Newspaper Page Text
^To County. D > .
whom it may concern.
iltrdion and 1 Monday will pass in upon N<*vem- th*
came mi the 1 st and of
ber l W Witness inv hand
ficial signature, this Till of Ang.. 185)9.
A. a. Helm,, Onl.
Notice to JAeDtor*
ami Creditors.
All persons having demands n
ssstuss “jojjf'^SMSQmStn.: tusu.«^
ceased are requested to makv
mediate settlement. Born, Adm
A A r.
Ai>i»li<*n<ion lor , Afliniius- , .
t !•;»< ion.
GEORGIA, Rockdale County:
To whom i< may concern:—J C
Slanicv having Indue form made
'/.indication for permanent letters of Rich¬ of
administration on the estate
ard Stanley late of said county de
ce-med anil 1 will pass u l ,on 11,0
anine oil the first Monday band in Nov. and
next. Given under my
and official signature, this Oct. oth,
1899. A M Helms, Ord.
It* Mo. Support.
GEORGIA, Rockdale County:
To whom it may concern :—Ada B
Hargrove, widow of Hugh Hargrove, having
late of said county, deceased,
made application for a twelve mo.
support out of the estate of said de¬
coded, and the appraisers appointed, office
having filed their return in my
this is to give due notice th*t I will
pass upon the same on the 1st Mon¬
day in November next. Given un¬
der my hand oth 1899 and official signature,
this Oct. Helms,
A M Ord.
Administrator*'* Sale.
Agreeable to an order from the
court of Ordinary, will be sold before
the courthouse door, in die city of
Conyers, Rockdale county. On., with
In the legal hours of sale, on me first j
Tuesday in November, 1899, (ho fol
lowing described* property: Sixty- j
eight acres of land, more Or Walton, less, in;
the 4tli district of originally lot
now Rockdale comity, known as !
No. Abounded on the oast guardian by I .1 Born for
south by L J Alinand,
J K P Born, west by Edward* and
Owens, north by the land of Mrs. N
0 AtST&rMW.In« of lot No. 5, bounded 1 » mhi. «« east
corner on
by J Born, north by Mrs. Doby,
south and west by the lands of Mrs.
N CAlmand. No. bound
Also, eighty acres lot 5.
ed on tlie south by lands of Mrs. N ('
Alumnd, cast by J Born, north by by,
Mrs. Dabney and others, west
Owens,. and lot in die city
Also, one house
of Conyers, known as the old HA
Guiuti home place, containing three
and seven-tenths acres hounded as
follows: Bounded on the north by
mill street, on the east bv Mrs. Jim.
h Maddox, on the south by Dr. H
Quigg and west by U A Guiuu.
Hold as the property of Mrs N C
Alinand. late of said county cleeeas
ed, for the purpose of paying debts
and distribution among the heirs.
Term* of salo one-half cash, bill-J
mice In twelve motlis with interest at'
8 per cent.
A A Horn, Ailm’r.
SliOi-iiT’n Sale.
GkoIHita, Rockdah* county.
Will be sold before (he courthouse
door, in the city ot Conyev*. paid
comity, on the first Tuesday in
veinber next, within the legal hours
of sale, the following described prop¬
erty Reiiy), of Mrs. 8. t.\ KirkpatrlcK ily, miller (now
as the bead of tan
homestead, to-wit: One hundred
one and one-fourth acres of land be
ing the east holf of lot of Jand N<>.
145 in the 10th district of Rockdale
county, (lieing the land set apart to
Mrs. S C Kirkpatrick, (now Berry) May
ami her children-as homestead.
28, 1883, hy Hon. O. Seamans, Ord.
©te., and recorded in book of home¬
stead A. page 223 Clerk Superior
court’s office, said county, (and the
rents, issues and profits from same,)
said laud levied on as the property
of Mrs. S. C. Kirkpatrick in to satisfy of
three justice court ilfas favor
J H Alinand A Go. and Southern one justice For
court Ufa in favor of
tilizer (’<>. vs. Mrs. S C Kirkpatrick,
(now Berry) as head of her family.
Property pointed out by fifns. Ten¬
ants in posscsston notified, this Oct.
6th, 1899. AY. H. M. Austin, Sheriff.
Ailniinistrator’s J^ale.
Will be sold on the first Tuesday
in November,'YN>9, before the court¬
house door in t'onyers, within the
legal hourf^pf Itare sale, to the highest
bidder, two houses and lots in
the city of C onyers, in Rockdale
county, bounded on the south by
Railroad street, west by lot belong¬
ing to Mrs. Alie Travis, north hy
Commerce street and oast by anal
ley And store of R W Tucker. Sold
as the property of J A Stewart, late
of Newton younty, deceased. Terms
one-foutth cash, oue-fourth in one
two and three vears, with 8 per cent
interest from dav of sale.
This Sept. 29. 1899.
*• t Carrie J . Stewart. •'
Adtu'x. J A Stewart.
oastcsiia. ’ito Kind
Sear: th* loi HmAhays Bought
Croud 's ftfilo.
door KWftJfiX'SSiEB In C -liver* on the first Tuesday
in November 1899. between the legal
hours to-wit: of sale, the following propertf
to-wit: Three hales of lint cotton,
weighing GIT, GOT and f,20 pounds.
SKXS^L'dmyS, d mil;
ninetv-six bnsheis of cotton se< m
SSrS'MSi SSS.^.^
isx.' ™ s i" area? said vpa Sigman
stored in the Imnse on
place. Also one black mare about
)2 or H years old. Property levied
„ n ns property of G 1‘ Sigm .» hy
Levied ny I, T Karri 11, Coroner.
)0 ^ p “!“,’'jj,’ delivered" at **•
I,. T. Farrtll. Coroner,
All parties having claims against
the estate of Jas. If. Smith, deceas¬
ed. are notified to present same, and
all parties indebted to said .1 H
Smith’s estate are requested to make
immediate settlement.
A. Whitaker, sr.,
Executor J H Smith, deceased
Tax- Collector s IVotxce*
I will be at the different, court
prounds for the puposc of collecting
taxes on tho folioring dates:
Sheffield.—Sept. 28, Oct, 23, Nov.
Honey CreeK.—Sept. 28, Oct. 27,
Nov. 21.
Lorraine.—Sept. 29, Oct. 30. Nov.
Thereinainder of the time I may
he found in my office in Turner Bros,
furniture store, in Conyers.
The books will close December 20.
Meet me promptly and pay your
W. G. Ciotfelter, T. C.
Special IVotice.
All parties interested are notified
that 1898guano notes given by them
to SL A Inland & W W T Stewart for
(lie Marietta Guano Co., are in my
liatuls for collection, and unless paid
at once will he placed in tho hands
of an attorney ror collection,
^ Annaiid.
Boars the The Kind Yon Hava Always Bought
HFNRY 11 J—ii iv l iiijravjraii RFAGAN
My shop is comfortable
My towels are clean.
My tools are always keen.
My attention is respectful.
My aim—to please all.
Give me a call when you need
dreesing up
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You ta Always Bought
Bears the -
Si^ .ature of /
,,,, mimm
„ Jt. % If
Sttwr .-..aL f i
Look In Your Mirror
Do you see spavklinff eyes, a healthy,
ful tinted form skin, These a sweet attractions expression and n grace¬
? are tho result
of good health. If they are absent, there
is nearly always some disorder of the dis¬
tinctly feminine organs present. Health) j
menstrual organs mean health and beauty
Wine of Cardui
makes women beautiful and healthy.
It strikes at the root of all their
trouble. There is no menstrual dis¬
order, ache or pain which it will not )
cure. It is for the budding girl, the
busy wife and the matron approaching
the change of life. At every trying
crisis in a woman’s life it brin )1
health, strength and happiness,
costs f i.oo of in medicine dealers.
For advice cases requiring special
directions, address, giving symptoms,
“ The Ladies’ Advisory I >epartment,
The Chattanooga Teun. Medicine Co., Chat¬
Mils. UOZUX.l LEWIS, of Oensville,
Texas, ■ays:— 1 “I w*» troubled at monthly
Intervals with terrible pains in my head and
back, but iiavs btxi. eotuely relieved by Wise
of Cardui.*'
Georgia lleroce iu ih.
American V* ar,
t ts truly .ho .1 O of »•«->
worship. Id the Into SpaniMi-
*»*» war, man, oppor.u
■;<«« «««■ ** 7, 10 me " ‘°, |,er
form brave anil heroic need*.
Va/l, JLdf h tda»e staff* is i« now now rieiru im g with
, o( h<‘rs itl honoring the re
tut niut; lipnM’f.. When .h. call.
“To ««.-!•• .vas pounded. .here
was not a State ill the Union
that responded more nobly than
a****- n < *•* '**•
l 8 ft homo and friends, "Some
to live for Liberty, and some
for her to die.” One of Geor
gia’s gallant men distinguished
himself in the first battle.
Lieutenant Brumby stood by
the side of Admiral Dewey and
took a prominent part in the
Georgia is proud of her Lieu¬
tenant and will try to show
her appreciation of his bravery
next week
Lieutenanl Ilodgson was one
of the chief participants in the
battle of Santiago. He was the
navigator of ihe “BrooKljn y y
and, while standing on the
bridge of his ship, was the first
to discover the Spanish squad
ron escaping from the harbor.
Instantly be gave the alarm, 01
signal, and, during the battle
(hat followed, rendered valua¬
ble eeivice to Admiral Schley.
He, too, will soon visit
Athens his native home, where
a hearty welcome awaits him.
Lieutenant Winship, also,
distinguish'd himself in foreign
waters. During an engage
meat wish the enemy, lie was
wounded five times, but still
stood firm at his post until the
battle was ended. He, then
sent calmly sent a messenger
for a surgeon lo attend to tlie
wounds of bis comrades, say¬
ing nothing of his own. Fortu
! nately none were serious, yet
they necessitated his return
home for recuperation. Tivu
j weeks ago, Macon rewarded
him for his gallantry by pre
■ sen ting him a handsome sword,
; appropriately engraved.
North Georgia has cause to
be proud of her hero, Cadet
Wood. He graduated with
honor at Annapolis. His mes¬
sage to the secretary of the na
Ivy, saying “he was educated
for service, not for play,” pleas
ed Secretary Long so much
that be transferred him to the
Phillippines. He was killed on
the “Aidaneta.” during a re¬
cent engagement with the ene
Beaut: ?uL Millinery
Miss Emma Riley desires the public to call
and see her beautiful new Millinery whice is
now complete. She guarantees prices and styles
to suit* Come and see her before purchas
ing. Next door to Langford.
We will keep on hand COAL at all times and
will be glad to supply customers in any puantity
at reasonable prices.
any building material call on us.
mira i be.
‘•And som* shall count in glory; but
hearts in vain shall beat
Through long long years .>f l-.neli
ness, for untetuniing feet.”
‘ There are many many heroes of
whom the world van never know .
They are quietly sleeping on foreign
fields •unknown, unhonored and
•And farewell fell from trembling
lips-from hearts fell no crimson more to meet, the
And April rains sweet.” cm
hills and valleys
A School C irl.
Oct. 21st, 1899.
pfS 3 dol
Dyspepsia Cure
Dieses what you eat.
Itartificially digests the food and aids
Nature in strengthening and recon
ftructing the exhausted digestive or¬
gans. It is the latest discovered digest
ant and tonic. No other preparation
can approach it in efficiency. It in¬
stantly relieves and permanently Heartburn, cures
Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Stomach, Nausea.
Flatulence, Headache,Gastralgia,Cramps,and Sour
all other results of imperfeetdigestiou. &Co„ Chicago.
Prepared by E. C DeWltt
If properly managed one good
opportunity will last for a life¬
Conduct is one-fourte of life,
misconduct is the other three
Men and women who are odd
might get even by marrying.
A mouse-col wed mare nude, a
bout 9 years old, wearing bridle,
left S W Butler’s Thursday even¬
ing about sundown. Was last
heard of on Flat shoals road going
toward Covington. Any infor¬
mation will be rewarded Butier, by
S \V
Conyers. Cra.
I have a fine farm for sale on
seay terms. Apply to RB Vaughn,
Conyers, Ga.
’£ ^’ii.iirmiiwmm.iitimlWrwiW CTVI.I.Mi. ki l.lAiil.E '■ c.
I’ecoinmcnled by Leading
1 hs: > Aiwa j 5 riemt <rv ft
fe - CA
5S&: rzmsirassRSto bs zrz ra
K ; :;p t'.ST. i *o £ »• *• j
^ n * i r» t ic r t i»* ! r i «
* 1*4 d M K -*p *hc-n n s-.rd
• „ ■: r*. :» •> -• 3 a * cm'. * »T.3* rt .51 •id
> AM »♦« >• ••!• r.e :?.i’ ptJ -.t
I »i3io THE ' 4i> MeC'LL A l COMPANY. S’re«*L Y-)?k ? 25*
Ml* S ' H j?T” D * 2*
•j, > F’fin A * :r. S
i <>51 Milflit St San I run:is;c* 3r
•S -tss? Lti^him ,;r. :• Ma^i>(in« -»KS3E3EaBa23SSSSi Published
i- i ;ir ■■ u i.jr?! PUtes. !?
!; i , 1.^’ '‘.wicrns, Ka^h- 3*
if , -is. SO TV Wora.
* %■ *i * • n • *. x a % : « m^ijnsine in every
v i • ’ v b * > •.';;! y- MU ;OUl <r a little >
•vT ’• »v.,rk 'Vri:r f -- : • ! n. • and >0c- -ith»r partic- Sfi m
ia r* 8.P-” — - per year, :1 ‘~
vn I r. I-n t-*m
% * 11 '— rt)E Met. M.L CO.. ;3 S
3 *.|H in , 4 f> -.V 14 th Si . Me* Vorlt
country. Exchange Accommodations bought and sold. extended Collections consistent made with on all sound P a ^t can s i
Overdrafts will raot be honored wider any circuit 1
Office hours from 8 a. m. till 4 r. m till further notice.
On Tuesday, November 21, 1899, 1 will sell
at home, 1 1-2 miles north of Salem cam? -
ground, all my farming tools, corn, shucKS’
the hig h
cotton seed, wagon, harness etc • » to
est bidder for cash. Everybody invitea toat
tend this sale* This Nov. 4th,
J. W. Parks.
The in Kind use for You over Have 30 Always Bought, has and thT whi. 1? i’T^ ? b
years, hon ie *****
and has been made under r
of 1 SUI>crvisiou since his
c^V7 /-eUcJUK 'suTwUtut^arcVV its iufa :;
All Counterfeits, Imitations and 11
Infants periments and that Childrcn-Experiencc trifle with and endanger the Expo? nS. U 1
What is CASTORiA
Castoria and Soothing is a substitute Syrups. for It is Castor Harmless Oil, Paregoric n ! J
and Pleasant N-Jp
contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other
substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys
Colic. and allays It relieves Feverishness. Teething It Troubles, cures Diarrhoea ConsthJn and yn*
cures 2
and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates
Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural S W
The Children’s Panacea—The ™
Mother’s Friend.
Bears the Signature of
0 T <
The Kind Yon Have Always Bong
In Use For Over. 30 Years.
- -
Nevv Sale Sfqbl
I am now in my new sa’e s(ai.le ou
Commerce strevf and will be gb d to have all who
are going to buy or trade stock to call on me in the new rock jt;
I now have some splen¬
did horses for sale cheap.
“Fc|ii< Dealing Witl| M"
Yours to Serve’
Id us LanGley.
Melton’s Lky OH ms;
When you want a good, safe turnout one that you C!
drive with
One that looks well and goes well, call on me.
Good drivers furnished if desire
Terms very reasonable.