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I >00 • > T11K .1. II. AI.MANI) OO.
.1 mm OOPS"^ dtaF'iv DxiojN.^.ngi Stir GIIOCEIJI !■>. “WB
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(inn is STILL in 1 be LEAD ami are doing, yearly, an immense business. This year is (obe a BANNER YEAit wiili tin in ;«s, in addition to their immense stock «*f FANCY ami STAPLE (5JIO
.! jiold ! ' e I ,!!U ^ :> "'r.jgpd j and Newest are opening, and most every Up-to-date day, the Woolens largest stock for street of Ladies’ and house furnishings dresses. ever Ah shown all stylish to the people ladies of know, Conyers. Plaids Our again Dress Goods ntylttfh Department for tho will ensuing he a resort for We the have ladies nice this assort season merit as they of Golf, can,
,• Imre ( ;| ie are very season. «.
.Hir’d c very single piece is tlifts .season’s groorts. Not a dress pattern, except solids, was brought over from last year. The space now occupied by our Dress Goods Department is three times
^4 Srotel' piece is well bought. Below we mention just a few of the Ibirgaius. \Y- cannot change the price of cotton Init we can change tho price of dry goods and make living easier:
£75Sample corsets worth Irom QQ^iUheck Nansook worth 10c to go / cBilest grade heavy Linen Crash, nc|I*ercales, best Hi Inch, per pard r 7c|Foiir-i>ly Linen Collars, good r
!ire<lP reSsl v <H 1 50c to $ 1 . 00 , Ou g at | per yard JJ | / j style Q
rtll -° c ' rjoea
SST* T, " s ' 25c 51 Whole skirt pattern of dress .49 •8400 1 Windsor Ties. Silk and Mr.d- CJ1 cSileautiful | Curtain Scrim, going, H c Children’s ribbed liose, 10 and 10c 5
1 goods Worth 25e yd., 4 yds 1 as, going each for per yard, at quality, per pair
»r« ~ space in special mention of these items but assure you we will interest you in low ju ices on Domestics, Clothing, Shoes ami Notions- \Ve have many tc to mention them
’ ,ot mveirore Very truly,
«\Ve coa !
i;sr rice you THE T, IE 3 I- CO-
ragfrphS) Personal and Otherwise, Galh=
tr ed for our Readers.
L ;avorks !' as returned to
tSocial Circle
Court convenes hero
!)(!;! V •
Alroaml spent last Wed
P becoming more plen
the riuns
Scott’s dairy wagon is
Is I Thursday. oion,
L Daniel returned ^ t‘> her
Mania « i5t - ,!ync lY •
IgffwAr. of Candler. Coviug
| e rt Smith is now with
■jjeyas <>fiice inau,
Lir- May Smith Las retnrn
[isitto relatives in Now
ike Hudson is now travel
yiitiuemni Tobacco Co.,
iesCBillion, of Madi
i'Thursday here on bus
|jlcKo’.vn Jonesboro returned last Wed- to
[is McCaiia is now with
burners. lie will make
Almand made a busi
(0 Cmwfordvilie this
[Gun, lua, representing here with the his
pt Sunday.
lattie Simington is the
[lies Alice MeGinty in
Mey and children, of
P on a visit to relatives
WSwords, [Smulay of Social Cir
with his farther
f pt Morrison, of DeKalb
short time here
Farrill is now with W
He makes u good man
lllllie Turner is at home
easant visit to relatives
*°r atd Airs. Dun Jones
“'G' with the latters
P McCalla leaves to-
16119 where he wifi
persity. ea-
5* , ] f “S Almand forAlaW. left T0S He -
Py two weeks or more.
L pEf
Fit Un l' roved great
cCly^ t tarme, ‘ 8 " in
[tlir! de Pot beg 8 an
I Job wul be r com
‘ e or four weeks.
!lil and fa in¬
!lv E* fil « ew »shed, brick store is be
u -Mr. Hud
Cu l*y it about the
YPP-retl s ^me
il d ii: Come t o US
s patch i u this
Mrs. Camion, or Fla., who has been
the guest of Miss Carrie Dukes, left
for a visit to relative in Atlanta this
The sermon by Rev. R L Roll at
the Presbyterian church last Sun¬
day was enjoyed by the congrega¬
Miss Aleon Moon left Wednes¬
day for Macon where site will en¬
ter Wesleyan College for her last,
Col. J R Maddox lost his buggy
horse this week. The animal fell
over a wire fence and broke its
Several of our citizens availed
themselves of the excursion train
Thursday and spent the day in
Mr. W G G’loifeltcr sustained
ti heavy loss in the death of his
cow tliis week, Slip was u fine
The weather has been very fine
for picking cotton and some ex¬
cellent gradeshave arrived at this
We liope our subscribers will
step in and pay their subscription.
We need the amount due us in this
The Ga. railroad is faking much
money from Conyers people these
days. Freight receipts here are
The busine. 4 .'? season is opening
up wit h a rush. If the price of
cotton will advance the country
will be all right.
Conyers is up to the top notch
as a cotton maricet. If you don’t
believe this bring your fleece here
and see for yourself.
Mr. William White left
day for Birmingham, Ala., where
lie will accept a position in a
chine shop. Willianr will do well.
Mrs. Loch, who has been
guest of Mrs. J M Almand
sometime, has returned to
home in Vermont.
We are glad to learn that
young friend, Mr. Ed L Almand,
doing well at Social Circle.
wish him continued success.
Mr. Walter McCalla, of
ton, is making Harris preparations college. for
tering Young early day.
will leave at an
Lieut Chas. McDonald and
vate Will Kinney, of
met with the Conyers
last Monday night.
Misses Belle Cannon and
Simonton, left last 'Wednesday
Miiledgeville where they will
the Industrial school. This is
Cannon’s third year in this
Sheriff Austin went to
last Monday and brought
Stewart Brown, Stewart
wanted here for disturbing
worship. He is now in jail.
The social entertainment at
Candler’s home Thursday Social
in honor of Miss Walker, of
Circle, was a very pleasing all
and was duly enjoyed by
Floyd Plunket expects when to he
turn to Dry Tortugas
bis busines affairs arranged.
closest friends suspect that
inhere is-some attraction at
West for him.
Mr. A J Summers has opened
! his new grocery store to ti e
lic and his stock is one of ti e
est and cleanest in town,
his advertisement in anothd
Miss Del 1 1 St John, of Conyers
who.lias beer, the guest of her sis¬
ter, Mrs. \V A Webb, returned
home Saturday, Mr. and Mrs. Webb
accompanied her.—Lithonia cor¬
respondent in DeKalbNew Era.
Mesafs. A W Almand and W II
Turner, of Atlanta, have been
spending the week with relatives
and friends in Conyers and vacin
ityand 1 he^ time has been very
pleasantly spent. Especially has
Mr. Almand enjoyed the visit as
this is old home town. He will
he remembered better by many of
his old friends as plain (‘Gits’ 5 Al¬
mand. We hope he may visit his
old home and relatives oftener.
Miss Mays, of Catnak, is the guest
of Miss Frankie Norman in Hie city.
Mi’s. Dewberry and daughter, Miss
Berta, of Atlanta, are guests of Mrs.
S. C. Turner.
Mi. „ ill hi\\ ans is . improving. . ■ He ,,
has been confined to his home for
some weeks.
Get your advertisement in tin's pa
per if you wish it to go info (he great
number of hemes.
Capt. Geo. \V Weaver arrived
home yesterday afternoon and will
be with his family for several days.
Till- Geo, Langford has moved his
family back to Conyers and will re¬
side here in the future. Wo wel¬
come them.
Rev. I G Walker will preach at
Oak Grove Sunday afternoon next
i m mod lately after Sabbat h school.
Everybody invited.
Arrangements will be made for
several entertainments to he given
for the benefit of the Conyers Vol¬
unteers. New uniforms are need¬
ed and the boys need help in buy¬
ing them.
Those who go to New York to be
present at the Dewey celebration
will find it defficult to secure lodg¬
ing from all reports. Better
make arrangements in advance for
lodging, gentlemen.
Bcllmny Presbyterian church (col¬
ored) was dedicated last Sunday.
Rov. B LGlonn, of Newnan, preach¬
ed (lie dedication sermon r.«> a large
congregation. A number of white
people were present and pronounce
the sermon r most excellent one.
Rev. E W Carpenter, ot Madison, Ih
tiie pastor of the church.
We announced some time ago
that Mr L J Almand had sold the
Conyers oil mill to Dr. II V Hard¬
wick. Since that time we have
learned that the trade fell through
and Mr. Almand will again oper¬
ate the mill with Mr. J S Johnson
as superintendent. It is also said
that 111 *. Almand is thimeing of
putting in a lot of cattle at the
mill t® be fattened for market.
This out to prove a profitable step.
Sheriff Austin is making prepa¬
rations to have his Decatur street
residence repaired and generally
improved, when finished it will
be occupied by conductor Dan
Jones and family.
Hon. W L Peek, of Rockdale, came
down Sunday to see bis daughter,
Mrs. E L Alnmnd, who lias been sick
for several days, Mrs. Almand was
better and accompanied her father
home for a week’s stay.—Social Cir¬
cle Sentry.
Your attention is called to Mr.
A N Plunket’s advertisement else¬
where in this paper.
Step in and pay Your subscrip¬
tion to The Weekkly. we need
the amount you are due us and
have waited patiently on you.
Conyers is paying the who very top
fer cotton, Farmers are
going to soil should bear litis in
mind and come to Conyers.
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
Will Go Away.
Mr. C M Swords will move his fam
iiy hack to his,splendid country homo
near Conyers, on Monday or Tues¬
day of next wdee.
Mr Swords will remain here, hold¬
ing liis position with tin' Walton Oil
Co., the same ns he did before mov¬
ing his family down from Conyers.
Mr. I) H Hieky will occupy the
house they vacate and Mr. Swords
will retain a room there and take his
meals at tho Commercial.
The removal of this excellent fam¬
ily feom our midst isa source of deep
regret to their neighbors and many
friends.—Social Circle Sentry.
Mr. Henry Austin, of Atlanta, is
with his parents and friends here.
Mr. Geo. Mnleom lias secured a po¬
sition in Atlanta with tho street Rail
wav Co. We wish him well.
Rev. J W Stokes, of Tallapoosa.
has been called as pastor of the Con
vers Presbyterian church, as stated
supply, and has accepted the call,
Ho will arrive Sieve about, the middle
of October t > assume his duties.
Mr. It t) Gaiiey has returned from
New Yoik whither lie went to buy
a stood of Dry Goods. He enjoyed
the trip very much and says lie will
open iipjone of the handsomest stocks
ever brought to Conyers.
Mr. J D Loolirldge Helms is ut'jhonifl stopping for
a few days. been
at Dublin, On., for the past four
weeks where lie met with good He suc¬ isa
cess is working insurance.
splendid insurance man.
Beare the The Kind You Have Always Bought
Twenty-five bushels of seed
wheat and a splendid milch cow.
Call on W T Stanton.
Bears tho The Kind You Have Always Bought
• -'Or* •
A big GO on that new line of
A . D. cumin 3ts’.
Fit Fit
Fittings Fittings
For [SUMMERS j Firm For
Feet. Feet.
Are you buying for youreelf.
wife or children? Them is no
place in town that offers such
bargains in up-to-date goods as
A. D. Summers.
Lion Coffee 10c,
At Plunket’s Grocery Store.
Shoes, see me I will save you
money ot) them
M. H. Plunket
Corn starch at
Everybody now
envited to my store and exam¬
ine my large stock of family
and fancy groceries, dry good&
boots, shoes and notions.
M. H, Plunket.
keep ou hand atall times a fresh
stock of the be3t flour, in 1 a 1 ,
lard, bame an 1 every thing
kept in afirst class grocery store,
M. H. Plunket.
I have just rea’d
A 1st of fine plug tobacco which
I will sell 31b for $1 00.
M, H Pluuket.
(ll-lIJi’SS -
and medioinew.
II li: Al K|IJ A I1 r V I0HS'
For School Books and Supples
all kinds at the lowest
We handle only the best and purest drugs and
sell at prices most reasonable, Our stock is new
and clean and our patrons are pleased.
We carry a lull line of Druggists’
Sundries at prices that cannot be
duplicated here.
w. W« T« Stewart,
Store and bicycle Repair Shop now
located on Commerce street in store
recently occupied by Dr. Stewart.
Bicycle Repairing a specially. Reasonable prices and
prompt attention.
W, w. T Stewart
Current Literature
N ' Information • ^ T
Is the most comprehensive Monthly Magazine
of the century. Over forty departments embracing
everything worth knowing. Each number is an en- ’
cyclopedia of the times. Safe, wholesome, entertain¬
ing Sample and instructive. 25 cents at all news stands.
sent for ten cents.