Conyers weekly. (Conyers, GA.) 1895-1901, September 16, 1899, Image 4

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    11 mum
£0W , *
— tty—- ; Llii
AVepekiViC Preparslion for As
tiijg slmiialing ihcFood andRe^ula- cf
tftc 5 tonuiclis and Bowels
Prowotes Digestion,Chrcr ful¬
ness and Rcst.Conlains nellher
Opiuin,Morphine nor Mmarfil.
Not Narcotic.
fttrt/F of Old Th’SAMUELPlflfn^ff
jibe. Senna >
JtechUe Seed Sofa -
ytnin t
J\pp*nuint j)i Osrbunott - Soda,
ff&rn Sted -
fUrrifud Sugar f .
tihetryffin lavor.
A perfect Remedy Stomach, for Diarrhoea, Constipa¬
tion, Sour .Feverish¬
Worms .Convulsions
ness and LOSS OF SLEEP.
Facsimile Signature of
The Secret Dossier,
From the Memphis Commercial
By means which we need not
now specify we have managed
to learn the co:it< nts of the ee
dossier in the Dreyfus case.
We have not reached the bot¬
of the bag, but up to the
of going to press we have
out the following damn
evidence of the gui't of
f os:
Guo bootleg that belonged to
A pack of tobacco quids.
Beveral unpaid bar bills of
Ene hundred thousand dol
in Confederate currency.
Ella Wheeler Wilcox’s Poems
A due bill of Uio Piinco of
Splinters from Count Bony
Sarah llernhardt’s marriage
A shirt w r aist of Paul da Ron
A recipe for gin Rickey.
A si eech of Emperor Bill’s.
A epittou of Chestnut do Mun
A litter of dead cats
property of l)u Paty do Clam.
A dozen eggs that have out.
lived their usefulness.
A bootjack of the first empire.
A correct guide to the absin¬
the jag.
A portrait of Oom Paul Kru
Throe uncut copies of Lon¬
don Punch.
A plug of consquez tobacco.
A lady,s silk handkerchief,
An abandoned bon mot of
Chauncey M Depew.
A can of Algerized beef.
The record in tho Lcutgert
A pair of cuffs worn not
too well by Zola.
A deck of Cards,
A package of cigarettes
ou the person of Dreyfus
he was arrested, An old
Come to this office and
get the neatest and best
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bough?
Bears the
& CD
r For Over
Thirty Years
of red, white and blue
A number of empty bottles,
A confession by Dreyfus
is innocent.
tlio The Kind You Have Always Bought
lieuertiet vs.
always IVIt sorry when I met Jim,
Boor tellow, lie’s married now;
life is a serious thing for him,
For he lives by tho sweat of his
the cares of a family weigh him
And he slaves to run the house:
Jim was the gayest boy in
And I’ll bet lie's as poor as a mouse.
because he looked so worn
am! sad,
1 tried wherever we met
talk of the good times we'd had.
In hopes that lie might forget.
1 said 1 was living at (lie club,
Then I felt a deep chagrin ;
he should think I was trying to
His misery further in.
he exclaimed: “That's a
rible life!
No child to climb on your knee;
quit home and the loving
By Jove! He was pitying Exchange. me.
What Is Greatness.
A noted • writer lias said. ,it j
of nothing n great ” upm ,;
unless sacrifice and Ihe
bo mingled with it.” How
that harmonize with the
view of men? And;
what of real greatness is there j
in common view? What of
is there in gaining j
riches, in the ephemeral
notoriety, in the exalted social
position, or in the newspaper in¬
flations so eagerly sought after
by many? What is in any or
all of these to make one great if
there is not in that one’s life
something of sacrifice or of the
cross? Our idea seems to be
that greatness consists in what
the world says of us, rather
than in what we are, or what
we do- Thomas a-lvempis
wisely enjoins “Let not thy
peace depend on the tongues of
man.”—Christian Advocate.
Bears the Bis Kind You Hava Always Bought
Oak Grove News.
Weather is very pleasant.
T'»e&ick are improving.
Mi Lon Brand and beautiful
wife, of Lithonia, visited par¬
ents here Sunday.
Rest assured, there will he
some cot'on made.
Mr. EgbertAlmand had many
g" : gts last Sunday. They were:
Misses Eftie Cowan, Bello Sul
livan, Moliio Johuson and Mes
S. 8 Lea rah Almand, Walter
Stanton and John Jlam.ny,
from near Salem camp-grouud
Mrs. W F McDaniel, has been
very sick, but is now improving.
Many people attended Sun
day school here last Sunday,
Mr. and Mrs. W C Goode,
Vale, visited parents
Rev. I G Walker, of Con¬
will preach at this place
Sunday afternoon it 4
Everybody invited.
Mr. and Mrs. G B Almand
visited parents here Sunday
Y. U. O.
A Parliamentary Wooing .
I move, said the young
that We now resolve
ourselves into a committee of tne
whole to consider the ad
visalrlity of immediate annexa
I’ll object, said the, maiden,
shyly. I move the previous
said the young man,
, . • This was beyond her,
and she said nothing.
We will now put it to a vote,
said he. Any opposition to
motion may be manifested by
a simple no. She looKed at him
a trille bewildered, and lio ha-s
tily continued.
Your speaking eyes being the
only signs I nolo, it is plainly
evident that the ayes have it,
and the previous question is
tied. Now, as this vote mu,3t
be considered a test of strength,
it can no longer be doubted
that annexation is favored by
an overwhelming majority. In
consequence of which you
might as well name the day
the union shall be
The maiden gasped.
T—I ob—she began.
cedecd in shutting off
And the fight was
York Woild.
The Coming of Baby
brings joy or pain. It’s for the
mother to decide. womanly With good organism, health
and a strong
motherhood but adds to a woman’s
Wine of Cardui
takesaway all terrors by strengthening for
the vital organs. It fits a mother
babv’s coming. has By brought revitalizing chubby, the
nerve centres it
crowing youngsters to thousands of
weak women who feared heals, they regrdates were
barren. strengthens, It purifies, and is good for all
women at all times. it. $1 No druggist
would be without 00
For advice address, in cases giving requiring special
directions, symptoms,
“The Ladies' Advisory Medicine Department,” Co.,
The Chattanooga Chat¬
tanooga, Tenn.
MRS. I,oris A H VIE. of -T-frrrl>oP,0»„
says:—“When I Hr.t took Wine of Ctnta
v- had been n'trricd three years, but could
not have any children. Mine months
1 had a fine Kiri baby.”
Neatest and the best
JOB WORK executed at
this office.
Removal sale of
. Fine Millinerv:
My entire stock of nev; and stylish inilli
nery will be sold at smarted reduction, T i
v/ish to reduce my stock before the fall
son an( j before I remove my goods into another
Those who wish bargains in millinery
should come to me at once as i vi_l save you
Yours for millinery,
Miss Emma Riley.
Books, Stationery, School Supplies,
Toilet Articles, Fancy 'Goods, Per
fumes, Jewelry, SPECTACLES, Marbles ;
Tops, Balls, Fish Hooks, FishingLines
Pocket Cutlery, Lamps, Gardet Seeds ;
Tobacco and Cigars, Violin Strings
Guitar Strings, Banjo Strings, etc.
—iiTTT Meltons 9 B Um I mi Stables; I I
When you want a good, safe turnout one that you can
drive with
One that looks well and goes well, call on me.
Good drivers furnished if desired.
Terms very reosonable.
Exchange bought and sold. Collecticns made on all parts of the
country. Accommodations extended consistent with sound banking
Overdrafts will mot be honored winder any circumn*
Office hours from 8 a. m. till 4 p. M.till further notice.
We never stop but press onward.
We have thrown our store into one
mammoth room and expect our bus
iness to grow greater every week.
We _ , heavy
are carrying now a
stock of
Dry Goods and
Our prices are such that the pe epe
are coming to us iu order to save
money and get new goods.
You cau get anything you want at our store—it will be new
and the price will be right while the quality must be unsurpass
e d. We are here to do business and we must treat the pe- -
pie right.
Come to our store for the best and cheapest goods to be
found in this market.
legaladve^ ^Ts.
'US filial returN f'' eas «l.iin
L t, ‘ ) " find j . iii s,| cli a
i‘4w t! v
T w-V st
eutoi 1 ' s
B.v virtue of n n of
of Ortlil: - Wkilalc tiir
Will tie
in October! i^V 1 * til ‘* ,lrst T «
SSKattaiS, 1 ' ull %,
merce street rinuK’SSjf from
» feet and 1
Also, one vatmnH J m 1 » * *G6t|
Iff Nail-, M,,. Jo!l|
south lw .1 p n H i
by McDonough sevon-ei«"lh stree a ! ,u
one and ComNs !. e °, 1Ul
in the town s ^
ssvsjsf^iaiwi Also three hundred and t
i’U> am and 2 :uin :>G7 the in tenth,Kg lli l ( 2 r ( f t laBI «
mds, ’ ie above shown land sold in ft L I
11* ns bounded by plat of if
acres l. v
south, wcst by east * by i>. home Almand. place’ mJ 1
bounded , north l,y HarmJ
south Roberts, by east, hoiiK y Roberts*3 place /'
part of Smith pl,pe. and ^
Also 113 acres bounded noni
Roberts, and north east by by home part of J a! 1
by S 1) Almand. place 1 awl
Sold as the property of J h Si
deceased, for the purpose of ™ "
debts and distribution anio
heirs. «
Also, three mules, one tiavi
tweuty-one or two bushels oh
Terms cash.
A. Whitaker, Sr ^
This Sept. 4,1899.
Yo “ Hme
Bears the
Signature of m
• i
Thoroughbred Chicks]
Any one wishing to buy*
Barred Plymouth Rock drl
ens are requested to call at fl
office. A few young “roost*
for sale. Pure stock and 1
best breed for general purposi
Now is your chance to iniprtj c|
poultry. Don’t fail to
at this office quick.
£535^ 233* fi 3 fi & j® Jvnd WfcllktJ Ml
H 8a mffl kjjij! § B B gffafli cured «i horn* *>l
ai tttiva, ua. Oltioc, 104 Nofih fryorl
The immense coni crop i"
linois, Kansas, Nebraska J
other states is puzzling shall handle| thersj
roads how they year!
The Kansas crop this
345,000,000 l ushels and the a
br iska crop 300,000,000 bu
els, Iowa 219,000,000, Missod
179,000,000 bushels. Ohio at
Indi. na show a small faDu
off. According to the latest £
timate of Statistician Snowti
of the country tk
corn crop
w ?
1,954,184,000 bnshei«-n«-
i'rttHimtnltJ s>: !y --. L I
| 1 : **
;oHPA*Y. •• *
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Con- .ins Beta- . rhA fc
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