Newspaper Page Text
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The Kind You Have Always Bonglit, and which has been
in mo for over go 'years, lias borne the signature of
C£/// and has been made under his per¬
7 % Allow sonal supervision lio one to deceive since its you infancy. in this.
All Counterfeits, Imitations and Substitutes are but Ex¬
periments that trifle with and endanger the health of
Infants and Children—Experience agaiuR Experiment.
/hat is CASTOR!A
Castorla is a suhstitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Drops
mid Soothing- %rups. it is Harmless and Pleasant. It
contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic
substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms
and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind
Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation
and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the
Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep.
The Children’s Panacea—The Mother’s Friend.
Bears the Signature of
* &
The Kind Yon Have Alt ays Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years.
Ram’s Horn Wrinkles.
Lies hatch quickly.
Meekness is might.
Care is mental rust.
Choice i.j '’in binge of destiny.
ChrAology may hide Christ.
Candor is the X-ray of hon
The fiiceph d club is tl e dev¬
il’s own.
WorldlinesB isi’fc l)>v o -b
Christianity : it is of the devil.
A death-bed convert gees to
litatven empty handed.
i < bui uernis (he badge of
Sir '■
Expediency dulls the two
edged sword.
The world needs human par
The best time is bo t, used.
The shad >w m.iy be the best
Mod- six is the saving salt of
the ll In'st. gr niu s
iib' f " ra! force
!b , > its r uits.
1‘- u who like to b (old
their faults me growing in
Mug h church does not
be .ms no re than being a Chris¬
ta iu .
i man’s t x. res
ti.".i of :!;>},'■ ion.
■ :!> r-axon pinnei is no
b 1 idic in Africa.
i and is not much
lb h a he “synagogue.”
mistake peace with
t :t < n for peace with
t<es f he Chri8ta;n’s
mi aiA (i e marks of
7 . av ffiong! go!' ° l ^ h “' <>
(lie ( -K* Y slows poV' ’ ou ” 1 r b s "
1 . J sin: the empty
10 ’ - • approval of the Son.
]\ u ( \ "tn.MO sa..
' ‘ ^ ^ I'Ollio while?
a fi csU wale.
K ' havu morals with
ist-iamty, Imt. no Chn.
'‘auL morals.
■ > ' u hatlle-lield is a
Ui» u cut of folly, instead of a
cradle of liberty,
People say they do not like
t : 0 preacher when it is the
truth he preaches they dislike.
The attempt to reform men
wild out Christ, is like making
an engine without a boiler.
Men have their back to their
Master when they talk about
the “one truth church,”
The man who says .here is uo
devil, is usually a refutation of
hi- ow i statement.
Every blossoming springtide
i.o 1 r is a reminder i f a lost
Keen, a promise of a new Pa¬
li disc. «
Men have piled up their
ooks of discussion about
Christ so high, that now ve
can m arccdy see Him.
It is no; neccessary to have
pra er meeting below zero to
keep your faith from turning
io water
Some forms of Bible study
are attempts to satisfy soul
hunger try eating the dishes
instead -if 1 h, dinner.
If there v.. re more people
ilhng b< thrown out join!
as Jacob at Peniel there would
be move vs ho v, ould see His
Does the
Baby Thrive
1 Is * HOI, 1 somt-hs.lg .. . must DC
wrong With its food. If the
mother’s milk doesn’t Hour*
ish it. she needs SCOTT’S
EMULSION. It supplies 1 ». the
dements . 0i . c fax rLCJuircd . for
ths baby. if baby IS not
nourished by its artificial
food, then it requires
Scott’s Emulsion
or four will tim^a^day fn 7ts
bottle have the desired
effect, ft seems to have 3
magical effect uocr, babies
and children. A Hfty-cent
bottle WlU prove the
Of OUI statement:-.
Should be tsken in summer cs
well as winter.
SCOTT^UMWNI? ctlmtttlfxw York.
Ejsrs tie The Kind You Haw Altars 3 oighi
at >
Bears the Tha Kind You Hava Always Bought
Tne Making of a Journalist
Oddly enough, no book has
ever been published which may
be fanly called an adequate
treatment of tlso business of A
merican j lurnalism. It t()
till rbo gap that Julian Ralph.
‘■the best reporter in the world,
lias written for file Safurd.i)
Evening Post, of Philadelphia,
i. series of twelve papers on The
.'faking of a Journalist.
Mr. Ra'ph writes from the
vie v ’-point of one who
reached the top of his
twenty five years, who has
sued the elusive thing called
i ( news” into every c >rner of the
glorbe, and knows the business
from Alplia to Omega.
To young rn m who would
make journalism their life work
Mr. Ralph says, “Don’t,” but
having thus freed his conscience
he elaborates entertainingly
with anecdote and rormms
ceuce the joys, the vieissituded
and expediences of th; young
man who ha3 ink in his bio »d.
The series began iu tha Post
of August 12 .
• 9
“Do you make special terms
to bridal parties?” asked Die
iriDoceut looking bridegroom.
(< Yes,” replied the honest ho¬
tel clerk. “We always charge
’em double rates,”—Ohio Stale
Too many of the kind words
we think of are left unsaid.
A lot of new stationery just
received at this office.
Cofiofl Seed
Fi*e 0 a
Anyone who sends one dollar
for a year’s subscription to tile
Atlanta Semi-IVeekly Journal
can get postpaid one pound of the
celebrated African Limbless Cot
ton Seed without charge.
A pound of these seed will
plant one-fifth of an acre, and
with proper attention should
yield enough to plant a crop.
The seed were tested In a list
of thirty varieties by the Georgia
Experiment Station and a bul
letin recently issued by Director
Redding shows that the African
Limbless Cotton produced 70
pounds more per acre than any
other variety, and 161 pound*
more per acre than the average
of thirty- leading varieties.
’Tb e African Limbless Cotton
produced 780 pounds of lint per
acre, which is nearly four times
the average on the farms of the
South. This shows what high
fertilization and thorough cult
“re will do with these excellent
Seed - The value of the product,
seed at 13 cents “ a t bushel, T,“ was
over $45 per acre. The cost of
fertilizers used was $4.77 per acre,
The Journal does not guarantee
results, but the result of the test
at the E perirnent Station makes
it w-orth a farmer’s while to test
these seed when lie cr.n get them
Nm^SjSaT!, with hundreds of articles
of special interest about the farm,
the househoM ’ Dvcniie topics,
You don’t have to wait a week
for the news, but get it twice as
often as you do in the weeklies,
which charge the same price.
Send for a sample copy.
Atlanta, Ga.
Removal sale of
Fine Millinerv:
My entire stock of new and stylish mill!
nery will be sold at a marked reductiicn, I
wish to reduce my .stock before the fail sea
son and before I remove my gocd3 into another
store. Those who wish bargains in millinery
should ccme to me at once as I will save you
Yours for millinery,
Bliss Emma Riley.
jJi\. Fllili O Df\UU nDHP O OTAD 1 UKF IT
Books, Stationery, School Supplies,
Toilet Articles, Fancy Goods, Fer
fumes, Jewelry, SPECTACLES, Marbles,
Tops, Balls, Fish Hooks, FishingLines,
Pocket Cutlery, Lamps, Gardet Seeds,
Tobacco and Cigars, Violin Strings,
Guitar Strings, Banjo- Strings, etc.
This firm has a reputation too well and favorably
known to need comment, but wo wish to call atten¬
tion to the fact that we are carrying an immense
stock of
Dry Goods, Notions, Clothing, Hats,
Shoes, Family, Fancy and Heavy Gro¬
ceries, etc. We sell at reasonable
prices and our values are always bas¬
ed on the quality of article sold.
We can give some special
values in Spring Clothing
and Gents Furnishings.
Give us a call and you will be con¬
vinced that we can give satisfaction.
J. R. THjM^-ND GO.
Melton’s Liver? Stables 1
y ■
AVhen you want a good, safe turnout one that you can
drive with
One that looks well and goes well, call on me.
__ ,
Good drivers furnished if desired.
Terms very reosonable.
Cuulltr Exchange AccoRiiRodaiions bought and sold. Ccllecticns made on all parts of the
y- extended consistent with sound banking
Overdrafts will mot be honored under any clrcum*
Ollice hours from 8 a.m. till 4 p. m till further Dotice,
Co lie to tliis office and
get the neatest and best
WORK cheap.
Mw \
Gem-jar * S; »u>
'!'S-l-tM»Crl« win i»“
c 'i u,;r .v- v.ithhr
'“Pi’tnln til- i,i..i ~ ,11 S 1 , l >i<!<fo u »*i
f,ro, lp , r
m k r '« : > full
mi’i hit in 11;f cjt v 0 V
'j \v’ SS y5 - i‘; h'nmdfttn'n'lil’p <U s \Sr r Ihiu! 1
S l>.v " !! ;* i.v Hrisll tt
*\ Kinmujal Mrs. I, s air, i
v H....... ‘V ,,: »w
™-ed Jon-s fr»,i S;; rA H
possesion 1 * lls Aug-, of Kd 1X90. j'ouef ty S
^ •M. M. Austin,
Georgia '
l !ock(MeCoimft
•Smitii, lias late of said count!,
in due form estff& apniini f
to sell the real
efl described in !,j J Hl
will s W „
the pass upon said Sejft
first Monday in
gust n?ss ‘“J’ 2nd. lifind 1809 and signature! ' e
A M Helms]
Georgia Rr elulale County.
t'W.K'sriid To whom it may eonJ
ceased, having applied fad
montlis support for herself J
said minor deceased, children out of ti w 1
and the and rl
pointed having filed their
ny office, this is to give ( |„.
that I will pass upon thesaiii
first Monday in September^
on under my hand and oBicit
This August 2nd, 1889. :
A M Hi-lijJ
Foi- Diwmissioj
GEORGIA, Rockdale eonJ l'«
To whom it may
Georgia Bryan and A Huson.frnaulial Maggie iiryJ
her made final application return in my 4
for letters,
mission from her trust assneh
dian and I will pass on the sai
t he first Monday in Septeiafc
Witness my hand and official
ture this Aug. 3 , 1899 ,
A1L Reims,
FOli DI 3 ISISS 101
Georgia, Rockdale County. concern,] 1
To whom it may the|
Hudson, administrator of
of Ciias. Hudson,deceased,liu applied
his final return and f«
of dismission from such 1
istration and I will pass upt
same on tire 1 st Monday in S
ber 1899 . Witness my hamhii
ficial signature, this 7 th of An?.
A. M. Helms, (
TSotice. anontl
A bargain to be sold in
ginning. One Monitor. 6 Howej
or engine mounted. One sixty
Brown cotton gin and feeder.
Brooks cotton press. Patties c
Ing to see the property (’Olivers, can «. otj
A \V hi taken, sr.. at
Ovc’ fon at toe late residence Conyers cr) oj
Smith, 3 E miles front
road from Conyers to ( ovmgmn
A. Whitaker, sr. m dec
Estate Jas.H Smith,
Thorou ^ hbred Chicki
Any one wishing (0 buy|
Barred Plymouth Rock cb
ens arc requ ested to call at
office. A few young “H
for sale. Pure stock acd;
best breed for general purpa
Now is vour chance to u»P'
your poultry. Don’t fail to
at this office quick.
PIUM a::(i W h ’ hoait' .
enrol at Book!
out tieulir- pain scat
SiSSS 3 ™ 58 e .» Korth W
auU> G/t e . loi
7. a - ♦.
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