Newspaper Page Text
ri *•<- N only:
for m j*->i« H
treine low prices in gents odd pants. The
rii|ff eX
the work in marking them down . Long ta
center 0 fthe Store.
in Clothing to
let us talk you.
iecS c f WOOL DRESS GOODs in our house is new and good style and we are prepared to meet any'prices. Our black goods
Ever’/ P factories in the world and will retain the lovely finish that they now have*
fres rest
-■\r Come Sef; •»•
a&cn ba.* No** Nor W&L* <i4. ■Asp V«^ Nsor >m*&' Ma ar*« —
yS!.™'. iif‘«sos. 10 vi.s “T O
Cotton, just foranadver- c
hundred very lire children s and
, o\ e SLITS. Remember we
•r' 1 T
E/can sell them cheaper than tney
1 before.
ever n riced to you
money on wool underwear,
•»* »«y fine all Lamb’s
% 4 discount of 5 per cent will be allowed dress makers and school teachers on pureka 303 Of
L Goods, Shoes, Notions etc.
L rr*- O J. 1 z \ 1 llif C o.
[al news items
Iragraphs, Personal and Otherwise, Oath*
ered for our Readers.
nfoual Notice.
pat leiria! an offE». in Oon
Hotel Pro n 6
■with my Atlanta office
i Conyers one week the in
wromeiicma; on 8rd
lyoiio lit wishing to make
with me can oovmnu
»eat lay Atlanta office,
k’tli street.
1 0 . Seamans, I). I). S.
lutiou Notice.
k'y all parties indeht
p> this ,"f day Whatley dissolved & Hart
hid eo
i hat the books are in
ldSrm collection, and all par
ins must settle with
our customers for
Yours respectfulIv,
15.1). Whatley.
i«f Atlanta, spent Sun
I ",™ (l , llil s been very
rat days past.
iDewberrv l«iuAii? *
‘ H
Kaygood attended the
^gs in Atlanta this
Y.snnis at home again
1 t0 fnoilds ^
Mho was the guest of
Mas nturaed t° her
L kton rs ’
8 * after - —<*1 a"
iei 'e.' *
feat L T '»er e,daineti home on a
r Monday evening.
Iella « Nr a few
DUlWs bargain Cash
Fa'J Rss,sr v,5 i t relatives
itobt wiH,
Ul bsi ls l home ; - J°aes
at Canton.
S1F* House.
7 Raia «♦ his
b-UTfT 1 Conyers.
Irtin **“ a “ d this
Ksa-^SiiS f<,j r an<1 is
L . au
Two bushels of 4-plv Linen Collars-Good /, c
style and any size—a mover for
New assortment of Ladies high o stand- c
ing 4-ply linen collars, each
j Men’s high-class shirts, colored stiff
front. r !’he proper thing for winter wear.
staple the world over $1, our price
School Suits for Boys. Every suit in
stoeic has been marked down to just
The Methodist congregation enjoy¬
ed an old fashioned love feast last
Sunday morn ing in lieu of tlie regu¬
lar Sunday school,
Kir. ,T. J. Walker, a prominent bus¬
iness man, of Grinin, spent a few’
hours wit'n his brother. Rev. I. G.
Walker, here tills week.
Conyers is full of cotton, The
market here is very good and far¬
mers who c mie here with the sta¬
ple are pleased with the bidding.
A number of Conyers’ Babtists at¬
tended the South River Association,
which convened with Zion church,
in Newton county, this week.
Mr. Chas. M Swords has mov¬
ed his family from Social Circle
Conyers, his old home, where he
proposes to remain henceforth. He
is very welcome.
The colleges have McCalla opened their and
doors. Messrs. Henry Univer
Melton McDonald are at tho
ity, Messrs. Steve GI eat on
Mather Ealtes are at, Emory; Nolan Mr.
Foley Ford is at Mercer; Mr.
Maddox ia at Dahloneea and
McCalla splendid is at Young Harris. mid These The
are »B young men
Weekly wishes them all success.
Miss Nellie Lou Gailey is in
ing some time with friends At
Mr. John Parker, of Shady
Dale, is said to be very low with
feveC ’
Miss Lottie Philips, of Macon,
j 9 tlie guesf of Miss Florence Aus
Mr. Jno. T Adair is
some time with Mr. M W Almand,
of Atlanta.
Mr. DC Albert has moved
to Conyers They will be in
house with Mrs. Hollingsworth.
, Mr. T Bee B McDonald, _ . . . ,
young man who gladly claims
yere as his home, but.who has re
sided in Atlanta for the past year,
has been with his parents
friends here this month.
COLT snow.
On Friday Oct. 6, Rockdale will
give her first stock exhibit since tlie
clays of the Rockdale County Fair
that used to be held at Conyers. Ail
the adjoining counties are invited to
take a part in the exhibit. It is hoped
that every colt, botii mules and hor
s«s, in our territory, will be on hand.
their Kvervbody colts, is requested to bring and out
stallions. brood mares- jacks
Premiums will be arrang¬
ed on day of exhibit. Some exhibi¬
tions of speed will likely be given.
It. \V. Tucker,
. S. E. Bradnax,
J. O. McKnigbt.
TT7 § ^ IT I TO g. 1 {. JlIilD/iDD, 00
' -*SL_ S' Ji_4 rr .
Vio arc constantly on the market for whatever is newest and
most novel in fancy fabrics.
COTTON' 8)4.
Hon. T D Stewart of McDonough
was in Conyers yesterday.
Mr. II P Almand, of Ingleside,
was here yesterday.
Mr. A D Summers spent Thurs¬
in Atlanta.
Kir. Bill Alexander is suffering
from a I'fdaps of fever.
Kir. Kobt. Almand has been en¬
a vacation tlie past week.
See the best line of shoes at A
Uncle Dock Almand is very sick
his home in this city. His many
hope he may soon be well.
Mfg‘s sample hose and hand¬
kerchiefs at wholesale prices at A
D Summers Cash House
Miss Anderson, of S. C., who
be with is Mrs. expected Genie to Haygqod arrive
this season,
here to day.
New hats at A D Summers.
Mr. Otto Clotfelteris now with
(lie Bradstreet Commercial Agen¬
cy. He is a splendid young man
and we wish him success.
The new up-to-date clothing is
A D Summers Cash House.
Miss McClendon, sister . Prof. „ ,
McClendon, has entered the Con
yeJ , g High g c ' noo j. She, with htr
boards at the Commer
Julia Marlowe and Regine shoes.
See sample in A D bummers show
Mrs. Jane McCollum, who has
been sick at the home of her sis
Mrs. Jno. T Adair, for sever¬
weeks past, is still very feeble.
many friends hope for her a
Gainesville home made shoes at
A D Summers.
Mr. M W Almand, of Atlanta,
old Conyers citizen, has recent
purchased a 400 acre farm near
t f aut(l a nd has begun the erec
tioJ) of handsome eleven room
u])(m it. This will be
Mr Aimand’a summer home,
Children’s union suits at Allen
Maj. E II Almand spent Sunday
a portion of Monday, in the
He leaves with his regi¬
to-day for Manilla. Holms
of friends who wish for
health ond a safe return to his
in me end.
Miss Emma Riley third has an an-j
on page.
Mr. AJ Summers' add appears
the (3rd page.
Hudson’s the second new add this will week, be found j
One whole center counter will lie devoted to Shoes of one price.
They range in value from $1.50 to $2.50 etc; Any shoe on the
counter to go in the next day or two
For 89 cents per pair,
Men's Stanley Shirts—fast colors. A O c
75c value to go at O
Good yard wide sea-island, just as a Sa c
per yard i ~r4
Men’s tine Balbriggin half-hose in French
lisle pay 25c and for hernsdorff. elsewhere, our r i’hese price hose you i 0
Simpson’s Standard Prints. The best
We are asking only 4c per yard for it. Now
the time to buy.
Lookout for Dr. Ilopkiirs add
next week.
M H Plunket has ad add on tlie
fourth page.
Read Tlie J II A Inland Co’s,
handsome add.
McElvnn’y <fe Ilrodnax hare an
add-on tlie fourth page.
Miss Tctsie Stewart is the guest
of her cousin. Miss LucyGleaton.
The Gailev Dry Goods Co. have
.a new advertisement on (ha first
The new depot is taking on shape
and in a week or two more it will
be ready for use.
Mrs. Elder and niece, who have
been visiting relatives here have
returned to their home in Florida.
Yes, not S pounds but 12 pounds dollar
of good green coffee for one
at Williams & Whitaker’s.
That idea of offering to you 12
pounds of 1 he best green coffee you
ever bought for $1.00 at Williams
& Whitaker’s.
Rev. Dr. Henry Quigg will
at the church
to-morrow, Sunday, at 11 o’clock.
All are cordially invited to at¬
tend the service.
Say, what about that new idea
Kimsey Warren has advanced at
Williams & WhitaKer’s? Better
quality for less money than can
be found elsewhere.
Jlomeground flour, the best you
ever eat in your life. Home
ground wheat brand, now sorghum
syrup and low prices to compare
with those matchless new ideas at
Williams & Whitaker’s.
Mr. R. K. Bennett’s two chil¬
dren are the champion cotton
pickers. One afternoon this week
his little son, aged 12, picked 100
pounds while his little daughter,
aged 10, picked 82 pounds,
Dr. Lonnie Martin has sold his
office fixtures and instruments to
Dr. Hopkins who conies here well
recommended by the profession his
and people. He will more
family here and The Weekky
welcomes him in advance. See
Dr. .Martin’s notice in this paper.
For sale or rent on easy terms, the
farm known as the Tom Itice Apply place,
now owned bp C M Taylor.
L. J, Almand.
Mr. Editor:—Some of our best
p e0 pj e want a man for Mfiyor who
cares for nobody’s opinion so hois
right. Such a man we thinK is
one of our best men, Chas. G. .
If he will consent
will make Conrers a
Oxk or Them.
One lot of gentlemen’s neckwear, any
style you want, 25 and 50c values for
Boys odd pants. They wont last long
We handle a full line of the Drew Selby s
fine SHOES. Every shape and price can bo
in our new stock. The shoes are light
and the prices are right.
We h we just opened a handsome lot of Gen
tlemen’s and Boys’ line footwear. Take a look
theso before buying.
Card of Tluitiks.
Mr. Editor:— Please allow us space
in your paper to thank the many
friends and loving neighbors for their
sympathy and kindness shown us di.r
ing our recent wadnesa caused by the
sicKiiess and death of our precious 1!s
little nabo. Their mnnv ;»Hs
Kindness and lovo will not, be jorynl
ten but will hold a fond place in oul*
memory. %
Mr. and Mrs. W. li. BrairvoU.
Dent liw.
Mrs. Eliza Hardin, i fe of i ho
late Jno. F Hardin, died sudden¬
ly last Monday night at her home
here. She had been feeble
for two weeks previous to her
she seemed to be growing
She had heart disease
II 10A 1 M{I A UTlilJS - —
t >i e ...
For School Books and Supples of
kinds at the lowest possible
We handle only the best and purest drugs and
sell at prices most reasonable, Our stock is new
and clean and our patrons are pleased.
We carry a lull line of Druggists’
Sundries at prices that cannot be
duplicated here.
^ ^ (J \ [ | ]v \ [)[{!](} (’()\0
and died-sitting in a chair. Slie
was 05 years of ago and a consis¬
tent Christian
The funeral and interment oft*
ourrefl at Kbeaoaor Tuesday last,
Thfi 8orv j„ 0 was conducted by IioV.
| fred Pierce.
She leaves many relatives raid
friends who are in sorrow.
The infant of Mr. and Mrs. Vp j
matt Braswell died last Sun i y
morning about 5 o'clock. The
little one was sick only a sho’ii
line. Mr. Braswell, who was t
atTifton, Ga., was notified of i-*
illness and hastened homo. B
reached the bedside of tho 1 il<' •
one only a few hours before
claimed it. The funeral and bur¬
ial occurred Monday.
We sympathize with tho sor¬
rowing parents.