Newspaper Page Text
We say to one and all that we are selling Clothing, Capes, Dress Goods
a hurry.
£ hoes, Hats and Notion 9 right and left, in a terrific We a re el eios
inu' out our ei if he stock quick and at d rices that others cant toucl
& V. self that What
*1 uality is involved. Come and see for youi we say is true
j ‘ are closin'*' & out and you can get bargains.
Tiie Conyers
j. H. VS/ALLIS." EoitoB.
Entered at the pnstnffice wail $t matter.
second-class -
Sai'ou>ay,« Nov; At, 1390.
Locals 5 Cents per line for fir-t inser
tlon ; 2)^ cents for each -ubsi queftt- h fo'r in¬
sertion Regular adv. 5<>e. per im
tlrsr insertion; 25e for each subsequent
Insertion. .
One year, in advance............... ft 00
Six months, in advance.......... .. f> 0 e,
g =-~
ltoc*lf«l«lo Wins.
Wo are gratified 10 make the., an¬
nouncement- that Rockdale took four
prizes oil her stock exhibit at the
Stato Fair.
Mr. .1 O McKnfght’s Jack took first
prize of $25.00,
Mr. J T Stowers’ colt tooK twopri
zes, t!m being f2o-.00 for best Ga.
raised niAVa second of $15.00 open to
the worjd.i
Mr. O E Bengali's colt won ‘first
prize af $25.00 open «o the world.
It was bafe-eirartEe-tTin,t'51r.*rr W
Tucker’s fluo.luwso failed to secure a
prize. He stood equal showuig iyitb
two other horses amt their names
wore placed In a hat'juul cfrawtfW.
He was unlucky and lost
These are all flue 09(10 am\. ?
lliow tip with tho best. 5 ; »
Additiqnrfi Locals.
Mrs. ll 11 Ilusk, sjirml of RLiykvilbi, Unie
8 C., is here to some
with Clotfeller. her parents,*Mr. anil Mrs. D‘
II ‘ '
Mrs V F Harper has traded her
house and lot on -Decatur street tav
Alr. T G Swqnn bridge. f,or his planjalimi
,ienr Pine Log Tho trade
was closed UVst Thursday. ‘
An old Aead hegress by tlm namp of
Clay foil on Bryan stioet yes¬
terday evening.
Mrs. hi D Irwin, of Winder, is
upending some tiuielime with lier
father, Col. W 1, IVek, near town.
The‘’poi sum” hunter is getting quail
in his work,nightly^ and the
are hunting cover by day. \ erily
the hunter is in his element.
Cotton will go to.-eight cents—
this is our prediction from the 1 -
pening of t he season.
Mr. and Mrs, Morris, of Lees¬
burg, spout some time hero t his
weeK as gtrests* of Mrs Walter
Almand. ’
Mr. \\ J Baker, of - Clear
Creek. Ala., ie visiting friends
and relatives lure this week.
ways here. get «Vod price for. it j
Pr. f, Clias, Lane t
lecture of Prof . Chas. Lane
last Tuesday j»fgh.t at the Court¬
house, under the\aufpiges'of the
EpwortlvLeague.-wn,8..well attend¬
ed and the -midieneo was greatly
entertained from begmifing to end
of the lecture. Wit and humor
flowed freyly and.the gifted man
k«pt his audience in a roar of laugh
ter at will. Asa lecturer Prof.
Lane stands at the head of the
class and he will always lind a
heraty welcome : u l a large* audi
Sa«e m <? niyvts. • •
,-Vice-President Hobart is said to
he gradually sinking at his home in
New Jersey.
The Boers have been engaged in
boring the British for several (lays
and from all reports they have work¬
ed rapidly.
Atlanta is hilled to do pro fid by
Admiral Schl.ey to-dav. The city
will no doubt lqake the occasion a
memorable one. >.
The State Fair conics to a close to¬
day. It has been a .brilliant success
everyday of its existence and be¬
sides making money for its promo
ters, ha's lett thousands of dollars in
Atlanta has another sensation. T.
J. Hunter, auditor of the A & W P
railroad, has skipped out and loft be¬
hind him a shortage of over twenty
thousand tlolins. Col. Albert How¬
ell. the union ticket agent, is involv¬
ed hi the trouble and has lost his po
The prohibitionists of the State
have awakened to fen wed activity
and will make a strong fight In (lie
legislature iu behalf of the .Willing¬
ham bill, ' ...
Admiral Dewey is to bo married.
He sends her flowers each day and
.froap this r: judge that he is not so
(Tick ns you heard he was.
' -- : ~
*r ' The Synod of Georgia has' been in
session at Marietta since last Wedn
The news from \ho Pliillippines is
not of a vi ry stirring nature. .The
sHuation has changed very fftrk 1 .
Rockdah' should c iu inenco prep¬
arations. now for 1 I 10 holding of a
county fair liovpuoXt fall. It could
bWorkdVup easily would be a
on?. Why not give tho ques
(ion.serious tliought, form an nsso
ciation and work tho fair up to an as
sured success.' It would be a great
tldi'ig for the county.
• r
The election for mayor and eoun
cilmoh will occur here on 1 I 10 first
Saturday in next month. Up to this
time there are no avowed candidates
in t ie field but several names have
been mentioned in connection with
the mayoralty and the situation may
he expected to take shr.p in the next
few days.
- ■>
Does Baby
If your baby is delicate
and sickly and its food does
not nourish it, put fifteen
or four times a day and
^^^ ai had C
proof that they win thrive
oil tins emulsion when other
food fails to nourish them.'
It is the same with larger
children that are delicate.
Scott’s Emulsion seems to be
the element lacking in their
tood. Do not fail to try it if
your children do not thrive,
j s as use f u \ f or them in
summer as in winter.
Ask your-doctor if this is not true,
SCOTT & BOWNE, Cbrmisu, New York
The New Yors World has figured
our, tUat in Ids «estem tour Presi¬
dent McKinley used the word “pa¬
triot” 193 times, “the flag” 173 times
ami “Providence” 101 times, This
is good for McKinley.
Every day's report of tho market
and supply seems to make more cer¬
tain the lise of cotton to 8 cents.
Bets have been made that spot cot¬
ton will soil at 10 cents before the
first of April on the New York cot
:on exchange.—Ex.
This ought to be encouraging to
him who has cotton to hold.
A FRfCANA will cure Constipation and
is a wonderful Liver Medicine. Wry It,
A new hat will not please a woman jjj
unless it is a stylish hat. If you I
want A new and stylish hat come to I
me. My millinery store leads in
.. stylish millinery goods as well as | 9
quality and price. Don't buy until
you examine my goods.
Mrs. G&N 1 & IIAYGODD. |
a 8 w B
Family and Fancy Groceries, fresh
and new with prices as low as the
We will appreciate the pa J
the patronage of the pec-:
9 and ^ will •Hi* strive to JL please T all. I I
p e
1 |
r v J, V A 1 L « M IB ,-IT A A M) T is \ & g") fe YN O /A N ! i
1 - ,
f-j n : S' ■ i ■7 I J s CO il ! a m CiS i Y S-.~ u •*2 & I 5 ; SR.
Do you want shoes? Do you want hats?
This is top and bottom and bottom and top. You
have both. We call your attention to the tact
you can buy both Shoes and hats from us cheap
er than you can get them elsewhere. Don’t forget
this . and ___j come and r, see. __^_
We will sell a on 13 1-2 pounds or
more of green coffee for one do^ar- Ex
tra good.
williams % Whitaker
For Administration.
GEOR&IA, Rockdale county.
To whom it may concern:—it, A
Alraand having made appointed application to
me in due form to be per¬
manent administrator upon the es¬
tate of S. 1). Alrnaud, late of said
county, said notice is hereby given that the
application will be heard at
regular term of the court of Ordina¬
ry for said county, to be held on the
flrs r Monday in Dec. 1809.
AViftiess my band and official sig¬
nature, this Nov. 3rd ’99.
A M Helms, Orel
Boars the The Kind Von Hats Always Bought
■ For Fertilizers
lor wheat see
Lifsey & Wood.
Abvertise in The Weekly.
The firm of Tilley & Tucker has
this day dissolved by mutual con¬
sent, J. P. Tilley retiring. Tilley,
J. P.
P. G. Tucker.
This July 22 nd, 1899.
Teachers and parents are hereby
notified that henceforth only the
prescribed books will be allowed
in school as regular text books in
this county. Notice isalso given
that the time for exchange of old
books for new ones will be out on
first day of next month, Novem¬
ber. This Oct. 12, 1899.
T D O'Kelleyy, CSC.,
Rockdale county.
We represent some of the
best Fire Insurance Companies
in existence ‘and ask the public
generally to see us before plac¬
ing their, risks.
Office in Banner office under
1 ; Patents ■ Ml zH 1
Anvone ascertain sending a sketch and free description whether may
quickly t ?.Y our ^f opinion an
ii'oY, n 8 n cti^o Oiliest r d a fiY^o for Communlen- k o„ea t e„t a
sent free. neercy through securing patents.
Patents taken JIunn & Co. receive
special notice, without charge, In the
scientific Hmerkan.
A handsomely of illustrated weeklv. I.nreest cir¬
culation any scientific journal. Terms. T3 a
year; four months, 51. Sold by all newsdealers.
SVIUNN S Co. 625 3e,Broadwa > New York
Branch Office, F Bt., Wa*hiDgton. D. C.
224ofT/ J5 mAGRtcvvrvj^
5EA. 4 ■ COLlsE'GE
ru m° K
! , *Jklrv\v.vw.iv.-r : //j
; 4
* ft r
m- 1 II
1 A hLoNEGA.GA; a>1
D f
A college .
assssr !■" fey,;; *WHsS
tatiort meaas. focaded £ U»^V** T * A
One small sized hef
oil one large white-faced
mill while beingmdoad^
1 hursday night week, u
formation will be rewarded h
S L Almand
Conyers ( t
IflWiaj lilM
My undertaking establj
ment is well fitted up and
niy stock of undertj]
goods is complete.
Attention prompt and
Hearses free of
TV. T T . .Ammnd
Ui!dei tnlic& Emb a m
• *
H. H. MCbONAL & S'
All work guaranteed to pit
Office up stairs over J. II.
mand & Co’s, store.
Conyers, . . . * l • *
>210 OJlSlH
First-ciass Fancy and Fam'd
Groceries. Goods alwaysfwj bd
and new. You get the
when you trade with us.
All goods deliver®
promptly to city cus
tomers. Send us you
orders and tHey will
receive prompt atsem
M l Ills