Conyers weekly. (Conyers, GA.) 1895-1901, September 23, 1899, Image 4
fir 1 JSSgggs I i i I ft gL % T©Jf m I] J mm ,-sn m 2 tt\ - iliO Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has been ia wso for over 80 years, has borne the. signature of and has been made under his per .. Sj/f , sonal supervision since its infancy. scccc/uM Allow no one to deceive you in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and Substitutes arc but Ex¬ periments that triflo with and endanger the health of Infants end Children—Experience against Experiment. What Is CASTOR!A Castor!a is a substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Harmless and Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colie. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children’s Panacea—The Mother’s Friend. GENUINE CASTOR IA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of ^ i^KUSSKaWK!® & 6 «e Tiio Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. TMC CENTAUR COMPANY. TT MURRAY STREET, N ZW YORK CITY. TliE NEXEW. Man as Woman Sees Him. A man reseinbh-s a heroslr.o lamp, lie is not especially ligln ; Up also smokos, gets turned,down, And often goes out at night. The more promises a man gives, the fewer he keeps. Men are seldom what women think they arc. The r mailer the caliber the bigger the bore. This applies to men. not to firearms. A man may be fast asleep, rather slow when awake. The wile of a hen-pecked bus hasn’t much to crow over. It’s a pity wisdom out on a man like whis¬ A man never gets too full of emotion that lie has no room for dinner. Many a man’s good Plunket’s Message To the People, M. II. PITINKET 13 Bars good soap for 25c. Genuine Cuba molasses. Get Van Camps Sovips 10. Olives and all kinds of Pickles, bailees, Catsups, Corn. Blackberries, Cherries. Peaches, Tomatoes, Gra¬ ted and Sliced Pineapple, Prespared Mustard, and canned goods of every discription. I carry a line of first class family and fancy groceries at all times. I can save you money if you will only let me. _ jpj For Jeans and Cnssimero pants I have them at rock bottom prices, Shoes of all kinds to go cheap. A fine line of dry goods, notions etc. One case fresh Dove Hams just arrived. Dried apples and peaches plentiful at 10c per lb. All kinds of tobacco, ti gars and snuff, Como in and examine my line of crockery and hardware as I w .U _nve you a nice discount on it. I also re quest you to com 3 in my store and make it your stopping while you are in town. YOURS FOR BUSINES. M. H. PLUNKET. ton d pends on whatisn’t found out about him. Mo s t men are generous to a fault—when the fault happens to he their own It’s a man longing for better things that gives birth to his love for women. The only thing that heats a good wife is a bad husband. When some men feel blue they get drunk and paint things re d At 40 a man wishes he knew what he thought he knew at 20. All men are equal before tlit law—but not the mother-in la vv. Men admire a handsome man when ho has good sense—but there’s the trouble. The mop key has one advan tage over the ‘Anglo-maniac— he’s imported. It is impossible to suppress man who imagines he can a funny story. When a man offers to pro¬ duce evidence to prove what he says, alwaj’s let him do it. Woman as Man Sec s Her The dreeeiii/vkes knew how to fashion : Woman’s form to enchant the eye. And yet there are cranky "’cl fogies, W’lio insist that figures won't lie. The secret of a woman’s dresf is the pocket. An tip-to date woman is fre¬ quently behind her age. Some women are passing fair—and some others are f aat. A woman’s sphere nowadays seems to be the big round earth. When a woman doesn't wor ry she worries because she doesn’t. The size of a woman’s shoes lias a great deal to do with dress reform. It is easier for the average woman to hold a fresky horse than her tongue. After a woman passes a cer¬ tain age she is willing to get married cn Friday. A mirror reflects, without speaking, and a woman often speaks without reflecting. The average woman is hap¬ piest When other women envey her. It isn’t wise to compliment a woman on her blooming cheeks. Woman shares man’s grief, doubles his joys and trebles his expenses, A woman can tell what other woman has on as far as a man can smell fried onions. The average woman don’t wan j a vo ^ e g p e can g e t a vo ter. g 0 women don’t show fheir a ge. becausey the uso wrinkle proof paint. Ago increases the value of p 0 oks and whisky, but it is dif ferenfc with women aud butter., There is nothing more uncer¬ tain than the weather or the age O of a woman. A woman’s idea of a perfect man is one who thinks she is perfect.— Swiped, California no longer desires to l > e tlie ttle tca f « r consumptives. Her state board , of health has passed ilio following resolution • Resolved, that the State Board of Health considers the propvi- | ety of quarantining against hu-j man beings and domestic ani mala suffering with tuberculo-1 sis entering the state.—Ex. s' * A I v it t 1 A Si A Woman Only Knows what Tvomb, suffering whites, painful from falling irregular of the or menses, or any disease of the distinctly feminine organs is. A man may sympa¬ agonies thize or she pity but through—the he can not know the goes terrible suffering, her of so beaut}’, patiently hope borne, and which robs Vet this suffering really happi¬ is ness. needless. McELREE’S 4 W&MPOf Cardai will banish it. This medicine cures all “ female diseases ” quick¬ ly and permanently. It does away with humiliating physical exami¬ nations. The treatment may be taken at home. There is not con¬ tinual expense and trouble. The sufferer is cured and stays cured. Wine of Cardut is becoming the leading remedy for all troubles of this class. It costs but from any druggist. For advice in cases requiring special “Ladies directions, Advisory address, the The Chattanooga Department,” Medici me Co., Chattanooga, Tenn. » MKS.C.J. WEST, Kuhville, Twin, writ*., i — • This m-ond.r!ul mrdicine ought to b* In every house where there ere elite and women." DR. LEE’S DRUG STORE gfJTl S THE PLACE TO BUY THE FOLLOWING GOODS: •O Books, Stationery, School Supplies, Toilet Articles, Fancy Goods, Per¬ fumes, Jewelry, SPECTACLES, Marbles, Tops, Balls, Fish Hooks, Fishing Lines, Pocket Cutlery, Lamps, Gardet Seeds, Tobacco and Cigars, Violin Strings, Guitar Strings, Banjo Strings, etc, Melton’s Livery Stale; When you want a good,'safe turnout one that you drive with PLEASURE AN SATIsFa One that looks well and goes well, call on me. Good drivers furnished if Terms very J reosonable. M. H, MELTON JOHN H. AIM AND, BANKER. CONYERS, GEORGIA. Exchange bought and sold. Collections made on all parts cf country. Accommodations extended consistent with sound Overdrafts will not be honored under any stances. Office hours from 8 a. m. till 4 p. M.till further notice. <1 up raiSF) -sr?E sirpg . p A t We never stop but press onward. have thrown our store into TOOH1 and expect our to grow greater every week We are carrying now a heavy stock of Dry Goods and Groceries and. priCGB cl.Ve SUCH til at tllG pGOp 6 . tO . tO COlTXlIlj^ US lH OTG.GT SaVS aUCl •, ^©t . HGW ^OOu.S. You can get anything you wnnt at our store—it will be new the price will be l ight while the quality must be unsurpass We are here to do business and we must treat the peo pie right. Come to our store for the best and cheapest goods to be found in this market. WILLIAMS & WHITAKE. Clou Ssei! Colton Seei! If you have any cotton seed Sell it will be money in your pocket to M’ElvanY & before you sell. We are strictly in the market at all times. MM t IBS, legal a \ Mert c/3 „ ON l,!s ana! ret nr;-, ‘ ,,Si ;fLl.R* u . *Hln He!.-,, signature, ^ \{'*^ **! :o! ■ h,i U!s ^ni c Bv vi-ho. of Ot-tji ■ ;■ y will he ■* door in Conyers, J U;fJ roHf»!*s | n Oetcher. 1800 Oli 1!| s first Tu^ bounded {he , one vacant on east, >>v t 7 "' , street, fronting„n" ’ iOfeetamlnnioinehae Also, one 4 ow SC by Mrs. hisnoit vacant ion, ’If , l ISi air. south I»v east hv ' °‘ ]|1 1 by McDonough ,j t> « arT a l<1 ’ ' 11 one and seven-ei.'dftsief' street °. n, H in .Ajs.j thetownofConye;s.' three ImnUreci &S ’H iSHSI r ] and 234 in the tenth district, - 50 above land sold in three i , part of by Smith home place. place and Q Also 113 acres bonnnec! north! Roberts, east by part of Smith d *» bold as the property of,} yeJ deceased, and for distribution the purpose ainonel of J heirs. *• Also, three mules, one nay u 8veu ty-one or two bushels of til, lenns easil> A. Whitaker. Sr, Es 1 This . &ept. _, 4 , 1 SS 9 . Thoroughbred Chicks! Any one wishing to burJ Barred Plymouth Rock cj ens are requested to call at tl office. A few young “roosfeJ for sale. Pure stock and i best breed for gener?,! piirpl Now is vour chance toiinyw your poultry. Dou’tfailtoc 11 !his o0c * < i° ick - FM 1MBMB hcelvaney & broom AGENTS, We represent some Companij of t| best Fire Insurance in existence and ask the publ generally to see U3 before plaj ing their risks, Office in Banner office uni hotel. i McELVANUY & BRODNAj H. H MCbONAL & SO! RESIDENT DENTISTS.^ TP® All work guaranteed to piea*| Office up stairs over J.0. M mand & Co’s, store. Conyers, nwhHMWiw IVofcice. Mrs. Dr. Glenn is siiU makin.G dresses, coats ami pants McDonald at P r » '"TJ suit. Room over goed.s 51 ill in ary stoic 'm ■rrai ES i g weirs. CT«3a SfE^S s BtrJS 6’ Mv undertaking es and 1 mentis well fitted my stock of uudeu goods is complete. and C 1 Attention protnpt able. of Hearses free Charge. S%r. liysfi“.s>irt r* ^ ^ I . M-.*&*• r © - MO III .-i yP u * SwU-tfL*