Conyers weekly. (Conyers, GA.) 1895-1901, September 23, 1899, Image 2
The stivers tlieekiy, j CFnCItL OIGtH OF EOCKBALE CG 1 IHTT. J H. VOAS-LfS, Eoitob. EnteKdBtllM-;-*'<i'n«rPat <•'.»»vers a s* co'-'I" * l ;t ' * uifit <*r. Satukd.av, 23 189',). Locals r> cents | <*r iiae fur tlr-fc tnscr firm ■ 2'o cent* for each subsequent iu< f>>: in¬ sertion Regular a I' 5 ( >t:. | er i) fi rst in- r-ion; 25c tor >->ieh hub^T'em Insertion. sius-- rurnox ka m One year, in advance.................O_0': Six month*, in advance............... COTTON .MAKKKT. tlie prevailing opinion, among who are studying the question, that zxsszjssrs is undoubtedly eight cents. Thecrop short aucl if the farmers will their cotton at home for awhile there is nor. much doubt but that the price would go considerably higher. 311 'IV I C 'll* A I ^ BKAISD. We publish a short article in this paper, touching municipal affairs, which would lead one ro suspect that the next election will he a warm one. The election is some tin e off yet hut this communication evidences tact that the event is not out of the minds of everybody. Local politics, however, will cut no figure for some time yet, as our people are engrossed with their private business affairs SOI.I) OIJ r A\ I have sold my office fixtures and instruments to J)r, IIopKins. Please cull and set (lo your accounts nnd if you wish, have your work finished . I will close up by the 1st of Oct. Thanking the people for their patronage etc. Lonnie Mart in. » -«O ► • WALId. Thu household and kitchen fur¬ niture of Airs. C. M. Taylor will he sold on the lot owned by Mrs. M . A. Gee, on Saturday, Oct. 7, 1899. Sale commencing prompt ]y at 2 o’clock p. m. Mrs. C. M. Taylor. Wuiohlo. Prof. Win. A Fran suicide z.orEmor.v logo comm it ted at his home in Oxford last Tuesday night. He killed himself with a knife. There were fifty-three worn", uis upon in's body. He left e. note addressed to his wife stating that in's inability to fill the position before him, owing to hah health, and that lm ndvht i.o longer burden his family, lie had he cided on this conn-* of ending lie held the position of Professor of English in the college. 31 .VS?8511013. Mr. 0 A Thomas and Miss Butler were united in marriage at the iassville home of the bride's parents in Dong last Wednesday evening at 8:o’clocK. They arrived here Thurs¬ day evening at ; :t> and were driven to the home of tin; groom's parents at I'nton Paper Mills, M r, Thomas holds ti responsible po¬ sition with the t’nion Paper Will Co. and is a young man of sterling worth The bride is one of Douginsvtile's fairest daughters. friends ho wish They liavt 1 many v them happiness in fife Local Mr. and Mrs. James Corlv returned to their home in Atlanta last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Bailey have returned to their home in Augusta after u \ is it to relatives here. Mr. John Almand is at the bedside of his father who is very ill. He came up from Washington yesterday evening. Mr. McKee, grandson, of Dr. Al held, had his hand badly cut in a gin yesterday. f -4 • PUBLIC SALE. Will be sold to the bidder, on Tuesday, Oct. 18SML at the Bryan homestead, in Sheffield district., near Mc Dauiell’s mill, the following property to-w : t: All the house¬ hold and kitchen furniture, farm implements, buggies, wagons, harness, plows, plow stocks, horses, mules, cows, hogs, corn, fodder, cotton seed, hay, eie In fact afi the property belonging to tho Bry an estate. Terms of sale cash or on ap proved security. Sale commencing at 9 a. m, G. H. & E.T, Bryan R w I s 11 i S% ■: g \ ’e will *i/0ve a^ain about the first 5 and this time id store we go pir. n f * Bysn. 1 o our new w p jwtw ■Hr ere we BMay c MnKKMMf ksmmad | JL Vi V-k HU* HfflP Hill jermaneiitl */ v. WE HAVE A LARGE NEW STOCK AND MAKE PRICES ON THE VALUE OF THE GOODS. ____________^ __ _ _______._____—-, ' iere . L8$tiae . . Tt Profit P. Only, ti -.1 TTT we ti Extortion ^ jl* *t In IT 1 One. A 11 w A AMAiW a 23 J g$T> m ■T9 ‘ Mi i ::d kil\ m Spzs*- t is WB\ EE 1»—IB n Ktrss •sews i ■ “-C0 I wr» nocm S£2SL-. 9 The line of goods in our Store is bound please. See me. CHAS. B. HUDSON. O^S}*27<CS^£.3:^ n ■ Bsars tba Tha Kimi Voti Have Always Bought 8ignr.tnx8 <lf Dewey will arrive in New Turk on tht 28th. Thoeventwill make history. O S3 *3™ 2Ta. X J &.. Boars tbo Tlis Kind Ycj Have Always Bought Signature of The 29th Regiment U. 8. V. has left Ft. mcIT arson for Sanfran cisco where it will take transmit ts in about two weeks for Manilla. This regiment will be olosely tol lowed in its operations by the peo pie of four states from which it was recruited. Its hardships \\ ill bo deplored , , nnu . ils ... „• vicloii > - . nbnided 1 ' The 29th will lU'OVO a ' good lighter. , » -< > * O .£S. SB ‘X 5 «C> 3F3. X J&. . Doarstko Ih8 Kind You Have Always Bought Signature of n r-t liar ; o— Will find our store always in¬ viting as well as filled with the very choicest stock of family and fancy Groceries to be found any where, We Invite The people to call ou us, ex amine our sto cn and get our prices, All Goods | Delivered promptly to tity trade. Your orders will be filled with . , Die , least , possible ■. , de¬ , lay. OUR AIM to keep the handsomest aiu j most, complete liuo of fam j ilv and fancy groceries, confec eries etc., in Conyers, at prices fhat will delight tho buyer ana ; accord with their views of e couomy. Give me a call and you will i j come again. I. J. kirnrs g ) ---- E- -J X r I H J \ Y Ivliss Emma Riley desires the public to call and see her beautiful new Millinery v/hice is now complete. She guarantees prices and styles to suit. Come and see her before purchas¬ ing. Next door to Langford. MISS EMMA RILEY, ATTEX TION, FA1J ERS. My ginnery is now in condition and I am ready to your cotton on short notice guarantee perfect My iv.ncliinvry is new and to any other in the county. standard press I have is date. All I. ask is a trial, me your cotton. J. A. Hamilton. 110 ACRES Valuable and 8 miles Conyers, for chea p. Call on write A. I). or, Covington, Ga, or B. L. Davis, Montieello, Ga,., for price and terms. Tax Collector’s Notice. I will be at the different prounds for the pupose of taxes on the fotloving dates: Shcfflcld.-Sept.28, Oct, 23, 17. Honev CreoK.—Sept. 28, Oct. 27 Nov. 21. Lorraine.—Sent. 29, Oct. 30. No.v. 2 b Thcrcmnindcr of tlie time I may be found in my office in Turner Bros, furniture store, in Conyers. The books will close December 20. Meet me promptly and pay your taxes. W. G. Clotfelter, T. C. FOR SALE. Twenty-five bushels of seed wheat and a splendid milch cow. Call on W T Stanton. CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought j Bears the , Signature of W E ME Bag— am.__53 FOR and ncv. Yon got .he when you trade with us All goods promptly to city cus¬ tomers. Send us your orders and tKey will receive prompt atsen tion. Id I limit 1 ° A% ^ Te End Sa^Ateys Bears the Bought Signature of am in the market for OM Scrap Iron, Old Brass, Old Bones Etc. Y\ ill pao 20 cents per hun¬ dred for old Iron of all kinds de. livered at my gin house. Brass and Copper 5 cents per pound. 20 cents per hundred for old Bones, « —• Gather up your old Plows, Tires, old Hoes, Horse Shoes etc., and them to me* Cash paid on the spot. Ae N. Plunket. Jo HN m \ bTEpKi .a TON A. i - Is knocking the l" wOlrt-0^1 1 ' rJ- 4- . High Prices out m llgfefe. MF /? Vh L gg|sl|:jpj|||gj Pits’ ?5 agll ; \ % ----- f i i s i) ' ■ -*•« ‘SS^'fJejig itfl |||v r l djiV-V Mil E . p I mum Stt - EC ■ Jp ■- H V , m (l |f lh Wnaii faHi ;>- MM l#gSf IPS bESHsftS IW 1 HStl wm pa m * 1^1 W:-2| teY-.W :'.A^ r rr-^= Iff }— ~3 XL 3? i gs gs bmwM WM r im J ... .ZE3Ia3a.<3.so3rrx© 3^T© , w Qcols at C. S. ESxxc’.sorL’ s. Hudson’s reputatioa as a fair dealer auu au up-to-date dry goods merchant maxes it of no moment v. hetler he is in one place or another, The people Had him because they like to trade with him. Hudson’ o 4*; 't jsr.»w t> k) IM* ideed a fig 11080010 yJ ‘-'lock 1/ r\ new dry floods 4 < J and Jik all previous stocks he has bought, the cash was paid for it and the price was right. There is no time lost in trading here for one price prevails, You get full value for your money and that always satisfies, The goods are always the best to be had for the price asked and the style is a! ways correct. I ~jr do jSSERSSa bes l % OH A ■nanMd 3 d . onrse is. r \ ntr 0**\*v\ ^ 7 ■ * ’ wiien you f II s* l r% it yl 1 a /A II l }. & Hudson’ pop B. Semi A NOTICE. 5-V 1 -:«5CW:-S^ -—“>=935^,. TO THE PEOFI IE OF EC ED ALE AND ADJOINING 00‘J STIES, I Announce: Uavir.g bought Gee Mills yellow river I have P ut tlie on 5 baiting cloths tiled the •IT t-y and the on uew and ov -h mills are now in first class oi.T r. PRODUCT EQUAL TO A Hi cn -w COUNTRY. .V r r 111 AL IN Hkn 1 ^w r '-' : a YOURS TO v -rp rb 10F ffw & ?> I * T / * ■r W ' tilniiiel-