
prepared for them by D JI Al
maud’s Sons.
Miss Jessie Win burn and Mrs.
Bledsoe, of Henry county, are on
a visit to their father, Mr. J D
Wiuburn, this week.
Mr. B II Morris is again at the
throttle on the Suburban train af¬
ter a few weeks vacation which he
greatly enjoyed.
Rev. Jno. S Tilley has returned
to his ministerial dhties in Flori
da after spending a few weeks with
his parents here.
Mr. H C Penn erecting a rock ,
1’.very stable on Ins lot on lower
Commerce street. The building
will be used by Mr. Idns Langley,
A game of ball played here last
Wednesdav evening between the
Conyers third nine and the Salem
team resulted in a score of 10 to
Q in favor of the home team.
Mr.H F Treadwell and family
the Sunday School Cele¬
bration at Tucker last Saturday
report a nice time.
Friend Mike Hudson is again posi¬ on
the road. He has secured a
tion with Fain & Stamps, of At
lanta, and will do well.
WorK has been suspended on
Mr. C B Hudson’s store room on
account of the inability of the
contractors to secure brick.
Say, -' why not buy that good
flm-, 1 at Williams &
Mr. Edgar Ewing, who engi
veered the suburban while Mr
Morns was oft, ... is now spending ,
some time very pleasantly
hls fnend9 here -
Dr. Quigg has gone to spend a
few weeks at Porter springs. and This he
is the Dr’s favorite resort
spends more or less time there ev
erv summer.
The paper mill has been doing
a rushing business for the past
few months. It now requires
from two to three wagons to keep
up with the hauling.
Rev. Mr. Stokes of Austell, On.,
"id preach-at- the Rreslwternn
cluirch Sunday night at t Me). I lie
public are cordially invited to
hear this talented young man.
Aunt Katie Dickens, of Oconee
cmmty, returned home to-day af
ter a pleasant visit to relatives m
Conyers. Mrs. Sigman accom¬
panied her home.
Mrs. Emily Baboon and Mr.
Brandt Baboon, of Walton county, daugh¬
visited the former’s grand
ter, Mrs R. Ii. Hale, recently.
Mrs. Baboon is in her ninetieth
Congressman Livingston arriv¬
ed home from Washington last
Saturday. On Tuesday he came
into Conyers accompanied by bis
wife and tooK the noon train for
Atlanta where he will spend sever¬
al days at Dr.Roberson’s sanitar¬
His parents here have been no¬
tified of the critical illness of R.-ir
ish Smith at Chicasha, I. T. It
seems that he is eulfering from a
relapse of fever. He has many
friends here who hope for his re¬
M „c,o, last Tueeday. Ho reports
a very interesting meeting of the
Association, and he enjoyed th«
trip very much. Mayor Almand
was placed upon the finance com
mittee of the Association.
If you wish to buy goods cheap¬
er than ever before; if you wish
something stylish and good fol¬
on ly a very small sum (-f money;
if you would carry a genuine bar¬
gain home with you, buy at
\V. L. Adair’s.
My pug dog, Jack, has been mis¬
sing for two or three weeks. Am
anxious to locate him and will
thank anyone for information
leading to"his recovery.
A X Plunket.
Card of Thanks.
Mr EditorPlease allow
in r oxrc n 8nt paper to
our 'many friends and good
neiellljora t or their many acts
kindness shown us during the sick
ness ef little. Idus Harden Ham
niocK. I heir kindness \vi„ not
be forgotten, but will ever be
ished in our memory.
John D. Scott and family,
Road Mr. X T Ttreel’s adver
tisementin this paper. It will
pay you to give him a call.
Two colored musicians have
been taking in the town thin week.
Dave Rout is in hie element.
Miss Charlie Warren and sister,
Mrs. McGuire, of Redan, spent some
time in the city and county this week.
Miss Sibbio McDaniel, of Nor
cross, is visiting her grandparents, this
Mr. and Mrs J W Johnson
tfr j T .an S for<l I,as mplMod
store which were broken by the
heat of the depot lire,
The camp meetings in ibis section
|;J , e oVer ftiulthe fftrlriers will get
(1| „ y|11 iu!li focldcj . Ra ving liav
and picking cotton in earnest.
T i’.ere nr(? now only 3 or 4 small
xVf)0(!oll builtling-o in the business por
Uon of ,;, c t0AVn the sooner they
RP(> rpmoVfr(j the bettor satisfied will
the people he.
Qn Wednesday of next week
t ] ieve r/ iH be a "barbecue at the
m pj springs. A great time
j 3 expected by those at the head
() f q 1Q enterprise.
We undersand that Convers will
rP(lS0 gats with Oxford, Ricliard
v j]],, an< ] Covington next week.
This will be a treat to lovers of the
national game, in Conyers.
Mj*.Thompson Stewart will move
his business into the store room he
recently purchased from the Dr.
Stewart estate, about the 20th
We are informed that, the cnnip
meeting at Salem this year was not
up to the usual standard of the mect
mit* heretofore held there, Only n
bout ten of tlio rents Were occupied.
Your attention is directed to Mr. J
IV Me Daniel’s advertisement in this
paper. His mill property (Gee’s old
mill) is in better condhkm than ever
before and he asks the psople who
d-.sire good bread togive him a, trial.
The attention*of our readers is
called to Turner Bros, advertise¬
ment in this paper They carry
a handsome stock of housefurnish¬
ing goods and will he pleased to
have all inspect it.
lion. A J Smith, Messrs Egbert
Smith and J M B Goode, took in
t he State Agricult uni Convention
at Quitman last week. They re
i»* port this as one of the most pleas
r 1 s " ocM f':! com ' e, "- i< 7 in
ilie history of the organization.
Hon. A J Smith was re-elected a
member of the executive commit
The Primitive Baptists held a very
interesting service at Raid Hock
church last Sunday. The scrim !>y
pastor, Elder Jno F ’ * c «
forenoon was listened -
congregation, after wlik , i: ba v. -<et
dinner was enjoyed The service in
the afternoon was well attended and
the order of ‘-foot-washing’’ observ
ed. Jtwas a great and enjoyable
day at Bald Bock.
Prof J D McLendon, the newly
elected Principal of the Public
scliools liere, arrived in Ihe city
this week and has been busily
gaged in meeting the people.
is a gentleman of splendid appear- ,
mice and lias left, an impression j
of energy and ability with , l0 ^
he has met. Ho will remain here |
to vvorK in the interest ot the
school until , it opens and , Hie , indi- .
cations are that lie will uccom
plish much Ihe new Iimcipal
is being heartily welcomed by all
of our people.
Mr.O H Hull, our worthy Tax Re
C( ivcr . j s spending some time at
dian Spring for bis health. He has
been real for several weeks past,
TEE m 5« ED’S.
^Suimucr AitnounccmciU
Is now running on full time and we are turning
out eomo splendid Ice Cold drinks. You can get So
da Water, Phosphates, Coca Cola, loo (Ream etc *
every day. Coino in and bo refreshed.
H r FAJF I< > IS E l IY.
We have a handsome line of Stationery of all
kinds. Our tlox Stationery leads • Get your Tab
lots, Inks. Pens, also all kinds of o rice Toilet ar
tide and Toilet Soaps from uh.
Sporting Goods of all kinds may be bought of us
cheaper than elsewhere . Get your Base Balls,
Bats, Hammocks. Fishing Tackle, Marbles, etc.,
Yours truly,
Gailey Dr j ^ Co.
The death of Mr. .lolm II mtnoeh’s
little bn by boy 0 ■ctirrod at tli<* home
of Mr. John 1) Scott last Sunday
evening about 0 o'clock after it pa In¬
fill illness of about one ween, Mr.
ami Mrs. Scott had nursed tlm little
one since the death of its mother and
despite the tender care with which
they watched after it, the young life
was nut. strong and all effort to ra
store it to health was futile.
The many friends of the sorrowing
ones tender them sympathy.
The interment occurred in East
Mr. Thomas Gamp, son-in-law of
Mr. Jossa M Wrlbonn (lied at, Mr.
Wolborn’s homo las*. Sunday morn¬
ing about 2o’clock, unexpectedly to
his family. Mr. Camp had boon nf
dieted for a long time and was far
from well when he came down with
his family from Atlanta to visit bis
father-in-law, bin,ho was not thought
k: Tz
wor selast week a.m , ‘-. a a,. , .. <
stated. The remains { - r*‘ * i* t«*i
in Eastview cemeterv Monday after
funeral services at the trrave by Rev.
J (. WatKer.
Mr. Camp leaves a wife and se\u: -
a i c hildren to mourn his death, and
t , )e , mall ‘ y fiends tender them
Miss Anne Mae Winter and sistu .
of Madison, are guests of Mrs. JJ
Rev. I) A Brindle, pastor of the
^verai*'wee! ’wiiH^lils'''relatives'ii!
North Carolina.
M r C D Far. ill has gone to
SO n and Indian spying lor a v eek. He
win'V^ r "!" iJy 1,erc ,,,JuUt '
’ 1 0
j> ( »v..J M J)efoo-, assisted by Rev.
Lamar. 1 sims,conductedla meejiiig at:
” 4re and ‘t ‘e
v '
r ,f inuch good. There
were fl V cacc( s onsto the church. A
baptismal service Friday monung
com-luded the meeting.
Salem camp meeting dor, d y ester
day morning. The meeiing this year
tof(»re ,"wjw .Spienoid very'iiiterfesiingai.d p;ya*-hing prof
i table.
joyed at all tV’.! ..‘b eii
j w.utev » as hax lut Led al and times-«»»* «. , J*; i i u,u tr ‘ c
Pj-of’cisHinlull 1\ ot k'C,
1 will be in Conyers ever,'r 3rd Mon¬
day of each mouth mnl will come
prepared to do all kinds of first-class
dental work. Oftk-e in Commercial
Hotel, Room <>.
I)i'. J. O, Seamans.
New Cotton.
Conyers has received several
new hales ol’eotti n ibis week and
if the sun continues to shine as
far the past, few nmnlhs the crop
will soon b* all gathered, The
first halo was brought in Wednes¬
day by l.'ncle Horace Smith and
the second one reach© i town Thura
day and belonged to Mr. J T Free
man. A r. Smith received Beta
per pound for his bale.
We learn I ha t Anthony Norton who
has been attending business school
in Atl.-mln. for several weeks joist,
ban enlisted in (lie 2‘.Hli Infantry
Regiment nod will go to the Philip¬
Im(1 ,., r )litS direction appeared
f-h-'d -y lot. Lient.Guinn is a clever,
genim fellow aim has many warm
friends throughout the state. He
has business experience and will, in the newspaper
to clou I t, make
the Jianner w< i’t’iy of successful pa
tronage. \Yc extend to him the right
hand vol! of fellow-ship and bid lmn
' -
Mrs. K. L. Almand, ST5P
The colored naseball contingent of
C inyers went down to Covington
yest jrdny and suffered defeat.
There has l>een a lot of sickness
in the county this summer, But
speaks ^ well liaj° foi our occurred, physicians. which
The rumor reach, s us that rev
enue oflicers captuie l a still near
line of DeKaib county in this
recentl y. His said that
four hundred gallons of beer was
A number of young ladies spent
yesterday evening °I very pleasantly
at 1 he Rev. and Mrs. J L
Moon. 1 he occasion was in honor
of VIissGenie Moon, of Cartersville.
All the cotton gins in the com¬
munity giuniog. are being placed in readU
uess tor