Newspaper Page Text
The Corners tlieekiY.
UrriJuLuv flPP f '>TA T flrplV Uo«».» rrpPOK n DALE COUNTY,
J. H. WALLIS, Epitor.
Eni-Ifrd St tie C'.,u nice at Con vers
h* CO’U la-- mail matter.
BATFUi'Al , Sept. JO 1890.
Jj, i .*>( ( rits per line for tir-t inser
fi rt ; • cents for eacit «nsl/.*< quern
*ei1 1 a |fcgul»r a iv frv.. |er m, b
li, ■ j f H‘r ion; 25e :or each ib-op «o'
in- :• ioo.
HixVc'u.tji-’," hi 1
'j ho prospect for t he pin
cd C«pt. Dreyfus, of too I< touch
Ar-uy, recently convicted the
owl time by courtinorimi, on
charge of treason, is very bright.
It is the prevailing opinion that and
Dreyfus was falsely accused
unjustly condemned.
The29 h infantry Regiment
entiled ami stationed at Ft. Me
Piiorson lias received orders to
leave for the Philippines, The
regiment will go to Sanfraneiseo
where it will take transports to
Manilla. This is the regiment in
which Muj. A1 maud received a first
lieutenant's commission.
Cornelius X underbuilt, mull i
miilioiiaire, and head of tlie X an
derbuilt family, died suddenly at
his home in New York city last
Tuesday night,. He died of a p ir
n!if iestroke ; which was the sec- j
ond he had sustained. His estate
js said b> be .worth, $R)0,0')0,0b<) j
and he was eneof the five richest
For Hoy « mul Girls,
Fmcourage your boys and girls to
rend Uio newspaper. It is n great
educator; it leacbos them to think
for themselves, and thus develops
independence of character. It makes
them familiar with what is tfoingon
in tlie great outside world while
thev arc advaiu iug to that point
when they too imisLenter it and take
their places among the busy throngs;
thus arming them with intelligence
and information necessary to enable
them to bold their own.
I! teaches tlum how to deal with
people, how to conduct themselves
among strangers, bow to discrimi¬
nate between the real and tlie false.
It enables them to converse well, to
write well. Mao or woman, youth
or maiden, no, good render of (he
licvspnper can bd ignorant, stupid
or “green.” The newspaper is a
school, a dietioncry. a disciplinarian,
and should he a welcome visitor in
every man's home.—Kx.
The deaTirtif Miss Lillie Cowan,
daughter pf Mr. TV A Cowan, oeeur
red in Atlanta last Sunday. Miss
Cowan, had gone to visit relatives
in that city. Sim was stricken with
fever and died.
The remains were brought to her
home here on Monday for interment .
We extend sincere sympathy to
the bereaved ones.
Little Francis Lee. daughter oi Mr.
and Mrs. IUiu* Langley, died last
Monday morning at f> o’clock. l’he
little one luubbeen sick only a few
days and its condition was not
thought to he so Rorious. It’s death
was a sad blow to the fond parents,
whose comfort and joy it was. The
funeral and interment occurred Tues
The parents have the sympatny of
a host of friends
ff nttelv A y ft ^
w ft «I B 7 i y
First-class Fancy and Family
Groceries. Goods always fresh
and new. 011 get i .1 tne 1 best .
when you trade with us
All goods delivered
promptly to city cus¬
tomers. Send us your
orders ond tHflv T,i10y W1 will - Li
receive prompt
»« \ \ fi a fl| i:« 11 11
A; ft ft *1 Xf ■f|l|kF^Wy M f MfOTAv B
3111 * vi 6
Church SSonoIiO ioiioi
We, tlie committee, appointed l>y
Salem Baptist church to write no
obituary am! resolutions in memory
(if sister Hester Ann Beek.
the following: It has pleased
heavenly Father to send the
; death into our membership on July
17, 1899, and remove one of our fair
jest and loveliest members,
Hester Aim Peek, nee (lamp,
ter of Jlro. William Camp, Sim
inivriod to fjro. Thomas Peek on
Dec. 20, 1879. She joined Sab in
tist church by experience on Angus
- ' '
We shall miss . iter. She ,,, was
tie in spirit. Kind and loving in
: position. Meekness,
and forbearance depicted in her
tlje love of a Savior. As the bran¬
ches abide in the vine so she
in the Master, ami »-s the wheat
gathered into tlie garner after
sickle is cast; in the harvest, so,
s j lf , ,- s gathered with (he redeemed
(} () (| a j.<,utul the throne in heaven af
( ^ r t |, e t i 0 atb ango, lias cast IPs sick
j 0 p,is family on earth, We can
but say to her loved ones; imitate
her example. Death brings sorrows
which no one can measure and no
one can comfort save that one who
wrestled with a worlds weight, of an
hi 'the solemn midnigb.t in
Gethspinnne’s lonely garden.
will never leave thee nor rorsako flee
Thereforo, he it
Besolved. 1st. That Salem church
has lost one of its best and brightest
2nd. Tliat we b >w in humble sub¬
mission to our heavenly Father’s
will, lie being too good to err.
3rd. That we as a church extend
oltI . i^artfelt sympaty to the hereav
od husband, children and relatives,
] p r}) .y that God may comfort
4th. That those resolutions be
ft(!P( j 0 n our minutes, a copy bn sent
tlie bereaved husband and children
that the county papers bo re¬
to publish tlie same.
J. W. Mote,
A. H. Brooks,
T. N. Skelton,
Adopted g by the church in Confer
. 0 Al) 2 .7. 1899.
T. N. Skelton, M. II. WeRtley,
C. Clerk. Mod. pro, tern.
Mr. Editor:—Allow me to tJiauK
the good people of Conyers, both
white and colored, who in any wav
aided I lie building of Bethany
Presbyterian church, Conyers.
Ga. By their help I have been
enabled to complete, seat and
paint the building clear of debt.
I am most O’Kelley,'Col especially thankful to
Prof. T I) .J R Mad¬
dox. Rev. Henry Qnigg, D. D.. and
to tlie Ladies’ Aid Society (white)
and to Mr. J. f. A. McCollum,
who gave large amounts. I am
also thankful to the whites who
gave less amounts.
1 must not forget my brothers
in black who have given freely.
To John W McCollum, m.. L.
Scott, 0 m Scott, LMcimllin, A H
Minter and the Young People’s
Society, colored, and all colored
people who in any way helped 119
in the erection of the church, we
our grateful thanks, We
you all that our aim is
preach the word pure and simple in
and out of season. I believe i
jf n1 y raoe (colored) is to take an
honored place among the white J
, it will and only
race, come can
when they are correctly!
taught from the Bible. I am con-’
strained to believe, if my race had j
the ,, training offered by the Pres-!
byterian chinch, ctitne would di
minish in the southern states.
I again thank you all.
Preaching at Bethany
terian church every 2nd
at 11 a. in. and 7:80p. m.
batii school each Sabbath at 8 p.
m The public is invited to at
tend these services.
Yours fraternally,
E. \V. Carpenter, Pastor.
TTiixc Collector'^ JVotiee.
1 will ho at the different c#urt
prounds fur the following purpose of collecting
taxes on the dates:
ShefUeltL—Sept. 2,T. Got. 23, Nov.
Honey v.2l! croeK.—Sept. 1 28. Oct. • 27 - •
Lorraine.—Sent. 29. Oct 30 \,w
1 he remainder of the time 1 may
he found in tny office in Turner
furniture store, in Gonvers.
The hooks will close December 20.
Meet me promptly and pay
W. G. Clotfeltcr, T. C.
LTalk up your business in
i nil ¥ SI IWH— pw 1 SC ■* I b
Mojito tajSta f
I have opened np a new stock
of Fancy and Family
Confectioneries etc , in tlie
room just vacated by Miss Em¬
ma Riley. It is my
| to make this store answer
demands of lha people.
will keep in stock what the
people want and will sell
J | pt j ces a3 ] ow as first class
j can Resold.
VV JU 11X1 TT A \7T? V
Opened up the handsomest
line of canned goods, pickles etc
to be found and you are inveted
to call and look through our
stock. .
We have the best meat, laid,
flour, sugar, coffee, hams, rice,
etc:, at right prices
Try our new cigars, tobacco
and snuff.
New goods will
arrive by every
train until our
stock is complete.
e •
( ive us a tall whether you
wish to buy anything or not.
Your for the best groceries,
:sa y a mmi
C? S *S? G> 3c5. X .
Beard the The Kind Yon Have Always
I am in the market
Scrap Iron, Old Brass,
Old Bones Etc.
Will pao 20 cents per
for old Iron of all kinds
ivere( j at ray g j n house,
Brass and Copper 5 cents
pound. 20 cents per
old Bones.
• -4 • ► o
Gather up your
Plows, Tires, oldHoes,
Shoes etc • *
2 them to me *
Cash paid OH the spot.
A. N. Plunket.
Vol 1111 teens Inspected.
Col. Obear came down last
day night and inspected tlie
yers Volunteers. He found
about 88 strong and
ly well drilled under the
.... 1Us „„„ ' The inspection
thorough , and . riged . and Col.
stated that the compauv here
1 " aS g°°d sliapo as any m tht ,1
The Volunteers are to
new guns in a few days.
was assured Cant 1 Irwin by ihe
Tlie company will go through
season of drilling from now
tlie opening of t he Stare Fair.
Ca l’ 1 will carry the hoys to
tair iu good shape any it is
pected that thev will make a
ho«i„g. ■
My ginnery is now in
condition :\ml I am ready to gin
your cotton on short notice and
guarantee perfect satisfaction
My machinery is new and superior
to any other in the county. The
standard press I have is up-to
date. All I ask is; a trial. Bring
ureyour dbtlon -
J. A. Hamilton.
Valuable farm
laud 3 miles
Conyers, for
cheap. Call on
write A. D.
or, Covington, Ca,
or R. L. Davis,
Monticell o, Ga.,
for price and
How To
Gain Flesh
Persons have been known fo
gain a pmmd & d^sy by taking
an ounce of SCOTT’S EMUL*
SION, It is strange, but it often
Somehow the ounce produces
the pound; it seems to start the
digestive machinery going prop¬
erly, so that the patient is able
to digest and absorb his ordinary
food, which he could not do be¬
fore, and that is the way the gain
is made.
A certain amount of flesh Is
necessary for health; if you have
not got it you can get it by
%rnm FgHiisfen
it don’t stop because the weather is warm.
50c. and $t.oo, all druggists,
Tlic it? airy a Necessity.
Kvery community should have one.
One quart butter-milk delivered 2^c
One pint sweet milk delivered ‘,’jxc
One half pound fresh gilt-edge but
ter 10(
The editor has tried the products
of die Scott dairy and unhesitatingly
recommend the quality ns strictly
Prol'cssiounl N otiee.
I will be in Conyers every 3rd Mon¬
day of each month and will come
prepared to do all kinds of first-class
dental work. Otlice in Commercial
Hotel, Iioom G.
Dr. J. O, Seamans.
My pug dog, Jack, has been mis¬
sing for two or three weeks. Am
anxious to locate him and will
thank anyone for information
leading to his recovery.
A N Plunket.
I have a fine young milch cow with
young calf for sale. Call on me at
once 1 Jno. E. Whitaker.
9 •
A. I>. Janes,
Physician nn<i Surgeon.
Office in J. 0. Stephenson’s
store—Can be found at resi
deuce on Mill street at night
Patrauage solicited, All calls
answered promptly.
Dissolution Notice.
This is . to notify . ad parties .
ed to the firm <>f Whatley dissolved A Hart
tliat we have this day books in
partnership and :hat Hie a"e
my hands for collection, am! nil par
tics owing said firm must settle with
n e. Thanking our customers for
past favors, I am
Yours B.D. respectfully. Whatley.
HDAP^Y D 1 1 \/ 8 cJ I many fan, *.mu o»-e»
AfrsraaTiiSMSKsa.'a. uy«»tts»«ttvro-thtr.t«<'.f B an'''-,rlml*‘
John C. O Q rn i EPII'B^q
1-3 knocking the bottom out
High Prices 1 o
•ry 7 .>
s .r f -a -v.K ill P
m !?$ m % mw
mim' 9 V.;3 ^lilssY
if m m i 11
a t- ’ ■
•■V mm
v.- : . D
•C.- fee i
m & I
m m ms m A;
' k<:.'
• - - ip
i 1 i SB
giSSSS ■
■ 4 li il ms
m 111 y tH
Ft hi
n ■X 3
« V
Rwi Jkyi
IMll ||MI lliflil —
-r-TF:§ 1 m
x Ss.-:
IE=Cevn.d.some 3>Te , w O-cod!
TH.cs© at C. B. EExxcLson’s
Hudson’s reputation as a fair dexlar and an up-to-dati
Iry goods merchant maKos it of t o moment whether he isil
one place cr another. The people find him because they like!
with him,
Hudson’s is indeed i
handsome stock of new
dry 1.. o foods
and like all previous stocks he has bought, tlie cash n\
P ai . d , fpr c it -,__. anu the ,, puce _ ____• "3o Gght. , , Tl ere is no time lostii
trading here for one price prevails. You get full value for your
money and that always satisfies, The goods are always the best
0 be had for the 1 1 ice asked an 1 the style is always correct,
Yon do the best ior
\ ourself and your a, 1
9 &
when you trade at
Hudson 13* Q
I Announce:
I have P u *
• Having bought the Gee Mills on yellow river,
bolting cloths and over-hauled the machine!} a
on new
mills are now in first class order. 1®
rvrq f KUDU on r Tp Li EQUAL TO ANY IN
J. W. McDaniel-