Newspaper Page Text
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IN! 1 £j “ ■ gfSr-A p M *I £4 £§ »••; i ••- f-- ^ i /•'' 4 ijn fi I'm s 3 ft
W a iii y & g Lj if"d I - ■' in 5$
:3 £
At our n& o Store las \ oeen tm a yvjJ went with the indies—they are charmed
it’ll tllF 3 new dress goods, canes i etc., and our sales have been great. Stop and
ok up 011 OIIF SI Mr OW W I 1. 4K%£Wm C) vs i fe<» ms ! pm sole the elegance therein. • On the inside of
S O r*h Bmaqauai m mm )od goods, stylish goods, goods that will
iiir Big ore pZB* s e mmm Sag? pmu ee ■ o 3MM Sur* v pm ■■ . / &
|leasc i mam w BBffBttn TT sL i. reach home Our prices can't be heat oil on good goods,
0 goods. We are anxious for you to come and look and price. Investigate
L goods rH *
t Paragraphs, Personal and Otherwise, Gath=
erecl for our Readers.
brevet ll; to chronicle Ihe se¬
illness of Mrs. LJ Almand.
When Konpinir ourbovs were almost dead
cough, ;*nr doctor
LonpYimiW P^Sw.ntes Couyh Cure. 'I hey
1>B Bellos
Lj„ EL pa. It cures (burnt coughs, and coh.s lnnc
pcs. and ah Co.
Tin* Galley Drag
Kirs. I Stovall, relatives of Atlanta, here last was
guest o'f
President Kina, Farmer’s Bank,
Llvn. tile Mich., has use<I Ins family DeWitt for s
L Early Risers in These
Says.they are the best.
bus little pills cure constipation. bowel
Piousness and all liver and
Us. The Gailey Drug Co.
Hrs.L If- Turner, of Elbert on 1
Ulast Sunday with relatives
Him of dollars, is the value
■ceilbjIfrs. the Mary life of Bird, tier Harris- child,
fc.TV.mi lidWesaved
from ent’oug by the
IrfOne Ki Minute Cough colds Cure. It
lots. nil coughs, Galley and lung -
The Drug Co.
p.Dr.Rosser, Ire this week. cf Atlanta, w is
ire “Plow Boy Prcnche'. ’ Bov. .1
liman,Belle hufferingfrom Rive, III,, says: ‘ \t
Broochil or lung
pie re Minute for ten Cough years, Cure. I was cured It is all by
(disclaimed for it and more.” It
res coughs, colds, grippe ami all
rout and lung troubles. The Gailey
sg Co.
pverjoe h here Monday. Noiman, His of Augusta, friends
ire glad to meet him.
ptPlenry. [lldigest what Kodol Despepsia. eat. It Cure
|firms of you cures
Niles. dyspepsia E and stomach
R Gamble, Vernon,
Blasting friend.” The Gailey Drug
T' ter a pleasant visit to flie
to 5returned Norman, Miss Lena Smith
to her home at Nor
h»plv- Stock ford, H idgclon, Me.,
.'81 asoi'e runniag for seventeen
“and cured liis .piles of long
A ln J, b y using DeWitt’s Witch
m. e ' It cares all sicin dis
" The Gailey Drug Co.
F Tallis has been vet^y
_* his week. She is some bet
’ 'Ms time.
l l! did me more good than nnv
El.fL no eve ”tlis 5, us ed. standing; My dyspepsia
p. '\as ternole after eat
; 1 Now I well’
t,”,Keener, am
V ! P 1P sia Hoisington, C:,, Kas.
itvnn 11 • t. re. It digests
■ eft the Gailey Drug Co.
IcrUi i„‘i C ar DFarrill ® ith and relatives Miss Della
,U w and
" m Jackson.
Lite -'W';'f Tnif c °uc re the letiy world iua'l yon will One
h i ,Y' r e< to
hi'-of b." ' r n ttieMicanopvFla., re >” S! WS Editor “Hus
L„, T “. . cure(1 Ns family
ktntonj. of La
l!ll!t hrdJana'S f aves 11 thousands ti8 from and
k ’ ’ croup
ki.y Drnd e 0 d Un? troubles. The
Kr Richard Hudson
’ fslatives .,of Macon,
, here last Sun
y rs. Gnn
I how etosJ’,°^ n n f n C] rawfordvdu. t 1 •«
Mr Gripr 6 tlmo '' l
> ' " Dami. n
V? T Cannon,
kt;!. W L "Manghter of Monticello
to Conrera
k Wr „yy^ught.“C^rtS
H r he
Miss Zodie Anderson is very
sick this week.
There are more Babies named
“Sugar” shan anything else.
Mr..and Mrs E I, AJmand. of
Social Circle, will spend Sunday
with relatives here.
We invite those who owe us for
The Weekly to come in and set-
1 lev
The registration book for the
coming election on the 1st, Sat¬
urday in December is now open at
the cleric’s office in the courthouse.
Go and register at once.
Miss Lollie Posey, who has been
very sick with fever, is slowly im¬
We understand that the'trade
between Mr. J W Farmer and’ r.
T G Swann has been annulled and
Mr. Fanner has. since sold Ms
plantation to Mr. GG
Considerable cotton has been
i marketed here this week and it all
brought a fairly good price.
About the middle of the present
mouth a social event will occur in
Conyers which will be of much in¬
terest. This forecast is not very
explicit but ’nough said. .
Mr. T W Pyle is making ur
rangement.9*to move to Califotnia
next month.
We have been informed that a
bout four-thousand bald of cotton
have been shipped from Conyers
upto dale this season. We didn’t
obtain the exact figures for this is-
3 , ap but will seccure them later.
teen hundred bales m tlrr ware
houses here,
Dr. M R Stewart went up to
Canton this week 1o see Master
Avary Hardin who has been and
is yet critically ill there. M rs.
Anderson, grand-mother of Ava 'y,
also went up to assist in nursing
him. We hope he may yet rccov
Ywnr attention is directed to
the new advertisements in this pa¬
per. If you trade with those who
advertise you do well.
Work on Johnson & Goode’s
store room has progressed rapidly
the past week.
The State Fair close.? to-day.
It has been decidedly successful.
Business in Conyers „ has , , , ° n
very good the past weex and it is
expected to improve every oa;>
until chiistmas.
Mr. L A Sharp-anil C G
are in the stock bur in ess
this season and nave some nu:e
stock on hand. These are splcn
did stockmen and will do a large
business as they are both well
Mr. W CGoode, one of our imst
young farmers, stepped into ! : Ul
\ oifice y esterda y evening and -n
: forme(l u3 that he had just gain
) ered 7 G bushels and twenty pom
i of corn from one acre cf hum.
! T1 * i3 is one ' va T to “?. ■?
H« #1«> «b.b.ttd«.««.
1 Pt!oJ| i fAS l 2S y wSh3
! !cotton opin It is have the best sped,net. of
we seen-
Tbe dwelling' McDaniell’s house this side
Gee’s or mill, occu
pied by Mr. William Sterling, was
destroyed by fire yesterday evening
Mr. Sterling suceeaded in
his household goods. We a're in
formed that the house was on Mr.
A D Summers’ plantation.
Prettiest and best line of can¬
ned goods in -own at M II Plun¬
Conyers people have been at ten
ing the fair liberate!)' since the
opening day and wo believe all
have enjoyed it.
Keep clean, by using mv soaps.
M II PluiiKet.
We have a good one on our
friend Hemp Quigg. We can’t
give it to the public but if you
call on Iieinp at the warehouse he
may favor you with the secret.
Heinz's Preserves and pickles
at M II Plunket’s.
The many friends here of Mrs,
0 M Taylor will be pleased to
know that, she and her daughter,
with Mr. Bryan and sister, urriv
ed vv safely at their Texas homo.
If you need a good smvieeabD
shoe call on M II Plunket.
Roquet Posey has returned from
a protracted visit to friends in
Just box and eox of socks at
M II Plunket’s. '
Mr. Joe S Johnson has rented
the Bryon pl.-ntation, near district, Mc
PanieH’s mill in Sheffield
and will move to it another year.
It isa good plantation and Mr.Tohn
son is a mover, so the chances are
that lie will make a success of his
A line of Jeans at Plunket’s.
Mrs. R IT Rusk, of BlacKville,
S C, is here to spend Some time
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. D
II Clotfelter.
I am now handling a nice lino
of hardware M II Plunket
Mrs. U F Harper has traded her
house and lot on Decatur street to
Mr TG Swann for his phuitat ion
near Pine Log bridge. The
was closed last Thursday
■ I am selling 8 lbs of first-class
tobacco for $1.00
M IT Plunket,
The Conyers Volunteers will
tertain their friends at 1 he armory
,n Masonic Hall next Friday
night Confectioneries and re
freshments will be served and a
general good time is anticipated.
We understand that invitations
will be issued.
Isn’t It Sweet! Arc the re
j mar k s that are made about our
o Yb,i • j^tt'e New Orleans syrup
c li we are selling for 50c per
gallon. PlunKet.
y r<3 j \y Hollingsworte spent
sftvera j days with iter parents at
jCovington'this 0 week,
a big lot of tin and granite ware
going cheap at Plunket’s.
Miss Cleo Stewart, of Covington,
spent Sunday with relatives here.
Congressman Livingston and his
’ » Jr ij 0 ht Livingston,
J)f . r yc .,terday enroute to Atlanta
T, () i )t is just J home from Canada
whf , ro ]ie hf! j d a government po
sjtion 0 and he is looking exceed-.
, we „_
Covington and Newto, county i
are agitating the question of » j
county fair. i i
Miss Sarah $ue Langford onter
a few of her friends last
Mr. Jack Frost is in our midst
this morning on business.
The collection taken here this
week for State aid to the prohibi¬
cause, amounted to .$22.57.
This collected by six school chil¬
dren put in the field by Key. IG
Walker. The box worxed by
Misses Hettie Stephenson and Gir
trude Johnson contained $19 and
over This contribution was great
! ly appreciated by the Stale
h i bit ion Associasion, which
in session in Atlanta last Wednes¬
day. Rev. M". walker was in at¬
tendance upon the Association.
Fine tobaccos, cigars, sinilT etc., at
A. J. Summers.
Green Zacliry col., took Mr. tv
A A Inland's fine cow from his. lot
at the poor farm last Thursday
night and when apprehended was
beyond Lithonia, well on his way
toward Atlanta. In response to
telephone'messages sent along learned the
line, Mr. Almand soon
of the capture of the negro with
the cow. Ho was placed in the
lock-up at Lithonia and Sheriff
Austin went up and brought him
hack and he now rests in juiL
Fornico, clean, fresh Groceries at
right prices, call on A. J, Summers.
Mr. Oscar Cunnnrd has removed
his family to Conyers. IIo occu*
; pies the Rowan residem o.
Go to A J Summers for your family
groceries. All goods delivered free.
Mr. James Downs and wife, of
Monticello, spent Sunday here
with Mr, T A Elliott’s family.
If you want canned goods go to
A J Summers.
jirs I G walker has gone to vis¬
it her parents for a few weeks, in
Butts county.
Geo. Kennon, the clever grocer
on lower Commerce street, is ser¬
iously thinging of buying a rat
trap and then a case of oat meat.
The new depot is now occupied
an( i it, is a beauty. Commodious
anf [ comfortable. The nev depot
is appreciated.
The house and lot where I now
live and my farm in Sheffield dis¬
trict are for rent are for sale. Ap¬
ply to J S Johnson,
Conyers, Ga.
! « <*> •
T. To I Ioj>kiits
Office in Night building, Will
lie at office first fifteen days in
each month until I can find suita
i hie residence for myself and fami
iy- Work guaranteed.
F. T. Hopkins, D. D. S.
Professional IVotico.
I have opened an office in Con
vers in Commercial Hotel, Boom 6,
in connection with my Atlanta office
and «iil he in Conyers one «oek in
each month, commencing on the 3rd
'Monday. Anyone wishing to make
an engagement with me can commit
ideate with me at my Atlanta office,
1234, N. Forsyti) street,
Dr. J. O. Seamans, I). D. 8.
The tax hocks for collecting th#
city taxes for 1899, are now in my
hands for collection. Book,
be cloM<i ^ *>• Soe nw and
pay your taxes at once.
L. K. Biahop, CityT. C.
I am still in the market for old iron,
brass and copper, Don"t want old stoves and
pot metal. Will pay highest market prices.
Bring it in nov; while you have time. Weighed
at my ginnery. Also buy cotton seed.
A. N. Plunket
A mfstuKe when you buy Groceries before calling at my store’
This is said to all people. We have a very select stock and
our prices are low. Wu are satisfied with a small prot¬
it and this is a guarantee that you cau’t afford to
pass’ Perfectly new goods with rig! t prices
ought to take with the people. Wo invito
all to come to see us, get our prices,
try our goods and we will get your
trade. Yours for clean
dealing. J.
A. J. Summers, i.
orxaiE ca-asocEie.
l IIII! 31 IMS
, ; We will sell the Improved Stod
dard Cutaway Harrow for
Positively we will not sell at this
price longer than above stated.
We have just received a shipment
of the genuine C. E. Hunter Farm¬
er’s Friend plows which we will sell
at $1.75 this month only.
Also you will find Points, Stand¬
ards, Wings and Slides in our store.
Remember we are headquarters for buggies, wagons, Har¬
ness and Hardware Guns, Pistols, Lap Robes, Syracuse & Chat¬
tanooga Plows.
Almand Hardware Company.
A good two horse farm in fehef
fielc district, about six miies from
Conyers, good houses, barn, well
watered. Apply to A. M. Helms,
Conyers, or M. S. Ayeock.
Aycock, Ga.
B Mi d.u*. UtllCC 1 * SK S; l n dJT k r%£t
Thoroughbred Chicks.
Any one wishing to buy puro
Barred Plymouth Rock chic le¬
ns art3 requested to call at this
office. A few young “roosters'
for sale. Pure 6tock and the
best breed for general purposes.
Now is your chance to improve
> our P° u,tr V- Don’t fail to call
at lllis offlce <!«*<*,